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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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in june 2022, the belgian authorities, 61 years after the assassination, handed over the remains of patrice lumunda to a family in the congo, a gold tooth that was kept as a trophy by an officer involved in the massacre of pre
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it was a great day for the lumumba family, it is a great day for the cangolese people. i believe that this is the second great event that united africans after the release of mandela. so we saw that, despite the brutal desire to destroy the name of lumumba, it remained alive even after 60 years. and he is one of the main symbols of this difficult africans' struggle for their independence. it's -5 at the zoo. mom will say it's five. sore
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throat five actions of oralcept for sore throat. oralcept is five. you are ideal for the role of an evil machiki, although the son is a slacker, as he was, and remains so. save this for our major. golob 2 is already in cinemas. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. in the whirlwind of life, successes, failures, there is hope for you. fills the viklunch, in a working rhythm, many tasks, yours break fills the viclunch, meat sauce , satisfying hot, fills with meat and noodles, warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas, life fills the viclunch with joy, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, hurry up to buy tickets, eat askafenp for headaches at an affordable price and
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askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rehau windows. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. let's take it! will you make such a profit? peko washing machine for only 24.999. many heartburn remedies try to extinguish it, but ames has a different approach. ames lowers the level.
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plate layer, inside is beautiful, ideal , planbir, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat of july carries a silver bullet, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holwa, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the holwa, divide it into 24 months, conveniently pay off , shopping or getting rid of credit card debt? daughter
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sang best of all again , these are five actions for pain and inflammation in the throat at the zoo -5 mom will say these five actions for bacterial and fungal infections so as not to miss the spring , let's shout together these are five actions orals for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old , selective. is gradually accepting signature sheets in support of the candidate, today the documents were transferred to 25 more regions, before submitting the papers to the center, the lawyers of the headquarters will check the papers. the collection began on december 23 throughout the country, a week later, the first part of the signatures was sent moscow region, then 19 more regions of the country.
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by law, a self-promoter must collect at least 300,000 signatures. presidential elections will take place in mid-march. it's starting now. signature sheets are coming in, 45 regions have already sent part of the signature sheets, we need to organize a check of these signature sheets, here are the volunteer guys who are working, who carefully analyze everything, we need to not make mistakes here, the work will intensify every day, retro train, light show, fairs and performance. all this awaits those who do not i got scared of the frost and went to the ancient russian city of shuya in the ivanovo region, the russian christmas festival is taking place there, our correspondent, evgeniy nipot, is now there and again in direct contact with the studio, zhenya, what interesting things have you prepared for the guests?
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dash, hello, we are now in one of the heating points, and here we can hear the sound of hammers, it also doubles as a workshop. where master classes are held for all interested guests who decided to attend the russian christmas festival, who were not afraid frosts and came to shui, let's come closer to the table, it is clear that there is excitement here without exaggeration, and this is due not only to the frosts, of course, but to the fact that here you can make various crafts, let's take a look, now we'll see, so, hello , but please tell me what you are doing, we are trying to guide, and we’ll see what happens, please tell me, weren’t morozov scared, why did you decide to come in the noise? today, we go to shows every year for russian christmas, of course we weren’t afraid of frost, what do you like, it’s very beautiful, entertainment, thank you, as you can see, there really is a lot of entertainment, this is one of them, a workshop where you can make
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crafts from natural materials, there are also various exhibitions for guests, because russian christmas is from the very first, from the very first... follows it should be noted that festivals of theatrical art are also taking place now, but all the most interesting things will begin after sunset, now there are guests in shuya, those who are not afraid of frost, there are small stoves on the street where you can warm up and...
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lots of multimedia light installations expected after sunset, this is a truly colorful, vibrant spectacle, it should be noted that this is a truly family festival, which is dedicated to the traditions before the revolutionary celebration of one of the most important orthodox holidays, the nativity of christ, and one of the symbols of this holiday was a retro train. the locomotive is driven by the lebedyansky steam locomotive of the fifties, this year, like last year, and tickets for it were given to the families of the participants of the north military district of the special military operation, and on these transports they arrive in shuya, they also come
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guests on vehicles, on railway eagles, these are rail buses, well , it should be noted that i mentioned a special military operation, today a training camp was held as part of the festival. humanitarian aid, which will be given to our soldiers who are now on the front line. it should be noted, here i repeat, colleagues, that the frost really does not frighten festival guests. but all the most interesting and truly spectacular things will begin after sunset, and we will definitely show it. i give you the floor. yes, we'll keep an eye on it. thanks to zhenya, in direct contact from evgeny nipot was in the ivanovo region, where the russian christmas festival takes place. in podolsk, the operation of a boiler room where an accident occurred the day before has been stabilized. local authorities report this. the discovered breaches were eliminated by emergency crews overnight . now online. they will establish coolant circulation and then begin connecting apartment buildings; residents are asked
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to pay attention to the operation of the batteries of intra-house communications; in case of damage to the radiators, specialists from the management company will replace and repair them. there are also heating points in the city; they are located in the gymnasium named after podolsk cadets and the mashinostroitel house of culture. ramzan kadyrov commented. his resonant statement about american sanctions was called by his quote: fat trolling. the day before, the head of chechnya offered to lift the restrictions on his family in exchange for 20 captured ukrainian soldiers. he voiced this during the formation of the republic's security forces in grozny. artur mustaev saw how it all happened. a ceremonial formation of security forces of such a scale has never been seen in chechnya. more than 25.
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if russia defends its people , if it defends its integrity, then this is terrorism , then sanctions must be imposed against it, people must be killed from hunger from the cold, and this is not what i mean, western european states will never succeed in this, among the spectators of this unprecedented
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republics building security forces ex-intelligence officer everything, peace, i know, howl hero mariopol, i know, howl hero lugansk, donetsk, kherson, zaparizhia, i know, i’m very happy here, i’m very glad to meet you, thank you very much, guest from ocean ramzan kadyrov instructed a special mission, i have an interesting offer for our guest, yes, we have the pins that we collected there.
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time, in any case, the biden administration finds itself in a difficult position, for which agreeing would mean
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submitting to kadyrov’s will, and refusing would mean not caring about the democratic values ​​that they are trying so hard to impose on the whole world. we treat them well because they are poor fellows, they are not to blame, in fact there, well, my mother, and my wife, and my daughter are not to blame, my nephews are against me, take everything everything. whatever you want, yes he, well, family , yes, mother, he, don’t touch, in turn , scott ritter has been in chechnya for several days now, the guest visited the russian special forces university, where tens of thousands were trained in a short period of time. 35 years ago i myself was a military man, this is my second nature, here i feel great, i am back to my youth, i look at the fighters and see that weapons and the chechen wars are a single whole, weapons are part of culture, and also showed the largest mosque in europe, the pride of muslims, about what they managed to see during these days in chechnya, scott ritter will tell the american audience, special attention
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will be paid to the ex-intelligence officers and the us military expert to the republic’s contribution to the conduct of the military military operation, where the chechen special forces are. "we are brothers." let me remind you that earlier this week the serbs unfurled a banner “belgorod, we are with you” at a euroleague basketball match. in the west of ukraine, a scandal erupted due to the fact that in the village of pushkin they refused to demolish a monument
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to a soviet soldier and a pedestal for fellow villagers. this is a principled decision of the local residents, it was... unanimously at the general meeting , a wave of indignation immediately arose on social networks; neo-nazis believe that this issue should be dealt with by the sbu. the woman who was abused in lithuania turned out to be a ukrainian refugee, but she spoke russian, so she was mistaken for a russian citizen. the incident occurred on a city bus, here are the images. russia is not here, give me the phone, give it back. phone, quickly gave the phone, but quickly, happy new year, quickly gave the phone, it is clear that two men are taking the mobile phone from the passenger and they throw to each other, the woman asks in russian to give up the phone, but the bullying continues, while none of the passengers stood up for the woman, everyone pretended that nothing special was happening and chose
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not to interfere in the conflict, as for the victim herself, it turned out that she was born in... remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, it’s bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3.0 rub. behind opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, wrong file, how to cancel? no way,
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this is mega. everything flies with it, switch to a megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it spread faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, start the year with bargain purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy a set of tools 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. what are we going to do with the girl, and explain everything nothing will work, but where am i? lob 2, what? already at the cinema. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rihau windows. my back gets tired on my feet all day. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? artneo. just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. i think my grandfather
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is hiding something. bustle. firework! turn on the new year's light, lights the lights, the magic staff, grandfather, and at our house there is something tasty, he will conjure something, no, conjure, the snowman courier, yes... my grandfather - santa claus can work miracles on new year's eve. each from the bottom of my heart for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, maybe
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a sandwich, new year's appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will cut down, help, help, new year's appetite, only dad will cut down, new year's appetite, only holiday, spa will help. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? and what is it possible? can! iota connect for a maximum of 399 rubles receive superboxes as a gift, you can yota! who are you? native musicians? temporary musicians! let's do something funny guys! already in the cinema! the legendary alfabank credit card has become free forever! even more profitable, withdraw cash for free from any atm.
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the first keys to apartments were received by participants in the affordable rental housing program in the far east, which was launched on the initiative of the president. part of the payment for the apartment is covered by subsidies from the state, who is entitled to benefits and who has already taken advantage of them, andrei kolesnikov will tell you, the venting works, flower, a lot of gaits will fit here. the rebkos are carefully inspecting the property; here they are planning to settle in in the very near future, however , there is nothing to complain about: modern layout, high-quality finishes, new furniture and household appliances, everything a young family needs... eye, everything came together here, i
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really like that the sea is within walking distance accessibility of the area where we laid it a long time ago and on the other side such a forest, everything, favorable conditions for a child to grow up. the head of the family, denis, works in the inspection for the protection of cultural heritage sites in primorye. the young specialist joined program of "affordable rental housing." the initiator of its launch was the president . the mechanism for preferential rentals was developed in the government. first, the special financial institution domf, which promotes the implementation of state housing policy, buys the developer's living space. and we are entrusted with the implementation of a large program to create a rental stock in the far east in all eleven subjects of the far east. we began this work with your enthusiasm. today, about 30 billion have already been invested in a specially created commission in the regions where there is an affordable rental housing program in place, they accept applications from those wishing to join it and determine the range of applicants. one of the main conditions is the age limit of
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35 years. in total, we plan to provide housing to at least ten thousand families under the program. basically, this is housing for young, in-demand professionals who come to the far east, including our priority and the guys who. svo returns. more often than not, an event that journalists need to cover does not happen according to schedule. our colleague, gtrk correspondent vladivostok sergey komarov, ready for filming at any time of the day or night. the convenient location of the block, where he also received the keys to new rental housing, allows him to easily get to the center in 15-20 minutes, on the contrary, quickly leave the city, or have an urgent business trip. from the nearest junction, take the premium bus onto the bypass road. i have been living in rented apartments for, i don’t know how many, six or seven years. those apartments cannot be compared to this one at all in any way, especially if we take the price- quality ratio, then this is absolutely fantastic. payment to a month is only 9,500 rubles excluding utilities,
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this is three to four times less than the average rental price of real estate in vladivostok, approximately 2/3 of the cost is covered by the regional and federal budgets. this rule is valid for the first 5 years; in subsequent years, the amount of state co-financing will gradually decrease. it is expected that during this time the tenant will get back on his feet, receive career growth, or consider some offer on the mortgage housing market. new housing for young professionals is being rented out in a dynamically developing neighborhood, located on the picturesque shores of potrokol bay. modern comfortable houses of different heights are being built here. the program is developing and gaining momentum. in vladivostok, the first tenants are already moving into 42 new comfort-class apartments. the keys to another forty were recently handed over to residents of anadyr. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. me, me.
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i solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation. i swear! i swear! i swear! sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, strictly implement requirements of military regulations, orders, commanders and chiefs! i swear! i swear! i swear! to fulfill one's military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional order of russia! people! thanks to those who are true to these words. become a warrior. service under rf contract. who are you? traveling musicians? we don't have a bright leader. a legendary musical quartet and
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an irresistible troubodour. this is my group, my neckline is jammed, here, where were you before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, without deception is indispensable here, i have tempting arches of palaces behind you, they will never replace freedom, it is gone, call your sons, accepted, grab them, fairy tale. which the donkey, the dog, the cat, the cockerel were waiting for, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet veronika pavlovna vasentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse.
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let's return to the news review: vladimir putin's election headquarters is gradually accepting signature sheets in support of the candidate. today, another 25 regions handed over the documents; the headquarters’ lawyers will check the documents before submitting them to the election commission center. the collection began on december 23 throughout the country. a week later, the first part of the signatures was sent by the moscow region. then 19 more regions of the country. and according to the law, let me remind you, a self-promoter must collect at least 300,000 signatures; presidential elections will be held in mid-march. now it means.


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