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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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they are very interconnected, so we took this section of the front with honor and, as they say, we hold it for our part and will move it forward. this is how we came to this topic, to the line of contact. last year , the energy dar entered the rosatom family, and of course, well, social areas are of most interest to the city residents, how do you help the employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and what is the situation there now? back at the end of the twenty-second? year - we extended a helping hand and friendship to the people of energodar, the workers of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant power plants, fmba joined us , having done an excellent job in medical institutions , in general, we all began to help the energy dar as a united front, but it is very important to note that in the industry, people simply began to make personal contributions, began to transfer money, there is about 250 million , on the scale of rusat, it may be a small amount, but... on the scale
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of human help, just take money, collect, buy the most necessary things at that moment, you know, it seems to me that the residents of energodar feel it, understand it, people return to the city, going back to school today , about 4,500 people work at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, having officially concluded a contract with the operating organization, and 3,500 have joined the trade union, a half-term agreement has been signed, that is, life is beginning to take on a normal, rhythmic character that is understandable to us, and people, of course, are waiting for that that this front line will move as far away from them as possible, unfortunately, sometimes, well, if you look into the territory of the nuclear power plant to the west, then in the mode, so to speak, with the naked eye, you see the opposite side, from time to time flies in, both with drones and long-range artillery, but people are holding out, we have no doubts.
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development until the thirtieth year, we need approximately plus 300,000 people, approximately 100,000 for our traditional areas, 100 for new technological areas and 100 for foreign objects, these people need to be trained to be adaptive to different directions, that is , they must be given the opportunity to move horizontally on the agenda, at the same time , grow and meaningfully in positions, and we begin to do this, starting from schools, in in the literal sense of the word, even in kindergartens, in cities, we are already beginning to select from... our children the most inclined to physics, mathematics, natural sciences, of particular value to us is the nsf, the national center for physics and mathematics and a branch of moscow state university in sorov, this is the big snezhensk and the obnensk-tech project, representatives from more than 70 countries took part in its launch, these are really thousands of specialists for the very facilities that we are building, will build, and will lay down abroad, so you absolutely. ..
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he introduces himself to you, well , first of all, i wanted to thank you for the fact that for many years now, in early january, we have been talking about the results of the past year, about the plans for the coming year, well, in short, the first and main task of the twenty -fourth year is this unconditional fulfillment of all plans, government tasks, the second moment, i would probably call it also a turning point, in terms of starting work already on a planetary... scale on the technological
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landscape of the fourth generation of energy, we should start it this year, this serious, thoughtful work, because the international nuclear family... must define the fourth generation not only on the basis of what they call textbooks and doctoral dissertations, but on the basis of practical referential, as we say, decisions. the third task is directly related to the promotion of all projects of technological sovereignty, and my dream this year is not only to advance beyond the planning horizon our core topics, those on which we are already working, but maybe add one or two more to them, of course i wanted to enter a new...
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in the energy sector, new products, foreign markets, we add the task of moving forward along the path of revealing human potential, along the path of attractiveness for creative, restless, but certainly loving young people. well, alexey evgenievich, we will follow the news from rossam in 2024, let it be good, thank you, thank you very much. it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, fireworks, turn on the new year's lights, lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and
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we have something tasty at home, let's conjure something up. snowman courier, it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus, on new year's eve everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards. than to look 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming payment, before february 4 , order sovito with delivery from one ruble,
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check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, your back gets tired all day on your feet, because work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but... how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo, just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. the holidays continue with russian lotto. in january we are giving away houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes. and the jackpot is 800 million. just some kind of holiday. buy tickets in company stores on the stolat website. 100 lotto, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay, make
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purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with kholva, we’ve known each other for a long time, we’re always there for you, gp is our choice of batteries. gp batteries: see it, buy it! it’s just space when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms, enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon! cosmically delicious! cherkizovo! how are you? cold! i wear it straight! we can do it together! the two components reinforce each other, acting against cold symptoms. that's it, i passed it together we are strength. double strength and booklin - double strength against cold symptoms. in tablet or powder format for a warm drink. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be
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a discount. shop men's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever. it just got even more profitable! withdraw cash from any atm for free! hello, i'm director vladimir bortka, i'm from st. petersburg, i was wondering how you can win a war against a supernuclear power, it's not perhaps you are being attacked by a bandit in a dark alley with a gun in your pocket. but apply it to yourself more expensive, because then the trial
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with all that it entails and practically imprisonment, the bandit takes out a knife, and your life will now end, as a result of a shot, and the bandit grunts on the ground, you had no other choice, there will be imprisonment or not, but your life is saved, with russia it’s not... i’m so amazed by people who seriously talk about ukraine winning this war, my friends, in the worst case scenario for russia, she will take out a gun, that is, nuclear weapons will be used weapons, and i would like to see daredevil and the desperate defender of the square, who in turn will use it against russia, but i wanted to win. faster, because, given the growing struggle within
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the ukrainian leadership due to failures at the front, attempts will intensify to replace zelensky with poroshenko and someone else, i think that on their behalf we will be offered peace or a truce, this peace, leaving part of ukraine as it is will give the opportunity to these others...
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our victory will be obvious sooner or later, here here the question
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arises: will the process of secondary reunification go smoothly , is it even possible after several years of fierce war and significant, if not more , human losses, how will the relatives of the victims treat us, how will the winner of the population of a losing country experiencing national humiliation be treated? y...
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subsequently, to restore lost honor, germany turned its shame into heroic greatness, shameful humiliation and deprivation of power into a demonstration of superiority and strength. this demo led germany to world war ii. the second world war ended for her with unconditional surrender. this capitulation completely deprived germany of sovereignty. thus, the honor of the german nation was
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radically humiliated. but it is important that the memory of the germans is stuck in 1945. crimes, the defeated nation is not ready to fulfill the demands of moral and spiritual surrender, repentance, correction and re-education. such readiness arises only when its former moral and spiritual basis is destroyed. a confession like this necessary for traumatized victims, can only come from outside. something similar
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should happen in ukraine.
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went through a powerful, well-organized brainwashing process, look how they answered the question about the unity of russian ukrainians until the twenty-second year, as slavs, we are all the same, whether russians, ukrainians, belarusians, russia and ukraine, we are truly fraternal peoples, history we have such a thing that we are one people, that’s all it is, that’s what the brainwashing process looked like, our first enemy is moscow, break the enemy’s will with evil blood sprinkle. this is our program and action plan. and this is how they answer. i don't think it's one people. ukraine is a completely different people.
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they even considered the skull of a ukrainian based on anatomy. russia is wild asia, the process of returning to russia will not be easy and long , terrorist attacks are not excluded, so it seems to me that, along with the police forces, the fsb and other law enforcement services, the presence of military commandant’s offices in the new territories is necessary, but also the opinion that when. the oldest russian city, the golden gate, a monument from the time of yaroslav the wise , son of vladimir, the founder of our state, 11th
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century, the main entrance to the city, in 1984 they were protected and now they look like this: pechersk laura, from the word pechera, slavic cave, in these caves lie the saints of the russian land , place lithoprist. who wrote all the stories of bygone years, where the russian land came from, who started in kiev first, the prince, and where the russian land began to eat, just like that, russian land, 1117 from the birth of christ, there lies the ashes of ilya muromets, undoubtedly a russian hero. the mari palace in kiev was founded by order of the "
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kiev temple, painted by the great russian artists, voznetsov, nester and roerich. here is the monument to st. vladimir the baptist, cast in st. petersburg. the monument was opened in 1853. russian architects peter claude, alexander ton and vasily demud malinovsky. this is what the ukrainian city of kiev looks like. it's here. in kiev, where i lived for 28 years, aren't these the same people i knew, absolutely russian people, speaking russian, just like
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their parents, and parents, parents , their parents too, painful moments came when for some reason they suddenly wanted to talk in ukrainian, taras grigorovich shevchenko was spinning like a propeller in his grave, though there was a ukrainian intelligentsia who knew how to speak language. and even wrote books, but mostly herself, mostly she read them herself, kiev spoke, speaks and will speak russian, like the majority of the population of ukraine, when working with them, it seems to me that the middle and older generations can rely, much more more prone to conformism, still remembering their life together in the ussr, itself...
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destroyed by the war, for example, azovstay, which is followed by the whole of ukraine, the transition to education in russian, ukrainian. at the request of parents, teachers from the eastern regions of ukraine, widespread broadcasting of russian television, while preserving the main ukrainian television channels that ukrainians are accustomed to watching, but naturally, with their complete reformatting , the expansion of russian culture, torn away from the population of ukraine, requires maximum use of ukrainian actors in the creation of ideologically verified works in theater and cinema. so in the end , let me paint a picture of a possible future for ukrainians after russia’s victory? builders vasya and kolya. vasil and mikola
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begin to rebuild the destroyed cities, and engineer petya goes to restore production at his factory. maria vasilievna in the class teaches the children not the nonsense of the crazy farion, she is no more, about the high culture of our common homeland, the real history of science. by the way, about science. semyon mikhailovich, 70% of your fellow tribesmen are among the nobel prize winners laureates, here he is in the laboratory, working. singer taras, you sing and fill halls all over russia, nowhere does he sing as well as in ukraine, galina, there are few such beautiful actresses on earth, theaters, cinema are waiting for you, major, let’s say, pereguda, you fought bravely and skillfully, we know that , believe me, we bear no ill will, you are not saints yourself, you have invaluable experience, you take
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the oath. not to the local ataman, but to the great homeland, for which an immeasurable number of victories were claimed by your grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, and great-great-grandfathers, well, yes, the major is 30 years old, which means his grandfather took berlin, and his great-grandfather served in the first cavalry, and the great-great-grandfather, led by the russian emperor alexander, entered paris, when he got into formation, well, mashenka, come back from poland.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign ones? suppliers, you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you have accomplished peace, stood up, dusted himself off, went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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orthodox christians celebrate the nativity of christ; the main service in the cathedral of christ the savior will be led by patriarch kirill. my colleague egor grigoriev works at the temple. he communicates directly with us. egor, greetings, is everything ready yet? anton, good evening, the last ones coming.


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