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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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orthodox christians celebrate the nativity of christ; the main service in the cathedral of christ the savior will be led by patriarch kirill. my colleague egor grigoriev works at the church, and he communicates directly with us. egor, greetings, is everything ready yet? anton, good evening.
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and preparations in the cathedral of christ the savior, well , look at how splendid it is, the hall is beautifully decorated, there are spruce and special christmas bouquets, festive ribbons, of course, lamps as a symbol of christmas stars, and of course, the main festive mood here in the cathedral of christ the savior, today will to create an icon of andrei rublev's trinity, it was specially brought here for all the holidays, put on display at the right choir of the temple and you can venerate it... all these christmas holidays, people gradually come to the temple, light candles, patriarchs, the service will begin at 23 o'clock, people come here today from all over russia, every year we go to church, we greet my name cordially, we defend with the children, of course, we always stand until the morning, pray, thank god for everything, and also ask that...
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today, january 6th, is special for everyone orthodox believers, this is the strictest day of fasting, the fortieth day, and it is worth noting that not only must you observe abstinence from eating, but of course you should approach christmas with a pure soul, with pure thoughts, there is also a service today from early morning...
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daytime services were held in churches throughout russia, after which it was possible to confess in the cathedral of christ, the cathedral of christ the savior was no exception, after the patriarch of moscow russia addressed the parishioners, he spoke about the all-saving power of love and asked that everyone approached christmas with bright thoughts , glorifying the lord god with good deeds and special care for loved ones and those who need it... it is worth noting that today throughout russia, as i already said, christmas is celebrated, many have already celebrated it, this, for example, our far eastern regions celebrated and are preparing to celebrate christmas, for example, in the churches of the rostov region, on the obukhovka farm, a special event, there in the church they are preparing to celebrate the 160s.
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yes, egor, thank you, about the christmas service, our correspondent, egor grigoriev. army russia repelled six more attacks in the ssu. in the zaporozhye direction, strikes were carried out simultaneously against three brigades of the kiev army in the krasnoarmeysk area, and the control point of the donetsk group was hit. zelensky’s formation lost 550 soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and eight other armored vehicles, as well as seven gunships, missile systems and self-propelled guns were destroyed. downed mi-8 helicopter and 29
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combat drones. the command in so mercilessly sends soldiers to certain death on the left bank of the dnieper. this. he served in the legendary forty-fifth brigade, was a drone operator and, together with his comrades, destroyed a large amount of enemy equipment, once
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throwing an enemy drone out of a trench with his bare hands. last august, alexander osychev died at the front, was posthumously awarded the title of hero of russia, and was survived by his wife. in podolsk, moscow region, in the klimosk microdistrict , after the accident in the boiler house, heat was already supplied to 45 houses, repair crews are working in an intensive mode when heat returns to the remaining houses - anton botkovenko found out. electricity in house 4 on oktyabrskaya the area where sergei and yulia ivanov live
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disappeared immediately after the accident at the departmental boiler room of the klimovsky cartridge plant. and in the entrance to the apartment you have to walk with a flashlight. there is no light, so here we are, living in these conditions all year long. practically like this, we live in the dark, like this, we illuminate it with a lantern, our water flows cold from a hot tap, it’s cold, you can look, it’s cold from a hot tap, you can’t wash with this, inhumane conditions in general, the ivanovs have two daughters , yana and anastasia are 2 and 4 years old, they now the grandmother who lives next door, the parents say, the girls caught a cold, started coughing, what is the temperature?
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parameters, there were three major breaks in the networks when the boiler room was launched, the regimes inside the plant itself were violated, as a result , the heat supply was practically stopped , now one boiler of the plant boiler room is working normally, the second is being repaired, heat is gradually being given to the houses, for this
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specialists from all over were brought to klimovsk moscow region, from podolsk, mytishchi, one and a half hundred people, plus resource mosoblenergo, a local emergency mode has been introduced in every fourth house from... 73, where problems arose after the accident, the radiators are already warm, like lyudmila and sergei averyanov. we will gradually use it on other branches, on other houses, so we are now working on one boiler, respectively. the blood pressure is a little low, the temperature is a little low, but it’s not critical, we are doing all this in very measured doses, by the end of the current day, perhaps, maybe even before the morning of the next day, we will complete this work, in general for krimovsk, residents krimovsk was turned on with a full electric battery, for those who had such an opportunity - these are additional expenses for electricity, which will be compensated, there will also be a recalculation of utility bills for heat, residents will be recalculated for heat, because this has not been done, which means we will also additionally calculate people's consumption by electric... gymnasium named after podolsk
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cadets, there are blankets and food packages, olga bochigova and her husband came to warm up. we have been sitting without heating for three days, we have no hot water either, we warm ourselves with these, like its gas burners. we were going to our destination, here is school number 7, they gave us a blanket, a grocery kit and a heater, sergei ivanov, who we visited at the beginning of the day, sent a video, they had just turned on the light in their house on oktyabrskaya square, well, here we are look, now there is light, literally, here it is, it’s burning, here it is, burning, here’s a child eating in the light, restoration work. klimovsky are on their way, additional teams have been brought in. light, heat and
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hot water are gradually returning to residential buildings. well, of course, solve instantly a local emergency level problem is impossible. an accident at a departmental boiler house became a source of serious utility problems in 173 houses, that’s a thousand people, but according to forecasts, the problems that have arisen are planned to be solved in less than 24 hours. anton podkovenko, valery kupriy, alexander felatov, lead. atom remains a global leader, setting new records for revenue and new products. this was stated by the general director of the state corporation alexey likhachev on air on our channel. noted, fulfilled the transportation plan along the northern sea route of 36 million tons. delivered the most modern belarusian nuclear power plant. rusatom is carrying out a number of initiative developments in the defense field; they have been presented to the president of russia; work on the breakthrough project, its first facility, is progressing successfully. are under construction already this year , the most flagship nuclear energy project
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on the planet, but also russian atoms, of course, this is a breakthrough project, an experimental demonstration complex, fourth generation nuclear energy, it is also being successfully implemented according to plan in the city of seversk, in the tomsk region, i would may already be from here the past twenty-third has thrown a bridge into this year, and if last year we considered the year... in some sense of small-scale energy, then the year twenty-four is the year of the first step into nuclear energy of the fourth generation, we must clearly understand that the fourth generation is not only reactors with appropriate safety systems on fast neutrons, only russia has experience in operating fast neutron reactors in an industrial format, the fourth generation is a whole way of life, it is a certain landscape, including reactors, their safety systems , but...
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we need to organize an inspection of these subscribed foxes, here are the guys, volunteers
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working who carefully analyze everything, we need to not make mistakes here, the work will intensify every day, in the city of shuya in the ivanovo region it is taking place russian christmas festival, guests will find an extensive program, which evgeniy nipot found out exactly. the star of bethlehem in the clubs steam, from the lebedyansky locomotive, from ivanovo moves to shuya for the russian christmas festival, the feeling, how to say, too it’s festive, we’re going on a holiday after all. the responsibility is great, and the moro does not interfere with your work, just like a good mood, it interrupts everything, everything is cold. historian reenactors repeated the atmosphere of the train at the beginning of the 20th century, telling, for example, how city residents went to their loved ones for a holiday in small towns and villages. special christmas trains were appointed from some factory villages, to large spiritual centers, in particular to shuya,
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especially for workers, and...
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sweet gifts, warm clothes in order to dolls, amulets, well, adults, of course, collected them for our children, who now in the zone of a special military operation need a piece of our warmth, a piece of our heart. this year, even twenty-degree frosts did not frighten the city guests who warmed themselves near the street stoves. we are generally southern people from rostov-on-don and recently began to live in ivanovo. when we learned that there was such a festival here, despite the frost, we really wanted to visit it. russian vibe, one might say, is tradition. that there really isn't that much of it, but here it is everything is just concentrated and you can say the russian soul is even starting to rejoice at all this, you know, i love shuya so much, i tell all siberians, friends, where i lived for a very long time, that there is no better christmas than this, which is in shuya, i think, nowhere no,
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warm tented heating points turned into real workshops, christmas crafts were created in the clatter of hammers, after sunset... in the center of the city a temple of a thousand lights was lit, in memory of the church destroyed in the thirties, next to it on the facade rodina cinema, before revolutionary postcards were replaced by modern ones, and the city park turned into a christmas miracle park. the comfort of a living fire is the quiet joy of biblical stories, this kup is presented at the festival for the first time and it tells about those moments that preceded the birth of the infant christ. hundreds of light strips formed the road to
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vesti, shuya, ivanovo region. dear soldier, thank you for protecting me, for allowing me to enter school and be able to live in peace. this is the same famous indian in the soviet union tea with an elephant, which everyone drank, but little was known about. the restored holiday gospel is a symbol of
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russia’s inextricable ties with the holy land. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, a favorable rate on deposits to please yourself more often, cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch.
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hello, we are opening a new series of programs, a series of documentaries under the general title, here was an incident in the war, about the exploits of our officers and soldiers on the fields of a special military operation. february 28, 2022 maria mirashnichenko, cardiologist, senior lieutenant, ekaterina ivanova, field officer, warrant officer. as part of a small military column, we were returning from the places of temporary deployment of our troops to the belgorod region. these two girls, who are russian military personnel army, became the first heroines. hello, beauty, minister of defense, by decree of the president
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of the russian federation, marriage, courage, dedication shown in the performance of military duty were awarded a medal for courage, medical service lieutenant maria nikolaevna miroshnichenko, i congratulate you, what? rapolschik ivanova, ekaterina ivanovna, it was hard to pull out, i serve russia, thank you, a person in war experiences the strongest emotions of his life, death walks nearby. one wrong step, movement, and this the forest, this road, this sky, everything will instantly disappear, disappear, remain behind the threshold. we
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sometimes don’t know that there are people living next to us who are capable of feats, they don’t talk about it, and sometimes, probably, they themselves don’t even know that they are capable of this. while collecting material about these two girls, we talked with their relatives and familiar colleagues, and we got these portraits: maria miroshnichenko. when she was a child, her mother once called her mashenka sunshine. there was mashenka. a very serious and responsible girl, she wanted to become a doctor, when she had to stay home alone with her younger brother, she was 5 years old, he was 3 years old, that is, at that age she was already looking after him, i went to work and was calm that he would be under supervision almost the whole day, she would feed him everything, everything, everything , she was 5 years old, well, when they played, she was always a doctor, she was always with these
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dolls, they always had toys. there was a lot of medicine there, she had this ailit , she had this whole first aid kit, everything, everything, everything, they played all the time, only the doctor, that’s how she is, if she she wanted to do something , she will do it, she also studied in her studies, here she is at school, she came for a walk, ate, sat down, she did her homework, everything, then she went freely , she is already walking, there was no need to force her, here she is produced to a greater extent. impression - this is maresyev’s feat, when a man was left without legs, frost, through the forest, a story about a real person, yes, a story about a real person, yes, all the stages that he went through in the hospital, it amazed her so much, she talked about it for a very long time spoke, told everyone, wrote essays at school, hey, who are you, daughter, you are farting, what are you doing here?
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that there was a case, they also had a military man admitted to the hospital, who injured both legs in the same way, he crawled in the same way, crawling, but everything turned out better, because his legs were saved, she was very happy about this, that it happened again before her eyes, yes, the feat was repeated, she is fair, hardworking, very honest, such heroes should not be lost, especially after the completion of all
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the events. tragic, these are actually tragic events, preserve your self, integrity, not be destroyed by this information, from everything i saw, these are not only strong people, they are very fair, masha is a fair person, strong, very kind. katya ivanova, a military paramedic, warrant officer in the russian army, experienced the same thing as maria, and miraculously remained alive. katya, a colleague. behind the scenes they sometimes call her the iron lady , she is a beauty, an athlete, she loves her job and people, many soldiers owe their lives to her, the most important quality, it seems to me, she had honesty, in all her time she never told a lie to anyone, that’s one thing , second, how would she it didn’t hurt, of course, the children didn’t hurt each other that much, but katya never
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cried. her grades were good and excellent, we develop the felshers greater physical fitness, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, and so on, this is also katya ivanova, she is physically strong, she received good training here in college, she participated in many fights well, she took part in competitions, she did good push-ups, did good pull-ups, she ran, that is, she got good physical qualities in our college, that’s why she was in combat, because she was hardy, she was trained, she ran, she also ran on her own, she has a strong character, these are the kind of students, they are remembered very well, because she was very capable, purposeful , she knew...


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