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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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she did good push-ups, she did good pull-ups, she ran , that is, she got good physical qualities in our college, that’s why she was in combat, because she was hardy, she got hardening, she ran, she also ran on her own, she’s strong she has such a character, these are the kind of students, they are remembered very well, because she was very capable, purposeful, she knew... why she
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came to study, the subject was very easy for her, because her curiosity, she never left such... then unknown questions, she always strived to gain solid, solid knowledge, it was very interesting to talk with her, because it was clear that she directed her knowledge specifically to get a profession and become good.
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from june to december, on february 1st, we have training, so voronezh is also sent in a convoy, a train, and we stayed in voronezh for a month, in general, and then we went to belgorod and on the 24th we stopped by, it’s like, well, everyone is together, all the girls are all around the world there were there, i was an officer, a senior lieutenant, too the girl is a surgeon, the rest of us are felchers.
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did you understand that this was shelling, that they were shooting? well, we had such a large column, we stood somewhere in the middle, if there was some kind of shelling, we quickly ran into the trench, to the side of the road, and into the trench, so we lay down there and tussled with each other, as if we were watching, we had an observation post there, they looked at the landing there so that no one would get scared there, somehow on the machine on adrenaline, too, we say there was nothing scary, well, somehow it wasn’t me, let alone.
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there was a field wound in the shoulder, as a result it turned out that his arm was broken there, there is blood there now, probably, yes, no , they bandaged him, all this, well, there was blood, yes, but they bandaged it, everything seemed to be, but there were some kind of wounds, mine explosive, shrapnel or bullets, which is basically like, well, at first, we didn’t come under mortar fire, we didn’t have artillery, we mostly had field officers on duty. shift, they were carrying out operations, someone even continued to carry out the operation there under fire, but i say, i say, now the shelling will end, i tell the chief of staff, i say i’ll go, well, i’ll take the wounded , i say, it’s not hard for me, it’s not difficult, i say, i’m not afraid, i say, if necessary, i’ll take you, well, that’s it, the shelling is over, well, we woke up, it’s time, yes, the authorities say, you and you're coming, he's pointing at me, he's pointing at masha, so we gathered the wounded, the guys loaded them into the car, let's go,
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everything happened in the sumy region, eastern ukraine. the command of the battalion tactical group decided to send a small convoy with the wounded to the rear, to the russian border. sitting, we drove to aeski, also a car based on ural, unarmored, in a small column, there were scouts in front of us, we were behind him, small. column, we were driving, we were talking, we were just discussing that, according to the geneva convention, medical cars should not be touched, in principle, this is medical work , but there was a cross, it was hot in the car, the heater was on, we had a very strong heater, there
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it was, that the wounded, they were cold, and i was sitting, i had a bush coat, a bulletproof vest on top, a hat, here i am sitting, i’m hot, and i think i need to take off the bush coat, to make it easier, i took it off i took off my bulletproof vest, took off my peacoat, i was wounded , she said, go ahead, put it back on, i said, of course , i’ll put it on, i put on the bulletproof vest, the peacoat remained, at about 10 a.m. the column was ambushed, the nazis first knocked out the lead patrol in an armored vehicle, all the scouts were killed. the first shell came, apparently from zhevelin, as we understood, then it hit our hatch, well, it hit the stick and hit the first reconnaissance vehicle, no one got out there, no one got out of them, it flew into the reconnaissance vehicle, fragments from it had already hit ours car, then transferred the fire to the car
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doctors “we are sitting further, all our guys jumped out, who were wounded, except for two, katya and i stayed with those lying down, we tried to evacuate them too, more bullets started shooting at the car, along this wall, just on the right, as if they were shooting call back." flies into the zeptur right into the car, yes straight into the car, just heat, just like that there’s a flash to put your hands to your face, bend down, and katya bent down, covered the fighter, the second fighter, he
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turned down himself, lay down, then we raised our heads, just darkness , ringing in the ears, hole in that wall, katya is sitting, also in this... trying to come to her senses, i look at, well , it turns out, in the wall of the car, there’s such a hole, so i start moving my hands, like that, i think, if there’s a hole in the car, then there’s probably a hole in me too, i think, my hands are moving , that means everything is fine, how are you, why exactly at that moment you deviated, it’s generally unclear, literally half a centimeter left and right, everything is a miracle, a miracle, yes, god saved , yes, masha, guardian angel, i just survived. while these terrible events were taking place, our heroines’ relatives lived their lives. ordinary, peaceful life, going about business, i don’t know that this is happening literally a few hundred kilometers away, only grandmother
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masha intuitively felt that something was wrong with her granddaughter. here they are, he’s still a cadet there, yeah, he’s still there. in moscow, yes, and masha already did her residency in moscow , she was in her second year, and this is motherly, well , of course they are hiding everything from me, what’s what, but i felt right away when she disappeared , you can’t deceive your heart, well, i asked , what happened to you, nothing, i say, you’re lying, lying, i say why i can’t get through to masha, she’s busy, she’s busy, i’ve been dreaming about her, she ’s small to me, 5-6 years old, and i was losing her, somewhere we are...
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all the time for them, all the time for all three , i don’t know how my heart even withstood all this, when everything around me was whistling, blood was flowing, people were screaming in pain.
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because without a ladder it’s very difficult to do, it’s like jumping off, not like that, i don’t remember how we got out of it, lose balance, don’t fall, the next thing that comes to mind is a doctor’s doctor, i turn around, katya is already lies on the ground, and just like that, my jacket was completely filled with blood, that’s... that’s how the hood came together, the guys cut me open, put a bandage on me, masha ran up, and also tied a tourniquet on me with parmedol, at that very moment, when the sleeve was full of blood, a thought flashed, such a why i actually got here, at that moment i had thoughts, and if my arm had been torn off, i think, what kind of prosthesis would i buy, i think, what kind of prosthesis would i walk with, i think, yes, i would feel normal with a prosthesis, well something like this...
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he had blood running from his head, his interrupted, and then the officers who were with us in other cars, they tell us: let's go towards the populated area, we need to get in front... because the shelling continued, war is a merciless thing, either you kill, or they kill you, and it’s also mean, because the enemy was shooting at the ambulance with the red cross, he wanted to finish off the wounded, helpless people, so we headed towards the populated area, it really was like... in the movies and crawling on all fours we moved in the moment
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you understand that you are not on all fours, at full height, they can hit you, you sit down again, then katya and i were put in an infantry fighting vehicle, on beads, yes, it opens from the back, two two trees, but they put katya in it. and i sat down, i ’m trying to hold her, because the promedol is starting to take effect, katya is fine, but close the door, they didn’t close it, it’s heavy , i can’t press it down properly, it turns out the car moved, i just lost my strength, i hung it like then she grabbed the door, katya was also screaming at the crew, stop. and also
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our boys also lay on top, they were lying with machine guns, because they were following us, even on foot they were shooting. by firing back, our remaining soldiers and nurses managed to break away from the enemy's pursuit. i don't know what happened there. in the end, our car stopped moving, it somehow got into a ditch, the car stopped, we say that it stopped, he tells us, this caterpillar got stuck there, flew off, in short, the caterpillar, get out of the car, we had to move on again with a jump, in war there are inexplicable cases, to our girls with the fighters lucky, they found the old nine, everyone got in there and managed to leave, how many did you have in the car, six people?
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there’s a bike standing in an open field, and there’s some kind of bag on it, so katya said that she dreamed about this bike almost every night, literally a month after all this happened, because well , the thought always arises, why is it standing there, it’s there for a reason standing, maybe he was there with some kind of explosive, a group of russian military men on the old
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nine with the wounded and nurses was approaching the road along which the armored vehicles were walking. them lucky, they were ours, we see a convoy is coming , it also needs refueling, apparently another convoy, they were already ours, but not from our unit, so we all ran out of the car, started waving that they were ours, don’t just shoot us, please, so they stopped, we jumped into our convoy of cars, it turns out that we had already reached ours. then the hospital, meeting with my mother, when maria was transported here to the hospital , she ended up finally being taken down to her, you see, so i didn’t see my child, i didn’t see my daughter, i saw a little a woman who experienced such a tragedy , that is, this was imprinted on her face
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to such an extent, her eyes, the thing that struck me the most, they were... and i was afraid, i understood that physically, of course, now she will be cured, she will be there , well, the rehabilitation is long, but this can be fixed somehow, i was afraid that my eyes would stop glowing, this is the sun, this joy will never return, just a couple of days later i saw that half of her hair turned gray, that is, she sat down. well, it's probably been three weeks, so she slowly, i see, began to come to life, to come to her senses, and the first light appeared in her eyes at that moment, i came to the hospital to see her, every day i came after work, and a guy was sitting there, also after being wounded, he could walk on his own he couldn’t, he was sitting with his mother,
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they bring maria, she comes in, so his mother asks him, lord, what is this girl doing here? it seems like a hospital, and he turns around and says: “mom, you know that if it weren’t for this girl, i might not be sitting here with you, not i can cry, in general, as a person, emotionally , i have everything at once, it’s all not in vain, what do you think? “definitely, this is not in vain, you can explain, in his life, every person, sooner or later, faces a choice, he is looking for his own path, he has his own priorities, one lives for himself, and the other lives for the sake of others, i i understand that this is a lot of grief, but on the other hand, if it weren’t
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for my child being there then, who would then?” " and masha confirms my words, she is asked many times why you haven’t left yet, after all, you had a choice, just go into civilian life and engage in your favorite profession, to which she always says the same thing without hesitation, who else if not me? as a mother , of course it’s very painful for me, i understand other parents, especially those who have lost children, it’s very painful. but on the other hand , who if not our children, who if not us, if we were faced with such a question or with such a dilemma during the great patriotic war, what would have happened then, what would have happened to our state, what would have happened to us and generally speaking if only a year had passed since that terrible day,
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today. both continue to serve. masha is a cardiac surgeon. she is doing what she loves . saves people. katya serves as a military felcher and also saves people and does her favorite thing. every day she goes for a run and prepares for a future marathon. these modest, quiet girls survived the terrible moments of their lives with dignity, courage and patience. yes, there was such a case ... with masha and katya, but it didn’t crush them, didn’t smear them, but gave them an impulse to love life to serve your homeland even more, are you not disappointed? the situation in which you find yourself now does not exist, everything is not being done for the better, why? but because everything that happens to us in life, i believe,
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is so that we go through it, reconsider something in ourselves, somehow change either our views, or our lives, or our attitude towards something that you are surrounded, as literally 2 days ago a patient told me: can you imagine, i said, i told my friends, leave me, they said, they carried me through the woods, they didn’t leave me, 2 hours, he says, they carried me through the forest, i say, i told them, shoot me, leave me, leave me alone, why, he says, are you talking to me, no, he says, idisa, he says, they carried me badly, he says, head now it hurts, i walked a little on the branches there, but he says no one abandoned me, no one left me , how could it be that such a fragile, charming girl chose such a profession, can you help me? formulate and explain, character, probably some kind of internal strength, but what if you go there again now, again also in such getting into a situation, what should we do if we have to go?
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rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it!
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this is our first family freckle on the nose of my great-great-grandmother, it is not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved, the freckle conquered a rebellious heart and ran away, separated, became the most precious value, family, some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration, save it and pass it on to other generations, a national project... demographics: under silver foil delicious chocolate layer, inside is beautiful , perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural,
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happy mic in the heat of july is carried by a silver boule, new year's discounts in a magnet, red caviar 2499, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will do it for you pay, it's bullshit. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. so that you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment is transferred to the landlord upon success. to make it easier to quit smoking. tabacquette,
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start a new life without cigarettes. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. i saw a sign in the heavens, in the harsh winter, after the great festivals, something that has never happened will appear, the stars of the worlds will converge, it will happen where east and west meet. then the real world and the world of dreams will melt away , a great competition will begin, big and small will come together, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands, but who will take the heavenly trophies and rule in
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both? numbers, real and digital , unknown to anyone, watch the games of the future, kazan february 21, the legend begins, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, grandma? i've been busy in the morning, looking for something on my phone, here's the number of the election commission, i'll vote at home, adult citizens of the country have been given all the opportunities, even those who are motionless are offered a solution to call the elections home, taking a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, registers them in advance with voting on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choose in
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the country. free, important, honestly convenient , who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, for... where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i have behind you the tempting vaults of palaces, they will never replace freedom, she disappeared, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you've been waiting for. donkey,
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dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's meet veronika pavlovna, vasentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull,
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vasnetsova. one step ahead by four, let's sign up, let's see, completely, in order to intimidate her, i wouldn't ruin your situation, you need to try very hard, we'll sew her up, let's say i really went back in time, well why the hell come here, holob 2. russia is a country that we are proud of, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.
11:00 pm
orthodox christians celebrate one of the most important christian holidays - christmas. in moscow, in the cathedral cathedral of christ the savior, he led the divine liturgy patriarch kirill. during the holiday, an orthodox relic, the trinity icon of andrei rublev, was delivered to the cathedral. in moscow , 550 churches will be open at night; about a million people are expected to visit them. for all christmas holidays. every year. we go to church and


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