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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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orthodox christians celebrate christmas, one of the most important christian holidays. on the eve of the holiday, vladimir putin spoke with the families of military personnel who died during a special military operation in an informal setting in novogorev. the president emphasized that the state will continue to provide all necessary support to the families and fighters.
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for all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation, and at all levels, so that there is a clear signal that my colleagues will always be with you everywhere, i repeat, of any level of government, management, so that you always feel people next to you who, if necessary, can support, help, come to the rescue if you need it, and life is complex and diverse. there are always cases and they often arise when outside support is needed, i hope that this will happen. vladimir putin wished everyone a merry christmas and called this holiday a vivid expression of the fraternal unity of the peoples of russia. then the president and his guests all together congratulated everyone who is now at the front defending ours on the holiday. homeland. one, two, i’ll say three, and we’re all together.
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vladimir putin celebrated christmas with the families of military personnel who died during a special operation in the temple of saving the miraculous image at the novo ogorev residence. these shots. in the same church, the president celebrated christmas in 2022; last year, for the first time in many years, putin attended the christmas service in moscow, in the annunciation cathedral in the kremlin. in 1760. patriarch kirill addressed the orthodox believers. today i feel the most i would like to wish that every home, every family, every heart would be illuminated by something that enlightens, renews, and warms. and
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the transformative light of christ’s nativity, so that we share with each other this unfading warm light of the truth of faith, unshakable hope and true love, doing good deeds, comforting and supporting those who need our help , participation, and therefore, filling life with eternal meaning and joy , happiness and peace. happy holiday, my dears, merry christmas. my colleague egor grigoriev is currently serving in the cathedral of christ the savior and he communicates directly with the studio. egor, greetings, we are waiting for details from you. anton, hello, once again i want to congratulate all orthodox christians on a great holiday, on the birth of christ, and literally some time ago, just a few minutes ago, a big fire caught fire in the church.
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a candle that symbolizes that same star of bethlehem, which means the birth of christ, these candles lit up in the souls of every orthodox christian, those who believe, and today with such a bright thought, today people came to the temple of christ, the savior, the service to the patriarch is still going on, and i suggest look at its beginning, look at these magnificent shots. blessed is the kingdom. father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. glory, lord, glory, of course, the decoration of the temple is clearly visible, how beautifully decorated it is. and spruce branches are
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a symbol of life, these are white flowers, like a pure thought, like pure deeds, but also, of course, a special surroundings, a special gift today. visiting relatives, that we are still preparing for communion, today we will take communion, it so happened that today my daughter-in-law, son and grandson have already arrived, a double holiday today, yes, it’s a double holiday, so
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my daughter-in-law and i decided to come here today, and then of course we’ll celebrate, here the services are really so magnificent, so solemn that... you need to approach jesus with bright thoughts, always remember the all-healing power of love, but and of course you need to glorify christ with good deeds, good ones. these words are perfectly suitable today and fit the work that our
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guys, our military are doing today on the front line, defending the faith, defending the russian people, defending our country, our homeland in the main temple of the russian armed forces too. now there is a divine service, a festive service is underway, christmas is also celebrated there, including the military, who are now on vacation, their whole families came to the temple today to celebrate the nativity of christ, i would really like to note, of course, the orthodox priests who on this day we literally heroically celebrated christmas together with the soldiers, held services there and...
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other church holidays, they actually inspire a person to spiritual deeds, it is with spiritual deeds that other deeds begin, including the salvation of the fatherland, thank you very much, i want to say that our priests support us and move, spiritual support is certainly very important to us, it is needed both by me personally and by all my personnel, victory will be ours. the military priests brought a ray of hope, a ray of faith to our military, this is our unity , this is our strength without exaggeration, and of course, and after the divine service, after the christmas service, bright things await everyone
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christmas, the end of lent, and the time when whole families can sit down at the festive table, anton. yes, egor, thank you about the christmas services - said our correspondent egor grigoriev. vladimir putin congratulated orthodox christians, all russian citizens who celebrated christmas. here's a quote. one of the most beloved long-awaited christian holidays unites millions of people around the ideals of goodness, mercy and justice. these unshakable values ​​play a special role in the history of our country; for centuries they have served as a reliable spiritual, moral pillar of society. this is all said in the congratulations. it is important that the russian orthodox church and other christian denominations in russia make a huge, inspiring contribution to preserving our
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rich heritage. and, of course, the efforts of religious organizations aimed at supporting our heroes and participants deserve deep, sincere respect. special military operation of residents of donbass and novorussia. the russian army repelled six more attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in the zaporozhye direction. attacks on three brigades of the kiev army at once in the krasnoarmeysk region, the control point of the donetsk group was hit, zelensky’s formation lost 550 soldiers and mercenary officers, three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howubs from missile systems and self-propelled guns, 8 and 29 combat drones were shot down by helicopters. the command of the ukrainian armed forces mercilessly sends soldiers to certain death on the left bank of the dnieper. it conveys.
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the top of the ukrainian command throws the marines into the so-called meat grinder in the kherson region on the left bank of the dnieper, in the area of ​​the bridge there is a market close, but the russians seized the initiative there, the armed forces of ukraine suffered heavy losses, but the kiev command still sends soldiers to unpromising positions, obviously to demonstrate activity to american partners, so that...
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rosatom remains a global leader, sets new records for revenue, for new products, the general said director of the state corporation alexey likhachev, on the air of our channel, noted that the transportation plan along the northern sea route of 36 million tons has been fulfilled. the most modern belarusian nuclear power plant has been commissioned. rusatom. carries out a number of initiatives developments in the defense field, they were presented to the president of russia , work on the breakthrough project is progressing successfully, its first facilities are being built already this year, a nuclear energy project for the planet, but also rusatom , of course, this is a breakthrough project, an experimental demonstration complex, fourth generation nuclear energy , it is also being successfully implemented according to plan in the city of seversk, in the tomsk region, i would be here... perhaps from the past twenty-third to this year i have built a bridge, and if we
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considered last year a year in some sense small energetics, then the year twenty-four is the year of the first step into the fourth generation of nuclear energy, we must clearly understand that the fourth generation is not only reactors with appropriate safety systems for fast neutrons, only russia has experience in operating fast neutron reactors in the industrial industry . format, the fourth generation is a whole way of life, it is a certain landscape, including reactors and safety systems, but it is also , of course, fuel, and in its entire cycle, and this is reduced to a minimum radiation exchange with nature, that is , how much radioactivity we took from the earth, we can send exactly the same amount there conditionally for long-term storage.
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“dear soldier, thank you for protecting me for the fact that i go to school and can live in peace, this is the very famous indian tea with an elephant in the soviet union, which everyone drank, but who knew little, the restored holiday gospel is a symbol inextricable ties between russia and the holy land." alexey evgenievch, hello, good afternoon, well, first of all, the most important thing, where we are with you is the atom pavilion at vdnkh, probably, well, journalists always love such symbolism, it is symbolic here that the entire history of the atomic era, all the pages, they are here, one might say, painted, this is the twenty- third year, what a trace it is in this story he left a very... and such a difficult, in the sense of a complex year, but on the whole, of course, it will go down
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as a positive, i would even say, a turning point, because we are a very public industry, very multifaceted, multidisciplinary, we are with one hand part planet and we live according to the planetary agenda, on the other hand, we largely set this agenda, again in this logic i can say that everything that happens in the global world is directly reflected in the nuclear industry, but... but even in these difficult conditions, in actions directed directly against the russian federation, against rosatom, we continue to remain a global leader, we not only confirmed this leadership position in... the twenty-third year, we have developed it in many ways, we again have a record for revenue in general, a record for foreign revenue, for new products , there are serious achievements on the northern sea route, there is great progress, on russian lines on foreign lines, a nuclear power plant of generation 3+, the most modern, was commissioned to the customer of the belarusian
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nuclear power plant, well, all other areas are also quite worthy developed despite external pressure. as for, well, the main areas of work of rosatom, these are state defense procurement and energy, this is where it has developed for centuries, rosatom lives according to the principle of the state plan, law, fulfilling his duty, exceeding his honor, on the eve of the new year we reported on one hundred percent fulfillment of the state defense order , in addition, a number of initiative developments are moving forward, we presented them to the president, presented them to the minister of defense, in this sense, i ...
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stations at the colt station, this a whole series of low power, kichus has already been laid down, this is a small ground station rhythm 200, uh, in yakutia, this is the construction of an additional fleet, floating nuclear power plants, there are small solutions, they are called shelp up to 10 mw, they talk a lot about this, there
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are about 70 different kinds of projects existing on paper in the world, but only the russian federation not only... does it on such an industrial scale, but also uses, i mean, of course, our floating nuclear power unit academician lomanosov , the most flagship nuclear power project on the planet, well, rusatom, of course, this is a breakthrough project, an experimental demonstration complex, a fourth-generation nuclear power plant, it is also being successfully implemented according to plan in the city of seversk, in the tomsk region, i would already be here maybe from the past twenty-third to this year... the year has thrown a bridge, and if last year we considered the year of small-scale energy in this sense, then the year twenty -four is the year of the first step into fourth-generation nuclear energy, we must clearly understand that the fourth generation is not only reactors with appropriate safety systems for fast neutrons, only russia has experience in operating
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fast neutron reactors in an industrial format. fourth generation - it's a whole way of life. this is a certain landscape , including reactors, their safety systems, but this is also, of course, fuel, and in its entire cycle, and this is minimizing the traditional exchange from nature, that is , how much radioactivity we took from the earth, that’s exactly the same amount we can and send there, conditionally for long-term storage, we now absolutely understand this problem, one of our fast reactors completely. loaded with mox fuel, uranium-plutonium fuel mixed with spent nuclear fuel, well, one of ours enterprises at the gas chemical complex for the first time created a whole line of this fuel, mox fuel with the most harmful waste, this is americium, uh, this is gallium, that is, those substances that,
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well, are actually artificially created by man in the course of work in the nuclear field, here is one from the sides this is... the technological structure of the fourth generation is transmutation, afterburning of these harmful minor actinines, directly in the fuel zones of industrial reactors. alexey evgenievich, a breakthrough project is always very difficult to explain, well, for a simple unprepared viewer. you just did it now, it seems to me that everything is clear, why people need the fourth generation and what it does, how truly a breakthrough project it is. i would like to return to small-power nuclear power plants. demand is very high in russia abroad baimsky gog, located relatively close to the coastline, it is quite logical that they demanded our competence; the first nuclear
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floating power units are already being built, but gazprom came to us and asked for the same solution, this means that even our leader in the energy market , gazprom, decided to include nuclear generation in its energy palette; for us it is both a great honor and a great challenge. the same thing is happening with our foreign partners, in this sense , the trend started last year towards the demand for small capacities will, of course, receive great development in the coming years. as for the russian agenda, this figure certainly amazed me, 42 power units by 1945 is the minimum, which we now understand will most likely be more and at least, even more, so i have a question: won’t such a large amount of work in the country distract you?
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based on the results of the delivery, how not to let rosatom leave belarus, we agreed that at least now we will still implement a dozen projects together with belarusian partners, in hungary there is a direct break-frow, a breakthrough, we
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have really moved to phase number two, to full-scale construction, in in egypt , almost everything is ready to carry out the first concrete on the fourth block, and this construction is the largest physical one in the world nuclear, now the largest nuclear construction site is in turkey.
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figures of 36 million tons, and secondly, increase international transit to a record amount, well , noticeably more than 2 million tons. with our base partner, novatek, we will begin this
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year year-round traffic in the eastern direction. this is the dream of all russian sailors from time immemorial, the opportunity to sail in the eastern direction of the ssb at any time of the year. we expect this year the release of our next most powerful serial one. it is headed by a frank. alexey evgenevich, being a pioneer is always difficult, but in general rosata... has shown itself over the years to be such an innovative leader, it is clear that it is always difficult to start a project, but now it feels like you
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have such an innovation conveyor, from the point of view: according to the baikal heritage - the pulp and paper mill has created an information system for the operation of infrastructure with waste of the first and second hazard classes, we are creating seven plants, the same in digital form. what is our pride of the past year, ae logos mathematical modeling, in demand national platform, we are making sure that other developers can join it and complement it, there is great progress in quantum topics, it was such a serious year
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fmba joined us, having worked well in medical institutions, in general, we are all united front began to help energodar , but it is very important to note that in the industry, people just started making personal contributions, started transferring money, about 250 million. on the scale of rusatom, it may be a small amount, but on the scale of human assistance, just take the money to collect and buy the most necessary things at that moment, you know, it seems to me that the residents. nargodars feel it, understand it, people return to the city, return to school. today , about 4,500 people work at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, having officially concluded a contract with the operating organization, and 3,500 have joined the trade union, a stake agreement has been signed, that is, life is beginning to take on a normal , rhythmic character that is understandable to us, and people, of course, are waiting for that that this front line will move away from them as much as possible
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further, unfortunately, sometimes... well, if you look from the territory of the nuclear power plant to the west, then in the mode, so to speak, with the naked eye you see the opposite side, from time to time it flies in with drones and long-range artillery, but people hold on, we don’t have there is no doubt that the current team will ensure the safe operation of the zaporozia nuclear power plant, we are making every effort... to ensure that in the current regime any risks are reduced to zero, and this is happening under the control of magate, more than a dozen times, changed the composition of the mission, people work there, three, four, five people from different countries, and i can responsibly say that today the threat to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant can only come from armed intervention in the ssu. as for qualified personnel,
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experts increasingly say that the main thing is


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