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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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you can go further, unfortunately, sometimes, well, if you look from the territory of the nuclear power plant to the west, then in the mode, so to speak , with the naked eye you see the opposite side, from time to time they fly in with drones and long-range artillery, but people are holding out, we have no doubts that the current team will ensure the safe operation of the nuclear power plant, we are making every effort to ensure that in the current regime any risks are reduced to zero, and this is happening under the control of magathe, more than a dozen times, he has changed the composition of the mission, there people work, 3, 4, 5 people from different countries, and i can responsibly say that today the threat to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant can only come from armed intervention in the armed forces of ukraine. concerning. qualified personnel
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, experts are increasingly saying that the main obstacle in the development of the russian economy is precisely the lack of labor, as rusatom is now doing with its hands, and well, it is clear that high-tech production requires highly qualified personnel, is there a shortage now, arithmetic very simple, so we have estimated the development strategy until the thirtieth year, we need approximately plus 300,000 people, approximately from... for our traditional directions, 100 for new technological and 100 for foreign objects, these people need to be trained to be adaptive to different directions, that is, we need to give them the opportunity to horizontally move the agenda, at the same time to grow and meaningfully in positions, and we are starting to do this, starting from schools in the literal sense of the word, even in kindergartens, in cities we are already beginning to select our children the most those inclined towards physics, mathematics, and natural sciences are of particular value to us. the national center
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of physics and mathematics and the branch of moscow state university in sorov, this is the big snezhensk and the obnensk-tech project, representatives from more than 70 countries took part in its launch, these are really thousands of specialists for the very objects that we are building, will build, and will mortgage abroad, so you are absolutely right, people are a challenge, but people are also the main resource, you see, this is our installation.
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in early january we talk about results, about the plans for the coming year , well, to put it briefly, the first and main task of the twenty-fourth year is the unconditional implementation of all plans, government tasks, the second point, i would probably call it also a turning point, in terms of starting work already in on a planetary scale over the technological landscape of the fourth generation of energy, we must start it this year... this is serious , thoughtful work, because the international nuclear family must define the fourth generation, not only on the basis what are called textbooks and doctoral dissertations, but on the basis of practical reference, as we say, solutions, the third task is directly related to the promotion of all projects of technological sovereignty, and my dream this year is not only to advance beyond the planning horizon our... core
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topics, those under which we are already working, but maybe we can add one or two more to them , of course, we would like to enter new foreign construction projects, we have four objects at a high degree of readiness, which means that in twenty -four we are expected to launch, this is the birth atomic blocks on the planet are always events of a global scale, well, to close this topic, i would probably propose another parameter for the goals of the twenty-fourth year, to promote this. forward our status as one of the best employers in the country, to the objectives of the plan , to the objectives of nuclear energy, new products, foreign markets, we add the task of moving forward along the path of unlocking human potential, along the path of attractiveness for creative, restless, but certainly loving young people. well, alexey evgenevich, we will follow the news from rosatom in 2024, let it be good, thank you very much. drank wine with the hussars
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, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and shot at a peasant’s hut with her own hands, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court , everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, like that like everyone else, and to get away... he calms down, it seems, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, one could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we
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we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, you’re drowning two, you’re used to watching videos in... stopped working, install , open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free, without registration, look, look in the application or on the website.
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far eastern media tycoon oleg sidinka was dealt with in 2002. the blast wave knocked out an iron door and several windows on the staircase. he earned up to $10 million a year. even then everyone was we're sure it's a big crime. bandits of the trifonov group , the names of those who could have been involved in the murder have only now become known, this is igor kovalchuk, co-owner of the largest market in vladivostok, at approximately this distance i attached an explosive device to a magnet, in addition
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, the head of the regional kudo federation, alexander yasin, came under investigation , you are an honest entrepreneur, i can account for taxes for everything, only for the first million, which was the reason. propaganda, these are the results of the trip to donbass former us army officer, and now journalist and political scientist scott bennett, who spoke with us specifically for the stopfake program on russia 24. so, a relatively short business trip to donetsk was enough for scott bennett to immediately understand what threats
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the kiev regime is creating there, and to be convinced of the american had his own experience of this. they sent five drones after our report, when we... we recorded what was happening around, and naturally, they didn’t like it, they didn’t like that an american military officer was in the donbass shows the truth, they sent five drones to donetsk with the aim of killing us, we left shortly before this, the corporate style of the ukrainian armed forces beats not only journalists, but civilians in general. for comparison, the reaction of the american office to an agent of radio liberty to one of the bloody shellings of donetsk, they say, cannot confirm the death of six people and the injury of eleven, since he reported casualties (quote: an official appointed by the kremlin), meaning the head of the dpr denis pushilin, whose statements, they believe, must certainly be subjected to
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doubt. photos on the internet, mother’s tears, coffins there, all this is also not a confirmed source, because it is given incorrectly. people, this all translates again into the inner person, that people in donetsk are some kind of second class, a second class that can be killed, destroyed.
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scott bennatt personally happened to recognize something with the trained eye of a professional military produces drones that
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are used against civilian targets. i saw hymers, weapons from america, britain, france, germany, poland - it’s all work defense companies. it's all about money, it's a real tragedy, they claim it's with these weapons. only military targets are hit, you can’t argue with that, with every criminal strike , foreign information dumps insist that the target was, say, a certain school of dredge operators ; they easily turn a blind eye to russian filming from the scene of events, where ordinary residential buildings are clearly visible, their representation of the world of what is happening there, but the presentation of the situation that is happening there is quite one-sided, they must comply with these information, information tone, which... now the message is that - everything that, everything that the west helps is, of course, ukraine, this is
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the truth, everyone who is helped by russia, everything that russia does, of course and the crime is, of course, military aggression, however, there is reason to believe that nato artillery has less resources for terrorist attacks than it had, on the one hand, the alliance, according to reuters, does not abandon hopes of increasing the production of ammunition for the needs of ssu, but on the other hand , it seems to be silent about the state of itself... even the well-known propagandist julian roebke was forced to admit that all these caesars, crab paladins, were not adapted to such an intense conflict, and began to break down. but the russian military-industrial complex strengthened its counter-battery warfare potential just in time by launching the coalition sv production series. the installation’s fire range reaches 70 km, that is, as much as 14 more than that of the german analogue pzh-2000, which was considered the world record holder among. but in addition, the coalition also has an outstanding rate of fire of up to 16 rounds per minute.
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the ammunition load is also quite substantial, 70 rounds, and a full reload takes only 15 minutes. in addition, the domestic sao can switch to a special simultaneous fire attack mode, when several ammunition is fired at different angles and simultaneously falls on the target. finally, the engineers took care of the safety of the three- person crew. it is located in an armored capsule inside the case. the combat module is uninhabited. it only takes a minute for the car to curl up and leave its position. in this conflict, ukraine and russia have fundamentally different positions. the idea of ​​nato as a homeless barrel, which was on the ukrainian side, well, it turned out to be false. on the other hand, russia, which relies on its own military-industrial complex, ultimately it is the svo that pushes its needs to accelerate the russian military-industrial complex. in different directions, as for those who oppose russia
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directly on ukrainian soil, scott benet gives them a comprehensive description: if the american public finds out what i know, they will be furious, they will say: wait a minute, we didn’t bring back the nazis, we actually had a war against them, you are desecrating the memory of our ancestors, creating nazis. support them, arm them, this is a path that american citizens do not want to take. he again became convinced of the existence of ukranazism on his own. visited militants of the banned terrorist group in prison. a swastika on the chest, a wolf hook on the arm, runes on the leg, a full set of appropriate symbols, nothing sensational for the russian audience, however, the american and european media have been fed stories for years that the fascists in ukraine were invented by our media. the narratives were promoted in the new york times, on ewronews and many other places, including other once authoritative media, and
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someone on the pages of yahoo news still has the conscience to claim that zelensky is completely accidental. honored the elderly ss man gunka in the canadian parliament, they understood who was sitting in front of them, this is not the first such scandal that has happened, because before that they opened a whole memorial for them, when this memorial was opened, people there also tried to raise their heads to say, and you know that these people were walking around with swastikas, but they were pushed further away and they said: you will be silent there, you are stupid and don’t understand anything, but here it would be okay too would not have happened if this had not been heard... a video from kiev, where young boys unfurled a flag with a swastika, and some freak in a patron dog costume was dancing behind them. it was colonel of the strategic communications directorate of the general staff of ukraine taras dzyuba who had to raise the resonance, who performed in a predictable manner. we
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have a ukrainian law that prohibits the use of any nazi symbols. this is the law that... the character clearly hints at the production, but demonstrably lands in a puddle, in modern technologies there is such an interesting thing called geoint or geospatial intelligence, it uses open sources of information in order to find clues in order to in order to find certain hooks by which the place can be identified, it was possible to establish that this shooting was carried out near the pozdnyaki metro station in kiev, and these are real teenagers... who unfurled the nazi flag. it was these ukrainian realities, according to scott bennett, that forced the population of donbass to make a historic choice in favor of russia. the people i talked to in donbass realize that the ukrainian side has simply lost its mind, has become toxic, very angry, and is mentally enslaved by the west. and people
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there understand that russia is the only place where they can feel safe. that they will live here bandera’s supporters also turn everything upside down, turning the situation around as if the russians are not capable of creating; according to tradition , one of the running gouleiters , andryushchenko, is especially trying, who rejoiced at the dirt in the courtyards of mariupol, but for some reason did not mention that a large-scale repairs and landscaping will be advisable after it, and in general only knowledgeable madmen can fail to notice the rapid pace of restoration of the city; by the beginning of october, 30 residential buildings with more than... apartments were commissioned in mariupol, including the izumrud residential complex entrance to the city and the cheremyshki microdistrict on irtyshskaya street. by the new year, another 14 high-rise buildings were built for 1.00 families. also, 53 km of mariupol roads were repaired and a bridge across the kalmeos river was opened. it was blown up in the ssu, but now again connects the central region with the left bank. a new medical center with a capacity of over 50,000
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people a year has appeared on lenin avenue, three workshops have been restarted at the ilyich metallurgical plant thanks to. covered in great detail on a number of channels, unofficial, and those filmed by the residents themselves city, well, you will see what is happening there, and for many it will be a surprise, the city center is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction, that is , it now looks better than it looked at the time it was built, scott bennett’s special attention was drawn to the training of russian volunteers in zone.
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this is at a time when fighters from the ukrainian side were literally caught off the street, they were given a choice: prison or death, and were sent to fight. an exhaustive commentary on zelensky’s rampant lies, let me remind you, i was extremely fond of stories about mythical ukrainian volunteers. which , they say, do not need to be driven to war with sticks, here is just a good example of the so-called respect for rights and freedoms, a resident of odessa miraculously beats her husband off from the military commissars, and they were engaged in catching mobilized people under... the cover of an ambulance, a western fund that deals with purchasing ambulances for ukraine, there he grabs his head, bites his elbows that this happened in odessa,
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it turns out they take him away by ambulance men to the front, but they know very well that not only men are taken to the front, but also ammunition is brought in, they use it all for military purposes, hence the logical question, how many foreigners really want to sponsor such a regime, do the ordinary american taxpayer know where they are going ? europe and the usa gave them money , that they are fighting for democracy, so that i see how the ukrainians are trying to claim because they are supposedly fighting for the security of europe, but they are lying, it is not so, they are taking this money and buying it. but in words the level of the fight against corruption in square has reached unprecedented levels; voice of america agent praises the sbu for allegedly uncovering
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a fraudulent scheme in the procurement of weapons. the financial times suggests that ukraine is moving towards overcoming bribery and lawlessness, and franz-24 sees signs of some kind of restoration of order by defense minister umerov. and no one, apparently, is embarrassed by the frantic purchase of real estate, very far from the ukrainian borders. the president himself, the mayor of the italian city, sets the trends. confirmed that the villa located there with an area of ​​about 400 square meters, it belongs to the zelensky family and costs 4.5 million euros. another house was bought for $8 million in the israeli reshpon, not far from tel aviv, and it, by the way, is twice as large; in the name of his mother-in-law, the leader of the sbankova gang purchased a mansion on the shores of the red sea in egypt. its price is almost 5 million dollars. smaller officials are not lagging behind either. they found it at the director of kievgorstroy igor kushnir. a villa for 20 million euros with a garden and sea views in france, and an even more modest ex-military commissar of odessa evgeniy borisov managed to earn money on real estate in marbella, spain. the house and office space in
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the city center cost him 4.5 million euros. western partners openly admit that ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. we see a concrete example of how the zelensky family received a certain pitchfork from this money, and in egypt, the journalist who conducted it. investigation, and who published this investigation, he was simply found dead a few days later. what to do with an aggressive , corrupt junta, according to scott bennett, there is still a way out, but this requires prudence, first of all, on the part of the collective west. from the very beginning , putin and russia did not wage an aggressive war, they defended people who were attacked and subjected to genocide by the ukrainians. and i think if we stop the supply of money for weapons, this war will end in a month, and if every ukrainian soldier lays down his arms and goes over to the russian side, then the war will end
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tomorrow, and russia will not harm any of them. sounds maybe too much idealistic, but at least makes it clear that in the eu and the united states there are plenty of those who are aware of the true causes of the current conflict, distinguish truth from disinformation and do not want to settle for ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely... we will continue to expose in the stop fake program on russia-24 tv channel. russia is a country of which we are proud. we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world. we look forward with pride, forging new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition , allow me to invite you, well, i actually wasn’t
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preparing to dance, pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what does it mean don’t dance, got up and went, holob 2, we are our calling let’s not forget, we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and in general. unexpectedly, i really liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, the songs are songs of youth, never replaced freedom, so bright, amazingly fiery, i wanted to sing very much, they were waiting for karoki, asel, i am a dog, a cat, a cockerel, bright, colorful, musical, i liked the rooster with the word the most, right? great,
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temporary musicians, watch it to know everything about russia, watch the best historical series, watch it in the app or on the website.
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glorious christian holidays. christmas. in moscow, in the cathedral church of christ the savior, the divine liturgy was led by patriarch kirill. during the holiday, an orthodox relic, the trinity icon by andrei rublev, was delivered to the cathedral. in moscow at night 550 churches will operate, and about a million people are expected to visit them. for all christmas holidays. every year.


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