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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the militants hit makeyevka with dzherov hev missiles filled with thousands of destructive elements. at the scene of the shelling , fragments from slam-fire rocket systems, presumably of slovak origin, were found. due to the high missile threat , people are asked not to come to churches this christmas eve. the central part of donetsk, workers are now cleaning up the consequences of shelling, ukrainian militants hit residential buildings in khaymarsk with nato-style missiles, there is damage to buildings. christmas services, prayers and sacramental rites, priests conduct directly on the front line. your service, your feat.
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strikes were carried out against civilians, and heavy artillery was used against ukrainian militants. in response to today's brutal attack by militants on the peaceful cities of the republic , our aviation is taking to the skies. stanislav nazarov, vtaly kadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. the russian army repelled six more attacks in the control system. in the zaporozhye direction , strikes were launched at once on three brigades of the kiev army in the krasnoarmeysk area, and the group’s control center was hit. donetsk in zelensky's formation lost 550 soldiers and officers mercenaries, three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven howitzers, missile systems and self-propelled guns, eight and 29 combat drones were shot down by helicopters. the command of the ssu mercilessly sends soldiers to certain death on the left bank of the dnieper. this is broadcast by the german tv channel welt. he emphasizes that from a military point of view, this makes no sense.
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denmark has so far decided not to transfer the promised f-16 fighters. the country's ministry of defense stated that it is too early, the slippage in the supply of western equipment to kiev is now the main topic in many foreign media. new york times leaves almost no hope for support from the united states. white house and
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pentagon officials have warned that the united states will soon be unable to supply ukraine's petriot batteries with interceptor missiles, which could cost between $2 million and $4 million apiece. the kiev regime is already running out of ammunition. all street journal analysts calculated that while in the summer the ssu spent 7,000 shells per day, now only 2,000, which is five times less than russia, which over the past six months has seriously increased capacity, summarized overseas. western financial assistance for the supply of ammunition to ukraine is being cut off, and its public support is showing some cracks. russia, with its large population that has so far withstood the worst of western sanctions, has been building up its war economy. “will ukraine soon have nothing to fight with?” reporters asked at a briefing at the white house; biden’s adviser was trying to get out of the way. the most effective answer is to continue to provide ukraine with air defense systems and other types military equipment. to do this, we
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need congress to immediately approve our request for additional funding for ukraine. john kirvey, of course, is disingenuous; before the new year, congress could have done this twice, but then went on vacation . " they simply do not have enough weapons production capacity to support both conflicts at the appropriate level, in israel and on ukraine. ukraine is naturally left on the principle of what will remain after what israel does not take. and america today is very... openly, pay attention, pushing kiev to a pause in all positions, but kiev is not ready for a pause, men are being taken to the front all over the country, military commissars were even allowed to enter houses and enterprises, so they surrounded the car, whose driver tried to hide from forced mobilization, in ukraine this became the word
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of the year, summed up the kiev creators of the language dictionary. mobilization ousted another candidate counter-offensive, which , unfortunately, received much more media support than... but, finally, the air of freedom drags you into the air, despite the regalia, in these frames it is difficult to recognize the singer andrei lisovsky, where are you dragging the guy, this artist used to perform in russia, but then left for ukraine because of his position, and recently released a video
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criticizing the kiev regime. the reprisal did not take long to happen; the video itself has already happened several times. removed from social networks, ukraine does not want to hear or see the truth, on local television on christmas eve is generally a riot of devils. these hellish dances were shown on the air of the ukrainian telethon, the so-called unified news, which broadcast only one position of the kiev regime; the viewers themselves are already tired of such propaganda, even the western press admits. according to a recent survey by the kiev international institute of sociology, the number of ukrainians who say they trust the telethon has dropped sharply over time, from 69% in may 22 to 43 last month. another study found that more than 40% of ukrainians say that they support ending the program. many critics say the telethon
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does more harm than good. but the rampage in ukraine seems unstoppable. they even released a new, supposedly church calendar, where christmas on january 7 was canceled. boris ivanin, matvey popov and... thank you for protecting me so that i can enter school and live in peace. this is the one famous. the gospel, a symbol of the inextricable ties between russia and the holy land. on february 18, 1943,
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the nazi propaganda minister spoke at the berlin sports palace. germany joseph goebbels. he called on the german people for total war to the bitter end. his speech lasted more than 2 hours. the whole of germany listened to it live on the radio. goebbels left the podium having lost 3 kg. his desperate appeal.
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on the morning of january 31, 1943 , soviet soldiers were in the basement of the central department store in stalingrad. captured the commander of the sixth army of the wehrmacht, field marshal friedrich paulus. together with him , 22 german generals laid down their arms. this footage was taken several hours later. paullus was taken to headquarters of the don front in his own car. the capture of one of the most famous german commanders became a world sensation. photos of his interrogation spread across the editorial pages of all the world's newspapers. this was,
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perhaps, probably the largest military prize during the entire war, which the soviet army received for the first time. when the group was surrounded, germany realized that this could end in military collapse; shortly before the surrender , a message was broadcast on the radio that paulus was being promoted to general marshal. it was it was not done by chance, it was such a symbolic act, because it was believed that never in history had a german field marshal capitulated or given up, so here it was as if he was given a task: either you die or retreat. he didn't even have time to change his shoulder straps. if you and i look at this famous photograph of field marshal paulus, so tall and thin, he surrenders along with his staff, he has the shoulder straps of a colonel general, that is, he has not even yet... in the heat of battle, did not have time to replace them with field marshal's batons. on these same days prisoners
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soldiers and officers of the sixth army of the wehrmacht wandered in long columns along the icy crust of the volga steppes. almost 100,000 people, without weapons, in torn uniforms, wrapped in rags. soviet correspondent vasily grosman recalled: “severe frosts, creaking snow.” on the roads of our advance there are frozen germans, we didn’t kill them, they were killed by frost, they are wearing thin boots, thin tunics. a few months ago, paulus's soldiers were preparing to celebrate a grand victory. in letters home, they proudly reported that they were the first reached the banks of the volga, which hitler hastened to declare the new border of the third reich in the east. now the former conquerors
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were faced with labor camps and work to restore what they had destroyed. the scale of the stalingrad disaster was initially hushed up by german propaganda. the leaders of the reich feared panic. the gestapa even confiscated and burned the farewell letters that the doomed soldiers of the sixth army sent to their families in germany, but this did not help. in mid-february 1943, german diplomat ulrich von hassel wrote down in his own. the last few weeks have been characterized by the most serious crisis that we have ever experienced in the war, this crisis has struck the whole of germany, it is symbolized in one word, stalingrad. this
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was the first defeat of the germans, when there was a retreat near moscow, there, in general, german propaganda, it ...
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rafts and barges with coal, timber, resin. during the civil war, joseph stalin took part in the defense of tsaritsyn from the troops of general red. since 1925, the city began to bear his name. during the era of industrialization, there was a tractor factory, a hydroelectric power station, and other large enterprises were built here. in june 1941, shortly after the start of the great patriotic war, students at the stalingrad tractor-building institute hung a large map on the wall, intending to mark with flags the advance of the red army deep into germany. none of them could have imagined that very soon the full power of the german
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military machine would fall on their hometown. by the beginning of 1943. experiencing only temporary difficulties, but it is aimed at the final victory at defeat soviet union, this is also fundamentally important. hitler said that he was fighting for stalingrad not because it was stalingrad, and he repeated this. so often that one gets the impression that the thief’s cap is on fire, because he constantly exaggerated this idea: i’m advancing on stalingrad not because
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it bears the name of stalin, in no case, one gets the impression that he was simply trying to give away what he wanted . on april 5, 1942, hitler approved the plan for a new summer campaign. the operation, code-named "blau", would was to fulfill the fuhrer's long-standing dream. capture of oil fields of the north caucasus. many german generals, preparing for a second assault on moscow, considered this plan real madness, but none of them dared to openly object to hitler. the very configuration of the front meant that a simple breakthrough into the caucasus would be very dangerous from a strategic point of view, because then a very long northern flank of this broken gut would be exposed. and accordingly, a blow may be struck. hitler decided divide army group south, which was supposed to attack the caucasus, into two: army group a and army group b. and army group a was advancing on the caucasus, that is, this is its
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main task, and army group b was supposed to go to the volga, cut off the supply of oil along the volga to the north, the central section of the front, and, accordingly , cut off possible supplies of troops along the volga to the south. to conquer. its soldiers took paris, warsaw, kiev, and fought near belgorod and kharkov. hitler liked to repeat that with him the sixth army can storm the skies. but the fuhrer’s favorites became famous not only for their high-profile military victories. in the places where the sixth army was deployed in ukraine, mass executions of jews were often carried out with the participation of its soldiers and officers. the executions in kharkov in the white church and babi yeru were especially bloody. from the beginning of 1942, the sixth army
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was commanded by general friedrich paullus. he was one of the most talented general staff officers in nazi germany. he plans the operation wonderfully, very clearly. but he is missing one very important point. yes, they were allies. hitler sent large forces of his allies, the hungarian, italian, and two romanian
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armies, to stalingrad. at the height of the battle of stalingrad, the total number of these formations reached 600,000 people. the italians seemed to understand that they were sent to these snowy plains to carry out some kind of mission, there was a great mission, there were great fascist states, there they were building duchi. empire, something for that. the hungarian iruns did not understand why they were there at all, because the rums received their own transylvania, further than odessa, in in general, romania did not spread, neither did the hungarians, in general, well, the hungarians in general somehow did not really want to fight along with the germans, this incomprehensible mass moved to stalingrad. on july 17, 1942, almost half a million german allies moved from the territory of eastern ukraine in the direction of stalingrad. their path lay through the don steppes. wehrmacht officer clements podewels wrote. as far as the eye could see, columns
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of armored vehicles were moving across the steppe. despite the heat, lack of water and dust clouds, the germans advanced rapidly. the defense of the stalingrad front, hastily formed by the soviet command, was broken through. the nazis left their infantry to finish off the encircled soviet units so that they could continue their movements without wasting time. fuel was delivered by transport planes directly to the steppe. in 3 days, the wehrmacht's fortieth tank corps covered 200 km. on july 23, rostov-on-don was captured. in the big bend of the don, the germans surrounded eight soviet divisions. the ring closed near the city of kalach, of the 13 thousand trapped only 105 soviet soldiers escaped.
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until 1942, the germans crossed the don and took the direct road to stalingrad. for 40 km they walked at top speed across the rock-hard desert steppe. in the evening, advanced german tanks had already reached the volga. the next day, august 23 , 1,200 junkers 88 and henkel-111 bombers took off. to stalingrad. a fiery rain of incendiary bombs fell, fires blazed throughout the city, hundreds of families were buried alive under piles of rubble, telephone cables were cut, the water supply system was destroyed, oil storage facilities on the banks of the volga caught fire, a pillar of fire rose almost 600 m into the sky, and smoke from the fires was visible 350 km around, this
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was the most massive...
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