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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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why, because in general, urban battles are generally a very difficult thing, in stalingrad it’s all very complicated by the configuration of the city, that is, this is a city that stretches along the volga, the depth of the city to the volga from the side the germans were advancing, it is small, there a kilometer is 2-5 km, and it stretches for 20-30 kilometers, the result is such a strip that is very difficult to overcome, plus there are quite a few in the city...
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at least one mouse will remain alive. through the clouds one could believe that after such an attack of smoke and dust the germans went on the offensive infantry. the germans were moving in two directions. in the north of stalingrad, their main goal was mamayev kurgan and the railway station, in the south - elevato. but it was not possible to take them right away. at night we crossed the volga to stalingrad. 10,000 soldiers of the thirteenth guards rifle division under the command of thirty-seven-year-old colonel general alexander radintsev. having jumped ashore, the fighters immediately entered into battle. german positions were only 100 m from the landing site. during the first day of the battle, every third guardsman died. the slopes of mamayev kurgan, where there used to be a park, were now plowed up by shells. and the funnels served...
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before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without washing, i ’m after you, they are palaces, tempting vaults, will never be replaced with freedom, she’s gone , call the cynical, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that you’ve been waiting for, donkey, what dog? cat, cockerel, they
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called themselves the remen musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians. let's get acquainted before everyone else, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with a blunt trauma to the skull of vosnetsov, always one step ahead, four, sign. that
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's it, look, i'll shave your head to intimidate her , i wouldn't ruin your situation, you need to try really hard, we 'll burn her, let's say i really went back in time, why the hell is it here, holob 2, the burnt earth was mixed with pieces human bodies torn apart by bombs and shells. workers at the tractor factory, where they assembled and repaired tanks, got into still-unpainted thirty-fours straight from the assembly line and went into battle. the cars don't even have there was a gun sight, they could
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only shoot at point-blank range. the railway station changed hands 15 times within 5 days . they were just as fierce. in just one day, september 18, 50 defenders of the elevator repelled 10 assaults, and by september 20 they had run out of ammunition, water and food. only then, with the support of tanks, were the germans able to capture the elevator, finishing off the wounded soviet soldiers. it was unprecedented in scale and intensity.
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and uh, they camouflage better, they crumble worse, that is, if the house is hit by a shell, it collapsed, then in order to raze the ruins to the ground, they really need to be razed to the ground, that is, to say, so that nothing would happen, the germans called the battles among the ruins of residential buildings a rat war,
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endless ambushes and hand-to-hand fights terrified them, piles of rubble, the skeletons of dilapidated houses, the russians... used them as breakwaters. the red army soldiers, holed up in such buildings, cut through the streams of attacking germans with well-aimed fire, destroying them in small groups. german general karl strecker wrote: “the enemy is invisible. our troops suffer heavy losses, falling into ambushes set up in basements, in collapsed buildings, in destroyed factory workshops. soviet at night. sappers mined narrow passages among the ruins, assault groups of 6-8 fighters made surprise attacks, trying to exterminate the enemy almost silently with the help of knives sharpened sapper blades. one german soldier wrote: now i know
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what real, chilling fear is. at the slightest rustle, i press the trigger and shoot until the machine gun... the germans were even more afraid of soviet snipers, they clever deceptions using stuffed animals in soldier's uniforms or hanging white flags. the most famous sniper of stalingrad was vasily zaitsev, a native of the ural village of elenenko, who personally killed 225 soldiers. enemy officers. the germans also had experience of a narrow army, they also had experience of urban battles, they reached the volga, and went through all of ukraine there. that is, there were urban battles there too. they had worked out the tactics of urban battles, but did not have enough strength. here it turned out that this is
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the resistance that they met in stalingrad in such a massive manner, that is, there were, of course, pockets of such heroic resistance before this. but here they ran into such resistance. which they were not prepared for. at the end of september, the germans tried to capture the dilapidated enterprises of stalingrad. metallurgical plant red october, weapons factory. “i cannot understand how people can survive in such a hell, but the russians are firmly entrenched in
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their ruins, basements, craters, in the chaos of steel skeletons that were once factory floors. a german corporal from the 389th infantry division, speaking of soviet soldiers, wrote: "it is impossible to imagine how desperately they defend stalingrad." they fight for him like chicken dogs. the defense of the legendary pavlov's house continued for 58 days. at the end of september , this house was recaptured from the germans by a platoon of soviet soldiers, which was later led by sergeant yakov pavlov. chuikov said that the pavlovtsy destroyed more enemy soldiers than the entire german army lost during the capture of paris. here the situation was that the same paulus. he has practically no strength left to maneuver, then there is in the conditions of urban battles in
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the same stalingrad, you ca n’t throw a regiment against pavlov’s house, it won’t get through, you can only throw companies there, these companies are gradually crushed, and if you start covering pavel’s house with artillery, then taking into account the configuration of the front, you’ll cover it too those who stormed pavel's house, for this they gave the order to their groups to retreat, well, so that they would not be hit, but... our troops, our soldiers, saw through this very quickly, so as soon as the germans retreated to leave the territory, our straightaway they advanced without engaging in battle , occupied the territory they had left, after which the germans covered the positions from which ours had left, and after that the german storming groups had to fight back what they had left, as a result it turned out that artillery support did not give anything at all, except for the loss of territory that is captured. during the fighting, tens of thousands of civilians remained in stalingrad who did not have time or
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were unable to evacuate to the left bank of the volga. they took refuge in basements, underground communications and caves dug on the slopes of the river, they ate the meat of killed horses and grain from a burnt-out elevator; it was mainly children who had to get food. understanding: the soldiers in the trenches and passages lay prone, as if they were on the deck of a ship in
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a storm. an officer of the fourteenth panzer division of the wehrmacht, rolf grams wrote. it was a terrible, exhausting battle on the ground and underground, in ruins and basements. tanks screeched up piles of broken bricks, crawled through destroyed workshops, and fired point-blank in narrow courtyards. at the cost of heavy losses, the germans managed to capture part of the tractor plant and the barricade plant, but they failed to push the red army beyond the volga. by this time, due to illness and large losses of personnel, the german offensive began to run out of steam. around the end of october, beginning of november of '42, the offensive clearly ran out of steam, despite the fact that the germans really fought to the death there. until the snow covered them until they began to freeze and die from
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hunger, in general, the germans fought alone, because all these allies, they turned out to be are incapable of this kind of intense fighting. paulus actually found himself in a completely hopeless situation, if it had been , relatively speaking, some kind of nantes, i don’t know, something french, then everything would have been fine, everything would have been enough, say, they would have taken it, they would have taken it, because that such a thing would not have happened... and here the germans could not understand how it was possible to hold the western bank of the volga for so long, in an area when the entire volga was still under fire. they couldn’t understand it, they simply, simply physically couldn’t understand it, that is, you can’t resist, but it turned out that this was possible. while the wehrmacht was completely bogged down in urban battles, intensive preparations were underway in the rear of the red army for the grandiose operation uranus. the authors of the plan, zhukov and vasilevsky, suggested that stalin
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strike the romanian positions on the flanks of paulus's sixth army south-west of stalingrad and. then surround the entire german group. preparations for the operation were carried out in the utmost secrecy. soviet soldiers moved across the steppes only at night, and had to remain camouflaged during the day invisible. 17 false bridges were built across the don to divert the attention of luftwaffe pilots from the five real ones. in total , it was concentrated on three fronts near stalingrad.
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at 7:20 am in 1942, 3,500 soviet guns and mortars opened fire on romanian positions northwest and south of stalingrad. by the middle of the day , soviet tanks swept away the romanian defenses to...
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“we began to beat the germans, the mood is now completely different, we will continue to crush the bastards, now they will pay for our blood, for the tears of our people, for violence and robbery. the sixth army put up very serious resistance, despite the ensuing famine, the lack of ammunition, the cold there, there are big problems
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. snowy steppe, many of them went crazy, and some begged the doctors to give them poison in order to quickly get rid of their suffering. hitler forbade paulus to break through the blockade ring. the fuhrer instructed the group to liberate the sixth army don armies led by manstein, but the operation , code-named winter storm , failed. on december 23, soviet tanks made a two-hundred-kilometer throw to the rear of manstein’s divisions and destroyed half of all the aircraft supplying his armies. from now on he could
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only rely on his own strength. an absolutely honest, clear general staff officer, he proposes to hitler, in connection with the current situation, this is the situation, i propose to start a breakthrough and take the troops out of the cauldron while something else can be saved. hitler says: no, what? the general staff does it, the general staff says: no, that means no. hitler always took the view that retreat is a disaster, to quickly roll up and retreat to prepared positions. under enemy attacks, this means losing part of the equipment. hitler always insisted that an army that stands and holds its ground distracts itself significantly. more troops than she has. early in the morning, january 10 , 1943, soviet troops began operation ring. within 45 minutes, 7.00
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artillery pieces and mortars rained down on german positions have tons of deadly metal. the soviet officer ignatov said that day: after such a doomsday, there is little choice. stay or lose your mind. or die. soviet troops drove the remnants of the sixth army into the ruins of stalingrad. paulus , most of the senior officers fell into a trap. they set up a command post in the basement of a department store in the central square of the city. on january 31, hitler awarded paulus the rank of field marshal. realizing that they were handing him a cup of poison, paulus exclaimed: “i’m not going to shoot myself for the sake of this corporal." on the same day, soviet troops occupied the city center and took paulus prisoner. paulus surrendered, having exhausted all possibilities for resistance. that is, to say that
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pavelis could have held out there for another 2 years is, well, that is stupidity. he could not hold on, apparently , and could not hold on for an extra day. if today we arrive in volgograd, and there in the central basement of the central federal store there is an exhibition where paulus’s last headquarters is, well, that is, it is clear. if this is the headquarters of the army commander, that means his operation to protect the city has already ended, because this is not a headquarters, this is a basement in which the commander sits like a bomb shelter, that is, in general, there is basically nothing to manage from there. once captured, friedrich paulus agreed to cooperate with the soviet authorities. in 1944, he signed an appeal to the german people calling for their elimination.
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after stalingrad, hitler stopped listening to classical music, that is, he had a breakdown, which means it had an effect on hitler, if it had this effect on hitler, then how this had an effect, well, on any individual german, not to mention the inhabitants of the occupied territories, we must remember that after stalingrad, turkey finally abandoned the plan to invade the soviet union, these were the plans, it was after the battle of stalingrad that such states like croatia, hungary and the same.
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the divisions that fought at stalingrad were distributed among different armies and fronts in order to further raise the morale of soviet soldiers, it was decided to return to the army the rank of officer shoulder straps, which were abolished after the revolution, the soviet people rejoiced, sergeant alexander smirnov, who fought at stalingrad, said: after that, the soldiers no longer had any doubts about how it would end.
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let us remember that the formation of the anti-hitler coalition began precisely in 1943 . what is significant about this victory? first of all , by how the leaders of the united states and great britain reacted to it. it was not just like that; no other battle was awarded such high awards as here. let's remember that on behalf of president rosvelt an honorary letter was sent to the soviet union letter, well, the most significant, of course, was the famous sword presented by the heroic defender of stalingrad from the english. king, that is, from great britain, there is an inscription on it in english in russian, which was roughly translated this way to the citizens of stalingrad, hard as steel. in retribution
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for the greatest victory they had won. signing a commemorative certificate on the occasion of the stalingrad victory, us president franklin roosevelt said: “on behalf of the people of the united states of america, i present this certificate to the city of stalingrad to commemorate our admiration for its valiant defenders , whose courage, fortitude and dedication will forever inspire."
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia. you will find them in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, honestly convenient , how to vote on a trip, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks the rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote in the village, directly, be mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i have already
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written a statement on this, by the way, everyone... mobile choice, choice in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, orthodox animals adults and children relax in nature and celebrate christmas, one of the most important christian holidays, on the eve holiday, putin spoke with the families of military personnel who died during the special military operation in an informal setting in novoogoryovo. the president emphasized that the state will continue to provide all necessary support to the families of the northern military district soldiers. many of our men, courageous, our heroic guys, russian warriors, etc.


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