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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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orthodox christians celebrate one of the most important christian holidays - christmas. in moscow, in the cathedral church of christ the savior, the divine liturgy was led by patriarch kirill. during the holiday , take the orthodox relic , the trinity icon of andrei rublev, to the cathedral. in moscow , 550 churches will be open at night; about a million people are expected to visit them. every year.
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we go to church, meet the radio, advocate with the children, naturally, we always stand until the morning, pray, thank god for everything, and also ask that there always be hope, there has always been faith, usually every year we gather with the whole family at the table, prepare a festive dinner, remember christ, about him, how he came into this world, description, we also bless the country, the president, it so happened that this year we are in moscow and decided to visit the main temple of our country. we are incredibly glad that we have this opportunity to enjoy this moment. on christmas eve , zelensky’s formations fired at the dpr over forty times. there are dead and wounded, nevertheless in churches christmas services are underway on the front line. o brave souls, stanislav.
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this christmas eve people are asked not to come to churches. the central part of donetsk, now workers are choosing the consequences of shelling. ukrainian militants hit residential areas with naty- type missiles in khaymarsk, causing damage to buildings. priests conduct christmas services, prayer services and sacramental rites right on the front line. we are very grateful to you, you know this, he loves you.
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they appreciate your service, your feat. in order not to attract the attention of enemy aerial reconnaissance, along the line of combat contact, priests put on camouflage to positions and walk on foot. love for the heavenly fatherland begins with love for the earthly fatherland. and this is the expression of our love for the heavenly fatherland, for our homeland - this is our service to everyone in the place where the lord has called us. to support the soldiers spiritually, to reveal the spiritual meaning of the war, because wars are not only a side of conflict, we defend our way of thinking, our drones are hitting the fortified dugouts of the armed forces near donetsk.
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in response to today's brutal attack our aircraft take to the skies against the peaceful cities of the republic against militants. stanislav nazarov, vitaly gadanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. the russian army repelled six more attacks in su, and in the zaporozhye direction they attacked three brigades at once. the command post of the donetsk group was hit by the kiev army in the krasnoarmeysk area. zelensky’s formations lost 550 soldiers and mercenary officers. three tanks and eight other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as seven gaubets, missile systems and self-propelled guns. the downed helicopter is not eight and 29 combat drones. command the ukrainian armed forces mercilessly sends soldiers to certain death on the left bank of the dnieper. this is broadcast by the german tv channel welt. he emphasizes that from a military point of view this is not the case.
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they seized the initiative there, the ukrainian armed forces suffered heavy losses, but the kiev command still sends soldiers to unpromising positions. obviously, to demonstrate activity to american partners in order to receive funding from them. british experts indicate that after massive russian strikes on ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities , panic is observed in kiev. they fear that the west will force you to negotiate with moscow. boris will tell you how the ukrainian authorities are losing the favor of their allies. the new year for ukraine began with bad news. denmark has so far decided not to transfer the promised f-16 fighters. the country's ministry of defense said it was too early. sluggishness in the supply of western equipment to kiev is now the main topic in many foreign media. the new york times leaves little hope for support from
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the united states. white house and pentagon officials have warned that the united states will soon be unable to supply ukrainian patriot batteries. interceptor missiles, the cost of which. can range from two to four million dollars apiece . the kiev regime is already running out of ammunition. analysts at aol journal calculated that while in the summer the ssu spent 7,000 shells per day, now only 2.0. this is five times less than russia, which has seriously increased its capacity over the past six months, they summarize overseas. western financial assistance for the supply of ammunition to ukraine is drying up, and its public support is showing some cracks. russia, with its large population, has held out so far. really ukraine will soon have nothing to fight with, reporters asked at a briefing at the white house, biden’s adviser was trying to get out of a frying pan. the most effective response is to continue
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to provide ukraine with air defense systems and other types of military equipment. to do this, we need congress to immediately approve our request for additional funding for ukraine. john kirby, of course, congress could have done this twice before the new year, but it went on vacation, leaving kiev with nothing until the next consideration of the military aid package for almost 2 more weeks, the united states is deliberately distancing itself from the ukrainian conflict, experts say. they simply do not have enough weapons production capacity to support both conflicts at the appropriate level, in israel and ukraine. naturally, ukraine is being left on the principle of what will remain after what. will not take israel, and america today is very openly, pay attention, pushing kiev to a pause in all positions, but kiev is not ready for a pause, men are being taken to the front all over the country, the military commissar even allowed enter houses and enterprises , so they surrounded a car, the driver of which
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was trying to hide from forced mobilization, in ukraine this became the word of the year, the kiev creators of the language dictionary summed up, mobilization pushed out another candidate counter-offensive, which, unfortunately, received much more media support than logistics, and as a result, brought more frustration than visible results. in order not to fall into the trenches, the giants take crazy risks and unimaginable expenses. they gave us 5.00 dollars here these draft dodgers wanted to cross the raft to moldova, but they were caught. another ukrainian was luckier; he managed to swim across the freezing river and end up in romania. this is me, all wet, all naked, this is me. all wet, all naked , only in a jacket, but, finally, the air of freedom, drags the fridy weight, despite the regalia, in these frames it is difficult to recognize the singer andrei lisovsky, where are you taking the guy, this artist used to perform in russia, but then
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went to ukraine because of his position, and recently released a video criticizing the kiev mode. the reprisal did not take long to arrive. the video itself has already been deleted from social networks several times. ukraine does not want to hear or see the truth. on local television on christmas eve there is a riot of devils. these hellish dances were shown on the ukrainian telethon, the so-called unified news, which broadcast only one position of the kiev regime. the audience themselves are already tired of such propaganda - even the western press admits. according to a recent survey. kiev international institute of sociology , the number of ukrainians who say that trust in the telethon has dropped sharply over time, from 69% in may of 2020 to 43% last month. another study found that more than 40% of ukrainians say they support ending the program.
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many critics say the telethon does more harm than good. the rampage in ukraine seems unstoppable. they even released a new, supposedly church calendar, where boris ivanin matvey popov and olga albukhina will celebrate christmas on january 7th. dear soldier, thank you for protecting me for that. restored holiday the gospel is a symbol of the inextricable ties between russia and the holy land. are my parents here? yeah, i don't know what that means, but that's them. where am i afraid to ask. each to their own path.
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when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions. to save at any cost, parents of children
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who have been diagnosed with rare diseases buy drugs abroad that are prohibited in our country and are subject to criminal prosecution. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. varya really likes it when i read books. she has such attacks that she stops breathing. nine notes-1 part three , uh-huh, come on, sit down, now, sit down, i have a desire to cure my son, smuggling of psychotropic drugs, in my opinion, these substances are very strong, they are not a criminal offense at all, i have there is no choice, i can’t put a child’s life on the line, from 10 to 20 years in prison, you have to look into each specific case, that is , the drugs that you could get at a pharmacy in khabarovsk, they didn’t help you. the fact that the drug is not from russia, it doesn’t even knew, it was objectively visible that he
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understood what he was ordering, medications should not be given away, they can and must be sent back to the sender, on our website you can purchase narcotic substances, of course no one writes this, everything is fine, tv, refrigerator, walks, criminal cases of drug smuggling , the security forces are excited with enviable regularity, most often... his enterprising businessmen are trying to order narcotic substances from online stores under the guise of medicines, in order to then resell them and receive significant profit. sometimes, on the advice of doctors they know, respectable citizens prescribe from abroad antidepressants or dietary supplements that are prohibited in our country. and it also happens that parents strive to cure their children of a serious illness. and buy life-saving pills, such people are usually detained. the reason is smuggling. but is there
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any criminal prosecution for foreign drugs ordered over the internet? how to save your child without going to jail, who is stamping pill cases? we took up this matter and conducted their investigation.
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volgograd resident yulia kislyak has not worked for several years. she spends 24 hours a day with her daughter varia. the girl needs constant attention and care. five-year-old varia has focal epilepsy, a rare neurological disease, attacks of which can happen at any second. varya really likes it when i read books, which ones
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do i like best, that is, fairy tales or what? fairy tales, poems, books like this, just... going down carefully, the task, frankly speaking, is not easy, this is how it happens, because that the child is 10, 18 kg, plus the stroller is more than 10 kg, and this is also a lightweight stroller, later they will only leave the heavier ones where they go.
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having reached the playground, yulia stops and begins her incredible story about how she almost became a smuggler. varvara, unfortunately, has health problems, we are diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a chromosomal anomaly, this is a breakdown of the eighth chromosome, non-hereditary and also focal epilepsy. yulia kislyak used to be a methodologist by profession. worked in the railway technical school, 3 years after the birth of my daughter , i went part-time in order to pay more attention to the child, but soon had to quit. in 1920, varvara had her first travel attack, we underwent an examination, we were diagnosed with focal epilepsy, well, subsequently we
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constantly selected therapy, because epilepsy is such an insidious disease, that is, not a single doctor will tell you that... percentage guarantee that this medicine will suit your child, we can treat it ourselves with the help of medicine in rectal form, and accordingly , so as not to wait for an argument, because this count can already be said to be in minutes, because most likely, here we are, she has such attacks that breathing stops, and here you already understand, even these 10 minutes, while we are waiting for the ambulance, that is, they decide a lot, they have selected the necessary drug. when the pills ran out, yulia went to the clinic so that the child could be provided with the necessary medicine as quickly as possible, but the woman never received an answer from the doctors and decided to act on her own. just in i found out in a search engine that i needed to buy this drug there in some dosage in rectal form, and it gave me
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several sites, so i went to the site, that is, i found out there.
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her daughter varya, now we’ll move to khabarovsk.
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dmitry vaulin, former police officer, currently convicted. he was sentenced to four years in prison for smuggling potent substances. the man categorically disagrees with the court's decision . he says that he ended up behind bars unknowingly, he actually bought medicines, but only for myself. and i learned that it contained prohibited substances already during the investigation.
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i decided to order it through an online resource, i had previously ordered it, but it helped me , it helped me, in some sense, the pain went away, i
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felt more or less fine, that is, drugs that could be obtained at a pharmacy in khabarovsk, they didn’t help you, no, for some time dmitry vaulin took pills, and he really felt better, but the medicine ran out and he ordered it.
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11, no, even later, probably after 11 o'clock he already showed up, everyone where he was, they lost you , the fsb says at the post office, they took him with some kind of parcel from belarus, well, of course, we were in shock, they threatened to search him there and so on, they intimidated him, so, allegedly some prohibited substances arrived, well, it was up to the employees to unravel the case... the eastern interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of russia established this fact of the possibility of acquisition
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of potent prohibited substances by this citizen and, accordingly, various measures were carried out promptly measures aimed at identifying this person, including how they directly went by mail to the addressee at the time of receipt. the postal item was detained, subsequent preliminary research showed that this specifically refers to potent substances that are prohibited for circulation in the russian federation, which was the basis for initiating a criminal case. dmitry vaulin remembers very well, down to the smallest details, the events of that day when in his arms the handcuffs snapped shut. well, i was a little, so to speak, not just shocked, i was puzzled by what, how, why. i was detained, i was sure that the parcel did not violate anything, i did not even foresee and did not know what was in this parcel, and one more circumstance.
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however, the investigation believes that vaulin is simply being disingenuous when he talks about not knowing anything, it’s enough to pay attention to how carefully the former policeman checked where the cargo was at a given time, look, he ordered on february 10, and received it on may 14, at over a long period of time he at least
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64 times...
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something clicks for him, something hurts, but of course, yes, the drug, well, it seemed necessary, why didn’t he buy it with a prescription, well, as far as i know, he didn’t they prescribed this drug, they prescribe it for other diagnoses, but no one else can use the internet resource where vaulin ordered his medications, it is blocked by roskomnadzor. it can be noted that the creators of the online trading platform understood well what they were doing and what they were selling, and they also said, probably yes, that on the site it wasn’t written on the label that it was a highly active substance, no, it shouldn’t be here on our website, you can buy narcotic substances, but of course no one writes this, and if you directly follow the links on the website and so on, it becomes clear , that these are still substances
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prohibited, as it were, by the russian federation, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant hut, miraculously killing herself. didn't kill anyone, why complexity, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could have forgiven, but according to the law - then siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, now i’ll cut off my tongue.


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