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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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today is one of the main church holidays - christmas. on christmas eve, vladimir putin met with the relatives of the soldiers killed during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting in novogoriv. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, warriors of russia, even now defend their interests with weapons in their hands on this holiday. our country, therefore
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, firstly, i would like you and i to congratulate everyone on this holiday, secondly, secondly, i would like our meeting to be such a clear, understandable signal for all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation, and at all levels, so that it would be a clear signal to be with you always and everywhere. my colleagues, i repeat at any level of power, management, so that you always feel next to you people who, if necessary, can support , help, come to the rescue if you need it, and life is complex, diverse, there are always cases and they often arise when i need outside support, i hope that this will happen during the meeting in novoogoryovo the president congratulated those gathered on...
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invited his guests to the man-made spasan church, this is the house church of the residence in novoogoryovo. the president celebrated last christmas in the annunciation cathedral of the moscow kremlin. patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill congratulated the believers on christmas. today, most of all , i would like to wish that every home, every family, every heart, is illuminated, enlightened, and renewed. the warming and transforming light
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of christ's nativity, so that we share this unfading warm light with each other true faith, unshakable hope and true love, doing good deeds, comforting and supporting those who need our help and participation, and therefore filling life with lasting meaning, joy, happiness and peace. happy holiday, dear ones, merry christmas . and during the special military operation, soldiers of the central district took part in a festive service in the krasnolimansky direction. for this purpose , a mobile orthodox church arrived at the location of the military personnel. having carried out malebin, the priest distributed to the defenders fatherland pocket icons crosses. they were also given gifts, letters and drawings of children from parishioners of one of the ural dioceses, with fighters who profess islam, prayed and...
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difficult for all children, well, we are trying to support ourselves much more in all plans and in all respects, we are very it’s joyful when people come to us from all regions, priests don’t forget on holidays, well, most of all i want to say that we will win and victory will be ours, then a special report: olga matsyevskaya about
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the feat of the donbass miners, watch directly now. i issue an ultimatum to stop the punitive actions of the kiev junta within 24 hours. there was one gun between us, hunters, injuries, beats, even once vladimir vladimirovich putin said, yes , donbass doesn’t drive empty, we are all with character, bankrupt ukraine wanted some kind of happy life, well...
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you and i are at monument to your liberator donbass. this monument, in the form of a sculptural image of a miner and a soldier, symbolizes the liberation of our region in 1943 . this composition is 30 m high. and here. you also see a symbolic image of coal seams, that is, again , a reminder of the role the miners played in the initial period of the great patriotic war, during the liberation mission.
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there were three of them, 393, 395. and 383, 393 were formed in the city of slavensk, 395 in warslaw and our division was formed in the city of stalin. these days, our valiant miners defend the borders of our donetsk people's republic with dignity. born in the city of donetsk, studied, worked in
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a mine until the fourteenth, well, since the fourteenth everything had already changed, we were coming in from the other side, our task was to go up to these five floors, we were walking by car. the enemy was in five-story buildings, but it turns out the enemy is there, shelling is going on, all this was impossible in cars, and we had to take a bull with us, we had to take food with us, as much as we could carry, from that side, from that landing we we had already crossed the field, just then we were met by guys from the motorized rifle battalion who were seeing us off and everyone received their task, each sector had already moved on for the offensive, here's the yellow shop, you see, uh-huh. you can see something yellow behind the trees, there is a church there, by the way, it was also broken by ukraine, the enemy was already there, and a woman is standing, waving to you, smiling
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, here it opened, or rather, this woman suddenly disappeared somewhere, the window was broken out by the enemy already they started firing at you from there , they kept you hostage, but well... maybe a relative, but well, you won’t ask too much in combat, but it turns out that they were hiding behind, so the residents of this house there of those houses said that many in basements they kept many in their apartments , they didn’t let them out, they actually covered themselves as if with a living brush , everything was burning, you see, everything has already been restored, everything has been restored, people are already living, the windows are already in place, these houses, that wasn’t it, these are generally new houses, which they built recently, they simply drove out infantry fighting vehicles through...
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the public, at first we wanted all this, naturally, as they say, with rallies, to put forward demands, to show the working class that we do not agree with this, but no one heard us, so ...
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over your own to correct your mistakes, for me it’s a great honor to serve with the guys who, yes, it was a difficult year in the fourteenth year, the fifteenth year, because food provision, but thank you, there were people who helped us in any way they could, but i ’ll tell you, almost 80% , here i have a battalion, maybe 75-80, the only ones left are those guys who started serving in 1914, who... have been all over the world, and what kind of work are you doing? i’m from the city of
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donetsk, from the petrovsky district, i worked at a mine, trudovskaya, also in the petrovsky district, which was already bombed, it’s basically gone, well, the coal reserves were good, it could have worked for another 70 years, producing coal, well, i hope that if we drive it further, maybe they will restore the mine, maybe it will start working, maybe i’ll go to the mine. work, work, well, yes, we need to defend our homeland, in the fourteenth year it all started, i went to serve, to fight, i have a grandfather, the kingdom of heaven, a miner, one second, well, as one might say, he followed in the footsteps, he started this very thing, the airport was liberated , the terminal is new, then this was the industrial zone, well, there between avdiivka, well... wahoo stormed marenka, of course, the soul
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rejoices, rejoices, firstly, that we finally achieved our goal, liberated the city, people began to live much, i think, better, everything was very sad here, not not because there was a war, but it’s just that the communications were all broken with... no one could see them, that no one had repaired them, the city was gray, now construction is underway, broken houses are being restored, we have already liberated all these houses, the locals warned us well, they said that there are still dry land on the clean ones, moved there, did a cleanup there , burned down the ntlb with a zushka, from the fourteenth year
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, this is in donetsk, there was the dpr, this republic was already founded, no matter how difficult it was, hard, people somehow tried to work somewhere, they understood, what they are striving for, here, just like ukraine was there from the year ninety-one, so it was... until, let’s say, until the year twenty-two, so it was, you see, yes, five-story buildings, people keep piglets , they keep the chickens right there, because they need to eat, somehow, they need to feed themselves something, well, now you can see even by damage to the houses, here's the new masonry , here it stands , that's it, these houses were all on fire, so that's the direction of arrival... it was visible from there, that's where we were, then
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there was enemy artillery, we were coming from that side, so it was clear where where they were killed from. you are standing there, now write your name , sign me up, i will come to you, without a summons, you will offer them to go to the west, why haven’t you opened a single criminal case in the west, please?
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money we had a hard time, yes, but we were united with each other, they still serve, and i think these are real patriots, real , let’s say, residents of great russia, our republic, who showed themselves to be heroes, 9 years is not a year, not two, but 9 years, they called us indians.
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to say that the division at the beginning was not very well equipped, here we see a pistol, a machine gun, a dekterev, and such weapons were not enough, that is , the soldiers had to get these weapons in battle, but as it was, at first you are at checkpoints with sticks , yes , he stood there, then somewhere some police officers turned out, some others there surrendered, they
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already there, well, some kind of weapon appeared there to protect, someone there with guns, someone with small things, i don’t know, the men looked like hunters with... whatever they had, i worked at the skochinsky mine, fifth-class grosser , when the ukrainian coup began, we didn’t like it , that they began to set their own rules for us here, they stood up and began to defend their side, but to me it’s more that i already went to do something specific, to storm there and the like , there to drive away from here, or to defend, that’s when they started... the enemy
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was here, there used to be a school - a tax office, a college, a transfusion station , it was here that there was a cluster, a kindergarten there a little lower, the enemy was located in these buildings, here opposite there were two-story buildings in which snipers were sitting for a couple of days, let's say, practically, the enemy was driven out of here. the school, of course, was , you know, how to let the blue one into the garden, they also already did it inside with the school, even after we knocked them out, they just started hitting the school with artillery for that, well, for nothing building, but even if you are correct in saying that no one gets it, you see, our task was to take it so that everything remained intact, but ukraine has to break it so that no one gets it, so the artillery worked. it’s just that there were empty buildings , we weren’t at the school or at the tax office, so, but they decided to demolish the city, apparently,
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there was a post in this same house, there was a basement behind the house, too, when they started coming here. someone appeared, something appeared, but before it was necessary there under the carriages there under one fly by train to see if there is anyone there or not, well, on the other hand
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, the enemy practically didn’t see us either, when we entered, we suddenly ran into the enemy, here they had a fortification behind this fence , trenches had been dug, they were standing their tents were there, the officers were here. we saw them, started throwing grenades there, started shooting, they left here, i came back from the army, after my conscription, i went to the mine, and since childhood i dreamed of being a military man, but something happened so bad that i went to work in the mine, yes because there was only corruption in this ukrainian army, when they served conscripts , there was nothing to do there, they only went...
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a native donetsk citizen was a miner all his life, his father was a miner, his uncles were miners, our people are not spoiled, if they said, potatoes we’ll bake in the fire, eat, go to bed, no one was ever indignant, so when they began to storm the ukropov trenches, we looked at what they were eating there. i think you can’t fight with such a belly, on february 24 we were ahead of them, if you characterize the raspberry by to the enemy, what we happened to see
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were those prisoners that we had, who, well, these are drug addicts, who simply shot at people because, well, it’s like some kind of safari for them, apparently for them these are the same positions . it’s been almost a year and a half since volnovakha was liberated, and they’re still
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hanging around. pieces of iron, a funnel, nature still takes over, everything is already overgrown with grass, i can’t really say that it once happened, there was an arrival, here even fragments remain, one, here’s another one, this flew over us, here’s another one, this was their supporter. i don’t know what they were guarding here, the bridge was their only retreat from the wave, maybe it was planned in the future, when they retreated there, to blow up, when we approached the bridge, we had already begun hostilities here , the enemy began from here, in short, to abandon their positions and get over to this side, climb out of the road tracks, along the way he scattered what he could, dragged,
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changed clothes, he was wearing some kind of police clothes, they were running, they were dragging civilian clothes with them, taking them here a person was captured, they wouldn’t have noticed , look, he’s wearing a tracksuit, the sleeves are short, these pants are short, who are you, where are the documents, there’s nothing, they found a military id in your socks,
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you’re lucky in your job to quickly defeat the german invaders, group commanders give commands, they often bring them from the children . i have one with me, just a second, here it is from the girl, dear soldier, thank you. for your protection, for the fact that i go to school and can live in peace, come back soon with victory. alina, fifth in, tulga city, thank you very much for warm words, letters inspire, raise morale, on august 9 my house was broken, my grandmother died, i can’t afford a home, it’s old
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stalin. i lived there, that is, there is nowhere else to go, that’s it, there is no home, when will anything be restored there, now this is the situation, everyone understands everything, so there is nowhere to go back yet. “if they feel bad and hard, they will never show it, that’s practically all, there was no such case that someone there, i don’t know, didn’t let me in or complained there, complained to me, or i would listen from the sidelines, here here we are we climbed this slope, just got there,
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the enemy was on..."


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