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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

7:30 am
on the asphalt, our guys there also ran, received mortal wounds , this whole procedure went on for about 7.5 hours, after volnovakha had already been liberated, that was it, well, we thought right away literally, before leaving from here, they wanted to erect a monument, they thought, thought, we decided to take the vocational school, there were also military operations there, it’s all the same there. moreover
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, local people came to the park there, who were there when we passed, well, they freed them, began to bring flowers, cleanliness, order, they mowed it all down business, thank you very much, father, thank you, when you kick out the sulidar, everything has its time, everything has its time, father, we’ll kick you out, where can we go, our land is also coal-bearing , so thank you for everything. my name is nikolai nikolaevich, i’m here, so to speak, deputy director for design, i understand, i understand, i always wanted to be like my uncles.
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i have an uncle on my mother’s side, kolya baybalin, he worked in a mine all his life, on my father’s side, viktor vladimirovich kuzmin, fate itself, as they say, brought the father’s line, but my father i’m an agronomist, yes, and if you take his brothers, even his sister, even his mother and his, my grandmother, they were all connected at one time with the mining profession, just like on the maternal side, here’s my uncle, yes, he worked in the mine.. .his father, grandfather ivan, he went through the entire great patriotic war, his last was the war with the japanese, and he returned to donetsk, came himself, although he was originally from the volgograd region, from the voronezh region, but he came then to raise the donbass , to work in a mine, he also worked almost his entire life in a mine, and he reached berlin, from berlin it was already transferred to the far east from the japanese.
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just go out and take a walk, our children don’t see anything, they don’t see anything, the fact that they constantly sit in basements, in apartments on the street they don’t really go out, then the petals, then these cassette tapes now, the children don’t see, they ’re scared in general to let go somewhere, you don’t know where it’s coming from, children, they don’t have a prosperous childhood, so that people, damn it, come out not gray, as they walk now, because they are constantly shooting, but so that people walk around, enjoy life, i want to finish the house, in the fourteenth
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i got up a year ago and that’s it, i laid everything with tiles for half the bathtub, it’s been standing for about 9 years now. danetsk without a war is how it used to be, only as part of russia everything is fine, but not with ukraine within 24 hours of hostile actions. rather than look at it 100 times, it is better
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7:40 am
on november 3, 1961, the us agency for international development was founded. the united states in the field of providing assistance abroad, but the assistance of the american government to other countries is very specific. agency for international development abbreviation is a structure, federal
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a structure not associated with any party, which was created in 1961 under kennedy to consolidate all humanitarian projects, including the marshall plan. today it is a very powerful instrument for financing humanitarian, human rights, and economic activities. us affairs abroad. the results of the work of this organization are very, very ambiguous. on the one hand, yusite’s money, which is really very impressive, supports a very large number of human rights, economic, humanitarian projects around the world. on the other hand, these projects are very powerful, let alone.
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it also includes an element of counteraction, that is, as described in american manuals in official documents, american public diplomacy is aimed at counteraction, counteraction to whom? counteraction to russia, china and iran, plus international terrorism, that is , a special center for global engagement has been created in the state department, which essentially deals with the spread of disinformation about our country.
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in latin america, southeast asia and the middle east, that is, the usa is
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an effective tool for realizing us foreign policy goals, which are packaged in a very attractive package of spreading democracy, well, the filling is often not as pleasant as the packaging, and actually sets its goal strengthening usa, the projection of their interests into various regions under the pretext of spreading democracy, almost all the velvet revolutions, by the way, the name of the velvet revolution appeared from czechoslovakia, and from vaclav havel, so they were sponsored through this agency and financed.
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the largest opposition political movement in poland, solidarity was created and funded through programs through the agency for international development. in russia, the activities of this organization took place from 91 to...
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a memorial - some things connected with khodorkovsky, with navalny, but with navalny in the twelfth year they were deprived of accreditation there according to mead's statement, but they did not stop funding, they finance through others organizations, let's say, non-profit, this same organization sponsored and financed the creation, including the creation...
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of organizations, these are the soros foundations, these are the macarthur foundations, this is the carnegie foundation and many others. the system of work of this organization is such that the organization itself is not directly involved in any programs, but for this purpose it awards grants for these grants, as if programs are carried out by non-governmental organizations, that is, this kind of agency is the core of the state department. because the work of this organization is like similar to the work of embassies, which are networks of embassies that are located around the world. they, with the help of other us agencies, primarily the us agency for global media, the us agency for international development,
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they have a huge network of non-governmental organizations affiliated with the agency for international development. all over the world, not only american, but foreign ones who are donors of american aid, people receive salaries from the us government, so they broadcast the american point view in their region, while the ngo may be registered in a third country, and thus we will not say that this is an american ngo, but the money is received from american taxpayers, and since the americans pay, then...
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then the situation may be somewhere- then it was clearer and more transparent than now, everyone understood that such projects, of course, were closely connected with the cia in the united states of america, and perhaps they solved humanitarian problems, but to that extent, in only those countries which were of particular interest to united states of america, during the collapse of the soviet union, it became commonplace when an expert was included. groups as part of humanitarian, that is, missions , a huge number of cia employees came to us, and not only to us, but all over the world, under... the guise of environmental organizations, humanitarian organizations, and usaid has its representative offices all over the world , and as they say, technology, only with
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the help of further, how to say, their technologies, they include cia employees there who are engaged in information disputes, which is the most valuable product in international relations today. of course, after the collapse of the soviet union , after the end of the cold war , the triumphant march of democratic values ​​around the world began, as we say today, and within the framework of this ideological, unipolar view of world politics, the esi significantly strengthened, but at the same time ceased be short on funds. and one of these very odious projects that was implemented by ngos with the support of usaid was the case of the kuwaiti babies, which was
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fabricated, and the representatives themselves later foresaw that it was fabricated in order to justify, including before congress, the beginning of the gulf war, well, here it must be said that before and... such kind of public accusations of brutal violations of human rights were used by the usa and controlled, well, controlled, organizations financed by them, and in order, for example, to pass through congress this or that bill that was beneficial to the presidential administration, or, for example, justify the start of a military operation in any region of the world. the most effective tool of the usa as a whole of american humanitarian...policy is international exchange programs, when young people come to study in the usa, when in parallel
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american universities are opened around the world, usa, american corners are actively involved in this process, and we should note here the interdepartmental cooperation, there is practically no interdepartmental struggle here, because all the institutions of the american... americans still
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make money on their humanitarian projects, firstly, students from other countries bring $37 billion to the us treasury annually, and secondly, with regard to infrastructure projects, humanitarian in foreign countries, according to the us trade and development agency. usa, so americans still make good money from their humanitarian projects. “dear soldier, thank you for your protection, for
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the fact that i go to school and can live in peace. operation bagration became a triumph of our military art. this is the same famous in the soviet union, indian tea with an elephant , which everyone drank, but about which little was known."
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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god, with your power, destroy our enemies through ukraine’s readiness to fight to the last. come to church, hear there is moscow speech , that's it, you can set fire, do it calmly, fire in these matters is normal.
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today is one of the main church holidays - christmas. on christmas eve , vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting in novoogoryovo. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, are warriors of russia. and now on this holiday they are defending the interests of our country with arms in hand. and that's why
8:01 am
i... first of all, i would like us...


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