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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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congratulations again and wish you all the very best, now i won’t talk about very subtle, difficult, maybe even things on the eve of the holiday concerning your families, but i want to assure you once again that we will always be by your side, here i am i would ask the priest to say a few words about today's event, please, for the invitation, allow me to convey the blessing of his compatriots to moscow russia, today is truly a historical event, for the first time, for the first time, in the presidency of the largest country we'll meet the president on christmas eve and we'll be here.
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i really liked the arabic ones , i liked them all, they are all my friends now , i have all these, yeah, but no one and i went for a ride, just without interfering, well, okay , time didn’t allow it, time, by the way, i’m that for our russia, yeah, you have an exhibition in your hands, i’m a programmer, i’ll program, i want.
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and what book does her dad have, because my dad is a hero of russia, he gave his life for all of us, i invite you to the presentation, then there will be time, come, thank you very much, i i’ll definitely try, and you give me a book.
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bite me off once with your lip just like that - and the main thing is that the main thing is that it’s not with your teeth, it’s not well, it’s sloppy, yeah , well, there are absolutely small horses and there are just the biggest ones , donotskaya is called with a whole size, this is a table, well, something like this, choose a big big who used to did you skate?
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oh, my friends and i went to a stable somewhere, i don’t even know, now i’m interested in robotics, so i would like to become a programmer, i really like it, so i ’ll figure it out later, that’s why, like this, what grade are you in, i’m in the fifth, it’s not cool, it’s cool for me and you’re studying. for about 4 years, yes, i built robots from lego, then i programmed there and went to competitions, what is the name of the teacher who
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teaches, sergey vasilyevich, vasilyevich hello, vladimir vladimirovich, you know, i would like to thank yours. team, here alexey alexander was with us and another one, we don’t know what this person’s name is, but he was always with us, everything was so organized, that is, well, we were very different, well, in general all ages, but we had such a program, that is, everyone found something for themselves, so we felt under such great care, when even today one of our and such faithful companions did not go, we would also be upset.
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he was so impressed at the exhibition, yes, it’s just an amazing exhibition, i’m still commenting, but it even touched me deeply, what to study, there’s a laboratory there, well , the laboratory needs a higher level, but we decided that we would definitely come there, and there is such a stand with history, where there is such an important whirlwind when your speech is about the fact that a...
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at school they will recognize me after that at the candy you weren’t no it was very cold oh yes and i really liked the concert of the naughty boy there it’s modern but very tasty well yes there are a bunch of them all beautiful, well, i’m just doing figure skating, we also staged a silkcracker there and i took part in it.
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everything everything in moscow weren’t you at this for the first time the first time? the scale is impressive and the climate, well , they say on the internet -50, probably 50, but here, and man, does it feel like it’s getting lighter? well at -50.
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do you work in a preschool? in college? yeah, well, college is just for work. with children, and this is along the lines of preparation for future work with children, with children, well, modest , like a princess,
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even though i’ve lived in moscow since childhood, it seems like i’ve already seen everything many times, but due to the fact that there was school, some things to do, i didn’t have time to go anywhere at all, so i’m very glad that i finally visited great places in moscow that i haven’t been to for a long time and just like new year’s holidays, thank you very much, and to you what did you like most? i liked the zoo and atom the most
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, thank you very much for all of this, i really liked it, we saw pandas at the zoo, a panda and a baby panda, and no, no, a little panda appeared there, they said that for now you can’t watch her, because she’s there with her mother, but it’s not cold, that’s it. science, no, philosophy is not science, and not art, no, what is philosophy
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, philosophy is the frontier, it is the border of knowledge, such advanced knowledge, science, so to speak, processes, and philosophy does that’s right, she’s talking about something that people haven’t yet been able to, that is, discover with the help of scientific theorems, somehow develop it, yeah, about things that are still beyond the limits of such familiar, scientific, understandable knowledge, so - i think these are wonderful things, and very interesting.
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with such an opportunity, i sincerely believe that we have a family for all those who have left, a family of heroes, everyone deserves to be here, but we have a certain obstacle, we have it, we have sons, there is also a woman, a mother, that is, dmitrieva.
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on january 9, earn money by telegram, that’s it then i with my peace of mind, together with the muddyka , i will serve and say to the top that i did everything and used my chance as much as possible, so that when i go there, and i met all these guys, deenie, all our fighters, she said: to me
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no shame, please, i need your hand, i need to understand what the problem is, so... i ’ll tell you, i have everything, i think, your assistants, i have a whole page there, all these stories have their own names, no i know, definitely, definitely, and i just don’t feel like it for a long time now, especially if you have prepared, as i understand it, you work for the foundation, i work for the foundation, i am involved in public projects, but due to the fact that the tambov brigade, it turns out, there was a chief of staff, all the guys around him were subordinates, that is, i basically ... we have such wonderful mentors, i got a quarter this year , i go to school every time and there are beetles, our hero of our modern time, tashken denis
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ivanov, the legendary camry, i think every time how amazing the idea is because the connection of times. the connection between generations is always here, not somewhere in the museum, and here, i really want it to come out abroad too, because it really touches the shower, although denis ivanov is there, but we are all proud of us, thank you very much, thank you for that, we actually, for this purpose we gathered to talk about these, so that i could have it back, maybe something like from the fund, because people turn to us specifically for regional payments in the event of death.
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who signed contracts with bars, but they don’t accept other volunteers, why, they refuse, i don’t know, well, that’s me, to be honest, you don’t even know about this case , well, because we... it’s as if suddenly people come to us with these problems , this is a problem that definitely exists, thank
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you, i’ll talk to the company about correcting the wishes , i think everyone will agree, the employees, coordinators of our fund, defenders of the fatherland there is no connection with the ministry of defense, that is, people turn to us, but we do not have a payment in case of death there. part, sagaz, and we don’t know how to help them, because we don’t have these levers, the ministry of defense, of course, won’t listen, somehow there is no connection , it would be good, somehow it was established, somehow to speed up these moments, i will definitely talk to the minister, but i don’t know how to plan there, now in what state we were planning even make changes to the charter of your foundation so that this is back. that is, so that you determine the quality of the services that people provide, so that this information comes to you automatically, and you have the importance of influencing this process, but we don’t influence, and this is
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very difficult, you have such families, not i know whether he can talk or not , who has been there for 6 months due to the boiling point, and they still have not received payments other than regional ones, regional payments they come to us instantly, that’s all that concerns the ministry of defense of the creative units, it’s a very long time. sometimes you have to call directly, ask for documents to be sent , we’ll deal with the complexity directly with the minister today, well, we’ll work on it a little, thank you very much, i wanted to wish you a merry christmas, and my husband is mikhail vasiliev, he also met you once. i probably told you about the military clergy, now this topic , well, how can i say, is very relevant, because many priests go to the blood, in general
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, several who work there have already died, and well, he had this idea, a concept, so that the military clergy, well, it had some kind of status, that’s because, well, in fact, nothing has been done now in...
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in general , conflicts always very often arise, and well, it’s like the priest can’t always go in such a case, well, that is, it’s very difficult there always happens, yes, even if everyone knows each other, they can’t do anything right away, because the person is at molensky, here in general the concept was developed by father mikhail, i also read out the most holy one at such a military meeting there, but now for now...
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we are we support in every possible way, we help in every way, but we do not interfere in her matter, as soon as the priest becomes part of the military mechanism, other
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legal relations arise in any capacity, but nevertheless. i understand what you’re talking about, well, i’ll definitely talk to the patriarch, and i’ll talk him into administration, that is, it is necessary to guarantee some kind of social rights for the priests who risk their lives there, so i propose now to move a little to the next room, and then after 10 minutes there will be service, i don’t know how much the little ones will be able to do there.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for fun, and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut,
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miraculously killing him. she didn’t kill him, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she a normal girl, just like everyone else , and the girl repents, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, now i’ll cut out her tongue, we won’t hang her, we let's go, i'd tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drowning 2, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free
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without registration, watch , look in application or website.
9:00 am
christians celebrate the nativity of christ. on the eve of the holiday, vladimir putin spoke with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting. anastasia efemova knows what they were talking about. this christmas eve, they are the personal guests of the president. i asked my colleagues to organize pre- christmas holiday events for you.


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