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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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such algorithms are of interest to both business and government agencies. we currently have about 12 students working with us, and as far as the future is concerned, they can directly interact with instruments and participate in real-life projects, which will be useful for their careers. over the past 5 years , university students and employees have registered hundreds of developments for the it field. dozens of patents for inventions and utility models. now the university is participating in a special track of the priority 2030 program, industry and territorial leadership, and this track is dedicated to technological leadership in projects that the university is undertaking. we have a serious technological base in the region.
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microelectronics. developments created at the university are in demand in various fields. for example, this device, operating on the mri principle, allows you to examine microcircuits and reveal the smallest details. industrialists actively resort to the help of researchers. scientists from this group are also modernizing and creating medical devices. yes it a prototype of an x-ray machine for neonatology is in great demand now, because about 10% of children are born with various pathologies that a doctor needs to obtain. the device developed at our department sets the required mode, starts it up, and after the x-ray radiation passes through the child’s body and hits the digital x-ray detector, the image appears on the monitor screen. these pictures are obtained, for experiments they use the so-called phantom, this creepy mannequin imitates bone density fabrics. the university gives quite a lot.
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yes to scientific groups, this, of course, is the material base, this is equipment, various laboratories, the opportunity to use scientific potential, i am a happy person, i am glad, i have a lot of work, a lot of ideas, a lot of plans, and my colleagues won’t let me put it together, we are all sometimes we work on two, three or four projects together, sometimes. they also work on the creation of medical devices in the laboratory of television and video equipment, and produce materials for endoscopes. allowing the doctor to assess the condition of internal organs or perform a low-traumatic operation. cameras can work both inside a person and under water, underground, in space, in completely different conditions, depending on the task. in other words, the computer vision system is being improved. the characteristics of products are checked in a so -called dark room, where it is possible to simulate, for example, the light conditions of the seabed or outer space. special conditions for testing have been created here. machine vision created
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special lighting systems, dynamically configurable, special test objects, some of the projects are implemented jointly with roscosmos enterprises, which is why there is a portrait of gagarin in the laboratory. the research group is working on hyperspectral analysis, a method that allows one to determine the chemical composition of objects from a distance. we have extensive experience in medicine, agriculture, and now, respectively, in machine vision systems and automation in the space industry. industrialists, those who at their production facilities in the industry need to remotely evaluate the properties of objects, these are historical, search teams, cultural topics, historical topics. the methods proposed by lt scientists make it possible to show everything that is lost or hidden in archival documents, to look under a layer of ink, even if they tried to erase the text, stamp or engraving. in this case, we can, based on the different reflection properties of different paints, different...
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pens, take this into account and actually shine through it and see what is under the paints, this can be actively used in archival work for restoration of fading texts, a more complex technology is the identification of microbiology and contamination of documents. the university has a special approach to the issues of preserving archives and artifacts, most often certainly scientific, but they also do not forget about the museum business. in this office, dedicated to the memory of alexander popov, documents are kept that refute insinuations about... radio, for example, a copy of the meeting of the academy of sciences, at which the development was presented for the first time in the world, and among the exhibits is a telephone receiver from the times of the professor. this sample was produced by the french company ducrete under the popovrete brand, you see the original nameplate on the receiver, the peculiarity of this receiver is that it was actually the prototype of a modern amplitude detector. the university where more than 10 thousand students study is engaged in research. by graduate students. the university
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takes a leading position in the field of technology development, in the field of training specialists for radio-electronic, information and telecommunication control systems, as well as for artificial intelligence, security engineering environment, all this thanks to a powerful scientific school, which has more than 135 years of modern instrumentation - than look at 100 times. it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order sovita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm
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new year's discounts in chernogolovka magnet 1099, rather than looking 100 times, it's better to look once. turn, rotate, twist, only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million... it’s some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, then my daughter sang the best again, this is five, the action of oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat, at the zoo minus five, mom will say, this is five, the action of oralsept for bacterial and fungal infections, so as
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not to miss the spring, let's shout together, these are five, five actions of oralsept for a sore throat , for adults and children from 3 years old, start the year with profitable. shopping at the megamarket, there will be a discount, a thousand products with cashback up to 50%. and how do you like it, like in paradise, now i’ll show you a real paradise, holob-2, and i’m taking this, already at the cinema, an apartment in moscow counting five, only five purchases from 1. rub on any sberbank credit card until january 31, apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. at avito work it’s easy to find your place. dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i will now i'm not late. mom, guess who
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started a new job today? grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes to a new job, lots of vacancies. hello, i'm vladimir bordk, i'm from st. petersburg, my friends. today i want to do propaganda, i want to propagandize you. the great soviet encyclopedia defines propaganda as the dissemination of political,
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philosophical, scientific, artistic views and ideas with the aim of introducing them into public consciousness and intensifying mass practical activity. british. clarifies, intentionality, a strong emphasis on manipulation, distinguishes propaganda from ordinary communication or free, easy exchange. ideas, in order to achieve a goal, the propagandist deliberately selects facts, arguments, and symbols and presents them in such a way as to achieve the greatest effect. neki, leonard, doob, and jacques elul, a researcher in social psychology and communication, views propaganda as pre-planned and purposeful spirituality. actions, the purpose of which is to attract the audience to the side of the one who conducts propaganda. i personally
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i am inclined to define these very oak and elul, and i want to point out to you a purposeful spiritual influence, the purpose of which is the desire to attract you to my side. i think this will not be difficult to do, because my goal is to support all of us in not quite. life , but most importantly, to support our soldiers in the trenches , in the mud, under bullets, drones, shells, fighting for our homeland, propaganda requires the presence of a goal of means in order to convey the idea to the target audience, that is, to you, along with traditional means propaganda, such as posters
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, i served in the third separate training regiment of communications of the air force reserve, where they made me a sergeant, actors from the saratov theater came to us in order of fur, i don’t remember how they raised our morale, but i remembered one actor , he read poetry, i was a young guy of nineteen years old,
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but i assure you that major geev’s saying, which is repeated several times, will be useful for reminding gray-haired husbands faced with difficulties that still arise along the way, and even more so to our brothers.
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there was lyonka, a beloved son, without a mother , at the barracks, the boy grew up alone, and if petrov was away, sometimes his friend would stay instead of his father for this tomboy, call lyonka , and well, let’s go for a walk, it’s time for the artilleryman’s son to get used to a horse, with lyonka alone he would go to the trot, and then to the quarry, sometimes lyonka would give up, he wouldn’t be able to take the barrier, he would fall out...
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deev left for the north and even forgot the address, seeing each other was great, but he didn’t like letters, but that must mean that he himself was not expecting children, alyonka, with some kind of sadness, he often i recalled that 10 years flew by, the silence ended, the war roared from the homeland like thunder. denik fought in the north in his polar wilderness, sometimes he looked for the names of friends in newspapers,
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once he found petrov, which means he was alive and well, the newspaper praised him in the south. deev was sitting over the map with two reading candles, a tall military man came in touching fathoms in his shoulders, for the first 2 minutes the mayors didn’t recognize only the lieutenant’s barefoot, it reminded him of something: well , turn to the light, he brought the candle to him, the same childish lips, still the same, snub nose and
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nose, and as for the mustache, so shave it all off conversation, laziness... that’s right, lyonka, he ’s a comrade major, which means he graduated from school, we’ll serve together, it’s a pity that my father didn’t have to live to see such happiness , an uninvited tear appeared in lyonka’s eyes, he gritted his teeth, silently, wiped his hand in his eyes, the major again had to say, as in childhood , “hold on, my boy, the world can’t die twice, nothing in life can knock us out of the saddle, the major had such a saying,
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and in 2 weeks the rock, you will from there, use the radio to fire the batteries, is that clear? that's right, is that clear? well, go scare, no, wait a little, the major stood up for a second, as in childhood with both hands, pressed his lazy cheek, you are going to such a thing that it is difficult to come back,
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as a commander, i am not happy to send you there, but as a father, answer me, “is it your father or no? father, - said the little girl and hugged him back. so, just like a father, since life has come to fight to death, it is my duty as a father and the right to risk my son, before others, i must send my son ahead. hold on, my boy, there are two times in the world don't die, nothing in life can get us out of the saddle, that's the saying mayora was there, he understood me, he understood everything, go red, go. the major remained in the dugout , the shells were exploding, a hooting thundered somewhere ahead, the major was keeping an eye on his watch, it would have been 100 times easier for him if he had walked himself, 12, now he probably
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passed in three hours, now he got to the bottom of height two, he must now be. let's fire soon. the guns were loaded. the major made the calculations himself and with a roar the first volleys hit the gars. again a signal on the radio: the germans are to the right of me, coordinates 5:10,
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more fire soon, earth and rocks were flying, in a column smoke was rising, it seemed that now no one would leave there alive, the third signal on the radio, the germans were around me, strike 4:10, i don’t regret it. fire. the major turned pale when he heard. 4:10, just the place where his lazy girl should be sitting now, but without giving any sign, having forgotten he was a father, the major continued to command with a calm face, fire, shells were flying, fire, load quickly, in the square 4:10, it was beating six batteries, the radio was silent for an hour, then they heard. was silent, deafened by an explosion, hit me, as i said, i believe, their shells will not be able to touch me, the germans are running, press, give
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sea ​​of ​​fire, at the command post, having received the last signal, the major did not shout out into the radio that had gone cold, can you hear me, i believe, death cannot take such people, hold on, my boy, light, was found in the lyonka gorge with his head tied, when the bandage was unwound that he hastily tied it, the major looked at lyonka, suddenly
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he didn’t recognize him, he seemed to be the same, calm and young, still the same eyes of a boy, but only completely gray-haired, he hugged the major, he hugged the major before leaving for the hospital. hold on, father, the world cannot die twice, nothing in life can survive the villages, lyonka now had such a saying, such a story was told to me about these glorious deeds on the middle peninsula, and above the mountains.
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i hope i have propagated you.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the sums are serious, there is a clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it needs to
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be mobilized. could you please give me a recipe on how to achieve what you have achieved? you it seems that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
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orthodox christians celebrate christmas; on christmas eve, vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal atmosphere, and after that the president invited his guests to the christmas service at the church of the savior of the holy image. it will get even colder in yakutia in the coming days. according to forecasts, in some areas the temperature at night may be drop to the mark. 58° below zero, the most severe frosts are predicted in the center in the east of the republic, about 10° below normal. the temperature is cold in the central regions of the country, so in moscow and the region today it is down to -24, snow is possible in places. in klimovsk, moscow region, more than fifty houses have already received heat, and about 100 more are promised to be connected during this day. for now , a temporary
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accommodation center has been set up at the yunost sports center. the accident is resolved. 50 specialists in podolsk there is a state of emergency. in the usa they ordered to immediately check everything bueng 737 max9 aircraft. one such airliner, owned by alaska airlines, depressurized during the flight, and the emergency exit door flew out of it. the crew managed to make a safe landing. the american civil aviation administration will inspect all aircraft of this model. now there is a short advertisement, then the stop fake program will be broadcast, alexey kazakov will talk about the technologies of information warfare against russia. what men are silent about, that life is out of control, fears cease to be a man.


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