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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the second interview a few months later says something completely different, cleanly, smoothly, without stuttering, we entered the position, well, it so happened that we hesitated a little and a drone flew in, we opened fire on them.
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i got the first grenade, i was wounded, well, another guy was also cut well, but he left quickly on his own feet, so i got it, more than anyone, probably, before the assault we were given new winter clothes, but i... that saved me more , well, there was cotton wool and because of this it also compensated for the blast wave, the body armor helped, the body armor was in front completely torn to pieces, otherwise my stomach would have been caught, well, i probably wouldn’t have survived if not for the bulletproof vest, i was lying there looking...
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i had something to bandage in my pocket and couldn’t find it, then when i realized that i was wounded serious, well, blood, well, as usual, leg, arm, head, i had a severe concussion, i didn’t see anything right away, i didn’t hear anything, i lost consciousness, but i lost consciousness many times there. well, i couldn’t walk for the first, probably, 10 minutes, when i more or less came to my senses in time, it’s hard for me to say, i didn’t have my bearings at that moment, he flew back, dropped something again, but it either exploded or didn’t explode, well, i didn’t hear it at that time, i didn’t pay attention, we were in the same department with him, for a month and a half we were in the same place, we studied, then
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we went, in short, to makeevka, we also studied there and after that we went to marinka, father kharkovsky was with us when he taught us, he told us one wise thing, he says, when you speak, you touch the stretch, he says, but he says, don’t stand there, he says, don’t catch the movie, like they show in the movies, he says, you have 3-4 seconds, he says, to escape, he says, a grenade does not always burst into 250 fragments, it can crack in half into three parts into four, that is, we accepted all this, our grenades were like that.
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about 15 of us went , first they put us on shoes and the next day they called everyone else from our enterprise to the assembly point, the commanders were good guys, they took part in hostilities, they themselves started from kharkov in 14 and came to us to help and teach fight. well, what helped more was that we were trained and constantly told, no be afraid of this grenade, you have a chance to survive, even if it fell nearby, well, just hit it, throw it away, run away, you have about two seconds of time, this gives you a much better chance of survival if you just lie down or stand, then may your arm, leg, and everything else be torn off.
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well, during the assault, even we were trained, if a grenade fell nearby in a building, but let it go, don’t stand there, don’t run away, just put it away from you and you will live, well... at times, well, i probably lost consciousness, woke up due to what's above my head a drone was hanging, he saw that i had come to my senses, flew to the attack altitude, so
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to speak, dropped either a bomb or a grenade, our hero is an ordinary donetsk guy, married. having two children, he worked all his life in a mine, did not serve in the army, but the spirit of a fighter lived in him all this time, the genes of the turkmen father, and they are considered first-class warriors, made themselves felt at the most critical moment of his life, i was born in donetsk , he spent his entire youth, his entire life in one area, in practically the same house, in the same yard. my father i came from turkmenistan, my mother, a native ukrainian, was also born in donetsk. i went
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to school 140 in our area, finished nine grades, went to construction school, twenty, graduated there and... ukraine, it was still possible to live and speak russian there, but everything changed in 2014, when in kiev a revolution took place. and the russian
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language became the main enemy for the nazis who seized power. bandera, order is in... dark days have come for donbass, he always spoke russian, the nazis decided to destroy donbass, first morally, and then those who i don’t agree with their ideas and physically, the first clashes and the first blood, lord. and how can i survive all this? how can i survive all this? these people were killed only because they considered themselves russian ukrainians. what was rustam khudeinurov like? in fact, bendera left him no choice. i was afraid
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for the life and health of my child, all the time with the hope that he would return from school, would not get hit, and would not start shelling our area. didn’t leave, i was worried about him all the time, when our mother was alive, we were together when he left until he called that i we went out onto the balcony, at first there were no mobile phones and we waited, she even threw out cards, everything was fine, he was going home, everything was fine, well, at first there was no mobile
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connection, and he has been a miner with us for a long time, 20 years, almost 18 years in the mine, news she found out that rustam had gone to fight the ukronazis by phone: i was in the hospital with my youngest child, when he went to war, i didn’t even have a home, i couldn’t send him, ilyusha and i were in the hospital, and he called me , i said...
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others are registered in avdievka, in fact from one to another city is only a kilometer or
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two, so the war is going on next to their home, that is, you can take a tram or walk to the position and find yourself under artillery fire or under the gun of a sniper. this is the peculiarity of this terrible war, which has been going on here for nine years now. and it is very difficult to fight in such conditions, because any urban development is essentially... a fortress, and with good skillful command of troops and the construction of protective fortifications, it can be very difficult to take such neighborhoods difficult, and it always involves a lot of bloodshed. donetsk militias fight for their land, not sparing their bellies, and they fight here within their native walls. for them, every centimeter, every meter of this land, watered with their blood, is not just native, it is their life, it has become their flesh. well. in 1414 we were all shocked by what was happening in kiev, by the lawlessness,
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chaos, after the maidan and during the maidan, yes, ukraine was divided into two parts: east west, and we felt it ourselves, their congratulations, bombs, hail, everything else , that what they did in odessa, when they burned people in the house of trade unions, many... just felt disgust for these people, for the nation, well, that’s it, there was, as they say, a point of no return, that’s it, i’m no longer with ukraine i want to have nothing, yes, i have heard such statements: a suitcase, a carriage, russia, why should i leave my land? i was born here, i want to live here, russia, yes, is closer to us, but there is a home. house, i’m ready to defend her, him, when we
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were in shostakov’s village, if i remember, i came across textbooks, well, from ukrainian schools, there i have already confirmed the words of our journalists that ukraine is already teaching, teaching children that we... it is written in the great patriotic war, who won, how it is, by what forces, mainly
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golechina, es, bandera, already with children, they are taught from kindergarten, they absorb it, that russia is bad, kill a russian is good. rustam speaks calmly, confidently, but what he says makes you feel uneasy. these are the realities of war, the thoughts were that i wanted to survive, i wanted to go home, life didn’t fly like that, it’s just okay. blood, honestly there was calm, i was absolutely calm , now surprise yourself, yes, i myself , as i remember, there was no panic, nothing, i acted, well, as i thought, well, well, well, necessary, maybe i would have run away immediately if
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i could have, but i didn’t have the strength and... i often lost consciousness. today in war, the main thing is not only the one with a machine gun or sitting in a tank or pressing the launch button for the hail rocket system , the main thing is also the one who knows how to control a drone. the task of the drone and the operator is to get within range of the fragmentation effect of a grenade in a trench, preferably nearby, because even if... it explodes at 5 meters , you can safely hide from defeat, and he was hunting for me all the time, persistently hunting, flying, flying, flying, like a predator, like a real hunter, in order to finish off his prey, like this this one with evil eyes
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, a drone operator, first trained on computer games, and now kills living people with the help of a small... he flew up close to me, so to speak, woke me up, brought me to my senses, i began, began to move , and he flew up and threw either a wok or a grenade, he he threw three grenades at me, probably, one exploded nearby and two fell nearby, but they didn’t
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explode, well, the wogs, they need a certain amount, well, strength. for hundreds of years, many scientists and doctors have studied and are studying the capabilities of our body. it turns out that in a stressful situation, a person in the fight for his life can do things that he would never be able to do in an ordinary, normal situation.
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i threw it away with my hand and this grenade flew past my legs and exploded there, well , it completely dried out my legs, my arm, maybe even more fragments were added, there were already a lot of them, there weren’t a lot of them i can say, maybe the eighth, maybe the tenth, there were a lot of them, probably after this grenade i already realized that that’s it, they won’t let me go alive, well, they’ll throw grenades at me already, well, i heard... there was an explosion close to me, well, it turned out like this, that the wind probably blew the ammunition away and didn’t hit, well, i gathered all my strength, already went to my positions, well, i already got to my feet, well, i walked about 10 meters and fell again, it was all in the trench, it all happened and happened
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in a trench, all movement was in a trench, at least 250-300 meters. i have many they ask what you felt, fear, pain, i say , i felt, but i didn’t feel anything, yes i felt pain, but there was no fear, there was no fear, no one believes that i wasn’t afraid, i was absolutely calm and waited, i kept going for a while i was preparing myself that if i didn’t hear the grenade and didn’t throw it away, then i’d be stabbed and i might not survive, i was always on... on the alert, many people ask if your life flashed before your eyes, nothing happened, i was just waiting. i was preparing, one might say, myself for, for death, i was even determined, yes, no longer to survive, he acted in cold blood, he was not confused, he threw everything away, that is, everything was as taught
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, then what happened, you reached yours, reached, reached yours, probably lost consciousness once or twice, because the strength ran out completely, me they laid me down, cut all my clothes, bandaged me and waited for evacuation, injected me. not a painkiller, well, that’s it, he lay there, waiting for evacuation, this battle for marinka happened on october 30, and rustam’s thirty-first birthday, he celebrated it in the hospital, the nurse, knowing about this, came to congratulate him and brought him a box of chocolates, as are you feeling okay?
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on the number of fragments, but no one told me anything about the cartridge case, did you get the fragments now? no, the fragments remained in me, but there are a lot of them, they are small. well, the wound that he received is evidence that, well , the ammunition that was used, it was stuffed with whatever destructive weapons were available, including the cartridge case, which we already had... found here in the clinic and recently removed, soft fabrics are stuffed with damaging, small
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damaging fragmentation elements that now it is difficult to extract, and perhaps it may not be worth doing this due to the fact that they have become incompatibilized, and now our task is to achieve the development of the musculoskeletal system so that it can quickly return to its daily activities. what are your plans, well, at least walk without a cane, and the rest is all a matter of gain, everything is fine with him then that day no one knew about the feat that rustam khudaen urav had accomplished, and a week later, when the enemies laid out... .this video recording on the internet, i think that they are like this they will humiliate a soldier and a man in this way, they have done what one can only dream of, they, the enemies,
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have shown the whole world the feat and fortitude of the russian soldier, a miner from donetsk, rustam khudainurov, and his victory over a nato drone to the nazi invaders in this difficult struggle for freedom donbass. i would like to see russia prospering without war and the strongest in the world first, as it used to be, russia is kind, patient, all this could have been done a long time ago, i will teach my son goodness, help, not offend the weak, weak and girls, well, this is the most important thing, to love your country, home, family, yes, i think i have everything. more than a plane, why do i need it, prosperity, just to live, to provide for my family, this is probably what i want most of all, to not need anything, not
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to know what war, death is, i had a dream all the time, i always wanted to go to st. petersburg, but not in winter, but in summer , to see the palaces, fountains, bridges , to see what it is like, white nights, when the sun... doesn’t set all the time, i want to visit siberia, probably for fishing, go for good fishing, forest, toiga.
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quartet and irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my comrades, anger, where have you been before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without it, i’m behind you, their palaces for the tempting arches will never replace freedom, it’s gone, call the little bird! accepted, grab them, the tale you've been waiting for. a donkey, me, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves the remensky musician, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronica pavlovna, vasiltsova. your new boss , and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull , vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let’s sign up, look, i’ll beat you up to intimidate her, i’d tear you apart like a horse , you need to try really hard, we ’ll burn her, let’s say, i really found myself in the past, but why the hell come here, god damn it, russia is
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a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and, of course, we are opening new point routes attraction. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. orthodox christians celebrate christmas. that night the patriarch held a service in the cathedral of christ the savior. about what is happening today in the christmas capital shuya in the live broadcast of our correspondent.
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what problems do relatives of fallen soldiers face? the day before, vladimir putin discussed this with the families of the fighters during an informal meeting in novoogoryovo. christmas frosts in yakutia in some areas -58. temperature in moscow this night dropped to -24. when will it warm up? and how do they cope in such frosts? of the communal system in klimovsk, moscow region, the heat supply was resumed in 50 apartment buildings, another 100 are promised to be connected during this day. today is one of the main church holidays - christmas. on christmas eve , vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting in
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novoogoryovo. that this is a holiday, many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, the soldiers of russia are still defending the interests of our country on holiday with weapons in their hands, so, firstly, i would like you and i to congratulate everyone on this holiday from here, secondly, secondly, i would like our the meeting was such a clear, understandable signal for... all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation, and at all levels, so that it was a clear signal that my colleagues would always and everywhere be with you, i repeat, of any level of government, management so that you always felt there were people next to them who, if necessary, could support, help , come to the rescue if needed.


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