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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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[000:01:00;00] lord from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much, yes, these are the smallest thanks for penetrating the president, please, they were very cool, we will learn in a hurry that there is no need to wave, otherwise it may be instincts, but like and like horses, i liked it, yes, there is the same class , who loves the horses the most, i really liked the arabian ones, i liked them all, they
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are all my friends now, they and what book, my dad, because my dad is a hero of russia, he gave birth to his life for everyone us for inviting us to present the book, it will come soon, thank you great, i’ll definitely introduce it, and you give me a book, give me a look at the weather, yes, thank you very much, i’m happy, it
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’s simple with us. everything, and there, there is a show, yes, they showed them a show, by the way, a crusher, they crush me, because i am their stern, i too, they didn’t bite my finger, they didn’t bite me like the stern, i’m like this, the main thing is my finger so, once i was a little rough, like
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this, well, rough is normal. now i really like horses, right now, where did you go, oh, my friends and i went to a stable somewhere, i don’t even know, now i’m interested in robotics, so and i would like to become a programmer, i really like it, so then i’ll figure it out, that’s why it’s like this, and what kind of jackpot are you in, i’m in the fifth, where are you from? is this an extracurricular activity? is this extracurricular and what do you do? about 4 years, wow, first grade? yes, i built and built robots, then i programmed them for competitions, what is the name of the teacher who is teaching you sergei vasilievich, sergei
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vasilievich, right? we don’t know what this man’s name is, but he was always with us, everything was so organized, that is, we are very breeders, well, in general, all of different ages , but we had such a program, that is, everyone found something for themselves, so we felt under such great care, when even today one of our and such faithful companions did not go, neither did we upset , we say how we are already so used to them, like our great friends, here we are too... with natalya, we work in the defenders of the fatherland foundation, we organize and know how difficult it is, every detail is thought out even in those conditions measures that have been created for us, and well, on red square, so on red square we
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never turned everything with flashing lights, it was very cool, that is, my child at the cult deserves to surprise, but he was so impressed by rosatom, at the exhibition, yes, yes, it’s just amazing exhibition, i in general... even if everyone says no, they are always needed ahead, i’m ready to remember, let it be a bula, your team should be a huge low bow for what they did, it’s really a fairy tale, they are such kind wizards, for sure that meeting when we
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met near the kremlin, yeah, on the red square, yes, yes, yes, you liked it, yeah, everyone at school recognizes me, after that after that
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for coffee. in college, yeah, well, college is just for working with children, yes, it’s along the lines of, preparation for future work with children, with children, well, so modest
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. since childhood, it seems like i’ve already seen everything many times , but due to the fact that there were some things to study there, i didn’t have time to go anywhere at all, so i’m very glad that i finally visited places in moscow that i’ve been visiting for a long time i haven’t been and it’s just like the new year holidays, thank you very much, well, great, and you liked nothing else, i liked the most, well, the atom zoo. yeah, thank you very much for
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all this, i really liked it, we went to the zoo , did you see a panda? a panda, yes, and a baby panda? but no, no, a little one appeared, we said that we couldn’t watch her yet, because she was there with her mother, it was cold, big guys, like a gold reserve, a wonderful, wonderful thing, it’s very nice to see this within the kremlin, under such amount of security, immediately good, we live well in the future, what are you doing, i ’m graduating from moscow state university, faculty of philosophy, finish now, well, six months in may, diploma, philosophical, i need more excursion , philosophy is a science, no, philosophy is not a science, and not an art, no, philosophy - this. philosophy is the frontier, it is the frontier
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of knowledge, such advanced knowledge, science, it , so to speak, processes, and philosophy does the right thing, it talks about what people have not yet been able to do, it means discovering with the help of scientific theorems, somehow is to develop, yeah, about things that are still beyond this is the kind of familiar scientific, understandable knowledge, these are, in my opinion, wonderful things, interesting, very diverse, and
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complex. somehow try to implement philosophy , somehow work for the good of the country, but again , i often don’t know exactly where philosophers work in russia, but i was brother, if you told me, at the faculty they say that they work at the faculty, this is the approach of philosophers . well, engage in russian science, create a laboratory, for example, we don’t have one in the faculty, we need to create it, complete our studies, bring people here, train the employees, who agree to work. and
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somehow start developing this business, and you somehow had something to do with grant support, you know, such a thing, so as not to mention names, i’ll put it simply, there was initially a grant, there was an idea to create a laboratory, but then the circumstances turned out that no grant was created for the laboratory, but as a result, all the research workers are ours, they
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are completely... there are certain obstacles, but we have sons, there is also a woman, a mother, that is, dmitry, here is our dearest son human, who left in may, here... he had a bunch of guys, they also left, their mothers remained , some were the only ones, i don’t know, and wives, we have a certain problem that has not been solved for a year and a half or 2 depending, and which ones, that is, i deal with military mortgages, and the whole point is that there is
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such a mechanism in the department of iron and steel, which suddenly for some reason stopped working and i really want it. so that christmas today is not only for me and ruslan, i want all those women for whom i am responsible, because so always did, and i believe that he should do it now, it’s just that these women, christmas also came, and this problem was solved, i think, if you look at this mechanism, then it will probably start working fine on january 9, all when i am at peace today. i used my chance as much as possible, so that when i go there, and i met all these guys, dima of all our fighters said: i’m not ashamed, please, i need your hand,
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i need to understand what the problem is, so i you, i have everything, i think yours
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assistants, i will give them a whole sheet and... registered at that time in the moscow region, but there are those who were not registered, relatives contact the region where he was registered, let's say, as an example, this is the saratov region, and the saratov region he answers them, at that time relatives were supposed to live there, it turns out that they receive a regional calculation in the wrong place and in the wrong place, so we don’t know what to do with these, well
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, it wasn’t not that someone did it on purpose, because all the legal acts each region needs to recognize its own. they refuse , i don’t know, well, to be honest, this is already the case, well, the fact is that we seem to be in bad luck, people come to us with these problems, such a problem exists, okay, definitely, thank you,
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yeah, i’ll talk i think everyone will agree with the company to correct the wishes, the employees, coordinators of our fund , defenders of the fatherland, communication has not been established. ministry of defense, that is , people turn to us, here we have no payment in case of death of a unit there, sagaz, but we don’t know how to help them, because we have these levers are not there, the ministry of defense , of course, will not listen to us, but somehow with connections, it would be nice to somehow establish, somehow speed up these moments with the minister, we will discuss these issues, but i don’t know what they are planning, now ... so that this information would come automatically, and you would have the opportunity to influence this process, but we don’t, and it’s very difficult, you have
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such families, i don’t know if they can talk or not, who are there 6 months have passed by chance, they still have not received payment except for regional ones, here are regional payments they come to us instantly, that’s all with regard to the ministry of defense of the creative parts, it takes a very long time, sometimes you have to call directly, to say that the documents will be timely complicated. how to say, it’s very relevant, because many priests, in general, working there
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have already died, and well, he had this idea, a concept, so that the military clergy, well , would have some kind of status, that’s because, well, actually now, well nothing has been done in this area, unfortunately, that is
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, priests still go there with... and the priest cannot always go in such case, well , that is, it is always very difficult there, yes, even if everyone knows each other, they can’t do anything right away, because the person is in the military, here, well, in general , the concept was developed by father mikhail, his holiness also read it out at a military meeting there, but for now it all depends on the ministry of defense, because they need to somehow connect it all. but from the side of the church it will look like a separate military diocese, that is, well , that’s good, i’ll talk to the saints
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i definitely want to understand the position of the church on this issue, there is a nuance here , what is it, in our country the church is separated from the state, if they become, as it were, almost military personnel, then it turns out that in this part the church is not from the state separated. what becomes part of the military mechanism , in any capacity, other legal relations arise, but nevertheless, i understand
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saying, well, i will definitely talk with the patriarch, and the same in the administration, that is, it is necessary to guarantee some kind of social rights that risk their lives, that means i suggest now that we go to the next room, then... in 10 it will be there, i don’t know how the little ones will be able to stand there for how long i’m done with christmas soon, let me count once or twice three and we all together congratulate our guys who are there now performing their goth well all together once let’s say congratulations
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one two three steps. congratulations. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged them to steal a cannon from the regiment for fun, and with her own hands shot at a peasant hut,
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miraculously, she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother. there is an important person in the yard, everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, it seems, they drove her to paris, we will eat our stress, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia , siberia, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it. i would tear you to pieces with horses, where are you going to drown yourself two, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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documentaries, free, without registration, watch!
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we look in the application or on the website. the patriarch held a service in the cathedral of christ the savior. festive services were also held in churches throughout russia. in donetsk , a city hospital came under fire, patients were injured, and the patients are now being transferred to other medical institutions. how utility systems cope with abnormal frosts in central russia. in
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klimovsk near moscow, heat supply was resumed at 50 apartment buildings. they promise to connect another 100 during this day. where does the best indian tea grow and how much can one cup of such an elite drink cost? our own correspondent in india went to the foothills of the himalayas. today is one of the main church holidays - christmas. on christmas eve, vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during the special operation. many of our men, courageous, heroic our guys, warriors of russia, are now defending the interests of our country with weapons in their hands, so i, firstly, would like


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