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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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well, of course, this cost patriarch alexy a lot of worries and health, who died at the end of the same year. well, when before kiev the doctors also categorically objected.
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in 2007, we made changes to the statute of the ukrainian orthodox church, which actually made it even more independent of the russian orthodox church, and this was already a document that regulated, according to the state laws of modern ukraine, the relationship of the ukrainian orthodox church with the moscow patriarchate. commissions were created on preparations for a dialogue with the kiev patriarchate and the euthocepal church, that is, a process of rapprochement was underway, which clearly frightened moscow very much, god forbid, something would come of it, until 2018 , two schismatic groups existed in parallel: the kiev patriarchate and the ukrainian autocephalous orthodox church. both did not have widespread popular support. but
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they enjoyed the support of various government structures, which unsuccessfully tried to unite them into one whole, but really unsuccessfully, because each had their own ambitions, in 2018 a new split occurred, as president petro poroshenko decided to create his own new national ukrainian church as a counterweight. ukrainian orthodox church, this was done, most likely , in order to raise, as it were, its political weight in the eyes of ukrainian society, to create some kind of national, national idea, some national event, in conditions when in in general , an economic, political and other crisis developed, when in power it was generally impossible to a...
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it was impossible to stay, as the elections showed , poroshenko did not remain in power, but he wanted to, this was all done in general before the elections in order to stay in power, that is, this is also an indicator of how exactly political motivation, it gives rise to new and new splits, respectively poroshenko and with the support there of part of the clergy of this kiev patriarchate, and deputies of the verkhovna rada. including poroshenko addressed a letter to patriarch bartholomew so that he would support the creation of an independent church. the verkhovna rada also sent a letter, while the position of the ukrainian orthodox church and metropolitan anofry was ignored. that is, it was a clear violation of all democratic norms, the principles of religious freedom and everything else. “
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god willing, what happened in 2018, the patriarch of constantinople suddenly discovered after 300 years that that decision of 1686 was somehow wrong, and he canceled it, at that time they joked that great britain could also cancel the independence of the united states, after a few centuries, this is what is not only not anti-canonical, it is absolutely absurd."
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what happened happened, the orthodox ukrainian church was granted autocephaly,
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but the ecumenical patriarch did it not according to the canons, why not according to the canons, the ecumenical patriarchate appeals to the document of 1686, in this document says that...
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to unite the three branches of ukrainian orthodoxy into a single orthodox church, the path that metropolitan vladimir chose - it was a gradual gradual path to independence, to complete autocephaly, i told him before his death asked in 13: so your blessedness in the end there will be autocephaly or not, and he told me these words, it will be, but not during my lifetime, it will be seen that there will be people who... will perceive the truth of god differently, who may be different will approach the perception of others, namely, i hinder and help others, but we are all, as in vladimir, sinners before accepting christ, seeking repentance and
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forgiveness of sins, all of us, as until now, offer prayers and praise to prince vladimir, i hope that he begs god, so that there is silence between us and hopelessness, so some more time passed, he died in the fourteenth year, in the 18th year the process of the council began. and autocephaly, which was initiated by petro poroshenko, i directly joined this process, because i remembered the words of my teacher and mentor, so i became a participant in this unification council and today i am in the orthodox church of ukraine, the canonical autocephalous fifteenth according to the diplomat of orthodox churches, and that is tichhe sada yes se vratimo na tsrkvena canon, you see ...
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the words of his divine most holy archbishop of constantinople new rome and ecumenical patriarch bartholomew. i ask everyone to stand up. the congressional gold medal is awarded for outstanding achievements of particular significance to the history and culture of the united states of america. patriarch bartholomew was awarded it in the same year as mother teresa.
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four religious leaders were awarded this great honor. we have gathered in this historic place to pay tribute to another outstanding person. his eminence, ecumenical patriarch bartholomew, spiritual leader of nearly 300 million orthodox christians around the world. in addition to the congressmen, there was also the speaker of the congress, who led the ceremony, archon. the orthodox
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church, regardless of the behavior of its parishioners, they can fight, but the church does not fight with anyone, it may be persecuted, but the church does not persecute anyone, it can be shackled. but she herself does not hold anyone back, she is deprived of freedom, but does not trample on the freedom of others. our nation is our church. share the principles of receptivity to instruction, diversity and tolerance. such guidelines open the way to another type of freedom, this is freedom of a different nature - internal freedom of the individual. just as you opened your arms to us, so we
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open our arms to you. orthodox faith. for all people, she always respected difference and freedom, and never treated them with aggression or attacks. this is the fundamental meaning of conciliarity for all people. this is the message of the united states, a free and open society where there is respect and tolerance for difference. these are techniques. marketing that simply adapted for - working with a clergyman, we are served something new, some new orthodox, well, which we consume, when we need, as much as we need, in the packaging that we like best, according to all the rules of marketing, this is orthodoxy, it and even this is done, it is packaged differently for a single
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woman, to a large family in different packages, colors, so that it is suitable for a disabled person. national minority, women, single, married there, men who like fishing there, in fact, this is an expansion line of brands, this is what causes a split , because they need the product of orthodoxy to be packaged in different national, as it were, packaging, packaged later, and this is not the end, this is we can be sure that it will not stop there, then for example, ukrainian orthodoxy will appear there for single mothers, ukrainian orthodoxy for defenders of the homeland, ukrainian orthodoxy for the lgbt population, many there are growing up from the state department and the countries of many foreign intelligence services, we
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know this well, but my dear people, we are talking now about ' he headed the newest exarchate of the moscow patriarchate, the african one. fresh plaque: determined ruler of the new lands of the historically alexandrian church, which recognized the ukrainian ambitions of constantinople. we'll tell you more about this later. i want to tell you that i am not saying this at all as a populist, on the air. i worked for 19 years on different continents in different continents. countries, uh, various obediences, and tried to carry my cross with dignity, my foreign geography is very extensive and capacious, hello, how are you alive here?
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thank god, thank god, slowly with your prayers. real serbia, yes, yes, it’s like ancient serbia, not yet destroyed by the influence of the west, well, i wrote the first book, the set war against userbo, it
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was published here in several editions, it ’s tiny, so... it’s easy to read for in half a day, and she basically describes how non-governmental organizations, funded from the west, create a network in society, well, in the academic environment, in the financial environment, in the business environment, she translated into russian and published in russia, 2 years ago, the topic is big, let's come in and talk more. a contemporary of soviet yugoslav friendship, slobodan stojcevic, who for the same reason speaks fluent russian, lives in a city where the analysis was left for the edification of posterity.
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us representative for religious freedom, he came to ukraine and supported the split, he motivates by the fact that it is necessary to support
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the ukrainian, ukrainian state and the diversity that is developing in ukrainian society, that is, he directly justified the split with such political motives for supporting national ukrainian statehood. and then patriarch varslamey met several times with representatives of the us state department, and this was also discussed, these were all public meetings where exactly this church topic was discussed. accordingly, even without any conspiracy theories, a very interesting anti-russian church picture was emerging. church politics. next we have to. visit the war of ideology , try to understand who has a chance of winning it, the circle is expanding, russia, ukraine,
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belarus, this is holy russia, moscow should be annexed to kiev, if it is kiev, this is russia. it was important for constantinople to take revenge on the moscow patriarchate. there are connections in everything, always, everyone is connected, as for what happened already in ukraine, then of course these connections were read, this is a purposeful activity, there is a competition between moscow and constantinople, a competition for leadership in world orthodoxy, but this is also a competition between two worldview.
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this is a case, this will be an honest detective story.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, why cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote,
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choose a candidate, we went in, i’m immediately for it. forward, creating new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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which leads the train to shuya, now we are inside, as i already mentioned, the cabin, i suggest you take a look, it’s not every day that you can see this, i repeat, this is a steam locomotive that runs on coal, and it is now pulling five cars from ivanovo to shuya, here in the brigade there are two drivers and an assistant driver, here is vladimir, he is the driver, vladimir, please tell us what the features of the control are.
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probably, most likely as a private, because we have been traveling here for several years already, for us it’s all already familiar, there are no special features anymore. thank you, thank you. families of the participants follow this retro train special military operation. this is a charity event, and as the head of the region stated, special attention at the russian christmas festival is paid to the families of military personnel. now i also propose to communicate with. with alexander, alexander, please tell me, you take people to a real fairy tale, what do you feel, what are you protecting? good afternoon, well, we feel it’s a holiday, the mood is good, cheerful, we give people a good mood, that is, but tell me, please, the frosts don’t interfere, these are the ones that have set in now, well, the frosts of course make it a little difficult to work, but at the moment - we are warming up -


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