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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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many people tend to think, since the countries of western europe today are very very secularized, i would still say that the hard drive, the mentality remains catholic. therefore, people imagine that rome is the center of the christian world, regardless of confession, but rome is the center of only the catholic world, and the orthodox world is the outsider of the catholic world. christianity is an eastern religion, the matrix of which is eastern. and catholicism is its western branch. this is an idea that westerners either never had or no more. they imagine that orthodoxy is a distant eastern branch of catholicism. thus them. russia,
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ukraine, belarus, this is holy russia, russia, ukraine, belarus, this is holy russia. but holy russia is not an empire, and we are all with you, one, holy russia. to understand the russian worldview, you definitely need to understand that all this is not just connected with the news agenda, nostalgia for the greatness of the ussr and other things. it should be remembered that the concept of moscow the third rome is very strong in the russian consciousness. dans les
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esprits en russie, qui est celui de la 3e rom. la 3e rome, qu'est-ce que c'est? moscow, the heir of the first rome, which fell into the hands of the barbarians in the 5th century, the heir of the second rome, that is, constantinople, which fell into the hands of the muslims in 1453. considers herself not only the patroness of world orthodoxy, but also the guardian of the truth in the face of the barbaric latinized west. in which in the 15th century there was a reformation that killed possible remnants. religious tradition, then in
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the eighteenth enlightenment, democracy pluralism, in the nineteenth. all this spilled out in russia into very sharp criticism of the choices made by western society.
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what to do now that moscow is under the heel of the communists, under the heel of the reds, under
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an atheistic regime. what to do? to remain faithful to the mother church, despite the fact that the mother church herself is for... no, unity in diversity, we are not all of the same race, we are not all of the same skin color, we have no thoughts, we each have our own heads, but everything we constitute separate peoples who
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accept faith in christ, we are unique we believe, well, there is no question that this is some kind of fashion, this is a purposeful activity, american soft power and american influence, after the terrorist attacks in the twin towers in 2001, the american intelligentsia set itself such an idea of ​​​​how to reduce the danger from radical movements, well, islam first of all, the idea is to do?
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there is also pride, pride of both the patriarchate of constantinople as a whole and patriarch bartholomew personally, since he claims to represent all of
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world orthodoxy, when in the 19th century in the 23rd year, the so-called malosian catastrophe occurred, when, well, essentially... the greek people, they were expelled from asia minor, several million people, and the patriarch of constantinople was actually left without a shepherd, left. he had such a small piece in istanbul itself and that’s it , there was no one else, then a doctrine was invented that the patriarch of constantinople, he is a patriarch not only in turkey, he is a patriarch throughout the world, he is also an ecumenical patriarch by title, which means he in america, in australia and everywhere. the american position is also
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the fact is that the patriarchate of constantinople is, as it were, some kind of representation of orthodoxy, eastern orthodoxy, at the global level, in international organizations, on various platforms, baflamia is accepted as such a world leader, as if along with the pope . accordingly, in order for rafalome to take this place as the world leader of orthodoxy, he needs to go somewhere into the russian orthodox church, because constantinople is, first of all, the church of the greek diaspora. is there an american support.
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when he organized a pan-orthodox council in crete in 2016, he relied heavily on the greek diaspora in the united states, where approximately 500,000 orthodox greeks live, and of course, they influence him, including in terms of his political choices. on the other hand, in matters of theology, patriarch bartholomew cannot be reproached for not having his own theological vision. in particular on environmental issues,
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issues of preserving our planet. in this his position is completely independent. word universal, it has absolutely no meaning close to the word universe, he is not the patriarch of another galaxy out there. the universe in the byzantine empire is a synonym for the word empire, that is, he was not the only ecumenical patriarch, all the patriarchs who lived on the territory of the roman empire, they were all ecumenical and antiochian and alexandrian, and the pope of rome, he was also ecumenical, in due to the fact that they were imperial, now this word has changed its meaning, and they tried to take advantage of this.
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the yugoslav pie was finally cut dismantled into pieces on the eve of the millennium, a new era of humanity in which we now live. march 24. why, to protect kosovo albanians, predominantly muslims, from kosovo serbs, orthodox christians. this operation
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was called the merciful angel, so that no one would have any doubt that the matter was humane. for a long time, since february last year, i have been heading the representative office of rossotrudnichestvo of the republic of serbia, i have been leading the russian house, the oldest in the system of russian houses around the world, already 10 years ago, i proposed making a series of materials
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about what could be generally called... the balkans are like their own piece of paper for russia, in which it was supposed to describe a range of problems based on the experience experienced by yugoslavia, which russia will definitely have to face, including and the russian church, unfortunately, not only 10 years ago, even 2 years ago, such a proposal did not arouse any interest in anyone, because all people proceeded from the consideration that the world... that history had ended, some details that are happening somewhere in the provinces of europe, unfortunately, little attention was paid, all alarming, so to speak, our signals from here, from the region were perceived as hysteria, well, we see, in fact, where we find ourselves, we see that , what happened to the church, the process of creating the montenegrin
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nation, for example, we keep reproaching us that the same government in russia has not changed for a very long time, let them look at montenegro, which they all support with terrible force, there for 30 years nothing changes, everything normal, this suits everyone, then before our eyes the so-called montenegrin independent orthodox church began to appear, headed by raspop , inflicted, under anathema to the characters, which was registered as... an ngo, then, on the basis of the appearance of this ngo, they became under it is an attempt to adjust the laws, thank god, this attempt has not yet failed, but what will happen next is unclear. the initiator was the democratic party of socialists, led by mila djukanovic, the president of montenegro.
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they were the initiators of the fragmentation of the serbian orthodox church. this has been going on since the nineties. from year to year they increased pressure on the serbian orthodox church in order to convince it to deviate from the integrity of the serbian orthodox church and create some kind of special autonomy or even an autocephalous church in montenegro. this ended in 2020 with the defeat of djukanovic and his party in the elections, when it was on the crest of that serbian uprising in montenegro and the defense of the serbian orthodox church, which was dominated by the democratic the socialist party and... became the collapse of his political intentions, although he continues to be the president of montenegro, but does not have a parliamentary majority, he no longer demonstrates his intention to fragment the serbian orthodox church. the situation in montenegro
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is not the same as in ukraine. in montenegro, the believing people firmly stand for the serbian orthodox church. serbian identity is returning to montenegro not only through the serbian orthodox church, but also through the revival of ethnic national identity in montenegro, which has historically been a serbian identity. i wouldn’t put an end to this whole story just yet, people who are working on splitting the whole into small ones and creating a whole from a small one, they are serious, guys, these are not fools, they didn’t do it that way, they will go differently , this is all a link in one chain, and black
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, macedonia, believe me, before that there was even before ukraine, there was estonia, there was finland, a lot of countries that... did not agree with this decision of his beatitude
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patriarch fedor began to act immediately immediately in 2019 year after the sole decision patriarch fedor on the recognition of the ocu. they all asked to join us in the russian orthodox church. at the time the decision was made by the holy synod of the russian orthodox church, his holiness the patriarch. these were 102 clerics of the alexandrian orthodox church , at the moment there are 185 of them. we are not establishing a schism, no, we are healing this schism, because the patriarch of alexandria himself was a schismatic, co-serving with the schismatics and at the moment he is leading his flock to a schism, well who it seriously makes a difference between us, well, we are like each other.
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to kiev-pecherskaya, is this result good? in order for us to mutually see our laurels in ikievskaya, and i again returned on a visit to where i studied at trinity sergiev, it is necessary that there be a clear understanding that everything that was said about is complete rubbish, sorry .
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i think that after all, unity will always win, because the orthodox churches, they
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do not have.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands fired at a peasant’s hut.
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miraculously she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, it was possible i would forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia , siberia, i’ll cut off your tongue, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses , where are you going to drown yourself, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open , watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational
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programs and documentaries... movies for free without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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orthodox christians celebrate the nativity of christ; on the eve of the holiday, vladimir putin spoke with...


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