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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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therefore, church services of the ocu on easter had to be held in the kiev pechersk lavra, thereby legitimizing the new church and not overthrowing the canonical one. the old maidan methods, crowbars and sledgehammers, were used. we managed to get our camera to kiev these days, although not for long; in the interests of the safety of the film crew, after a week we had to stop working there.
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roman lunkin, a religious scholar from the europe iran institute, appeared in the first three episodes of the schism, and we continued the conversation regarding european logics of choice in these three series. this is history, it seems to me that
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it allows us to take a fresh look at the ukrainian conflict, at the trends that led to its emergence, but actually think about what will happen in the ruins of this conflict, the split as a political influence, not moreover, any war that was waged in the form of, well, supposedly a religious war, was always... still based on the fact that somewhere there was that same person interested in buying matches for the torchlight procession. namasha brecht's courage is just about the events of that thirty year war. glory to nasia, fragments of this feature film about then.
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the national state that is being created on the territory of ukraine is a state that, in general, does not correspond to any standards.
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france and europe responded immediately, unanimously, firmly, we did this in close coordination with the british, canadians, americans, japanese and many other countries. in fact, the war is not happening between ukraine and russia, the war is happening between nato and russia on the territory of ukraine. the question of whether to fight or not to fight is being decided not in kyiv, the issue is being resolved in washington.
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the founder of the geneva press club, which unites the french-language press in switzerland, gimitan, was especially outraged. the free world by two actions: he wrote a book: west russia, the thousand-year war, the history of russophobia from charlemagne to the ukrainian crisis, he also held a conference of the press club he headed on the topic of the crimes of the white helmets. the syrian civil defense, better known as the white helmets, is a non-governmental organization created in 2014. the white helmets became famous posting on the internet. photos and videos of destruction and casualties of attacks allegedly carried out by the syrian government and its allies, that is, russia in particular. at the same time, the organization was repeatedly accused of the staged nature of such materials. in general, progressive humanity has not liked methane since then, but this does not prevent
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him from remaining part of european politics, being a member of the swiss people's party. sides. spring 1624. the war, which went down in history as the thirty years war, has been going on for 6 years now. spanish and austrian the habsburgs, the catholic princes of germany,
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supported by the papacy and the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, are fighting a bloc of countries acting under the banners. protestantism. sweden was also part of this bloc. the swedes are recruiting troops in germany for a campaign against poland. recruiters are on the prowl in search of cannon fodder. with the thirty years' war, everything is not easy, because in fact , it is on the other side. both catholics and protestants fought. but she doesn't care.
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spain did not try to take catholic france into the ring of spanish possessions, so to speak, to expand its nato to the north under... and what was initially a confrontation between catholics and protestants became a geopolitical war. europeans, each country directly defended its interests, the holy roman empire, there was france, denmark, sweden and so on, the russian kingdom also participated in the thirty years' war, but at the same time we all directly participated, no one was embarrassed, as now. we have a difficult task ahead of us, in simple words, to talk about quite complex things, the thirty years' war. still stands in the national memory of the german people in one
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from the most important, very difficult, tragic bloody pages. andrei prokopyev is one of the most authoritative experts on the history of germany, heads the department of history of the middle ages at st. petersburg state university and is the author of a monograph on the history of the thirty years' war. and reformation in germany, shortly after the end of the second world war, after the forty-fifth year , a sociological survey was conducted in a number of west german states on what people consider the most tragic in the historical past of germany? so, very surprisingly many responded that the thirty years' war should be such a tragedy, such a drama, not even the bombing of the second world war.
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we need additional air defense systems and shells,
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we also need modern fighters, without which no air defense systems work ideally, we have artillery, yes, thank you, democracy needs victory, as we have seen. one of the great achievements following the thirty years' war was the conclusion of the peace of westphalia in 1648. he asserted the principle: each country has its own faith. to each the prince has his own faith, be it protestantism or catholicism.
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provoke tension between believers in different jurisdictions. in countries where there are several religions, such as in ukraine, where there are greek catholics, the orthodox moscow patriarchate and the orthodox church of ukraine, there is an opportunity to take advantage of this, provoke tension , sow discord between believers, provoke an explosion, or at least at least...
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yes, yes, yes, it is sacred, therefore it is pleasing to god, yes, that’s true, on the one hand, it’s a war in which they slaughter a little, kill a little, rape a little, yes, rape a little, on the other hand, it is a war,
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the conclusion of international agreements, international transactions. the myth of the peace of istval was, in my opinion, partly developed by jurists and jurists of the 19th century, who already lived in completely new conditions. it was important for them to emphasize the importance of the so -called national statehood, which would be headed, among other things, by national monarchs. here i would like to recall another story: in during the reign of john paul ii , the roman catholic church played a major role in the collapse of yugoslavia.
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the catholic church supported catholic croatia in the confrontation with the orthodox. deliberately going over to the croatian side. thus, it repeats what happened during the second world war, when the croatian catholic archbishop found himself in the ranks of collaborators with the nazis. so here, for example.
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because everything that happened during the second world war, and the idea that pavelich extolled, everything has now been revived again, what a ridiculous mistake, the serbs continue to consider us a great brother, mind you, a brother, not a neighbor, but we, we have become different, we have become more cowardly, we are confused, the feeling of betrayal has begun to develop stronger. and not only yeltsin, kozyrev, khazbullatov and the supreme council are to blame for all mortal sins, we ourselves step on an ant and do not notice it, but when an elephant steps on us, we scream. on april 25 , a referendum will be held in russia, serbs are also waiting for this day, will the international policy of our state change, this question remains unanswered, and for now? serbia does not ask for
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financial help from russia, especially since there is plenty of it here. they are confident that russia has too little time left for it to finally determine its political position in relation to the balkans. yes, this is not 1941, but the consequences of this war could be much worse for europe. i’m not scaring you, i just really don’t want russia to repeat the bloody path of the former yugoslavia. but yes, by and large the situation of the thirty years' war was repeated. croatia. slavs catholic countries, naturally, they supplied john paul i with one-sided information, the serbs are killing us there, and so on, that something needs to be done, and so on. as it turned out, john paul i was wrong in this regard; not only did this bloodshed not stop, as we know, yes, but it continued for another 3 years. he denied to the end that there was an interreligious war going on in yugoslavia. he did not believe in this, he did not believe
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that priests could call for murders or allow murders. it didn’t fit in his head, for ivan paul i it didn’t was the goal there to recognize the independence of croatia, no , he never had such a goal, he had a goal - to stop the bloodshed, if to stop the bloodshed it is necessary to recognize the independence of these republics, then it is necessary to recognize the independence of these republics, then maybe the war will stop, as it turned out , he was wrong. on the anniversary of russia's special military operation in ukraine , a documentary film was shown in the distant vatican. dad modestly sat down in the kissing seats, the last row of the cinema hall. it was in the press headlines: in the new hall of the vatican cathedrals, a screening
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of the film “freedom in the window”, directed by american director evgeny afeneevsky, took place. after the session , gifts were brought out for the main spectator. and i’ll ask you there too. it is from a village completely destroyed by the russians, but we succeeded. get this flag and we would like to leave it with your holiness. probably pope francis does not have any stones in his bosom, only a wide heart, like
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pope john paul ii. when, for example, they admit what they are asked to admit. well, here's the ocu. at a meeting of representatives of religious organizations of ukraine with the pope, invited everyone, including the ocu, whose status is still uncertain. but there was no chair for metropolitan anofry, the first hierarch of the ukrainian orthodox church, the first in ukraine, in terms of the number of clergy, parishes and monasteries in the vatican. the oldest orthodox church in ukraine no longer exists for them, however, in the ocu itself, apparently, they use the same strategy of confessions according to the situation, the head of the orthodox church of ukraine, epiphanius, with an interval of 3 years, went through slippery slopes, like...
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thomas, neither petro poroshenko nor any other politician, regardless of whether he represents the current government or the opposition, plays any exceptional role in the life of the orthodox church of ukraine. it could cost the swiss his head, it could cost the swiss his head.
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this is the peculiarity of the holy see, they receive very one-sided information, i was not exiled to russia just like that, again, there is no need to be afraid of this word ecumenism, how much time has passed, the situation has not changed in many respects.
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international exhibition of equipment raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production is being held for the twenty-fifth time. for the first time , almost 500 companies from 15 countries are taking part in it. russian producers have become very active, which is great. people realized that this is the time when they can make themselves known. i think china can replace everything. western manufacturers are now producing world-class bioreactors, traditionally it is believed that if these are domestic products, they are probably somewhere lower in class, you know, i assure you, this is not so, scientific and research centers are uniting with business for the creation of drugs, this is already a kind of peak, when we try together to create truly original molecules, original drugs.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, a clear and clear signal works in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers?
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today is one of the main church holidays - christmas, christmas eve vladimir putin met with relatives of the military, who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting in novo ogorevo. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, warriors of russia, are still defending the interests of our country on holiday with weapons in their hands. a signal for all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation, and at all levels, so that it would be a clear signal to be with you always and everywhere.


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