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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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every time the poles again found themselves under the heel, so to speak, of foreign invaders, be they germans or russians, well, these are the main invaders, in fact, who always conquered the poles, it all came to life in the poles, the roots of this phenomenon go much deeper, and this is probably already the 15-16th century. natalya tanshina, professor of the department of general history. school of current humanities studies, institute of social sciences, ranhix. she also studies the polish phenomenon, researched the role of the polish question and polish emigration in the formation russophobic view of russia in europe. polish historians, they essentially developed this concept that russia, well then even ruse or the muscovite kingdom, illegally appropriated the original polish lands.
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cannot believe, for this society has a limbic system of the brain, everyone believes in something, that is, in the limbic system there is a set of data that exists from the moment of human conception, our genetic system is also there, and we, for example, orthodox people, we can no longer have the genetic system of catholicism, grigory otrepiev will be cursed in his struggle for the royal throne. here is dmitry’s receipt given to the polish king sigismund, stating that he undertakes to return 4.0 zlotys after his accession to moscow. this is how alienism literally began in russia. “here is our russia
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, it is yours, tsarevich, the hearts of your people are waiting there for you, your moscow, your kremlin, your power, russian blood, oh kurbsky will flow, after his accession the impostor proclaimed himself emperor, but was killed by the rebel muscovites, burned, ashes he was charged in came to the west, the debt remained unpaid, and the knights of the tefton order, polish catholics, the main dimension of their own messiahship for them was catholic pro-selitism, expansion, that’s for sure, and this was the main motive in 1610, 1613 , during the creation of the lithuanian-polish alliance against russia
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, there was the plunder of orthodox lands, i think that the catholic church did not consciously pursue a policy of any kind of liquidation of orthodoxy, competition with orthodoxy was primarily on these western slavic lands, and such global competition between orthodoxy and orthodoxy, the catholic church did not think then, and in general does not think now, after attempts to support a series of self-proclaimed encroachments on the russian throne, king sigismund entered into a direct war with russia. catholicism was in the kremlin, but something went wrong. this may sound strange. our historical destiny, yes, rather, rather here in russia, of course, i would not want it to happen in
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this space, let’s say, as canonically speaking here. territories orthodox church, yes, god forbid , someone again tried to voice, namely, that catholics are the cause of all evil, i don’t argue that we have active parishioners, parishes, as members of the church, i’m not talking about my parish, my parish is here as rector, if he is pro-russian, that’s it, goodbye, you can’t be anti-russian. and the role of russia, precisely our state, russia in syria is visible to all catholics. i can confidently tell you that at least a significant part of the convicts understand how positive a role russia played holy land. assyria is part of the holy
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land. accordingly, catholics with great interest, i’m just in this environment , i can say, in the west, they looked with great interest at what... let us see what the catholic church is in general, it’s 350 billion people, that is, nothing bigger, while we are not in the world, yes, we are changing, changing, yes, adapting to this world, we love each other, we intend to be together, we were not only thinking about the zachs, although at one time we got married, we dreamed about church ritual because... because we are believers, what is happening, for example, in germany, the synodal path, these conversations that in general there can be marriages between, marriages between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, yes, then most people, they do not
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share, of course, such a view, marriage for a believing christian, catholic or orthodox, is always a union between a man and a woman for the purpose of having children, any priest
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of his faith will say this, because it is precisely because of for this conformist that we are used to, even the same bishops who are led by all these temptations and perversions, yes, which exist, they just seem to not want to give up this comfort in
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sexual terms, in material terms, in terms of the demands of the gospel, and the truth that he preaches, it’s easier to agree, yes, well, we’ll survive somehow, and after us there’ll be a flood. but this is also a betrayal, this is all a betrayal, in russia the most excellent conditions have been created for us, russia now acts as a defender of traditional values, i don’t know to what extent...
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here, from a medical point of view, it will probably be
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more clear that in any faith there is no truth or lie. the state of unity of faith does not allow us to divide into right and left. if we give an ultrapatriot this encephalography, certain points in the brain will work on him. if we make an ultra-liberal, he will have exactly the same points in his brain working. if we do it to a neutral person or a child who, in principle , doesn’t care if he has a horse, for example, or a rocking chair, exactly opposite points in his brain will work, then there is a person who truly believes, neither the thyroid gland nor the reproductive system will work for him, separately from each other, rising się waterlaw rosyjskiego imperializmu i rosyjskiego kolonializmu.
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in 1830-31, the elite of the polish kingdom, which enjoyed special rights as part of the russian empire, tried to separate from moscow. the uprising was brutally suppressed. but just after the suppression of the polish uprising of the thirty-first years, the poles settled in paris and london, it was there that they disseminated all the information about russia, this is the passion or love of europeans.
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i read an article in an italian geopolitical publication, it was a study devoted to the fact that pope benedict xv, who was pope until 2012, was the initiator of the rapprochement of the catholic and orthodox churches, the moscow patriarchate, throughout his reign, held regular meetings of hierarchs, thanks to which...
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they can actively work together to protect christians around the world, so that there is no war. and what happened? very, very it is suspicious that even during the negotiations to prepare the meeting in havana, even under benedict, in 2012, the americans turned off the swift system to the vatican bank, thereby depriving it of the ability to make any payments.
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create any obstacles on this path to rapprochement and slow down this process. here is the meeting of the patriarch of moscow of all russia with the pope. the first to approach the pope is the administrator of the ukrainian orthodox church, which is now persecuted in ukraine, metropolitan anthony. ukrainian hierarchs in the russian church are completely always would.
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until 2017, for a thousand years, if we are talking about the schism of 1446, the patriarch of constantinople did not interfere in the affairs of ukraine, but suddenly, as if by accident, in 2017, the patriarch, who had never spoken out on this matter before, decided that he has a mission. create a schism within the already existing ukrainian church schism. agree, this is quite surprising, and of course, not at all accidental. as a catholic, i shouldn’t discuss
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the fact that he’s like bartholomew, but i can only as an observer and look, we have. the patriarch of constantinople, who, as a small orthodox bishop, lives in a large islamic city called istanbul, is trying to point his finger at the largest orthodox church with its center in moscow, but excuse me guys, you need to somehow know your own, not just your place, but your opportunities, his place is good, his opportunities are small, so what, but here...
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the events of the russian church, as the guardian of its borders and to strengthen catholic and greek-catholic influence on the ukrainians orthodox, here is a catholic priest attending a service in the altar in the kharkov church of st. john the evangelist, jurisdiction of the orthodox church of ukraine. here in the cathedral of st. sophia in kiev, greek catholics have already joined the ocu, and the ukrainian post office issued stamps with the image of the pochaev lavra of the time. it is assumed that after the ukrainian orthodox church is expelled from it, it will be transferred to the greek catholics,
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so it turns out that there is no one to inform the pope about what is happening under his banner, unless, of course, he himself is aware of everything what is happening, if we are talking about expansion to the east, if we are talking about the organization, the so-called... if our ancestors were once offended, and i don’t know if there are
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people on the territory of the two states of russia and ukraine who are not offended by the authorities, i don’t know, it seems to me that no , accordingly, we have the opposite, enemy force, which believes that there is something to fight with, we were offended, our ancestors in the limbic system, we also have this... they insist that we had there was a holodomor, we had it, i don’t know, the army swept through ukraine, half of everything was cut out there, the cossacks , it’s unclear what, they were here and there, the crimea was taken away from our sacred territories, although well , what are we talking about, yes, that is, by typing these patterns in the form of triggers, by typing, yes, the limbic system of the brain begins to evaluate whether or not it’s worth investing resources there
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. we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia, we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone? early on sunday morning, during the absolute parade , children cried out, people, rise, everyone vote let's go, mom said to sonna, let's choose remotely, dad supported the pharynx, let's choose electronically, grandma told grandpa, i'm the father. i’ll go with you, but our generation loves papers and ballots, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m not an opponent of progress, hold my granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable,
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okay? and remotely, we will go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, to our usual methods, on the site, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, who are you, wandering musicians? we do not have a bright leader, a legendary musical a quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my zanaty, wow, where have you been before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m with you for their palaces towering vaults will
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never replace freedom. accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town town musicians.
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let's get acquainted before everyone else, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with a blunt trauma to the skull , vosnetsova is always one step ahead, four, let’s sign up, i’ll beat you up to intimidate her, i wouldn’t ruin your situation, you need to try very hard, we ’ll burn her, let’s say i really got into past, why the hell come here, holob 2
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today is one of the main church holidays: christmas. on christmas eve, vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting. many of our men. courageous, our heroic guys, russian warriors , are still defending the interests of our country with weapons in their hands, so firstly, i would like you and i to congratulate everyone on this holiday, secondly, i would like our the meeting was such a clear, understandable signal to all my colleagues throughout the vast
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territory of the russian federation. support from outside, i hope this will happen. christmas was celebrated in the special military operation zone. we came to the front line to see the fighters in the donetsk and south donetsk directions clergy, but the combat work did not stop. vitaly starushchenko with details. holy god, holy mighty, holy immortal, have mercy on us. this christmas service takes place near the line of military contact on...


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