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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the state will always support everyone who, with arms in hand, defends our homeland and their family. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with relatives of the fallen heroes. the president invited them to novogorev’s residence to talk about the problems of celebrating one of the main orthodox holidays together. nativity . anastasia yafimova will tell you how it all went. this christmas eve, they are the personal guests of the president. i asked my colleagues to organize festive events for you for pre- christmas events. i hope you liked. there are already big, strong guys here, i see they are quite old and quite small, thanks for the colic, president.
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please, the little guests report in detail, they were on red square and at the russia exhibition at vdnkh, at the zoo, the panda was especially memorable, as well as on a tour of the stables at the residence of the head of state. although we didn’t get to ride horses, we were able to pet everyone and give them a treat. this is an american miniature horse. unlike ponies, such horses cannot be ridden. to hear everyone, the head of state immediately reduces the distance.
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level of power, management, so that you always feel people next to you who , if necessary, can support, help , come to the rescue if you need it, and life is complex, diverse, there are always cases and they often arise when you need support from the outside, i hope that this will be the case, the president spoke more than once at meetings with... the fighters themselves in dialogues with members of their families, but so far adults only were about to take the floor, the children took the initiative, my drawing went into the book, what and what book, about dad, because my dad is a hero of russia, he gives his life for all of us , i invite you to the presentation, it will come soon, thank you very much, i ’ll definitely present it, and you’ll give me a book, right?
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look, yes, thank you very much , i’m happy, we just have it ourselves, by the way, you and i couldn’t afford these, because my mother works a lot of her time, she has endless classics, a mortgage, yeah, well, we i i think we'll figure it out, yes we will we’ll figure it out with you, of course , we’ll do that, don’t even worry, mom will have more time, yes...
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what’s the name of the teacher who teaches, sergei vasilyevich, sergei vasilyevich, hello , hello, though, a little less friendly, judging by.. .we are, as it were, out of nowhere, people are contacting us with these problems, there is such a problem, i will definitely talk with the company to fix it, talk to vladimir putin promised to talk to the patriarch after the question about
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the status of military chaplains with the minister of defense, and without delaying it even at night, true, after, together with the guests, the head of state attended the divine liturgy here at his residence near moscow in the church of the savior not made by hands ... christmas is one of the most beloved and long-awaited christian holidays, which, as the president emphasized, unites millions of people, and this unity in goodness and mercy is more important today than ever. anastasia efimova, lead. on christmas day, patriarch kirill visited the hospital of st. alexis. the primate of the russian orthodox church spoke with medical staff and patients.
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a feat, as a result of which, you were wounded, but in war there is no other way, god grant you the strength to endure this test, god grant you to calmly enter this new stage of your life, you are courageous people, you will succeed. ilya bystrov, an attack aircraft with the call sign
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pike, he freed maryenka, during the group’s next combat mission, he saved a comrade and stepped on a mine petal. today ilya has already been operated on, he is waiting for prosthetics.
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for prosthetics, blindness is removed, we have a workshop there, we assemble the prosthesis there, walking training, rehabilitation; they are already leaving with prosthetics; we are planning to open a similar center for prosthetics and medical adaptation in the donetsk people’s republic in the city of gorlovko. the year 2024 of st. alexis is greeted with updates, a cardiology department with a modern cardiac intensive care unit is preparing to open , a hospital gift from the patriarch, equipment will also go here...
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we are very glad to see you , merry christmas, congratulations, thank you, the christmas holiday is now celebrated very solemnly throughout our country, and i was very touched, especially by the celebration in the city of moscow, by a very large number of young people, children, such a spiritual revival of our people is felt, when the spirit is strengthened, then everything is strengthened, the country is strengthened, the people are strengthened, because our victories have always been... .are associated with fortitude, your example is very important,
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because you are, indeed, but in a sense, the personification of strong people, this is very important for our youth. the russian army in the kupinsky direction repelled attacks by four brigades of the armed forces of ukraine at once, in the donetsk direction an attack on nine brigades in zaporozhye, six in each, zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more . next, after a little advertising, watch the film by andrei medvedev, novorusiya. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet
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, great blow, now i’ll post it, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed coverage, cool video, this took off faster than i thought. what with 5g it’s even faster than looking at it 100 times , it’s better to turn it once, rotate it, twist it only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass, try a real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible
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taste, a ray of golden sunshine, bremen town musicians, already in the cinema, looks like a cold, take paracetamol, citramon prenival, we we trust renival, we choose renival. with the russian lotto, the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, 100-lato. the legendary alfabank credit card is free forever, it has become even more profitable. withdraw cash for free from any atm. hello.
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happy new year, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, but why is it possible,
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you can, iota, connect for a maximum of 399. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy felippo berrio olive oil for only 899 rubles. today we are signing agreements on the admission of the donetsk people's republic, the lugansk people 's republic, the zaporozhye region and the kherson region to russia, we lived with this event for 8 years, i , as a soviet officer, lived with this event for 30
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years, people made their choice, definitely. after 30 years of degradation, we are finally starting to play by the rules, people are beginning to understand that they belong here in novorusiya rumyantsev, suvorov and ushakov fought. i made my choice, therefore, if i die , then only for ours, for everything, for russian, for russian, here our grandfathers and great-grandfathers stood to death during the great patriotic war, we will live in the country in which we want to live, nothing can change this. people living in lugansk, donetsk, kherson and zaporozhye become our citizens forever. our future together with russia is the choice of millions of residents, our common destiny and thousand-year history. we have returned to our historical roots, this is unshakable, this
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the basis is the foundation. donetsk, debaltsevo , ilovaisk, mariupol, makeevka poroshenko, it will be like here, remember, cities and towns, where for 8 years men and women with arms in their hands defended their right to be russian, and we came to them, they to we defended our historical homeland, they need land, these bandera bitches will get drunk with blood.
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and a new geopolitical bridgehead of the russian empire, when ukraine declared independence and divided the black sea fleet, my husband fought at the bus stop, got into a fight with some two, he says, what kind of your fleet, if
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russia began to build a fleet near voronezh, was launched?
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knows the construction of the dnieper line, from the dnieper to the sea of ​​azov, seven fortresses, the border of novorussia, the governor of the novorossiysk region, general grigory potemkin, by order of the empress, continues the resettlement of foreigners to empty lands. 50 km from berdyansk there is a bulgarian village, we have a lot of them here, when the russian army won...
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i always thought that i was russian, i grew up here, i think in russian, i’m already coming home, i need to switch to ukrainian language ,
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it’s already important for me to earn money. this is considered, well , remembering the traditions, there is nothing wrong with this , speak any language, governor potemkin wrote: and people who do not understand the russian language, russian customs, were attracted with love and affection, no one carried out forced christianization, they built synagogues and orthodox churches.
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the russian empire of the time of catherine ii was implementing a new byzantine project, it invited those who were oppressed on national grounds, on religious grounds, and gave them its protection, because these people they worked well, created and created for the benefit of their new big homeland, it gave them the security and opportunity to live well on this land. in order to at least understand.
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to take and so on, this is ukraine and we must fire at everyone, that is, people had such a concept, they considered the inhabitants of those places to be unworthy, they would fire shells at the shvidkim, that’s all that was left,
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