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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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an element of security and stability in the world , therefore, it is a wonderful benefit for the international stakes, diplomats, who are present at our meeting, this is european thought, american thought, well... especially for young people, students, as they were authors of the most important events whose maidan, the turning point occurred when yushchenko, this orange revolution, yushchenko.
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it’s cold, there’s coffee, there’s tea, and we stood there and were freezing, we wanted a bright future, there ’s a bright future for us, there were some ideas of our own, that’s the idea there independence, and we ourselves will move us...
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puchma also recalled in his memoirs that yushchenko was imposed on him by the americans, when kuchma , in order to stabilize the hryvnia, which he introduced as a result of the monetary reform, needed cash loans from the imf and the imf, which is controlled by the americans , proposed the candidacy of comrade yushchenko for the head of the national bank of ukraine, not only that... yushchenko, as we remember, has a wife, she has a significant rank, that is, we understand that she was an active employee of the nsa, there in this situation the interests of the ukrainian oligarchs coincided with the interests of the west, gradually the ukrainian oligarchs, they integrated into the west, not into russia, which is what the oligarchs were afraid of, they were afraid of repeating the fate of gusinsky, khodorkovsky, and others, power began to dominate, and the new ukrainian oligarchs were afraid that they would not cease to be masters.
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europe! in recent years, it seemed that this was all , you know, such hopelessness, everything was gone , no one needed us, everything was getting worse, worse, worse, my mother, who had 40 years of experience there, had such a pension that she had enough to pay for services, about medicines there is no question of having something for yourself buy, there is no question, well, of the things, the ukrainian authorities destroyed the data on pensioners, we went to the oschat bank, in the cash register there are... hryvnias
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that they did not have time to give to pensioners, they just took them, poured paint on them, simply destroyed them, money do not lend themselves to anything. resolution, what to call it, you lose respect for the country, some american protege comes out and says: we think there should be 17 million people in ukraine, why the fright, who counted this, why should there be 17 million of us when we were once 52, where should the rest go? get away?
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to reconquer the crimean peninsula. in 1783 , russia liquidated the crimean khanate and annexed crimea. in 1802 as a result of the reform of alexander ii. the novorossiysk province was divided into tauride, kherson
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and ekaterinoslav. in 1827, it was sent to the table of the governor-general of novorossiysk and bessarabian count varantsov. maritime trade always brought good profits, from this the port flourished and the city prospered, beryansk is a small town, so cozy, well, my first job is a goby, how
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to make it, we say goby, but there’s more twenty-five names of all varieties of pychka, round timber, everything is there. gray, they are different , but when you fry a bull, it starts to twist like this in the frying pan, so i left them, they are different, i look, and my bull is there, since the end of the 18th century, the russian empire has created cities throughout the territory of novorussia, a decree on construction of kherson. 1778 after 2 years , ships with cargo under the russian flag were already arriving in the city. foreign merchants and commercial houses, french, polish, austrian, flocked there. from kherson russian
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grain bread was sent to france, spain and america. in 1786, ekaterinoslav, present-day dnepropetrovsk, was founded. three years later , potemkin issued a decree. nikolaev was founded, and the highest order immediately followed to establish the admiralty and shipyard in the city. after the death of potemkin, at the behest of the empress , a military and merchant harbor appeared on the site of the city of khadzhibey. this is how odessa was founded. recently in odessa, a new folk pastime of pouring paint on katka appeared, which once again reminds us that in odessa there is a monument to the russian odious queen empress. no one needs it, the city was given a tax exemption for 25 years, a large amount of land to be distributed to residents for gardens and even agricultural dachas. a tenth of customs duties went to the development of the city. odessa became the main port
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of the southwestern empire. in 1817, to stimulate the development of trade in the port of odessa, the russian government introduced the porto franqua regime. free trade. by the middle of the 19th century, kherson and odessa were the richest cities of new russia. foreigners named new russian russian lands. we have the richest country, we have hundreds of thousands of times more arable land than spain, italy, france, and have become so poor during this time, people beg for money, they started traveling, it’s a nightmare, it’s a shame for their people, and the people they are forced to leave their families and go somewhere to earn money, this is bad. in our village, the tenants grow blackberries, and my
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son and employer suggested that i go to england, why? because i could earn good money there, well, more than here, i would have earned enough money for housing, as it were. well, i refused, why? because i don’t want to go somewhere to earn money, because i want to be in my homeland, on my land, why should i go there? we have here a cherry paradise, youth. our cherries are very tasty, everyone loves them very much, this is our pride in melitopol since the fourteenth year, when we were sharply turned into european integration, and we had to develop european markets, then we were faced with the traditional protection of producers of european cooperatives, if we their volumes of products to europe, we would squeeze out local producers, german, austrian, dutch, and there are
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cooperatives that not only produce, they also buy cherries in other regions, they saw us as a certain threat, so we could supply according to some quotas on a residual basis, but the main criterion for the supply of cherries is not taste, which we are traditionally accustomed to, and for them the standard is important, the standard, that is, it is the caliber, no one cares. with development events in the donbass, ukraine limited exports to russian territory, this hit the economic condition of the local population , projects for the development of many farms were suspended, until 2014 , very often they bought food products here that were written in english and not for consumption.
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.. economic question, we were even there, we were not against it, we initially said, yes, this is good, and we will be happy to move in this direction, but you mean, we have a special relationship, we open borders, we have a free trade zone, but you should at least discuss it with us, no, it’s none of your business, how could it be, well, it was just amazing, so amazing, they treated our position with amazing disdain, to be honest, even i didn't expect this. by the way, if they had done it a little differently, it would have been much
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more profitable for ukraine itself, our cooperation chains would not have been broken, ukraine would have preserved an entire branch of its production. kbanova was recently closed, but it’s a treasure there was a republic larger than the gas transportation system, because this is the intellectual potential in ukraine. this is where winged giants and turboprop ships of the general designer are born.
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the company for coal, iron and rail production begins the construction of a metallurgical plant with a workers' village, yuzovka, present-day donetsk. on january 24, 1872 , the first cast iron was produced at the yuzovka plant, the railway was launched, and
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the boss and genefeld machine-building and iron foundries were built. now this donetsk machine-building. the plant opens a workshop for the repair of mining equipment, now the rudchenkovsky machine-building plant of mining equipment. in 1896, in lugansk , german industrialist gustav hartmann began construction of a large locomotive plant. at the beginning of the 20th century, there were already 16 factories in the city. by 1913, there were 1,200 mines operating in the donbass. from 1894 to 1917 , seven new largest metallurgical plants were launched in the donbass, and a shipbuilding plant was launched in nikolaev. canon of revolution, mathias builds the first airplane
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factory in russia. the russian empire, it mastered and transformed. this region has made fraternal peoples who lived separately, instilled in their souls the idea of ​​a great power, and then we all belong to a single powerful russian culture. for example, brodsky, a native of the village of sofievka, a bulgarian village, a student of ilya repin himself,
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traveled to italy and studied there with italian masters. he looked at the quattracento, at the revival, my favorite painting is lenin with molno, whoever sees it will not forget never, this rosette that sticks out under the frame as if alive, he loved detail, it was like his priority, he gave tasks to his students, they painted pictures for him, he had no time, he simply signed with his own hand, they immediately went to implementation naturally, he bought this money for someone, well, meters of the wanderer. he returned here to berdyansk and he founded this museum here in 1930, he brought 230 exhibits from the imperial academy of arts, about 50 paintings, very very valuable, they are no longer there, the past the management was afraid that a war would break out here and hid some of the paintings, and
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some of the paintings were simply taken away, we don’t know where they were taken out. i worked at zaks one fine day, we came to work, it was the beginning of the nineties, and we even had our typewriters redone, the letters replaced with ukrainian ones, although the zaks was under alarm, because documents of eternal use are stored there.
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we have the same feelings, we love our children equally, we love our grandchildren equally, we eat the same bread, movies, books, everything in common, why should the language be divided, complete stupidity, this is some kind of disease, i was born in ukrainian, and half the words are russian, half the words are ukrainian, i’m a surzhik, i don’t know how it is like that. well, i, i’m russian, i was born in the oryol region, bolkhov district, well, my homeland. i will honestly say, not ukraine separately, not russia separately, this is the homeland, the soviet union. almost 3 and a half centuries
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ago, the ukrainian people reunited with russia. now ukraine is one of 15 fraternal republics of equal rights that are part of the soviet union.
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ukraine is not russia wrote: in any respect
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to what happened in the twenties, it must be admitted that if it were not for the ukrainization of the school carried out at that time, our today's independence might not have existed. in addition to schools, theaters, newspapers, universities were ukrainized , civil servants who did not speak the ukrainian language ... were fired without the right of reinstatement. even such prominent figures of the communist movement as rosa luxemburg did not approve of the policy of ukrainization. she wrote: “ukrainian nationalism in russia is nothing more than just a quirk, the distortion of several dozen petty-bourgeois intellectuals, without any roots in the economy, politics or spiritual sphere of the country, without any historical tradition, for ukraine has never been either a nation or a state, and such a ridiculous joke is not..." several university professors, students, lenin and his comrades artificially inflated it into a political fact.
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both worlds, real and digital, no one knows, no one, look at the games of the future, kazan february 21, the legend begins, just spend gigabytes and minutes and... receive gifts? and what is it possible? you can, iota, connect the maximum for 399 rubles get super boxes as a gift, you can, yota! we're playing at home in january! cars, prizes worth millions and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon! under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect plunder! an airy, natural, happy sound carries a silver bullet in the heat of july. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. rotate,
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“investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources.” give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want reached? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
10:00 pm
the state will always support everyone who, with arms in hand, defends our homeland and their family. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with relatives of the fallen heroes. the president invited them to novoogorov’s residence to talk about the problems of celebrating together one of the main orthodox holidays: the nativity of christ, this is a holiday for many.


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