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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the state will always support everyone who, with arms in hand, defends our homeland and their families. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with relatives of the fallen heroes. the president invited their novogorev residence to talk about the problems of celebrating one of the main orthodox holidays together: christmas, many of our men.
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our courageous, heroic guys, russian warriors, are now defending the interests of our country with weapons in their hands, so first of all , i would like you and me to get out of here together congratulated you on this holiday. and secondly, i would like our meeting to be such a clear, understandable signal to all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation. at all levels, so that there is a clear signal that my colleagues, i repeat, of any level of power, management, are always and everywhere next to you, so that you always feel next to you people who, if necessary, can support, help, come to the rescue , if it is needed, and life is complex, diverse, there are always cases and they often arise when support is needed. on the other hand, i hope that this will happen.
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vladimir putin celebrated christmas with the families of military personnel who died during a special operation in the temple that saved the miraculous image at novogorev’s residence. after the service, the president showed the guests an icon with the face of st. elizabeth feodorovna romanova. he brought this shrine from new york. this means she has been bred into the ranks of saints. “this icon was given to me by a representative of a foreign church in new york, i brought it here, placed it at home and did not immediately realized that she had returned to her home, because this was her home, she lived here, then he took it here, and this church was their home,
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the russian army in the kupinsky direction repelled attacks from four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once, in the donetsk direction an attack on nine brigades, in zaporozhye, six each, zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers, mercenary officers, two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 11 howubs and self-propelled guns, mostly french, american, polish ; a su-27 fighter and a su-25 attack aircraft were shot down, as well as 38 combat drones, while british experts claim that the russians managed to destroy two american petriot installations near kiev. klimovsk, near moscow , governor andrei vorobyov discussed how to quickly connect freezing houses to heat supply after the accident in the boiler house. repair crews restored another boiler and the next few hours to heat.
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more than 100 houses will be connected, within the next few hours we are going to launch 44 houses that are located in this location, so, taking into account the already launched houses, we we will reach 90-90% percent for the population that lives in the city of chrylos, it is important that in the future we sign the road map , we do not have a breakdown, so i really hope that in the future we will accompany the operation of the boiler house without interruption. in europe, the operation of boeing 737 max-9 aircraft has been suspended. after the door of one of these airliners was torn out during a flight at an altitude of 500 m, the crew managed to land with great difficulty. previously, the flight of these airliners was stopped by the federal us civil aviation administration. there is a small advertisement ahead. watch anna
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afanasyeva's report about the life and work of those who help develop russia's relations with african countries. when you cook with pleasure, it's just a song. but dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. samat gold tablet with intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on dirt. somat gold is our number one in effective cleansing. apartment in moscow, count five. only five purchases from a thousand rubles on any sberbank credit card until... january 1 apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it,
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bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref - number one in russia for maintaining cleanliness and freshness toilet. start the year. there will be discounts on bargain purchases at the megamarket, buy women's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, no one will pay for it, it’s someone else’s bullshit, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue. the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. during the forum
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, st. petersburg became a real window to africa. thousands of delegates from 48 countries, of which 27 were presented first. second persons of states. over the course of two days , the key areas of russia’s partnership with the countries of the continent were discussed. as before, russia is ready to globally contribute to strengthening the sovereignty of african states and to help ensure that africa becomes one of the key partners in the new system of multipolar world order. according to president vladimir putin, a new dawn has arrived in relations between russia and africa. the implementation of humanitarian and economic projects becomes a priority for both sides of the dialogue. today a large-scale joint russian-african union action plan until 2026 will be approved. this comprehensive document provides for intensifying contacts on
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issues of peace and security and resolving crisis situations. we traveled to several countries on the continent to meet people who were far from politics. but influencing what russia's image will be in africa, the satisfaction is in what i can share and what is there. the future of our relationship,
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dancer and choreographer jaana oger was leaving russia to africa in the mid-nineties with the sole purpose of earning money, amazingly, but at that time there were opportunities for... she had more earnings in africa than in her homeland. the first country on the continent for yang was the democratic republic of the congo. she went there on a contract for 3 months, but ended up staying for 6 and a half years. times in the congo were turbulent at that time; as a result, the country experienced two revolutions and two evacuations. that is, when the revolution took place somewhere in the village.
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i remember the worst thing here was for me see when the playgrounds, children's playgrounds are on the street, there in the parks, they are empty, as if like such a deserted city, abandoned, and this is without saying anything, it is possible that it is there, but it is dangerous, that is, you cannot walk on the streets there or what, this was it, the high level of street crime in johannesburg dictates its own rules of life, but now , as i understand it, we are in one of the most modern areas of johannesburg, here... it’s easy to take out a camera, shoot, you feel a certain level of security that is familiar
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to us, residents of moscow, but as i understand it, if you drive for 10-15 minutes, you can easily get to the townships area, where everything will work according to completely different laws, how quickly have you gotten used to such contrasts of life in johannesburg, well, in fact, this comfort zone is a little bigger, wider, not so fast, not 10-15 minutes , half an hour is needed. maybe the basic safety rules that every resident of johannesburg should follow, in the evening, if we are at home, we turn on the outside alarm, that is, if i'm sure, if i'm in a public place, then i try not to hold the phone here so in the balance, because this is the very thing that could be the case that they snatch the phone and run away, the building of the russian ballet school, which is headed...
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teaching at the russian ballet school is conducted according to the system of the legendary agripina vaganova, who is an example of ballet pedagogy. when a dancer performs a barre exercise, there is already a very strong emphasis on the development of artistry, that is, the artistry of, for example, learning that the tilt of the head can be very different, that is, it can... and so turn around, and so turn around, upward , that is, the artist can paint in three colors, he
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can draw a picture, a picture, or he can paint a picture, works in different shades, and he also teaches the dancer to use this different combination of all the shades of classical dance. we have our own strong folk dance culture, but interest in classical dance in the russian ballet school has been growing recently. for talented students who want to connect their lives with ballet, yana tries to help, looking for an opportunity to send them to study.
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in principle, in my opinion, there was no opportunity, no hope of even studying to get a higher education, thanks to rossotrudnichestvo, they entered a university in russia at moscow university in the department of choreography and teaching classical dance, the second is now graduating from the university very successfully, she is the best student groups.
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most of the spectators are not parents anymore, but just the public from the street, just the general public, and that is, everyone really likes it, everyone is delighted, everyone can’t believe that this is a children’s group, there is such.
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cultural exchange became the topic of one of the sections of the summit, where the prospects for cooperation in the field of creative industries were discussed, and the contours of interaction were generally outlined, which could become the basis for bringing russia and the countries of the continent closer together.
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this year, at the olympic games in sydney, i was reporting on the gymnastics section, i saw that lena was part of the russian team, she won two golds and one silver. and i was waiting for her to...
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repeat , and my daughter was part of this national team, our gymnasts went to the world championships in indianapolis. there should never again be a situation in which athletes are prevented from competing at international level due to sanctions. i really hope that russian gymnasts will be allowed to compete in france next year. russia became a second home for vasel, where he strived to return year after year. during all this time, he visited different regions of our country 20 times. the stories accumulated on these
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trips were enough for a book in which the journalist explored the topic of russian -south african relations, looking for points contact between two countries of peoples in the present and distant past. i learned that the russians were among the first to come to south africa during. history, culture, sports, in every chapter
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of his book, wassell proved that despite the fact that we are separated by thousands of kilometers, russians and south africans have much more in common than might seem at first glance. natalya karamagi has lived in tanzania for more than 40 years, she came to the country with her husband, they studied in the ussr to become an engineer at the mining university. natalya worked at a local cement plant for 2 years and decided that she wanted to have a more humanitarian specialty. what is the weather like in muanza?
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about the weather, the feeling of african time, this is a very interesting question, they are never in a hurry, for them being late somewhere for a couple of hours is completely normal. i explain to the students that such a time system does not work in russia. in russia you always need to be on time, and it’s better even a little earlier than to be late. that's why we try to train them a little here. the clothes are perfect
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different, not to mention the language, so here we pay a lot of attention to the russian lifestyle, we definitely celebrate all russian holidays here, we study what food is popular in russia, what they will encounter when they arrive, and then we all together we go to the kitchen and make olivier salad. to study in russia, and then return home, the majority of applicants who will go to apply all the acquired skills for the benefit of the development of their country. tanzania is a rather poor country, but there are a lot of resources here, so a trip to russia and getting an education there, then as young specialists, they will come, they will
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develop. their own resources in their own country, because gas has already begun to be developed here, there is oil here, there is gold here, there are diamonds here, so diamonds, so there is a very large and wide field of activity here. issues of cooperation in the field of higher education are one of the most important topics of cooperation between russia and the african continent. this was discussed a lot at the forum in st. petersburg. main stream cooperation - training personnel for the new economy. minister of science and higher education, valery folkov recalled that cooperation between russia and african countries in the field of education has a long history since the sixties. during this time , more than 310,000 specialists were trained at russian universities. today , about 34 thousand african students study at russian universities. the number of budget places
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has tripled in recent years. among the most popular areas are traditionally medicine, agriculture, construction, engineering, it. the forum also talked about the importance of developing media dialogue. russia and africa must talk directly to each other, without intermediaries. work is already underway to open representative offices of leading russian media in africa. information agency tas, russia today, tv channels arti, vgtrk, russian newspaper. we propose to work towards creating a common information space in russia and africa, within which objective, unbiased information about events taking place in the world. rifat kadyrovich poteev, africanist, one of the largest specialists in the swahili language in russia.
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