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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the russian army in the kupinsky direction. in the donetsk direction, nine brigades were hit , in zaporozhye - six, zelyansky’s formations lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers, two tanks and 10 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 11 self-propelled howitzers, including french, american, and polish british. they shot down a su-27 fighter and a su-25 attack aircraft, as well as 38 combat drones. at the same time, british experts claim that the russians succeeded.
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destroy two american patriot installations near kiev. russian military we celebrated christmas at the positions. the priests brought gifts to the fighters. vitaly starushchenko with details. have mercy on us. this christmas service takes place near the line of military contact in the donetsk direction. the holiday is celebrated in the field by military personnel. first army corps. the liturgy is conducted by the priest of the moscow patriarchate, father nikolai. what was important to me was that my fellow countrymen were here. the fact that the guys are here is the front line of the russian front. it is important for me, as a priest, was to be close to our own. this is not the first time for father nikolai on the front line for the soldiers.
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meetings with a priest are very important , a person cannot win on his own , some kind of encouragement is always needed, a priest helps us get closer to god in this way, calling god into our lives, and helps us weed out all these fears from ourselves. some kind of core appears just like that, but the enemy does not give a break even on the orthodox holiday common to all, combat work is in full swing in the south donetsk direction, the fighters of the unit unmanned aerial vehicles...
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soldiers of the 132nd motorized rifle brigade are celebrating christmas closer to the rear. father vladimir came to congratulate the military personnel. truth, and to you, you see from the heights of the east. as the soldiers themselves admit, faith is an important help at the front line, because it is she who gives hope when , it would seem, there can be no more, this is the prayer room of the 132nd motorized rifle brigade of the first army corps, a special place, it is here that our soldiers prepare spiritually for in battle. for a fighter with a call sign north is the first christmas in the special military operation zone, but he believes that he will meet the next one at home. well, of course, victory is ours, so we want to say hello to our family, loved ones, loved ones, children , spouse
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, all the tests, the biopsy were done in this hospital, another plus is that, well, the temple is nearby, when i felt good, not a single communion didn't miss it. these small icons from the patriarch, they will definitely be worn near the heart, a blessing for a new stage in life in the ward of the special operation participants, the most important thing is to thank you for your feat, as a result of which you were wounded, but in war there is no other way, god grant you the strength to endure this test, god grant you to calmly enter this into this new stage of your life, you are courageous people, you will succeed. strov attack aircraft with the call sign pika, he freed maryenka, during the group’s next exit on a combat mission , he saved a comrade who stepped on a mine petal. today ilya has already been operated on; he is awaiting prosthetics at a branch of the hospital in zhukovsky, moscow region. it happened. i’m carrying out a combat mission, 10-12 meters in front of
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the enemy’s dugouts , they will take to zhukovsky what they will be using for prosthetics. is this a fighting mood? certainly. you can even mint a ball, this is a comprehensive assistance to patients who need prosthetics, there are few places like this , there is a hospital, that is, the guys come, their rehabilitation begins, preparation for prosthetics, the blinds are removed, we have a workshop there, we assemble the prosthesis there , learning to walk,
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rehabilitation, they leave already on a prosthesis, we are planning a similar partisan center and medical adaptation, open in the donetsk people's republic in the city of gorlovko. the year 2024 of st. alexis is greeted with updates, preparing for the opening of a cardiology department with a modern cardiac intensive care unit, a hospital gift from the patriarch, equipment for diagnosing arrhythmia will go here, but nowhere without the caring hands of nurses, i would like to thank everyone who works here, doctors, and administrative staff, and of course nurses, god calls us not only to believe with our reason, with our
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chu are going to help, thank you very much for your support, thank you very much for creating a hospital, which today is the basis, volunteers from the hospital are regularly sent to the returned territory, they are trained to care for patients in moscow, for example, in lugansk, where a whole training class was opened at the base of the city hospital. st. alexei hospital, in addition to working with patients in moscow , sends humanitarian aid to donbass in three regional branches. money for the purchase of medical equipment and drugs.
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is now solemnly celebrated throughout our country, and i was very touched, especially by the celebration in the city of moscow, a very large number of youth, children, such a spiritual revival of our people is felt, when the spirit is strengthened, then everything is strengthened, the country is strengthened, the people are strengthened, because our victories have always been associated with fortitude, your example is very important because you... are indeed, but in a sense, the personification of strong people, this is very important for our youth. joe biden is not will be able to participate in the us presidential elections, according to experts from one of the largest american financial conglomerates, morgan.
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the forecast indicates that biden is inferior to trump in ratings and will withdraw from the presidential race under the pretext of poor health, and this will happen in the spring. true, it doesn’t say who? michelle obama, the wife of the former us president, is also a contender. in the usa and europe, the operation of boeing 737 max9 aircraft has been suspended. after the door of one of these liners was ripped open right during flight. denis davidov found out how it all happened. there is deathly silence and only the wind hums throughout the entire cabin. depressurization 10 minutes after takeoff from portland, when the speed of the boeing was under 650 km/h, and the altitude was 500 m.
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by the mother who was sitting in this row, his shirt was simply torn off and sucked out of the plane. the other passengers had their phones thrown at this fool. according to the local newspaper, the teenager was left with bruises on his body from the sudden depressurization. the flight attendants moved him and his mother to other places during boarding. the plane is safe landed in portland. there were no casualties, nothing at all. fortunately, they were not at a cruising altitude of 10,000 m. when everyone gets up and walks, the passengers are not fastened with seat belts, everything could have ended much more tragically. the official asked everyone
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to help find the door, which had fallen to an unknown location. by the way, the passengers did not even suspect that it was even in this part of the fuselage. they can only see the portholes. the airline abandoned the emergency exit and the door was sewn up from the inside at the factory. same the plane is brand new, only 10 weeks old. the boeing 737.9 max made its maiden flight in november, a completely new aircraft that was probably already sending alarm bells. on january 4, the n-704 al aircraft twice gave false signals about problems with depressurization. the first time the light flashed while taxiing after a completed flight. later that day, the light came on again during the flight. according to the source of a specialized aviation publication, the next day after two false alarms , the problematic boeing still depressurized happened. us aviation authorities immediately stopped the operation of aircraft of this
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type. there are about 250 such machines in the world and they fly mainly in america, but not only in the north. carriers in mexico and panama are now also playing it safe and are also sending their 737 max for additional inspection. turkish airlines also did this; they have this aircraft in their fleet. but it seemed that boeing was just recovering from the scandals. 4 years. ago , planes of the same model killed almost 350 people in almost synchronous crashes in indonesia and ethiopia. they stopped flying around the world when it turned out that the manufacturer trained pilots not on simulators, but on tablets. rags and tools were found in the fuel tanks. 2 years of boycott, billions of dollars to correct violations, here again the american airline giant is blushing for its 737. safety is our top priority, and we are deeply with... we agree and fully
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support the decision to immediately inspect boeing 7379 aircraft with the same configuration as damaged plane. checking is several hours, many planes have already passed it since saturday and returned to service. alaska airlines, which had a boeing door torn out due to depressurization, allowed passengers to return their tickets if they are afraid to fly after such an emergency. denis davidov, timofey mukhin and vladislav chernov, lead. convicted of murdering 77 people, andras breivik once again complained about the quote “unbearable conditions of detention.” in response , the administration of the colony released video cameras, which shocked the public. social media is furious. people call the terrorist the most arrogant person in the world. maria skorodilka will tell you why. its own library, a gym , the latest playstation, several areas for privacy and even a room with parrots, but
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everything is not so for brevik: a norwegian terrorist who killed almost a hundred people threatens to sue the colony in which he himself is imprisoned, a murderer who cynically carried out a massacre in the summer youth camp back in the eleventh, they once again complain about the unbearable living conditions in prison, the media write. unbearable isolation, murderer and terrorist brevik wants to be released due to conditions of detention, because... he is supposedly in prison, in extreme isolation, breivik is suing the norwegian state for violating his human rights. it’s unbearable for a terrorist, a four-room cell, view from the window. sometimes also cold coffee, which in such a humane colony is served to him late in the morning , the administration is in shock, the terrorists call him ungrateful, they say that in the conditions in which brevik lives in prison, even ordinary people do not live, norwegians at home, the colony authorities allowed journalists remove the camera, arriving at the prison, the reporters said, yes, this is a whole a mansion, this is a personal kitchen, and this is a
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gym, a second room with a beautiful view and a tv, everything is there. for relaxation, and this third room is a living corner, parrots live in it, you can sleep in the fourth room, there is a very comfortable bed, in addition, brevik has the opportunity to walk in his own courtyard, use the library, the shower room is also private, only for him. ordinary citizens are also outraged, the nationalist is provided with a luxurious life on their own tax, while sitting in prison, he not only did not repent, but also demands everything more. yes, he just wants to attract attention, and his... goal is to mock people and remind them of what he did. any person who commits such a crime, or even a small part of what he has done, has no right to return to freedom, he must be deprived of everything, let him sit in a bare cell on water and bread, this is a beast, i work for days, for years i don’t see my family, i pay loans, taxes, but i don’t live like this, and it won’t be visible, i’m not
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a murderer, because this is not brevik’s first complaint, but inhuman. according to conditions in august last year, he already filed a lawsuit against the state because of the loneliness that he experiences while sitting in a colony. in his lawsuit , breavi loudly referred to the european convention on human rights, the terrorist's lawyers no longer hide the fact that ideally their client would like to go home, receive guests and meet women, but norwegian lawyers say brevik is dangerous for society, prison, his house are chanting to the norwegian on social networks. andres brevik, convicted of terrorism, is dangerous to society, the courts said, with nationalistic motives and... on blood, with with which the terrorist took the lives of 77 people and injured another 150, they prove: “if he were free, he would continue to kill.” in addition, speaking in court, brevik admitted more than once that he dreamed of drowning norway in terrorist attacks, and if he had not been detained, he would have gone all the way. now sentenced to 21 years in prison, the highest sentence under norwegian law, breevik is being held under the strictest
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control regime possible in the country in the ringiriki colony. over the years i managed to write about ten stings. at different levels, but the court did not satisfy any one of them. they do not follow terrorists' lead , they emphasized in strasbourg. brevik is advised to take antidepressants and behave more modestly. maria skorodilka, news. another childhood dream has come true as part of the all-russian event tree of wishes. eight-year-old christina and her family visited lake baikal. her request was removed from the tree by vladimir putin during a visit to the russia forum exhibition. ksenia saw how it all went. “hello, baikal, i’m happy, hurray, christina asin welcomes the lake as a good friend, she’s heard so much about crystal transparent ice of baikal, but now it’s as if he doesn’t believe his eyes and carefully strokes the frozen surface, like glass, they say that baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, now it’s just
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a transition period, the great lake has not frozen yet, but near the shore it is already bristling with ice. the hummocks are also incredibly beautiful; baikal ice is transparent like glass. the president of russia removed the balloon with christina’s desire from yuzhno-sakhalinsk to shoot. christina sin, 8 years old, dreams of visiting lake baikal in the morning. when i saw baikal, my heart just felt very warm. and here on christmas girl can no longer part with her new favorite toy. snow-white nerpa. this is one of the main baikal symbols. baikal seals give a performance, you can’t help but smile or applaud. kristina is an excellent student, and she is interested in everything, big eyes, seals, and those inhabitants of baikal that can only be seen through a microscope; she herself can talk about baikal endlessly. the depth of baikal is 1.637 m. quite
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unexpectedly, the split is right on the baikal ice. christina is seriously involved in sports aerobics, first places in all-russian competitions, to be a good athlete, what should you do? believe in yourself , try, work, and this despite her health conditions, the girl has immune neutropinia, she needs to have her blood tested every 2 days and take supportive therapy, but christina, at 8 years old, is incredibly strong, in the toltsy open-air museum and family christina is greeted with siberian hospitality, mother anastasia: today it’s also like she returned to childhood, she remembers how she found out that her daughter’s wish would come true president, i couldn’t sleep until the morning, i was just waiting for my close husband and daughter to wake up so i could tell them about it.
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it is developing , so it is being filled. our republic is beautified, it is a testimony of faith, a testimony of the action of god in the lives of muslims, in the lives of christians, therefore... and the closer we are to god, the closer we become to each other, in our republic this is really happening, so this is the best evidence that
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our hearts, our lives are changing, changing first of all, of course, thanks to to the almighty. hundreds of tourists came to the ivanovo region, in shuya for the russian christmas festival, evgeniy nipot talks about the brightest moments of the festival. real russian open spaces, a river, snow-covered fields, church domes , the ancient city of shuya, the capital of russian christmas, the vice-observation platform, the bell towers of the resurrection cathedral, the highest free-standing belfry in europe, everyone who wanted to climb here on holiday. the feeling of real winter, the feeling of a real holiday, the trees are all decorated, openwork, beautiful, snow-white, the mood is right festive, not afraid of morozov, who wants to feel the special atmosphere of the orthodox holiday. both locals and guests of the festival, we decided to go, yeah, how do you like christmas here, tell me, i’m fine, fine, and what
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do you like most here, i like goals, i look for myself and i really like this holiday, very much i like the decorations they made, everything is very beautiful, thank you everyone for this holiday, people’s faces are frosty, happy, satisfied with everyone... merry christmas. people came to celebrate christmas in shuya cars, on eagles, rail buses on a retro train as part of a charity event for seven participants in the special operation. for them , historians and reenactors arranged a real immersion in the era. the russian christmas festival revives the pre-revolutionary traditions of celebrating russian christmas. this, of course, is the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th century. and we are dressed in the clothes of this time. 1996 and... 30 km to the capital of christmas from ivanovo through
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snow-covered forests, with the road in just under an hour, we are inside the lebedyansky locomotive, a steam locomotive that leads a retro train from ivanovo to shuya. the train, along with the locomotive, contains five retro cars and behaves well. but in principle he doesn’t see any difficulties in driving, it’s a holiday, the mood is good, cheerful, we give people a good mood, there’s a team of three people working, two assistant drivers. in winter conditions, we have to reset much more, because the boiler cools faster; we reset about three ton per trip. several flights a day, plus maneuvers at stations, even food is prepared, so to speak , on the job, christmas dinner turns out, well, yes, how many shifts do you have? you said 12 o'clock. first , vegetables and meat are fried on a shovel special for eating; it holds exactly a dozen eggs so that the edges of the bread do not drip down. it turns out scrambled eggs and shot glasses, a quick snack back to
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work. they say they didn’t have time to see the installations and exhibitions, but they definitely want to catch up next year. after all , almost every guest who visited it speaks about the beauty of the russian christmas festival. frosty, of course, but beautiful, very impressive, just fire, unforgettable. impression of the light show on the facade rodina cinema, from the christmas procession, in which anyone could participate, but the warmest memories from locations dedicated to family christmas celebrations, a truly home exhibition of works by palik masters based on biblical stories, sincerely, about the sacred, that which warms even in frost, like these gospel scenes dedicated to the birth of the infant christ. evgenia. ivanovo region shuya. the hockey players of dynamo moscow beat spartak with a score of 3:2 in overtime. how.
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the capital's derby passed, our sportsman will tell columnist danil makhalinnogo, managing to get to the hockey confrontation between dynamo and spartak in moscow on christmas day is not an easy task; only those who had planned in advance to go to the match between two long-time principal rivals managed to diversify and saturate the winter holidays. the attendance at moscow matches of the continental hockey league during these new year's holidays is impressive. for example, the dynamo hockey arena seats 10,500 for the match with spartak. full house without any hype, all tickets were sold out a few days before the start of the game. despite a bright step in this regular season, spartak began the twenty-fourth year with a defeat from cska, and problems with dynamo arose quite quickly. discipline failed, deletions rained down, and spartak’s players were punished twice by dynamo legionnaire eric kodel. it was a
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good game against. it was a great game against spartak, emotional, nervous, i like derbies like this, especially when they end in victory, like this time, the stadium is also full, our fans drove forward and also deserved this success without a doubt, i think they are also grateful to us for such a game, everything is mutual with us. it seemed that dynamo would calmly bring the match to victory, but the blue and white reciprocated, they had the same series of deletions, which were taken advantage of by poryadin and goldobin. the main star of spartak this season, who in the second episode was also assisted by kovalchuk, who recently joined. if you don’t pay attention to our minority, in general we played very well in defense today, we did almost nothing to make them a leader, and i think that i will rate our game positively today. today is the second game, much better in terms of execution. there are times when the puck doesn’t seem to go, but you have to
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try. climb on the goal more, threaten , be much, as if hungrier for the attackers , we understand it all perfectly, and the guys understand it perfectly, but well done to the guys for returning to the game today, fighting to the end, so on my own initiative, i have nothing to do with the guys no complaints, the outcome awaited the spectators in overtime, dynamo captain mironov disorientated the goalkeeper with his activity nikolaev, who rolled out of the gate too far, as a result, the package hit... that corner and brought dynamo a victory with a score of 3:2, i think you know, maybe, so to speak , i got a little overplayed, i missed hockey, i have n’t played for a long time played, well, well, he understands everything perfectly, and i think there’s nothing here, we’ll remove all these nuances and in the future it will be much better, the match between the two leaders of the khl western conference was a great success, but did not greatly affect the tournament balance, there are still almost 20 matches and 2 months before the playoffs, daniil makhalin,
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victor barmin, alexander zarubov. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t get by without foolishness, i’m with you, the tempting vaults of palaces will never be replaced by freedom. she disappeared, call a witness, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you were waiting for. donkey, me? a dog,
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a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronica pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss.


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