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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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donkey, whose, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians. let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna, vosnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull
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. we'll tell you what this day in history is remembered for right now. hello. on january 8 , 1902, the new york state legislature passed one of those unusual laws for which the legislation of several states in the united states is still famous. it was a law to punish men who look at women obscene look. america at that time was a puritan country. the new law obliged the police to fine anyone who unequivocally looked at a passing woman or... returned after her for 25
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dollars; in case of repeated violation, the offender was ordered to leave the house for some time in horse blinders, they block the side view. this law technically still exists, it's just not enforced; in 1907 , new york passed a law against adultery . he prohibited adultery between people if at least one of them was married. both were punished with up to 90 days in prison or a fine of $500. this. the law is also still in force and rarely, but it is applied. over the past half century, about a dozen people have been punished under it. on january 8, 1959 , charles de gaulle became president of france. during world war ii, the general was a symbol of the french resistance. after the war , the communists and socialists gained a majority in the french parliament. their view of the form of government in a republic contradicted the views of degol. he was a supporter of strong presidential power. after the next ones.
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africa, he was elected prime minister, and a year later president of the country. in foreign policy , he spoke out sharply against the united states, and under him france left the nato military organization. and the headquarters of the alliance was hastily moved from paris to brussels. he maintained special relations with germany and the ussr. degaul's visit to western germany in sixty-two. year became a shock to the world, then germany was openly supported by a man who fought against her in two wars. this was a significant step in the reconciliation of countries. pridygol returned to france general president elections. by the end of the sixties, amid economic difficulties, the general's popularity in france declined, and after 10 years as head of state, he resigned. and a year and a half later he died from a ruptured aorta. today the french consider dagol one of the most outstanding rulers in modern times. history of france along with
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napoleon. on january 8, 1994, the soyuz tm-18 spacecraft set off for the mir orbital station. the main task of the new crew is commander viktor afanasyev, flight engineer yuri usachev and cosmonaut-researcher, doctor valery polikov, there were medical studies. polikov observed his colleagues and studied mainly how... here all the systems of the human body in weightlessness, for example, how much calcium is washed out of the bones and what possible metabolic disorders, the cosmonauts’ sleep, coordination of movements, and psychological state were studied. polikov observed the changes in his body. he was supposed to set a new record for continuous human presence in space of 437 days. and he still hasn't been beaten. valery polikov became the author of more than... works on
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problems of space medicine, his research helped prove that the human body is ready not only for flights to low-earth orbit, but for missions into deep space. valery polyakov received the title: hero of the soviet union and hero of russia. on january 8, 2004, in the english city of southampton, a christening ceremony was held for the then largest passenger liner in the world - queen mary 2. queen elizabeth ii of great britain became godmother. she was given a tour, and then, according to a long-standing tradition, in the presence of 2.0 guests of the ceremony participants, she said: “i name this ship queen mary 2, and bless.” god of all those who will sail on it. the ship was the second to be named after queen mary of teck, wife of king george v and grandmother of elizabeth ii. the first queen mary, a legend, she is laid up in los angeles, the thirtieth set speed records, and capacity records during the second world war. once
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she even transported more than 16,000 people across the atlantic. churchel called it his naval headquarters. the new liner was, of course, more impressive. length 345. height 72, total engine power is 157 horsepower, capacity is almost 400 people along with the team. today, 20 years later, queen marry 2 no longer holds the record, ranking only thirty-seventh in terms of gross tonnage, but it is still the only one of the giant ships that qualifies itself as an ocean liner rather than a daily cruise ship. this is what this day in history was like.
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this year we decided to still get to the main natural shrine of japan before the end of the season. their ball game is polin , a national game like field hockey. the chukotka ball transport arteries connect all of russia. increasing the mobility
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of citizens is an impetus for urban development. arseny dreams of a game of chess with sergei koryakin. we left an application on the website and ... they forgot about it, they called with it , yes, come on, so i’m starting, i was lucky with the move, i managed to win, but in fact the opponent is strong, and you will be a champion, i will be a champion, for sure , any dream, when it comes true, it’s cool, no matter what, this year it’s on a completely different scale, we understand and know why we’re doing this, that’s it takes what it turns, you have to take risks , you can’t win against them any other way, look at their eyes when you make their dream come true, it directly motivates, there is an all-russian promotion for who can become a participant, we’ll find out about this right now from our heroes. the international exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production
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is being held for the twenty-fifth time, for the first time almost 500 companies from 15 countries take part in it. russian manufacturers have become very active, this is great, people understand that. together create truly original molecules, original drug.
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on november 3, 1961 , the united states agency for international development was founded. or usa for short, is the highest federal government agency in the united states in the field of providing assistance abroad, but the american government's assistance to other countries is very specific. agency for international development abbreviation usa. is a structure, a federal structure, not associated with any party,
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which was created in 1961 under kennedy, for the consolidation of all humanitarian projects, including the marshall plan, today represents a very powerful tool for financing humanitarian, human rights economic activities of the united states abroad. american humanitarian policy, it includes two components: firstly, it
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is building relationships with allies, that is , it is the attractiveness of the country’s property, they promote and involve new groups of people, their humanitarian projects to foreign audiences, and secondly, humanitarian policy the united states, unlike the humanitarian policy of other countries of the world, also includes an element of counteraction. that is, as described in american manuals in official documents, american public diplomacy is aimed at countering, countering whom? counteraction to russia, china and iran, plus international terrorism, that is , a special center for global engagement has been created in the state department, which is essentially engaged in spreading disinformation about our country, they talk about it openly. this is an agency.
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this could be opposition forces , there are many such examples, this could include support for the opposition in the soviet union, if we are talking about the years of the cold war, and this could also be working with anti-communist forces for the purposes of, of course , formal support for democracy, but in reality to expand the us zone of influence in various regions, in latin america, in southeast asia and in the east, that is, usaid is an effective tool for realizing
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us foreign policy goals, which are packaged in a very attractive package the spread of democracy, well, the filling is often not as pleasant as the packaging, and in fact aims to strengthen the influence of the united states, the projection of its interests. to various regions under the pretext of spreading democracy, almost all the velvet revolutions, well, by the way, the name of the velvet revolution came from czechoslovakia, yes, from vaclav. havela, so, they were sponsored precisely through this agency and financed,
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the largest opposition political movement in poland... solidarity was created and financed through programs through the agency for international development. in russia, the activities of this organization took place from 1991 to 2012; during this period , $2.5 billion of money was spent on conducting a variety of programs, including actively anti-russian ones. events in chechnya during the period of the first and second chechen companies. and it’s interesting that they receive only half of the entire foreign policy budget. $32 billion of the state department's $64 billion budget is planned for the next fiscal year. nobody spares money. we have them
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financed the helsinki group, memorial, some things related to '. dorkovsky, with navalny, but with navalny in the twelfth year they were deprived of accreditation there at the request of mead, but they did not stop funding, they finance through other organizations, let’s say, non-profit, the same organization sponsored and financed the creation, including the creation of the organization, that means, which later outgrew. to the yabloko party, then the union of legal forces, at one time it was completely financed from the state budget of the united states of america, through this international development agency. the total number of non-governmental organizations that were financed by the agency in russia is more than 6,000 non-profit, non-governmental
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organizations, including soros foundations and makard foundations. this includes the carnegie foundation and many others. the system of work of this organization is such that the organization itself is not directly involved in any programs, but for this purpose it awards grants for these grants, as if programs are carried out by non-governmental organizations, that is, it is a kind of the agency is the core of the state department, because the work of this organization is similar to the work of embassies, which are networks of embassies that are located around the world, they with the help of other us agencies, first of all this is the us agency for global media, this is the us agency for international development, they have a huge network of non-governmental organizations
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affiliated with the us agency for international development around the world, not only american, but foreign, like... which are donors of american aid, people receive salaries from the us government, so they broadcast the american point of view in their region, while the ngo may be registered in a third country, and thus we will not know that it is an american ngo, but the money is received from american taxpayers, and since the americans pay, they dictate the agenda, so almost everything... eastern europe in the eighties, during this period, which means when the task was set to create a dissident movement, this is exactly one of
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the main tasks were this organization, then creation, support...
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even during the cold war, in general, then the situation was perhaps clearer and more transparent than now, everyone understood that such projects, of course, were closely connected with the cia in the united states of america, perhaps they solved humanitarian problems, but to the extent... organizations, and usaid has its representative offices all over the world, and, as they say, technology, only with the help of
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further, how to say, its technologies, they include cia officers who engaged in the dispute of information, which is the most valuable product in international relations today. of course, after the collapse of the soviet union , after the end of the cold war, the triumphal march of democratic values ​​around the world began, as we say today, and within the framework of this ideological unipolar view of world politics, the esa became significantly stronger, but at the same time it ceased to be shy in funds, this is one of these very odious projects. which were implemented by npos with the support of the usa, became the case of the kuwaiti babies, which was fabricated, and the representatives themselves later
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admitted that it was fabricated in order to justify, including before congress, the outbreak of the gulf war. well, here it must be said that before, such public accusations of brutal violations of... human rights were used by the usa and controlled, well, controlled, organizations financed by them, in order, for example, to pass through congress this or that bill that was beneficial presidential administration, or, for example, justify the start of a military operation in any region of the world. usaid's most effective tool for overall american humanitarian policy is international exchange programs. when young people come to study in the usa, when in parallel american universities open around the world, usa, american corners, actively
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participate in this process, and we should note here interdepartmental cooperation, there is practically no interdepartmental struggle, because all institutions of american humanitarian policy work hand in hand. americans still earn money from their humanitarian projects; firstly, students from other
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countries bring $37 billion to the us treasury annually, and secondly, with regard to infrastructure projects in humanitarian projects in foreign countries, according to the us trade and development agency, every dollar invested in humanitarian projects, americans.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud of our successes. but we never stop there, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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in the early morning of june 22, 1944 , the roar of thousands of heavy guns was heard in the belarusian forests. to german.


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