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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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arseny dreams of a game of chess with sergei koryakin, we left a request on the website and happily forgot about it, called the judge, right? come on, here i am starting, i was lucky to enter, i managed to win, but in reality the opponent is strong, and will you be the champion? i will be a champion, not necessarily. any dream, when it comes true, is cool and no matter what. this year it is on a completely different scale, we understand and know why we are doing this. takes what he spins, you have to take risks, you can’t win against them any other way, look at them eyes, when you make their dream come true, it directly motivates how the all-russian action works, who can become a participant, we’ll find out about this right now from our heroes.
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during the war years, over 2 million people died from the occupiers and their accomplices in belarus
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, a quarter of the military population of the republic; an end to this nightmare will only be put in the summer of 1944, when the soviet command accumulated enough forces to drive the nazis out of belarus forever. by this time, the situation on the eastern front had changed radically. after the defeat under in kursk, german divisions were constantly retreating. they were driven out of leningrad, crimea and most of soviet ukraine. the front line remained almost unchanged only in belarus. here the german fortified areas protruded far forward, forming the so -called belarusian balcony. in the winter of 1944, soviet troops unsuccessfully tried to attack german fortifications head-on. with
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a fairly strong german defense in belarus and the backbone of this defense was artillery, the supply lines from the reich in belarus were already quite short and the germans set unique records in the amount of ammunition spent in defensive battles; suffice it to say that in 11 days near vitebsk the third german tank army, it shot 2,800 tons of ammunition, that is, such trains.
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after each such thought, i had to defend my decision with renewed vigor. having made sure that i firmly insisted on our point of view, stalin approved the operation plan as we presented it. here
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, firstly, the talent and energy of rakosovsky, who was one of the best marshals of the soviet union, the period of the end of the war, because... using some non-standard approaches, surprise, a strike from places that were considered difficult to pass. the preparations for operation bagration were kept in the utmost secrecy. any information leak could result in failure. the germans could quickly transfer reserves from other fronts to belarus. on air on.
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reconnaissance aircraft, checking how accurately all camouflage rules were followed, there was such a qualitative leap in the training of troops, the troops were drilled, thoroughly prepared, on exact copies of the german defenses built in the rear, including , for example, the section of crossing the river, it was necessary to cross the river, they found the same channel profile, flooded the dams so that there was even the same depth, all actions were worked out until... the goal operation bagration was the complete destruction of the german army group center located in belarus. its population reached 1 million people. the german generals were never able to unravel the plan of the soviet command. hitler was
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convinced that the new red offensive army will begin in ukraine. commander of the army group center, general field marshal ernst busch. 3 days before the start of the operation bagration went on vacation. on june 22 , 1944, soviet troops conducted reconnaissance in force and the next day began an attack on vitebsk. units of the first baltic and third belarusian fronts were given the task of capturing the germans in a huge pincer movement. but the artillery batteries located in their rear did not allow them to immediately crush the nazi defense. heavy howitzer shells slowed down the advance of our advanced units. on il-2 attack aircraft were deployed to suppress the german batteries. the wehrmacht soldiers nicknamed
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our plane the butcher. during their approaching flight , soviet attack aircraft fired at german dugouts from machine guns. having received the first news from belarus, hitler categorically forbade his troops to retreat, and he declared vitebsk a fortress city. however, the german units could no longer carry out his order. on the third day of the battle.
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and attacking artillery, led to the collapse of the german defense. conventional long-range aviation operated on targets such as a large port, a railway station, a factory, in a word, large area targets. now it was supposed to act on almost pinpoint targets, that is, it was necessary to cover targets close to the front line, this task was accomplished, in addition, even the intervention of the weather, because at the last moment the weather turned bad, but nevertheless experienced long-range aviation crews in night conditions managed to reach the targets, drop bombs, cause serious losses to the german artillery, and then, when the weather improved, this artillery was attacked attack aircraft began to work, on june 24, 1944
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, rakosovsky’s first belarusian front went on the offensive on the southern flank. advancing through swamps that were considered impenetrable, our tanks moved along special floorings made of logs. rakosovsky's strike took the germans by surprise. lieutenant general batov wrote: german generals believed in a conventional topographic sign. impenetrable swamp and succumbed to the consoling thought that we would not be able to advance through the swamp swamps here. the defense of the ninth army of the wehrmacht stationed near babruisk was broken through in a matter of minutes. watch. soviet tanks and cavalrymen of the cavalry-mechanized group of general iissa pliev rushed into the newly formed brezh. on june 27, the main forces of the wehrmacht's ninth army arrived.
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so that they were defended to the last opportunity, because these are road junctions, in the end this led to the defeat of those forces that defended both cities, then it was necessary to break through to minsk. stunned by the rapid advance of the red army, the surviving german units began a chaotic retreat towards minsk. columns of german equipment accumulated on the highway near the berezina river. to at this time, under the control of the wehrmacht. there was only one bridge across the river. one german soldier recalled. not far from the bridge,
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where the crush was heaviest, scenes never seen before took place. carts and cars pushed each other off the roadway. everyone tried to be the first to drive onto the bridge. fights broke out, and he stood rough. the field gendarmerie was powerless. the main problem. here, of course, there was a need to capture the crossings, at the crossings to the berezina this situation only worsened, the berezina was generally such, i would say, a lost river for the invaders, napoleon was beaten on it, and in 1944 the nazis, the remnants, the third tank in the army, the fourth, the ninth crowded together in the minsk area, they were locked, they were smashed from the air and shelling, that is, i would say : distance fighting. at this time , belarusian partisans turned the life of the germans
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into a real nightmare. during operation bagration, they carried out 60 thousand railway explosions and many other acts of sabotage on the railways of belarus, virtually completely paralyzing traffic. german trains. a large number of partisan detachments in belarus forced the germans to stick to major highways, since the retreat in small detachments along... the germans retreated quite quickly, the airfields remained the same as those that were at the beginning
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of the operation, it was necessary to carry out additional reconnaissance of the german columns, that is, one sortie was made by the most experienced crews who further reconnoitred the columns, in some cases they literally created traffic jams with one or two bombs, and then the main forces of the air divisions attacked these columns and destroyed the soviet command sent them to storm minsk... the fifth tank army under the command of general rotmestrov. the germans sent reserves that had just arrived from ukraine, a battalion of heavy tanks - the tiger - to meet him. defeat them right away. rotmistrov did not succeed. the newest t-3485, which were not inferior to german vehicles, have not yet entered service with the troops. heavy battles, during which rotmestrov’s army lost almost half of all armored vehicles, lasted 2 days, but the germans stopped our attack on minsk
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it didn't work out that way. the people of the mestrians are stuck, but nevertheless the second guards tank corps. burdeino bypasses this barrier on the highway along field roads, he successfully makes his way to minsk, at the same time the first guards tank corps approaches minsk from bobruisk, closing the encirclement ring behind the german fourth army. at dawn on july 3, 1944, soviet troops broke into minsk from the north and southeast. the capital of soviet belarus, which hitler. he hastened to declare it another fortress, defended by about 2.0 people. cleaning up the city lasted several hours. by lunchtime of the same day, the german garrison capitulated. minsk, a city that withstood a three-year struggle, wounded and burned, but not subjugated
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minsk, was liberated. after the capture of minsk by soviet troops, the remnants of three german armies were completely surrounded; on july 11, the germans ceased resistance and laid down their arms.
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after all, the brest fortress blocked a corridor in the forests, through which it was possible to move further back, and the model assumed to rely on the brest fortress, then it should follow in the rear attack from the armies of chukov bogdanov, and the attack went precisely to the rear, and this forced the germans to abandon good positions and retreat to the narevo line towards warsaw. the vistula was such a strategically important line, the germans, when they realized that the russians were breaking through to the vistula, they transferred many very military units and... in the army group of northern ukraine it was precisely to this front, and if you and i look at the progress of the operation, approximately by september 1, 1944 , the offensive simply fizzled out, precisely because there were huge losses, primarily losses in armored vehicles, retreating from belarus, the germans not only methodically blew up all the roads and
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bridges, but also used local residents as human beings, for the first time they... on may 6 , 1944, the entire soviet union was shocked by news from the small belarusian village of azariche, a few kilometers from bobruisk. soviet soldiers discovered a concentration camp here, where the germans had driven tens of thousands of residents of surrounding villages and hamlets, mostly women and children, the day before. these shots were taken. shortly after the liberation of the concentration camp prisoners in march 1944. valentina shishlo was 7 years old when she got caught in azararichi. together with her mother and three little brothers, the germans kicked her out of her native village, and then put the whole family behind barbed wire. it was a swamp. and we
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sat in this swamp for 10 days. we had nothing, just behind the barbed wire. towers , dogs and germans, they didn’t give us any food , they didn’t even allow us to light a fire, we were immediately shot, and we all sat there quietly, the night was coming, i know that there were five people nearby, somewhere small they were lying there, that’s all, i remember, my grandfather was lying with us, and in the morning, when the day dawned, my grandfather was already lying dead, about five people were already dead, there, in 9 days, more than 20,000, about 25 thousand, died from freezing, just imagine, 2,500 soviets died in 24 hours. found symptoms of typhus in most of the surviving prisoners. people were infected deliberately. this wild case was
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documented by soviet officers and later presented during the nuremberg tribunal. they brought our prisoners of war who had died from typhoid and were thrown over the wire. and they spread this disease. and we've all been infected by this type. i have three brothers there. one morning there are no dogs , no shots, there is nothing, quietly everyone begins to raise their heads, raise them, it turns out they didn’t retreat, the germans, they mined everything, literally every step, every step, here on the wire, the dead horse was lying right there, it was mined , they put the bread on a post, mined it, people.
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operation bagration, it determined that the war would end on may 9, 1945. bagration in one leap shortened the war there by literally
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months. in a word, bagration is a huge victory on the scale of the entire anti-hitler coalition. modern belarus has connected its main national holiday with the events of the great patriotic war. independence day. celebrated here on july 3 on the anniversary of the liberation of minsk by soviet troops, according to the latest data from belarusian historians, every third resident of soviet belarus died during the great patriotic war.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote while traveling? 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i’m already on this, by the way , i wrote a statement, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobility. choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, serious amounts, in a clear and clear signal is being sent to russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. do you feel like you're on top of the world? oh, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we are creating new ones. cultural spaces, and of course we are opening new routes of attraction, discover the achievements our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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the state will always support everyone who defends our homeland and their families with arms in hand. vladimir putin emphasized this at meetings with relatives of fallen heroes. the president invited them to novoogorov’s residence to talk about the problems of celebrating one of the main orthodox holidays together. nativity . this is a holiday. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys.


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