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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
russia is the goal of our rally , we have one goal - this is to stop the punitive actions of the kiev junta and the withdrawal of all nazis from the territory of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, screw this bloody illegal coup , of course any patriot, and i consider myself a patriot, because i love their land, their republic, at first they wanted all this, naturally, as they say, with rallies...
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it was necessary to show at that time that the miners, residents like all residents, but who were ready for more decisive actions, began little by little, little by little, to unite, although we were not, we were called the miner’s division, in honor, we just wanted to remember our grandfathers who fought. it’s a great honor for me to correct my mistakes , and to serve with the guys who , yes, the fourteenth year was difficult then, the fifteenth year, because food was provided , but thank you, there were people who helped us in any way they could, well, but i’ll tell you, almost where something like 80%.
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well, i hope that if we drive it further, maybe the mines will be restored, maybe it will work, maybe i’ll go to the mine, work, work, well, yes , we need to defend our homeland, in the fourteenth year it all started, i went to serve, to fight, my grandfather is the kingdom of heaven, a miner, one second, well, as one might say , he followed in the footsteps, he started this , the airport was being vacated, the terminal was new, then it was an industrial zone. was, well, it was between avdeevka and
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sinovataya, the wave was stormed by marinka , of course, the soul rejoices, rejoices, firstly, that we finally achieved our goal, liberated the city, people began to live much better, i think, here it was all very sad not not because...
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that there are still dry land people here on the clean, they moved there, did a cleanup there , burned down the ntlb with a zushka, since the fourteenth year, this is in donetsk, there was the dpr, the republic has already been founded, no matter how difficult it was, it’s hard, people somehow tried somewhere.
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then there was enemy artillery, we were coming from that side, so it was clear where they were killed, from where, the police, you are standing there, now write down the names, sign me up, i will come to you without a message, you will offer them to go.
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closer to 12 at night we finally crossed indeed, they went into assault, but they went into assault in such a way that i repeat once again, there are many residents of donetsk, plus those people who are children of 18-19 years old from other regions, they are not guilty of anything, their mother and father are also waiting for them at home . sisters , beloved girls, so our task was to take this unit by storm, so that people would be alive, patriots would take up arms, this happened very quickly, decisively, but well, then we had guys who served in afghanistan, well, like us we’re just talking about afghans, well, that’s who after all
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we went through combat, there were guys who served in special forces, they also have some kind of skill, they just, as they say, started from scratch, trained us, taught us. this all happened already, when during the first battles we already learned from our mistakes, we didn’t serve for money, it was hard for us, yes, but we were united with each other, they are still serving, i think these are real patriots, real, let's say, residents of great russia, our republic, who showed themselves to be heroes, 9 years is not a year, not two, but 9 years.
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the formation of the divisions lasted 35 days, it must be said that the division at the beginning was not very well equipped, here we see a pistol, a dekterev machine gun, and such weapons were not enough, that is
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, the soldiers had to get these weapons in battle, but as it was, at first you stood there at checkpoints with sticks, then somewhere some police officers turned out to surrender. when the ukrainian coup started, we didn’t like it that they were us, they began to establish their own rules here, they stood up and began to defend their side, but for me it’s more namely, that he had already gone to do something specifically, to storm and so on, to drive away from here, or to defend, this is when the children of donbass began to die, i have children myself, well, i wouldn’t want to... live under fire, yes, but i wouldn’t want them to see it further, it must be so, they are not
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there, the enemy was there, there used to be a school, a tax office, a college, a transfusion station, this is where there was a concentration, a kindergarten there a little lower, the enemy was stationed in these buildings; they stood opposite here. then they have already done it inside with the school, even when we knocked them out, they just started firing artillery at the school in order to, well, into an empty building, but even if you’re right when you say that no one gets it, you know, our task was... to take it so that everything remains intact , but ukraine has such a thing, to break it up so that no one gets it, so
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the artillery simply worked on empty buildings , we weren’t at school or at the tax office, so, but they decided to demolish the city, apparently, to zero, there was a post here at that time the best thing in this house. there's a house behind a house and a basement, too, when here they started to enter, they ran away , they found good documents, a tablet there with maps , they saw this bridge, and just there the view was good, that it was the equipment that went there and from here and there, it turned out that it was the most important, because there was practically only one exit per coal tar; there were a lot of cars parked here. the trains, everything was crowded , it was practically invisible, now you can clearly
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see there, if someone appeared something, you can see, but before you had to fly under the cars there under one train to see if there was someone there or there is not, well, on the other hand, the enemy practically did not see us either; when we entered, we suddenly encountered the enemy, and here they had a fortification. behind this fence on the mountain there were trenches, they had their tents, there were officers, they were here, they saw them, they started throwing grenades there, they did some shooting, they left here, i came from the army, after my assignment i went to the mine, and i have dreamed of it since childhood to be a military man, but something went wrong that i went to work in a mine. yes , because there was only corruption in this ukrainian army, when they served urgently, do
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there is nothing there that they walked, they just waved shovels, they began to come to us on lenin square, in these beads, with these bats, that is, they have already come to disperse us, those who are protesting against their illegal actions, that is, they took , they wanted a revolution, yes, they overthrew the legitimate president, that’s it, we will lead you, why is that, why should we put up with this? no one was ever indignant, but when they began to storm the ukropov trenches, they looked
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at what they were eating there, i think, with such you can’t fight with your stomach, on february 24 we were ahead of them, if we characterize the marinka in terms of the enemy, then what we saw were the prisoners we had, who, well, they were drug addicts who simply shot at people. because, well, they have some kind of safari, apparently for them, these are the same positions, yes, the same dugouts of theirs, everything where a bunch of syringes were just found.
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almost after they liberated volnovakha, there are still pieces of iron sticking out, a funnel, still nature takes over, it’s already everything is overgrown with grass, i can’t really say that it once happened, there was an arrival, here even fragments remain, one, here’s another one. this one was flying at us, here’s another one , this was their support man, i don’t know what they were guarding here, the bridge was their only escape, it was from the wave, maybe it was planned in the future, when they retreated to blow it up there, when we approached the bridge , hostilities have already begun here, the enemy began
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from here, in short, to abandon their positions and move to this... january 1 of this year, again hit roof, in 2014 there were three artillery shellings, as a result of which half of the building of this building was not there, in the funds of the donetsk republican regional museum there are documents, awards, personal belongings
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of soldiers of the 383rd infantry mining division, well , the letter, for example, is so interesting .. . "we are proud of your courage, hero, and we wish you happiness in your work for the quick defeat of the german invaders, group commanders give commands, they often bring from the children , i have one with me. a second, here from girls, dear soldier , thank you for your protection, for the fact that i go to school and can live in peace, come back soon with victory, alina 5 to the city of tula, thank you very much for your kind words, letters inspire, raise
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morale, left , on august 9, my house was destroyed , my grandmother died, the house cannot be repaired, it’s an old stalin-era, two-story building, there’s practically nothing left of the house, a neighbor’s girl also died, four years old, i think she was 72 years old, she’s still as a young woman, you wouldn’t say grandma, i lived there, that is, there’s more to go nowhere, that’s it, there’s no home, when will anything be restored there. everyone understands everything, so there is nowhere to go back to yet, if they feel bad and hard, they will never show it, that ’s practically all, there was no such case that someone there, i don’t know, didn’t let nudes in, or took pity, complained to me, or i would listen from the sidelines.
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mortal wounds, we have all this... we immediately went down this same asphalt, our guys there also ran, they got it, the procedure took about 7.5 hours, after they had already liberated the wave, this the most, it was, well, we thought right away literally
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before leaving here, we wanted to erect a monument, we thought, we thought, we decided on a vocational school, we took it, there were military operations there too, all this was there, especially since there was a park there, local people came who were there, when we passed, well, they freed us. they began to carry flowers, cleanliness, order, mowed, all this work, thank you, father, thank you very much, when you benefit from the sulidar, everything has its time, everything has its time, father, we’ll drive them out, where are we going to go, our land is a sight same too, so everything to its own, thank you for looking after me, no, that means my name is nikolai nikolaevich, i’m here, so to speak, well, deputy director for design, i understand.
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i always wanted to be like my uncles, my uncle is kolya baybalin on my mother’s side, he worked in a mine all his life, on my father’s side. but my father is an agronomist, yes, and if you take his brothers, even his sister, even his mother and his, my grandmother, were all connected at one time with the mining profession, just like on the maternal side, here’s my uncle, he worked in the mine , his father, grandfather ivan, he went through all the great patriotic war, his last was in... the war with the japanese, and he returned to donetsk, came on his own, although he was originally from volgograd, from the voronezh region, but he came then to raise the donbass, to work
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in the mine, also practically he worked all his life in a mine, and he reached berlin, from berlin he was already transferred to the far east with the japanese, then he took part in demining the territory, in 1948 he arrived already, my grandfather. his mother died in the great patriotic war, grandfather reached victory, was wounded several times, dad is also from donetsk, he worked in the mines in donetsk, even once vladimir vladimirovich putin said, donbass does not drive empty, we are all with character, all the miners work here, until you go down, you'll understand, they're all in
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... oh, i want to see the nice petrovsky district , the roads are smooth, the houses are narrower, they're not full of holes, they're being restored, there's russian flags everywhere , i can take a calm walk around donetsk, just go out take a walk, our children have nothing they see, they don’t see anything, that they are constantly sitting. in the basements, in apartments on the street they don’t really come out, then the petals, then these cassette tapes are now gone, the children don’t see, it’s scary to let them go anywhere , you don’t know where it’s coming from, the children, they don’t have
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a prosperous childhood, so that people, damn it, they didn’t come out looking gray, as they do now, because they’re constantly shooting, but for people to walk around, enjoy life, i want to finish renovating the house, i started in 14, that’s all. i put half a bathtub of tiles and it’s been standing for 9 years without a war, that’s how it used to be only as part of russia everything is fine no longer from ukraine.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let me invite you, well, i actually didn’t prepare. pasha, if you don’t want to, don’t dance, what does it mean, don’t dance, got up, let’s go, holob 2.
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the state will always support everyone who is armed in their hands from. to talk about problems together to celebrate one of the main orthodox holidays - the nativity of christ , a holiday many of our men are courageous , heroic, our guys.


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