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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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every minute, because the entire donbass land is strewn with mines, with which both sides generously sow these fields. here's the second interview. a few months later he speaks completely differently, cleanly, smoothly without stuttering, we entered the position, well , it so happened that we hesitated a little and a drone flew in, we opened fire on them.
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“i got the first grenade, well, i was wounded, well, another guy, well, it was also good, but he left with his own feet quickly, so i got it, probably more than anyone else, before the assault we were given new winter clothes, it probably saved more, well, there was cotton wool, and because of this it also compensated for the explosive ridge." well, the bulletproof vest helped, in front of the bulletproof vest was completely torn to pieces , otherwise it would have been caught in the stomach, well, i probably wouldn’t have survived if not for the bulletproof vest , i was lying there, looking for something to bandage, i had it in my pocket and couldn’t find it, then when i realized that i had a serious wound, well, blood... well, as usual,
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a leg, an arm, a head, i had a concussion, was strong, i didn’t see anything, didn’t hear anything, i lost consciousness, but i was losing consciousness was there many times, well, i couldn’t walk for the first, probably, 10 minutes, when i more or less came to my senses in time. it’s hard to say, i didn’t have my bearings at that moment, he flew back, threw something off again, but it either exploded or didn’t explode, well, i didn’t hear it at that moment, i didn’t pay attention, we were in the same department with him, that’s one and a half we studied in one place for a month, then we went, in short, to makeyevka, we studied there too, and after that we went to marinka, when father kharkov was with us. when us
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taught, he told us one wise thing , he says: when you speak, you hurt , he says stretch, he says, don’t stand, he says, don’t catch the movie, as they show in films, he says , you have 3-4 seconds, he says to to escape, a grenade does not always burst into 250 fragments, it can crack in half into three parts into four, that is, we accepted all this, our grenades were like that, that is, we threw there from three, one or two will explode normally and not always they have a ceramic fuse there.
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to the collection point the next day already they called up everyone else from our enterprise , the commanders, well, good guys, took part in the hostilities, they themselves started from kharkov in 1914, and came to us to help, teach, fight, well, what helped more was that we were trained, they constantly said: no be afraid of this grenade, you have a chance to survive. even if she fell nearby, well , just hit her, throw her away, run away, you have a second or two of time, this gives you a much better chance of survival, if you just lie down or stand, then yes it will tear off an arm, a leg, everything else, well, during an assault, even we were trained, if a grenade fell into a building nearby, but take it away, don’t stand there, don’t run away, just. take it away from you and
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you will live, well, it so happened that it fell into me next to me, and i was able to figure it out and throw it away, not a single one for me. well, i don’t even know how it all happened, probably fate, a guardian angel, after he flew away, he began to try to crawl to his positions at the zero point, to his own, well, i couldn’t crawl much, it took a lot strength at times, well, i probably lost consciousness, woke up due to the fact that above my head...
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time the genes of the turkmen father, and they are considered first-class warriors, made themselves felt at the most critical moment of his life, was born in donetsk, he spent his entire youth in one area, in practically the same house, in the same yard. my father came from turkmenistan, my mother is a native ukrainian. was also born in donetsk, went to school 140 in our area, finished nine classes, went to school, in construction in the twenty-first, studied there
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i went to work in a mine when i was in school, and the ukrainian subject was on par with russian, i... speak ukrainian fluently and understand the ukrainian language, there are no problems, but my native language is russian, life went on as usual, but now it’s come 1991, the great country was gone, a new ukraine appeared, it was still possible to live and speak russian there, but everything changed in 2014. and the russian language became the main enemy for the nazis who seized power.
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ukrainians, like rustam khudeinurov was? in fact, bendera left him no choice. i i was afraid, yes, for the life, the health of my child, all the time with the hope that he would return from school, would not get hit, and would not start shelling
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our area. i was always afraid for my children, for my wife, for all my loved ones. hello, this is my daughter katyusha, she is 18 years old. and our little son, ilyusha, 4 years old, looks like his father, well, his eyes are mine, everything says his mother’s eyes, as usual, in children, in sons, his mother’s eyes. evgenia, rustam’s wife, never got used to the fact that her husband has one of the most dangerous professions in the world. mine, he kept going down the time was scary, when he left, until he called back that i didn’t leave, all the time i was worried about him, when our mother was alive, we went out together. on the balcony , at first there were no mobile phones, and we waited, she even threw out cards, everything was fine, he was going home, everything was fine, well, at first there was no mobile connection, and he had been a miner with us for a long time , almost 20 years, 18 years in the mine,
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she learned the news that rustam had gone to fight with the ukronazis by phone; she was in the hospital with her youngest child when he went to war, i wasn’t even at home, i couldn’t send him, ilyusha and i were in the hospital, and he called me and told me, i couldn’t see him off, collect his things, say goodbye, nothing, and he told us, we are going to guard checkpoints, we are not going to fight, i knew, but didn’t admit it, then a few days later i told him, i called myself and they started saying on tv that they were gathering a man , a few days later i found out that the real war has come, today it’s quiet, and i can’t , very quietly presses on the ears, the silence is too much, and people have already started writing, they are preparing some kind of something bad, dill. ours are preparing some kind of attack on us, maybe
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it’s scary, the war has been going on in these places for nine years, it ’s unusual, it’s a battle in a city, and not just in a city, in an urban agglomeration, scattered hundreds of kilometers away, where millions of people live. in general , donbass has historically been a huge coal basin, which was covered by industrial enterprises. or rather their network, and next to these industrial enterprises urban settlements were built, and the city of donetsk flows into ovdeevka, into marinenka, and that flows into other towns that go from west to east. this is such a big mycelium where people live. for example, according to their passport, some are registered in donetsk, others are registered in avdeevka, in fact, from one to the other city it is only a kilometer or two. that's why the war is coming nearby. with their house, that is, you can take a tram or walk to the position and find yourself under artillery
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fire or under the gun of a sniper. this is the peculiarity of this terrible war, which has been going on here for nine years now. and it is very difficult to fight in such conditions, because any urban development is essentially a fortress, and with good skillful command and control of troops in the construction of protective fortifications, such neighborhoods can be taken very... ukraine was divided into two parts: east west, and we felt it ourselves, their
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congratulations, bombs, hail, everything else , what they did in odessa, when they burned people in the house of trade unions, many simply felt disgust for these people, for the nation, well, that’s what it was like. if i remember, i came across some textbooks,
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well, from a ukrainian school, where i was already the words of our journalists were confirmed that ukraine is already teaching, teaching children that we are a lower class, there i read that western ukraine is first class, second class is central ukraine, our east is a lower class, we don’t need to live, we are slaves , our region, our region is subsidized, we do not bring any benefit, in their textbooks galicia, ss, bandera, shukhevych flourish, very little is written there about the great patriotic war, who won, how is it, by what forces, mainly galicia, ss, bandera .
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life didn’t fly like that, just cool, to be honest, there was calm, i was absolutely calm.
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and he flew up and threw either a woh or a grenade, he threw three grenades at me , probably one exploded nearby and two fell nearby, but they didn’t explode, well, wogs, they need a certain amount, well, the force to detonate for an impact, well, i threw them away , they
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just fell nearby, i didn’t want them, just in case... i threw them back so they wouldn’t explode. for hundreds of years, many scientists and doctors have studied and are studying the capabilities of our body. it turns out that in in a stressful situation, a person in the fight for his life can do things that he would never be able to do in an ordinary, normal environment. and the war confirms this. well, have you already taken the right hand? right, right, uh, she was hit by yours, mm, right, no, i took them with my left hand, threw them away from behind, uh, well, if possible, they didn’t explode, yes, i threw them away, yeah, when this grenade flew in, i reacted, threw it away with my sore hand, and
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this grenade flew past my legs and exploded there, and it dried out my legs and arm. maybe even fragments were added, it was already counting, i can’t say, maybe the eighth, maybe the tenth, there were a lot of them, probably after this grenade i already realized that that’s it, they won’t let me go alive, well, they’ll throw grenades at me already, well, i heard well, the explosion was close to you, well , it turned out that the wind probably blew the ammunition away and didn’t hit. well, i gathered all my strength, already went to my positions, well, i got to my feet, walked about 10 meters, fell again, it was all in the trench, it all happened, yes, it happened in the trench, that’s all the movement was in a trench, it was at least 250-300 meters, many people ask me what
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you felt, fear, pain, i say, i felt it, but i didn’t feel anything. i was just waiting, preparing, so to speak, myself for, for death, even, i was determined, yes, i would no longer survive, i acted in cold blood. i was confused, he threw it away, that is, everything , as they were taught, then what happened, you got to your people, got there, got to your people, probably lost consciousness once or twice, because my strength ran out
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completely, they laid me down, cut all my clothes, bandaged and waited for evacuation, injected i needed painkillers, that’s it, i was lying there, waiting for evacuation, this battle for the marina. happened on october 30, and rustam’s thirty-first birthday, he celebrated it in the hospital, the nurse, knowing this, came to congratulate him and brought him a box of chocolates, how are you feeling, everything is fine, now i’ll show you the fir tree that they pulled out of my leg. a 545 machine gun casing was in my thigh, it was here when they took an x-ray, the cats
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asked where you got the casing from, i was shocked, i didn’t even know what i had, i know that i had a large number of fragments there , and the casing, no one said anything to me, the fragments were now taken out, but no, the fragments remained in me, but... with damaging, small damaging fragmentation elements, which are now difficult to heal, probably, maybe, it’s not worth doing this
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due to the fact , that they were cured, now our task is to achieve the development of the musculoskeletal system so that he can quickly return to his daily activities, what are your plans? plans, well, at least to walk without a cane, the rest is all gainful, everything is fine with him, then in that one day no one knew about the feat that rustam khudainurov had accomplished, and a week later, when the enemies posted this video on the internet, i think that in this way they would humiliate the soldier and the man, and did what one could only dream of. they, the enemies, showed the whole world the feat and fortitude of the russian soldier, miner from donetsk, rustam khudainurov. and
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his victory over the nato drone to the nazi invaders in this difficult struggle for the freedom of donbass. i would like to see russia prosperous without war and the strongest in world. first, as it used to be, russia is kind , patient, all this could have been done a long time ago, i will teach my son goodness, help, not offend the weak, weak and girls, well, this is the most important thing, love your country, home, family, yes i think i have everything, more than a plane, why do i need it, enough to just live, provide for my family, this is probably what i want most. didn’t need anything, didn’t know what it was, war, death, i had a dream all the time, i always wanted to get to st. petersburg, but just not
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in winter, and in summer to see palaces, fountains , bridges, see what it is like, white nights, when the sun almost never sets, but i want to visit siberia, probably go fishing... good fishing, forest, taiga, everything about the elections in russia , we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, today my dad and i found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote, choose a candidate, we went. i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here? observation of the law guarantees the people the process of fair elections; it guards our rights. if there is
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any suspicion of what happened. violations will be recorded in an instant, this case, observation, to choose in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money. the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia , is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want have you achieved it, do you think that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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the state will always support everyone who, with arms in hand, defends our homeland and their family. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with relatives of the fallen heroes. the president invited them to novoogorov’s residence to talk about the problems of celebrating together one of the main orthodox holidays, the nativity of christ. this is a holiday. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys.


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