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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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that this year it’s on a completely different scale, we understand and know why we’re doing this, everything takes, everything turns, we have to take risks, you can’t win against them any other way, look at their eyes when you make their dream come true, it’s directly motivating how the all-russian action works, who can become a participant, we will learn about it right now from our heroes. in central russia today it is valid again. severe frosts continue to persist in the region, although weather forecasters promise that you won’t have to endure the cold for long when it finally warms up, evgeniy will tell teshkovets. the russian plain is experiencing warming; the abnormal frosts that caused dozens of utility failures are finally receding. where for how long when warming peaks? time for meteorological news on channel russia 24, i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, in the european part.
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the long-awaited warming begins in the country and utility workers were especially looking forward to it; the week of abnormal cold became a real test for housing and communal services systems; perhaps the moscow region suffered the most from accidents. we are freezing, the residents come out with picketing, burning wood, because it’s cold at home, it’s warmer even outside. this is how, for example, residents of letkarin kept warm over the weekend, just a few kilometers from moscow. they had to burn it. fires and old furniture, the reason was a malfunction in the boiler room, well , this is podolsk, here a problem with heating arose at the end of last week, but within a few days it was not possible to return heat to all consumers, a criminal case was opened, the authorities of the moscow region asked the investigative committee to petition on the transfer of a private boiler house to operation municipal enterprise. and all this against the background of a cold, in the moscow region itself.
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the temperature dropped to -30.4 in moscow, even at the peak of solar heating it was -20°, in the tver region the cold strengthened to -34, in st. petersburg to almost -21. i note that in the south of the country, relatively warm weather remained; in sochi, for example, it was up to +16, and the border between abnormal heat and cold lay along the lowlands of the volga and don. as a result , freezing rain fell in volgograd and rose. wind, in the city and surrounding areas were observed local power outages. and immediately the good news: today the temperature anomalies will begin to smooth out. look, during the day, twenty-degree frosts will persist only in the pre-urals. in the center of the country it will warm up to -12:17, and almost everywhere in the north of the russian plain the thermometer readings will return to normal -7 -12. in st. petersburg, for example, it will be down to -5°, in the evening.
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it will snow in the city on the neva, and this is the influence of an active north atlantic cyclone, which, on the one hand, will cover the sky with clouds and thereby will reduce the degree of new cooling, on the other hand, it will direct a flow of warmer oceanic air to the russian plain. i will add that another zone of precipitation will form in the southern regions, but this time the freezing rains will fall in the donbass, rostov region and kalmykia, because the heat flow is from the northwest. will begin to push the cold to the south and east of the european territory of russia, this process will develop throughout the working week as the atlantic cyclones move further and further into our country. in the end, the cold will manage make your way even to the black sea region in krasnodar , for example, today and tomorrow +10 -13 and rainy, but already on wednesday the temperature even during the day will not rise above zero, for the first time since the beginning of winter, frosts will persist until friday, here in...
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moscow opposite stuzh will weaken. today in the city it is still -15°, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it will warm up to -7-9. on thursday, a new wave of warm atlantic air will return the positive temperature anomaly to the capital, only -2° on thermometers, although at the end of the working week it will become sharply colder again. we'll talk about this in more detail in the following issues. that's all i have. goodbye.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history
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right now. hello. on january 8 , 1902, the new york state legislature passed one of those unusual laws for which the legislation of several states is still famous. in usa. this was a law to punish men who looked at women with lewd eyes. america at that time was a puritan country. the new law obliged the police to fine anyone who unequivocally looked at a passing woman or turned around in her direction. dollars. in the event of a repeated violation, the offender was ordered to leave the house for some time wearing horse blinkers; they block the side view. this law technically still exists, it’s just not enforced. and in 1907 , new york passed a law against adultery . he prohibited adultery between people if at least one of them was married. both were punished. jail term up to 90 days or fine - $500. this law is also still in force and rarely, but it is applied. over
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the past half century, about a dozen people were punished according to it. on january 8, 1959, charles de gaulle became president of france. during the second world war, general. was a symbol of the french resistance; after the war , communists and socialists received a majority in the french parliament. their view of the form of government in the republic contradicted the views of degol. he was a supporter of strong presidential power. after further disputes about the military budget, degol left power and was in opposition for a long time. in '58 , in a difficult geopolitical situation the general supported the decolonization of africa. he was elected prime minister, and a year later president of the country. in foreign policy he acted harshly. against the united states, under him france withdrew from the nato military organization, and the headquarters of the alliance was hastily moved from paris to brussels. he maintained special relations with germany and the ussr. dagol's visit to western germany in 1962 was a shock to the world. then germany was openly supported by a man who fought
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against her in two wars. this was a significant step in the reconciliation of countries. pridygole to france general presidential elections are back. by the end of the sixties, against the backdrop of economic labor. the general's popularity in france declined and after 10 years as head of state, he resigned, and a year and a half later he died of a ruptured aorta. today the french consider degaulle one of the most outstanding rulers in the modern history of france, along with napoleon. on january 8, 1994, the soyuz tm-18 spacecraft set off for the orbital station. the main task of the new crew is commander viktor afanasyev, flight engineer yuri usachev and cosmonaut-researcher, doctor valery polyakov carried out medical research. polikov observed his colleagues and studied mainly how all systems of the human body work in weightlessness, for example, how much
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calcium is washed out of the bones and what metabolic disorders are possible; the cosmonauts’ sleep, coordination of movements, and psychological state were studied. polikov watched. due to the changes in his body, he had to set a new record for a person's continuous stay in space of 437 days, and it has not yet been broken. valery polikov became the author of more than 50 scientific papers on the problems of space medicine. his research helped prove that the human body is ready not only for flights into low-earth orbit, but for missions into deep space. valery polyakov received the title of both hero of the soviet union and hero of russia. on january 8, 2004, in the english city of southampton, the christening ceremony of the then largest passenger liner in the world, queen mary 2, took place. queen elizabeth ii of great britain became the godmother. she was given a tour, and then, according to a long-standing tradition,
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in the presence of 2 thousand guests at the ceremony, she said: “i name this ship queen mary 2, and may god bless her and all those who will be on her.” the ship was the second to sail, named after queen mary of teck, wife of king george v and grandmother of elizabeth ii. the first queen mary, a legend, she is laid up in los angeles, set speed records, during the second world capacity records, once even transported more than 16,000 people across the atlantic. churchill called it his naval headquarters. there was a new liner, of course. more impressive. length 345 m, height - 72. total engine power - 157 horsepower, capacity - almost 4,000 people including the crew. today, 20 years later, queen mary 2 is no longer a record holder. in terms of gross tonnage, only... in japan, for the first time
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since the beginning of the pandemic , climbing routes to the sacred mount fuji, one of the main symbols of the country, were opened. people began to greet the dawn peaks of the land of the rising sun more than one and a half thousand years ago. climbing a mountain is not only considered a physical challenge. watch his program right away after the ad. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. shop men's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. what men are silent about is that life is out of control. fears of ceasing to be a man are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes
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sberbank credit card before january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in country. "walking through historical places in tokyo, you can often see such mounds of volcanic stones, they are called fuji-zuka, literally translated, fuji mounds." they began to appear in the 16th century, when the main political center of the country was formed on the site of tokyo, which at that time surpassed all capitals of the world in population. stones, real from
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fuji, which was usually treated as the incarnation of a deity, and those people who, for one reason or another... could not climb, climbed these mini-fuji and admired mountain from a distance. now no fuji is visible from here, this year we decided to still get to the main natural shrine of japan before the end of the season. the climbing season is announced in the summer from mid-july to the end of august, beginning of september, depending on the prefecture. fujo is located in two places; on the yamanashi prefecture side, the route is closed on august 31, so in september we no longer have a choice. we are driving through the small town of gotemba, which is located in shizoka prefecture from the western part of fuji, and here it is shrouded in a thick cloud in front of us, which of course does not inspire optimism, but let’s
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hope that by our arrival it will at least dissipate a little. fuji weather is a real lottery. we planned to climb a day later, but the forecast changed and we had to shift our plans a day. a few years before the pandemic, when japan was experiencing a tourism boom and fuji conquerors numbered in the hundreds of thousands, the authorities imposed a restriction, banning travel by private vehicle to the starting point on the mountainside. now everyone gets to one of the parking lots at the foot, there you need to buy a ticket for a regular bus. or a taxi, which is about 10 times more expensive, which go until 5:00 pm, that is , making night climbs has become much more difficult, you arrive for more than an hour, you go to fuji, yes, you are charged thousands of yen, wait a little, put it under windshield, we arrived at the parking lot in time to catch the 12 o'clock bus, they run every 45
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minutes, our route is not standard, given the fact that we were going to film a report, we could be even half an hour late. japan is still fighting the coronavirus people with a fever are not allowed on the bus, so now there will be a control measurement. so we were given this bracelet, which means that we are healthy, after which we can buy a ticket. the japanese do not conquer mountains, but make an ascent or, more correctly, a pilgrimage. in the traditional japanese culture of shinto, and in buddhism too. man is not the crown of nature, just a part of it. for the japanese, going to fuji is in many ways an act of national self-identification. from the parking lot we go to the starting point of the fifth station located in the middle of the slope. there are only 10 such stations to the top. everyone who goes to fuji likes to repeat the hackneyed japanese proverb: whoever has not climbed fuji is a fool, whoever has climbed twice is
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also a fool. but i will be rising for the third time, and japanese folklore is silent about people like me. in the same time. we will go along a route unknown to me, now we are at the fifth station, here it is, then we go to the sixth, then along the mountain we pass past the side crater to another route, which is called gotemba, this one foodinomiya route, here we will have an overnight stay,
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which is a little downhill, but as soon as we reached the fork, the wind began to intensify and the sky began to rapidly become clouded, under threatening howls we set off to the bottom of the crater, this is the last stage to the top, when there is still some on the slopes some kind of vegetation, according to myth, one day the japanese gods came to visit the spirit of fuji, but instead of showing cordiality and hospitality, he behaved arrogantly and did not even invite him to the table, and then it was decided that fuji would forever remain cold without life. in fact , there are two side craters, this is the first evidence of volcanic activity that occurred on fuji more than 300 years ago, in 1707, to be precise, as a result of which... the so-called mount hoei was formed. hoei is the motto of the reign of the then emperor, well, the crater itself is also called hoei. and the eruption lasted
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about 2 weeks, well, although the volcanic activity itself continued for several years, from here ash and hot stones erupted within two weeks, all the surrounding villages were destroyed. according to unconfirmed, inaccurate data, from 13 to 15.00 people died over... which was then called edu, it is located about 100 km from here, all this time it was raining ash and the whole city was covered with a layer of ash dust 10 cm thick. exit from the crater to the pass called the horse's back became the first serious test, the angle of inclination only seems small, walking monotonously with a backpack on your back, when you are constantly attacked by a side wind, is quite tiring and... the most inconvenient thing is the loose layer of light volcanic rock, on which the legs constantly strive to slide back, as if they were collapsing, in the mountains , move slowly, you have to crawl, crawl,
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majestically from afar, senseless close up, in the mountains there is a form of surface, placed on floats and a carving horizontally winding path that is essentially vertical. the horse's back greeted us with a killer view of snow-white clouds and squally winds. we hid our things on the opposite side of the pass, sheltered from the wind, and went to explore the surroundings. that facial expression and this gait is typical for everyone who went for a walk with an average wind speed of 25-30 m/s. the only thing you are thinking about at this moment is to resist so that you are not blown away to all the japanese gods. before the blow.
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centuries ad, by the way, it was much easier for him, they say that he descended from heaven, and on horseback. the whole way up is like a series of tests, where each subsequent one is more difficult than the previous one. the path to the overnight stay passed along an even more loose, steep path. instead of the planned hour and a half, we walked for 2 seconds half. inside a gray cloud under the constant onslaught of the wind, which never ceased to blow small drops of moisture at us,
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we got to the mountain house soaked to the skin with squelching boots, here the operator’s temperature is measured, but for me, i’m in the background, the body temperature device is like this and didn’t define it, the rules in the mountains are strict, we had to dry off for an hour in the hallway, because it’s forbidden to enter the house in wet clothes, well, this is what a mountain hut looks like, or yamaguya, as they call it... in japanese from the inside, one room, compartments for guests with sleeping bags, everything is very simple, this is a version of a capsule hotel. in mountain houses there is no heating or running water, all convenience is on the street around the corner and people work here more according to their hearts. at first i was like everyone else, i just went as a pilgrim to fuji, every time it delighted me with its beauty, everyone has their own perception of this mountain, for me it is the embodiment of beauty. i always wanted to get to know her better. for 10 years i climbed every year and constantly found in it many wonderful, beautiful places, and i wanted to share this with as many people as possible. yamagoe
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accepts guests only for a month and a half a year; in september they are closed tightly, and the doors are covered with stones. if we talk about the difficulties of the work, then, as you probably know, fuji, precisely because it is quite high, requires special care, this also applies to physical training and appropriate equipment . be able to make quick decisions due to constant weather changes, but often people go to the mountain without proper preparation. this year there were especially many incidents related to the fact that someone became ill, they literally had to be rescued, because there was a real threat to life. by the way, to supply food and materials, each mountain house can be reached by bulldozer along a separate path from the fifth station. actually, the electricity is turned off here for 8 hours. oh! it’s 2:00 am, it’s time to go to the top, it says
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that it’s from here. approximately 2.5 hours of walking, respectively, should arrive in advance in order to have time to prepare for dawn. at the level of our hut, a light breeze was blowing, the stars and the moon were shining from the sky, but very soon a thick cloud covered fuji , and at the top we were again soaked through. the most important thing is that we made it in time for dawn, although there were serious doubts, because it is extremely difficult to rise at night in a cloud with a strong wind, but we still... completed our task. the highest point in japan is mount fuji, height 3.776 m. the morning sun burned through the clouds for some time, which rose like a sea tide to top. the day before , another typhoon passed through the sea of ​​japan, and apparently the thick sawdust in the sky was its work, and then we were covered in dense fog. unfortunately, everything was limited to dawn today. after that, everything
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was shrouded in fog and... just pure water dust. fuji is still not the mountain that one climbs for a picnic. the air here is thin, and many people may develop altitude sickness. when it rains, the temperature drops sharply and there is a risk of hypothermia, even life-threatening. wandering in this pilina, between bizarre outlines of rocks, among which the silhouettes of shintaist gates float out every now and then. you begin to imbue with the feelings of medieval japanese pilgrims, who attributed supernatural properties to the mountain. but this is a terrible abyss that is lost there in the fog, this is a crater. initially, our goal was to go around it along the edge, it’s about 3 km, but in this weather there’s not much point in that. it stands on the highest spur of the crater, they say it was formed here about 80 thousand years ago.
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autonomous weather station, two hooded figures made a halt here. according to the forecast, at around 9 am fuji promised a short-term clearing, but higher powers ordered otherwise. the top of mount fuji is a sacred place, like the top of any mountain in japan, so there must be a temple here. anyone who ascends must come to worship the deity. thank him, it cannot be said that today he showed special hospitality to us, but thank you anyway, especially since we still to go down. the climbing season has to close in conditions of minimal visibility; instead of the promised clearing , a piercing wind has risen again, and there is a wet snowstorm in the air that looks like a real snowstorm. it seems incredible here, but it’s thirty degrees below zero now.
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there are also deaths on fuji, but rarely, after all, the rescue system here is well-functioning, the first so far only tragic incident in the last 20 years during the climbing season occurred in 2019, and with our a compatriot who lived in japan, she was hit by a stone falling from above, not far from the top, the rest happened to those who, contrary to the prohibition of the authorities...
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next on our broadcast we will talk about a unique russian institute, where atomic clocks and quantum computers, the universe around . lands are scanning a device ranging in size from tens of meters to several nanometers, evgeniy nipod saw how work is going on in one of the largest research centers in russia, watch his special report immediately after the advertisement. remember that they told you when you decided.


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