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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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sergey mengazhev, alexey pichko, east asian bureau of news from japan. next on our broadcast. we will tell you about a unique russian institute, where atomic clocks and quantum computers scan the universe around the earth with a device ranging in size from tens of meters to several nanometers, how work is going on in one of the largest research centers in russia , evgeniy nipod saw, watch his special report immediately after the advertisement . remember what they told you when you... opened a business, but
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look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 rub., check. the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. the largest and oldest polyphysics institute in russia, physics institute. it is called the cradle of nobel laureates because seven scientists. who worked here received
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this award. the clocks here are atomic, computers are quantum, a device for studying outer space ranging in size from tens of meters to several nanometers, typical of physics, but unique. even for research institutes, not everyone, like fian, can boast such a technical base of scientific schools. i see it as a great place to work and develop. if a person wants to engage in science, he will defend his ph.d. dissertation and will have a completely decent financial support, given the huge number of tools that the state now offers to graduate students and young scientists.
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happened, which led to the fact that our world , from a very small compact one, swelled to such gigantic sizes that it is difficult to even imagine them in a fraction of a second, that’s what it was, we need to figure it out. the diameter of the main antenna mirror, which will open already in an orbit of 10 m. with such dimensions, even the lightest metal turns out to be too heavy for the product.
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composites developed at the center helped solve the problem. this is one of the 96 carbon fiber panels of the new space telescope, and if we look at the layout of the spacecraft, this is just a panel from the central region, that is, roughly speaking, this central part of the mirror of the new telescope will be assembled from such panels. milimetron will be able to work alone together with ground-based observatories, forming a single network, like its predecessor radioast. the device is successful. worked from 2011 to 2019 and he was able to show he was able to achieve the highest angular resolution in the world at the moment, that is, it was the most, let’s say, sharp-sighted telescope in the entire history of launching scientific observatories.
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it should also be noted that this is the first observatory, a large scientific space observatory, that was launched in the russian federation, that is, yes... all of our successful launches occurred during the existence of the soviet union. the data obtained during this mission is stored in the memory unit of the astrospace center. there are more to come analyze 8 petabytes of potential discoveries. various scientific groups are working on space exploration projects at fian, developing devices without which, for example, modern orbital navigation of satellites is impossible. atomic clocks provide the most accurate data on the value of variable time, the flow of which depends on gravity, even height, if we talk about the earth’s surface. this device will make it possible to test a number of fundamental theories, including the search for dark matter, and
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will also help in solving applied problems. promising applied research, for example, the study of anomalies of the gravitational field, that is, the search for minerals or caves of some kind, they require your watch to have. with the same accuracy as world leaders, but at the same time they were compact, reliable, you could carry them around on a cart, at least, or in a car. providing the most accurate data, atomic clocks will be able to record the most insignificant deviations, both on earth and in its orbit. such devices underlie the principle that allows us to use satellite navigation. the earth satellite must report the exact time, for example, if we are mistaken in time by one nanosecond, then during this nanosecond the signal that spreads. the light will pass by 30 cm, a different value in distance, and because of this, errors will accumulate; navigation will simply work worse. this clock reads the oscillation frequency of atoms, which , absorbing or releasing energy, move from one orbit to another. each time we direct
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a laser at an ensemble of atoms or ions, we ask them whether the laser frequency is correct there, and atoms answer us there, well, yes, did you guess right or not? to be honest, you missed the mark, every time we interrogate these atoms, and thereby we adjust the laser frequency to this transition. in the world, most of these devices use strontium, its atoms can be said to be very capricious, they can be felt. the move doesn’t blur anywhere, doesn’t run away anywhere, the shift errors we get
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are small. researchers place atoms in a special trap, their clusters are clearly visible in this chamber, and use lasers to carry out the necessary manipulations, for example, cool, knocking energy out of the particles. the operation of tulle watches uses lasers not only of violet and green colors, but also those spectra that are invisible to the human eye. and in order to see the progress of such beams, scientists need visualizers, which in the laboratory... are called viewers. according to scientists, this direction is of the greatest interest to the global scientific community. this topic is very competitive here. in the world, we were the first to work with thulium, we were the first, we actually cooled it, we were the first they prescribed a one-hour transition. currently, global interest in thulium is very high. the institute has a powerful school of laser technologies, which are actively used in the field of quantum computing. the prototype of a quantum computer,
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a new stage in the evolution of computing machines, will be able to think orders of magnitude faster than its predecessors. a quantum computer will make it possible in the future, again, to surpass classical computers in some computational tasks, such as, for example , the task of searching a database, for example , i have, for example, 100 elements, i want find one among them, even if each operation takes me 1 second, i will spend 100 seconds on this, or... such occurrences, then the difference will be more significant. a quantum computer will speed up work with databases, for example, banking transactions, change the field of medicine and the features of space navigation, and will be able to work with systems of linear equations that would have been classically solved until the end of time, and this is not a metaphor. the difference is no longer there...
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lies the power of quantum computing, relatively speaking, a bit is two points on a map, acubit is a whole globe, it is obtained by working with
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ions, particles that have an electrical charge. a qubit is a system of several, well , if a qubit, then it is specifically two levels in each individual ion, iterbia 171 isotope, quite popular, a popular platform for quantum computing, it is used there in america in groups, in russia in groups. in china, in my opinion, they are also studying it. the ions are caught in special laser traps on this optical table. we are not even working with a qubit, which has two states, with a qudit, it has four states, that is, we have four configurations of the electron shell with which we work: such, such and such. so, this allows us to encode two qubits at once in one ion. there are very few such systems in the world that work with qudits. ours is probably literally third, there is second or third in the world, huh. and accordingly, this makes it possible to obtain a larger number of qubits with a smaller number of ions and,
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accordingly, more computing power. throughout the history of the institute, fian scientists have worked on breakthrough technologies. the importance of many discoveries for world science is still difficult to overestimate. seven nobel laureates actually grew up in the world, this is the beginning - this is the fifty-fourth year, the nobel prize , cherenkov, there is frank for cherenkov radiation, then bass and prokhorov - this is 60. scientific groups continue to develop the areas on which the nobel laureates worked, for example , in the ginsburg center, a structural division of the lebedev physical institute , are studying superconductors. superconductivity has the most important thing property is the complete disappearance
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of electrical resistance, this increases the reliability of electrical operation. electrified railways, this means reducing the weight of dimensions in ship installations, installations, projects to create much more efficient aircraft with electric superconducting engines. finally, remember magnetic levitation trains. the center is armed with a whole arsenal of equipment that allows it to conduct various studies. the installation, it's called tsfm-16, is the largest magnetic field on a superconducting magnet, on dry installation, dry installation, which means it does not use liquid helium for cooling, it does research on superconductors, topological insulators and various quantum materials, it allows you to measure electrical resistance, magnetoresistance, samples in a wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields. having a powerful technical scientific background, scientists are developing
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their own products. also, other superconductors, which physicists are always hunting for, we usually make in the form of small single crystals, because we and our main task is to study the fundamental properties, and then in the next stages it is possible to implement them in practice, that is, to grow them in large quantities and make magnetic wires, top magnets, and so on from them. superconductors are also used for space research, including in the millimetron project mentioned above. we are developing receivers for wavelengths of 1.3 mm, in particular, this is approximately at a frequency of 300 ghz, a unique wavelength range in which, if you look into space, there is a huge a number of rotational vibrational lines will be simply visible, and this spectral information is extremely important for radio astronomers. devices that study infinite outer space are mounted under microscopes on special
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machines, we mount these chips here under this microscope, position them, then on this...
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it is engaged in a truly wide range of research, from microcosmos to the study of galaxies. many people say that the place is a place of prayer, yes, that is , in this scientific sense, that is really a temple of science, this imposes a certain responsibility, mainly , so to speak, on the older generation, and young people, they feel it, absorb it, that is, but we are not trying to hide behind this, because this is also a certain danger, that we have a great history, we don’t have to do anything else, no, it’s the other way around. an incentive to develop, move forward, great responsibility, of course, projects implemented on the basis of the institute are actively supported by both the state and the business community. this allows you to maintain a balance between fundamental and applied research that provides new technologies for the development of the country.
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52 - expert in liver cleansing and restoration. premensky musicians are already in the cinema. start the year with great deals on mega. there will be a discount, buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. millions of russians choose the warmth and comfort of rehau windows, my back gets tired on my feet all day, because of work i lead a sedentary lifestyle, i exercise on a daily basis, but how to protect my joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneo helps support healthy joints. artneo - one capsule per day to protect the joints of the spine,
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hello! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy women's clothing, shoes and accessories with
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discounts of up to 70%. and how do you like it, like in paradise, now i will show you a real paradise, holob 2, and what am i taking away, already in the cinema, temperature, take effervescent paracetamol-reneval, effervescent tablet has been appreciated. home soon, soon, i won’t stay late now, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat, 10 minutes for a new job, lots of new vacancies every day, avito there will be a job, not just a job, but your own... place, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell
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you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, on sunday early in the morning during the absolute parade the children cried out: people, wake up, let's all vote, my mother said sleepily, we'll choose remotely, hold back our jaws , we'll choose electronically, i said to grandma and grandpa, i 'm a father, i'll go with you , but our generation loves papers and ballots, but the young shift is electronically modern, i'm not making progress enemy, hold your granddaughter's alarm clock, that's all it’s quite reasonable, it can be done remotely, we ’ll go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, using our usual method, at the site, as usual, to choose freely in the country. important, honestly convenient.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want you’ve reached it, it seems to you that you’re on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off and went, and russia needs to change, evolution occurs in any structure.
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your holiness, thank you very much once again for this traditional opportunity to talk with you on christmas, about the christmas holiday, i congratulate you, thank you heartily, for me it is always such a special event to meet on the eve of the holiday to communicate with you, but also through this communication still have some kind of conversation with our people. your holiness, this year will be the fifteenth anniversary of your enthronement,
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here... i remember very well how even earlier, then, 15 years ago, you were already talking about traditional values, at a time when many politicians were still wincing so demonstrably, to say what traditional values, if for the people's well-being, for well-being of the state, we have the institution of human rights, we have democracy, this is enough, you said even then, this year we can already say that traditional values. part of the institution of law, and yet you still continue to talk about traditional values, that is, you do you think that this is still a declaration, it’s still worth fighting for, and in general, how will you attach importance to this topic in your high priestly ministry? i would like to start a little with philology: tradition, what is it? tradition is transmission, literally, transmission, hence transfer, well, everything else.
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irrelevant, in many ways defining such an important concept as human happiness, therefore, there is nothing archaic here, but here is evidence of something that even goes beyond the boundaries of our experience, how one can imagine a person as something that is archivally important, a value that has always existed, and which has passed from generation to generation,
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from culture to culture. therefore, there should be an attitude towards traditional values, but a very careful one, and the most important thing is that traditional values ​​are not identified only with the past, and that young people understand this, traditional value is what belonged to history, what belongs to history and what will go into the future , these values ​​will accompany humanity until the end of this world, your holiness, last year - a lot of these happened signs, it seems to me, are good, but i want to know your attitude towards them, well, of course, this is the return of the icon of the trinity, the authorship of the rev. andrei rublev, the cancer of prince alexander neevsky, it has now been installed on a historical site in st. petersburg, and you have found a revered icon the kazan mother of god, now you can
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worship her in the kazan cathedral. here, it seems to me, they are kind.


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