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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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not a person, there is no conscience, he destroyed the most important thing that is in the human, in the human dimension of life, so god grant that everyone who works to preserve homeland, this, of course, is the religious factor, and high culture, education, which includes love for the fatherland, helping others, so that all this will help people maintain their conscience. along with conscience , responsibility for oneself, for one’s loved ones, but for one’s country. thank you very much for your words, for this interview, and once again i congratulate you on the holiday, thank you, powerful explosions thundered. and at night in ukraine
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, messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local government publications, kharkov became one of these points on the map. industrial facilities in the city were damaged. in the kharkov region there is information about several attacks at once. it looks like the information comes from the dnepropetrovsk region, where there were explosions in krivoy rog and dnepropetrovsk. in the khmelnytsky region, the sounds of detonation were heard in the regional center of khmelnytsky. the same data comes from so far. zaporozhye and kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, in the latter, the authorities announce attacks on a plant and a critical infrastructure facility. in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft are repelled by motorized rifles from the southern military district. our warriors work around the clock, their rocket launchers are hidden in the forests and are ready to strike the enemy at any moment. they are supported from the air by drones and aircraft. a report from our war correspondent igor pikhanov from the front line of the front.
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shot! in the special military operation zone the zaporozhye direction of the front is one of the hottest; the mstab artillery gun hits enemy infantry with fragmentation shells. ukrainian militants attempted to break through our defense line. specialists from motorized rifle units of the southern military district neutralize attack aircraft in the ukrainian armed forces. this combat team of galobitsy includes fighters from donetsk, rostov, don and the leningrad region. career military personnel and volunteers, work on the front line, in dugouts, work in krasnopol, high-precision ammunition, as a rule, this is a counter-battery fight, this is the defeat of the enemy’s artillery pieces. work on the front line of the front goes on around the clock, assault operations in the ssu end in failure, so militants from artillery attack populated areas in the region. the russian military is using kamikaze drones and tactical aircraft to destroy enemy equipment. hail crew. they want ukrainian
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artillerymen, the work is carried out in close conjunction with intelligence officers, the rocket launchers are camouflaged in the forests and are ready at any moment strike the enemy, consider it like this, we sleep, started it, drove for 5 minutes, quickly, clearly, shoots quickly, a whole package in 20 seconds, 40 shells, 122 mm, at the forefront of the front, soldiers are on duty in well- fortified positions, dugouts protect from shelling and missile strikes , the enemy’s military equipment cannot get through here, it is destroyed even as it approaches, the territory is well targeted by artillerymen, when they went, then naturally we cover them, but we do not even allow them to lean out of the trench, that is , we discovered them and drove them into one, in one dugout do it, try to do it in order to drive it into one branding, strike it so that they don’t get out of there anymore, that’s all, during a break between combat work... they can
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talk to family and friends via a special secure video communication channel, for security reasons the military cannot use cell phones. the day before , a teleconference took place that connected the zaporozhye region with the krasnodar region, the soldiers met with their families and cadets of the military school, where they were trained after mobilization. well i guess it's to support morale as such, at a minimum, to see your relatives that everything is fine with them, that they will see. everything is fine with you and the soldiers, you can send greetings there, the soldiers also maintain contact with home via mail, letters and parcels arrive even to the most remote points of the region, children’s drawings of happy new year greetings decorate the military dugouts. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, lead zaporozhye region. in kiev, streams of sewage poured into the streets. at night, a sewerage system burst in one of the residential areas, according to local reports. media and telegram channels, the surrounding environment is unbearable.
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the accident has already been fixed, the edition of the mirror of the week writes about this with reference to the telegram channel of the city hall. the ukrainian leader will be too weak to achieve victory, writes retired british colonel richard kemp in his article for the daily telegraph. according to information. military, due to the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive in kiev , disagreements between the political and military elites have intensified, alika komarova will tell you how the west reacts to such information. to stabilize the ukrainian economy, kiev just needs to start printing money, the wall street journal reports. according
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to journalists, against the backdrop of declining western support, ukraine is now in an extremely vulnerable position and only a money machine can save it, because the american printer is temporarily unavailable. in washington, it was difficult to agree on a budget to finance the government, but as american politicians note, until the white house provides a clear plan for ukraine, new military tranches kyiv will not receive it. i voted against supplies to ukraine because i do not understand what the us strategy is on this issue, what we are trying to achieve there, what goal we are pursuing, how we will exercise control over these precious funds of our taxpayers. german journalists are confident that the situation for the armed forces of ukraine will change radically, berlin is betting on f-16 fighters, and although it is not yet a fact that kiev will receive them, western military correspondents believe that it is thanks to these aircraft that ukraine will be able to go on the offensive even in the crimean direction, but the german finance minister is already asking his eu colleagues for help.
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berlin is now the main sponsor of ukraine in europe and can no longer cope alone. currently, germany pays for half of all eu aid to ukraine. other economically strong countries should. strengthen their support, must share this financial burden with us. germany cannot be forced to do more for ukraine. france is also skeptical. experts say that by february the ukrainian army will use up its remaining ammunition and will be almost completely depleted. i i believe that they have about a month’s worth of ammunition left, which is too little for the ukrainians, because a month gives time until mid- february; in mid-february it will be the height of winter. now they are trying to stabilize the front and carry out strategic strikes. but this requires appropriate capabilities. moral and military exhaustion of ukraine is about to occur. kiev is too dependent on us financial assistance. where does this financial assistance go? in fact, ukrainian journalists found out. according to them, the mayor of kiev vitaliy klitschko recently received
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germany luxury mansion for 6 million dollars. an american company gave him such a generous gift, supposedly as a debt. true, this company has been owned by klitschko himself since last year. alek komarov. news. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain on the. start the year with bargains. buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles. to a delicious point. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i lead
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a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a little new year's light, lights lights, a magic staff, grandfather, do we have any at home? something delicious, let's do some magic, can do magic, snowman courier , it's proven, my grandfather, santa claus, on new
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year's eve everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those who... next to the new year, wizards, and how do you feel, how is it in paradise, now i ’ll show you real paradise, holob 2, already in the cinema. the world's best natural cleaner is nature. it can naturally purify water and air. therefore, for natural liver cleansing, we recommend lif 52. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once. spin five only after confirming payment
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of a game of chess with sergei koryakin, we left a request on the website and happily forgot about it, called them, yes, come on, here i am starting, i was lucky to enter, managed to win, but in fact the opponent strong, and you will be a champion, i will be a champion, for sure, any dream, when it comes true, it’s cool and no matter what. this year it’s on a completely different scale, we understand and know why we’re doing this, everything takes, everything turns, we have to take risks, you can’t win against them any other way, look at their eyes when you make their dream come true, it’s directly motivating how the all-russian action works, who can become a participant, we will learn about it right now from our heroes. the moscow region authorities promise to connect it in the near future. for heating almost all houses, victims of an accident at a boiler house in the klimovsk microdistrict. due to faulty
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equipment, residents were left without heat in almost thirty-degree frosts. the shutdown zone included 170 apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools and medical institutions. restoration work has been going on for four days; the heating mains have frozen in some areas and had to be re-laid. the investigative committee opened a criminal case regarding the restriction of heat supply to residential buildings. the organization's boiler room staff conducted searches and seized documents. besides, it was decided that the residents of the klimovsk microdistrict affected by the accident will not pay for heating. electricity costs will also be reimbursed in january. this was announced by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. the day before, the head of the region held several meetings with residents of klimovsk. we work around the clock. we understand, we understand that on tuesday we go to school, to kindergarten. we understand that today tomorrow we must first of all launch housing and immediately move on to
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the launch of social facilities, schools, kindergartens, it is obvious that after this large-scale accidents, we must rebuild the entire network, we have nothing else left, the whole question is always in resources, but there are priority points, which are today. so we’ll put it into the program, look for money, we have no other way. a farmers' strike began in germany; hundreds of tractor drivers blocked traffic in berlin, munich and bremen. the main requirement is to reduce taxes and return subsidies. the police demanded that the protesters remove the road blockade every 30 minutes, but the farmers went to court, which stood up to their side and ordered only police and ambulance vehicles to pass through. a large action is expected throughout the country; in bavaria, due to... protests, some schools are switching to remote learning. the situation in germany
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is aggravated by severe flooding. the elbe and ruhr overflowed their banks. social networks report power outages. the picture is similar in belgium, where residents accuse the authorities of failing to protect them from the elements. why? let's find out from our european correspondent regina sevastyanov. she's in touch with us. regina. hello. how big was this natural disaster? hello, a lot of plans, a lot of water and no action, this is how the standard newspaper described the situation in belgium, there are holidays here, which ended just today, residents. the regions adjacent to the dender river experienced, clutching their hearts, the river overflowed its banks due to the rains that fell on belgium, flooding fields, cities and leading to a series of evacuations, threatening enormous economic consequences. floman infrastructure minister lydia peters has already suggested that potential damage from the current flood could reach a billion
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euros. the emergency plan has not yet been canceled, and a political debate has already begun here in the country. they remember the flood of 2010, when , similarly, due to heavy rains, the river overflowed its banks, flooding cities, then bridges collapsed, the army was forced to come to the aid of civilian relief services, four people died, the economic damage then amounted to 180 million euros. the government promised that the tragedy would not happen again, by 2020 it was complete replacements were promised to at least
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repair the entire dam lock system, which was identified as the main cause. because of this protest, we now see the outcome. in 2016, in gerarsberg, the local eco-front blocked any work to restore the locks, considering it a waste of money. activists are pushing for a broader range of work, including a ban on new construction in areas of potential flooding,
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freeing part of the river from the underground pipes in which it was encased, creating a larger networks of reservoirs around these. regions, fighting the opposition on social networks in the offices of three flemish governments in a row promised to solve the problem, but did not solve it. and now the minister of infrastructure, whose department is responsible for this issue, has completely hinted that environmental activists are the main problem, why everything happened this time. visiting flooded areas, lydia peters said the government had increased the annual budget of the company that manages the tender to 125 million euros but, she emphasized, it is still necessary for all noses to point to the wind, burying the problem under weighty dossiers ; apparently, the government does not intend to solve it, writes a local media journalist. the problem cannot be solved in one, two, three, argued in their defense all the executives involved, from lydia peters to dzuhaldamir, who put on tall
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boots in an attempt to answer critics, not in one, two, three, no, within a reasonable period of time, namely for almost 15 years. it was like confirmation of powerlessness, so only the ministers are not powerless, certainly not three flemish governments in a row. the mayor of the city of afligem said that in recent days the streets of his city could only be moved by boats; residents of many houses were moved, for example, to a gym or to crisis centers so that they could take a shower there. in vahlegem, every fifth house is now built in a potential flood zone. the fact that the government is so easily issuing licenses for... government in previously prohibited areas is considered part of the problem, i'm sure mayor, but he also recalled that the problem of repairing the lock system should have been solved long ago, but did not solve it, after which the burgomaster, it must be said, began to be actively harassed on social networks by the media, his main work is a television children's show, according to critics had no right to appear on television in those days when his
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city was struggling with the problem of flooding, however, now the government promises that it will listen to all critics. even meet with environmental activists, officials came to the conclusion that an expanded plan to combat the threat of new floods is really needed, only it has yet to be developed and presented to the public in court in 2024, when those same dam locks will be repaired at all is currently not reported. faith. regina, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in direct contact. we will now take a short commercial break. after on the air economic news. remember! what did they tell you when you decided to open a business? yes, this is not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong.
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it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a key new year's light, lights the lights, magical. staff, grandfather, we have something tasty at home, let’s conjure something, no, cast a spell, snowman courier, it’s proven, my grandfather is santa claus, create for the new year. everyone can do miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards,
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’ll get such a benefit, peko washing machines for only 24,999 in envidio and eldorado, the legendary free alfabank credit card has forever become even more profitable, withdraw cash for free at any. at atms. now it's time for economic news. at the opening of the moscow exchange, the ruble fell moderately against the dollar. at the start of the trading session, the national currency dipped by a little more than 7.5 kopecks. up to 91/3 rubles per dollar. now there is a slight correction. the ruble is stable against the chinese yuan; exchange rate changes at the beginning of the day are within 1 kopeck. market participants remind that today is still a holiday in russia, and tomorrow the ruble may begin to significantly strengthen. exporters will return to the market and are required to sell foreign exchange earnings. in
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addition, tomorrow the central bank intends to increase sales of foreign currency. today, shareholders of tks group of the main company of tenkov bank will hold an extraordinary meeting at which they will consider the issue of changing the jurisdiction of skiprus to russia. in which of the two special administrative regions, kaliningrad or vladivostok are you planning? the company did not specify registration. the change of jurisdiction opens up the possibility for tcs to return to paying dividends. and trading of its receipts on the london stock exchange has been suspended since march 2022. in early january, the company demanded that the british regulator cancel the standard listing of global depositary receipts on this site by the end of this month, which will allow them to be redeemed from non-residents in a calm manner change of jurisdiction. saudi. arabia is reducing oil prices for all regions without exception. these are asia, north america, the mediterranean and northwestern europe. in february, a barrel of the flagship variety
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rab light will be released. buyers of the key asian region are one and a half to two dollars cheaper, while experts expected that the marginal reduction would be a dollar and a quarter. at the same time, quotes for the north sea bren variety today dropped below $78 per barrel. the largest western leaders pay attention to prospects for declining global demand and the market reacting to such headlines. 20% of global shipping is disrupted by attacks by houthi rebels, us secretary of state antony blinken said. the head of the state department said the obvious, routes are lengthening, logistics costs are rising and these costs are being passed on to consumers around the world, the cargo and commercial interests of more than 40 countries are affected, the official added, including europe, as russian analysts point out. our goods, of course, our petroleum products and oil, finally, from the year 23, they go to asian markets, they also pass through the red sea suevsky canal, instead of us in
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the opposite direction. and petroleum products that are made from russian oil in india , they also go exactly this route, meanwhile the houthis themselves offer an allegedly simple solution to the problem, ships can broadcast radio messages that they have no ties with israel, then they will not be touched, however, if later they still go into one of...
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which the german authorities are trying to shift on the shoulders of citizens and businesses, in particular due to the budget crisis , subsidies to agricultural producers were reduced. german railway workers are also expressing dissatisfaction. starting tomorrow, they will also go on strike, and the movement of trains, primarily freight trains, will be partially suspended. the us congress agreed on a budget for the twenty-fourth year. spending this year is expected to total trillions of nearly $600 billion. washington allocated more than half of the amount - approximately 890 billion - to defense budget coordination - the first step to avoid a shutdown, which could happen as early as january 19. temporary funding for a number of critical items, including energy, water supply, agriculture and the functioning of most government agencies, expires in 11 days, while the issue of additional funding for ukraine, israeli security and the border with mexico still remains unresolved. well, in conclusion, the exchange rate for the dollar is 89 rubles 68 kopecks.
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euro 99.19 kop. what are you? traveling musicians? we don't have a bright leader. legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hello. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love , we can’t do without deception, i’m with you and i’m building tempting palaces for them, they will never be replaced with freedom, it’s gone, call the cent, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you’ve been waiting for.
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what a donkey, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians. let's get acquainted before everyone else, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, a stupid truck.


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