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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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industrial facilities were damaged. in the kharkov region there is information about several attacks at once. similar information comes from the dnepropetrovsk region, where there were explosions in krivoy rog and dnepropetrovsk. in the khmelnitsky region, the sounds of detonation were heard in the regional center of the city of khmelnitsk, and the same data comes from zaporozhye and kherson, still controlled by the kiev regime. in the latest, authorities claim attacks on a plant and critical infrastructure. about 300 residents of belgorod who decided. traveling out of town due to difficult the situation was settled in temporary accommodation centers. according to governor vyacheslav glodkov, they are located in staromoskol, gubkin and karachansky district. also, the regional authorities are preparing to send about 1,300 belgorod children to other regions, their parents have asked for this. the children will spend school holidays in children's camps, which in the capital of the region, as well as in several districts of the region, are extended until january 19. over the past 24 hours we have received... 300 applications
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to send children of the city of belgorod to country school camps in other regions, i called my colleagues, the governors of the voronezh, kaluga, tambov, yaroslavl regions, everyone is not ready to help us, now we are sending our specialists, we will look at the placement of the children, we will form groups and will send them. a new batch of signatures in support of presidential candidates vladimir putin arrived today at the central headquarters. volunteers delivered documents from 13 regions. the counting is currently ongoing. previously, the headquarters had already received documents from 45 regions. to date, we have collected support our candidate for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, has about 1,300,000 signatures, well, more than 1,300. signatures, and you know that
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the start of collecting signatures took place on december 23, according to the law it will continue until the end of january, and it continues now, from december 30 volunteers began delivering the first collected documents to the central headquarters, where document verification and legal processing take place services, volunteers count the number, this is how the work goes, it is now will... continue and let's hope that this figure will increase. the authorities of the moscow region promise to soon connect to heating almost all houses affected by the accident at the boiler district in the klimovsk microdistrict. due to faulty equipment, residents were left without heat in almost thirty-degree frosts. the shutdown zone included 170 apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools and medical institutions. restoration work has been going on for four days; the heating mains have frozen in some areas and had to be repaired. pave
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again. the investigative committee opened a criminal case regarding the restriction of heat supply to residential buildings. the organization servicing the boiler room was searched and documents were confiscated. in addition, it was decided that residents of the klimovsk microdistrict affected by the accident will not pay for heating in january, and electricity costs will be compensated. this was announced by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. the day before, the head of the region held several meetings with residents of klimovsk. we work around the clock, we understand. we understand that on tuesday to school , to kindergarten, we understand that today tomorrow we must open up housing first of all, immediately move on to launching social facilities, schools, kindergartens, it is obvious that after this large-scale accident, we must reassemble the entire network, we have nothing else left, the whole question is always in resources, but there are priority points that... well, today is
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klimovsk, well, we’ll put it in the program, look for money, we have no other way. a farmers' strike began in germany, hundreds of tractor drivers blocked traffic in berlin, munich and bremen. the main requirement is to reduce taxes and return subsidies. the police demanded that the protesters remove the road blockade every 30 minutes, but the farmers went to court, which sided with them and ordered only police and ambulance vehicles to pass through. a major action is expected. across the country in bavaria, due to protests, some schools are switching to remote learning. now there is a short advertisement, then a documentary about the defense of sevastopol during the great patriotic war, why hitler ordered the city to be wiped off the face of the earth, and thanks to which the plans of the german command were never destined to come true. more on that in a few minutes. dear musicians,
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temporary musicians, let's play something, guys, already in the cinema, rather than watch it 100 times, it's better to watch it once. rotate, twist only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a little new year's light, lights. lights, magic staff, grandfather, and we have there’s something tasty at home, we’ll conjure something, no, conjure, the snowman is the courier,
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it’s proven that my grandfather is santa claus. on new year's eve, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those around them, happy new year, wizards, my daughter sang the best again, these are the five effects of oralsept for a bacterial fungal infection, the five effects of oralsept for a sore throat, alice, turn on the new year's i turn on the music. we can't find your house. alice, light the garlands. new yandex station duo max, new year is where alice is. are you ready enter the game? ready to forget about everything. ready to fall and get up again. not ready? get yourself together.
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ready to reach for the stars. ready to melt ice, ready to rise above everyone else. ready to go down in history , ready to endure, ready to win, are you ready for real hockey, fonbet khl championship, new year's discounts in the magnet, molokusha 11990, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, hurry up for tickets to get higher warm. we were remembering our winter holiday, avito support is available 24x7, if you have any questions about booking, we are ready decide around the clock, avito everything will go as booked, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help, take out
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credit cards, transfer debts to help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. you are ideal for the role of an evil machika, your son is a slacker, as he was, remains so, save this for our major, holob-2, already in movie.
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on april 5, 1942, adolf hitler signed special directive number 41, in which he ordered the main forces of the wehrmacht to be turned south to capture as soon as possible. the defense of sevastopol lasted 250 days. the germans had never besieged a single city in europe for so long. enraged by the resilience of its defenders, the nazis decided to wipe sevastopol off the face
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of the earth. in the entire reich there was not as much heavy artillery ammunition as was spent in the fight for crimea. why? the first assault on the city ended in complete failure for the germans, what a miracle weapon the nazis were first used near sevastopol and how the residents of sevastopol lived during the unprecedented siege.
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in june 1941, the german army invaded. soviet union. her progress was rapid. by mid-july, the germans had captured latvia, lithuania, south estonia, moldova, as well as the western regions of ukraine and belarus. the wehrmacht advanced brazenly and self-confidently, not expecting to encounter serious resistance. but on july 13, the unexpected happened. soviet. nuclear bombs hit the oil heart of the third reich, the romanian oil fields in plaeste.
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the large unirea oil refinery burned for almost a day. it soon became clear that this daring attack was carried out by six bombers of the black sea fleet based in crimea. a few days later, hitler ordered the deployment of part of the troops of army group south. which are near the black sea. at the end of the 18th century, crimea
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became the main military outpost in southern russia. in 1853, the peninsula was attacked by the combined forces of england, france and turkey, which tried to put an end to the growing russian military power once and for all. in the eastern war, as they called it europeans, many of their best soldiers died. british army officers. after this, monuments to the crimean battles appeared in many european capitals. the crimean war revealed new heroes to russia. admiral nakhimov, kornilov and istomin. engineer tatlebin, sailors koshka and shevchenko, surgeon pirogov. every hill and stone of sevastopol was covered with military glory. after the revolution of 1917 and the end of the civil war, crimea remained
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part of soviet russia, and sevastopol, with fortifications preserved in it structures, a powerful military base that ensured the security of the southern borders of the country. the germans, since the times of bismarck , understood the very important location of crimea, this is not a secret, possession. british india. the invasion of the caucasus, then through transcaucasia to the german aviation struck sevastopol on the first day of the great patriotic war. june 22, 1941 approx. at night , city residents were awakened by deafening explosions of aerial bombs. the panic began. there were
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rumors that german troops had landed in crimea. the night sky over sevastopol was illuminated fire from anti-aircraft batteries and ship guns. we woke up from terrible shooting and ran out into the yard.
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only there was no flame, but a glow formed, after that we felt that this was not a training exercise, training cannot be carried out like this, this is already a war for real. in july 1941 , the germans captured most of soviet ukraine. crimea was virtually cut off from the mainland of the ussr. the fuhrer ordered the peninsula to be occupied before the onset of winter. in september , the advanced units of the wehrmacht crossed the dnieper and began to gather forces near perekopsky isthmus. crimea was preparing for defense. to defend the peninsula
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, the fifty-first army was formed under the command of colonel general fyodor kuznetsov. at the sevastopol marine plant, one of the five soviet armored trains, called zheleznyaks, was built, armed with machine guns, artillery and anti-aircraft guns; during the defense of sevastopol, this train made 140 combat raids. the germans called the elusive composition the green ghost. from the sea the peninsula was defended by the battleship-paris commune, five cruisers, three leaders, 13 destroyers and 44 submarines. the black sea fleet was commanded by forty-two-year-old vice admiral filipp oktyabrsky. by his
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order, three lines of defense were erected around sevastopol. large-caliber guns were removed from warships for the construction of new artillery batteries. in just 3 and a half months, sevastopol residents erected tens of kilometers of trenches, anti-tank barriers and pillboxes. from july 3, the entire city was mobilized to create a third body line, and this was mainly an anti-tank roll.
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soviet troops, after they manage to enter the operational space, that is, the steppe part of crimea, will be scattered and defeated. september 24. in the vicinity of the city of armyansk, soviet units held the defense for a week, but due to a lack of forces, large... losses were forced to retreat. having taken a dig, the germans approached the second fortified line on the narrow and shun isthmus.
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it was no longer possible to stop the wehrmacht here. kuznetsov's fifty-first army was defeated. having broken into the peninsula, the germans rushed to sevastopol. manstein. i am sure that the city, which was defended by a small garrison, will not offer serious resistance and will fall in a matter of days. on october 29 , cadets of the coastal defense naval school were alerted in sevastopol. during the night they walked 35 km and met the enemy at the distant approaches to the city. among the cadets was eighteen-year-old nikolai baranov, at this time, when we had just begun to engage in defense, the deputy commander of the black sea
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fleet for the defense of the city of sevastopol, rear admiral zhukov, arrived, he says, guys, there is no one, only hope is on you, hope to defend sevastopol, here two of us were attacking the kurdish battalion.
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five marines of the eighteenth battalion, armed with grenades and molotov cocktails, disabled nine german tanks and stopped the advance of an entire unit of enemy motorized infantry. all five sailors died. the germans first began to call the naval sailors and sailors who fought bravely during the second world war. death, thanks to their fierce resistance, their heroism, their fearlessness, there are several episodes known when sailors threw a bunch of grenades under
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tanks, that is, these were really people who fought not for fear, but for conscience to the last, but for the first time the germans encountered this force precisely during the defense of sevastopol. on november 2 , the thirtieth coastal battery opened fire on the germans from the mackenzie heights. it was one of the most powerful defensive structures in europe. construction of the battery began at the beginning of the 20th century and was completed only in 1934. 2.35 ditch guns located above the ground, were covered with a thick layer of armor. driven by seventeen electric motors, each tower could rotate 360°. could fire at a distance of up to 44 km. the underground reinforced concrete structures housed conning towers, utility storage rooms,
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living rooms, kitchens and power stations. the defenders of sevastopol called the battery a buried battleship. the battery was commanded by major gregory alexander. during the 16 days of the first german assault. the thirtieth battery fired 517 shells, its fire destroyed more than half of the manpower of the advanced german units, the battery opened fire on them, it hit not only this area where the cadets were fighting, it hit the concentration of germans at the alma station, i rushed there, after that the germans felt differently, they felt that... they scrambled, ran away and began to look like this anymore, the germans could not do anything against the coastal batteries
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of the black sea fleet. it's easy sevastopol, but they underestimated sevastopol and the sevastopolites, they underestimated those factional structures that did not allow the german troops to advance, since their shelling controlled very important areas of the territory. the fourth romanian mountain division took part in the attack on sevastopol along with the germans. romanians
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were allies of nazi germany from the early days of world war ii. on a campaign to the east, romanian dictator ion antonescu sent over 200,000 soldiers to help hitler. they took part in battles against the red army in ukraine, crimea, the caucasus, and stalingrad. romania was the main supplier of oil for... the needs of the germans in germany. in gratitude military industry and army. it provided 60% of all supplies of petroleum products for its diligent service to the third reich; hitler promised to include moldova in the new great romania, as well as the vast lands of the south of new russia, including odessa.
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these were allies in germany, they were given the so-called southern flank, they advanced on odessa, they, including together with the germans, fought in the crimea, and they bear their share of responsibility for the destruction, for those murders that the germans did in crimea carried out. at the end of november 1941 the german offensive on sevastopol was stopped, the city was completely blocked. sushi. from that moment on, sevastopol survived only thanks to the sea. warships and transport ships delivered ammunition, medicines, and food supplies to fresh reinforcements. the evacuation of residents began. on november 6 , the motor ship armenia left sevastopol. the next day, the ship
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was attacked by a german plane. the ship sank within 4 minutes. there were approximately 7.0 passengers on board. only eight people were saved. this tragedy became the largest disaster of the soviet fleet in world war ii. by this time , 86,000 soldiers of the coastal army under the command of major general ivan petrov were transferred from near odessa to sevastopol. sevastopol was preparing for a new assault. there was no panic , there was no fear of any kind, the doctors worked tirelessly, we saw the wounded, well , the dead were still always removed by ambulance, taken away, they worked very hard, you know, people tried to everyone, if anyone found out, found out that someone was wounded and came, everyone ran to help the person, with what we watched with interest when
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the planes were able to do this...


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