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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] an air raid alert was announced again in four regions of ukraine, in the morning the alert was announced throughout ukraine, it lasted 2 hours, ukrainian media reported explosions in kharkov, krivoy rog, khmelnitsky, dnepropetrovsk, odessa region, zaporozhye and kherson. in a number of regions, authorities reported damage to industrial enterprises and infrastructure in the russian ministry of defense. they have not yet commented on the situation. about three hundred belgorod residents who decided to move from the city were sent to temporary accommodation centers in staraya skol, gubkin and karachansky district. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. he also said that about 1,300 children from belgorod will be sent on holiday to country camps in other regions. the children will spend school holidays there, which in the capital of the region and several
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districts of the region have been extended until january 19. over the last 24 hours, we have received 1,300 applications to send children to the cities of belgorod, to country school camps in other regions, i called my colleagues, governors of the voronezh, er, kaluga, tambov, yaroslavl regions, everyone is not ready to help us, now we are sending our specialists, we will look at the placement of the children, we will form groups and will send them. public transport in belgorod will return to its normal schedule from tomorrow, the regional ministry of construction reported. last weekend , large shopping centers in the city resumed operations, restoration work continues, repair crews are replacing windows broken by shelling and damaged roofs of houses. olga zebina with details from belgorod. broken glass, burning smell and stuffed into corners rooms pets. this is how i remember that
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day. december 30 svetlana shuvalova, she lives in her apartment with her sister, both of them, by luck , were not at home at the time of the incident. i was at work, work is literally from here, right across the yard , these very loud explosions, well, naturally , i didn’t come up, then i went down, and the security guard said to me: this is how i work before the holidays, i should have stayed at home, and i see black smoke just above my entrance, that is , here i find, the next arch is houses, there are people there they are standing, waiting, hiding, something is still banging there, there is black smoke, now it is already warm in the apartment, workers are completing the installation of new double-glazed windows, not only the windows are damaged, personal belongings, walls, window sills, suspended ceilings are cut by fragments, the contractor has obliged to help with the repairs, on the thirtieth day after the shelling - we arrived at the place, immediately closed the thermal circuit, well, i think somewhere before
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one in the morning they already closed the thermal circuit. two houses, a total of 40 apartments were damaged, of which 241 m2 was the glazing area. damage continues to be repaired in the kreido microdistrict, in an apartment building on pochtovaya street; a total of 150 km of window glass needs to be replaced. the work is planned to be completed in the near future. on makarenka street, late in the evening of january 4 , three houses were damaged at once. now the fragments and other debris from the destruction have been removed from the streets. window openings from the first to eleventh floors were closed according to a temporary scheme, the parking lot of damaged cars was fenced off with tape, and work with car owners to assess the damage has already been completed. in memory of belgorodets andrey shchendrigin even printed the exact time of the incident: 23:36 minutes. the windows of his apartment face the opposite side from the epicenter of the explosion, so they remained intact, what can’t be said about the car? a bright flash in the sky,
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then a bang. i jumped out into the street literally in a matter of minutes and you see the results , there were no more pops, this was the last, well, decisive one, as you can see, restoration work is carried out daily, even despite the not always good weather conditions, the repair crews are working hard. olga zybina, andrey kazakov, lead belgorod in kiev, streams of infrequencies poured out on the street, at night a sewer broke through in one of the residential areas. according to local media reports on telegram channels, there is an unbearable smell all around, juleverneau boulevard is flooded, cars are drowning in dirty slurry. in pubs, people report that the breakthrough was eliminated a few hours after midnight, but utility workers are still clearing the streets, the situation is complicated by ten-degree frost, mud flows quickly freeze. the city authorities, in turn, assure that what happened it was just a cold water leak, the water supply was damaged, the accident has already been repaired.
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the publication of the mirror writes about this. with a link to meriya's telegram channel. more than 1,300,000 signatures have already been collected in support of the movement of current presidential candidates. to date, we have collected about 1,3000 signatures in support of our candidate for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, well, more than
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one. it will continue now, and we hope that this figure will increase. saudi arabia reduces selling prices for oil for all regions without exception. in february, a barrel of naraplayite variety will cost one and a half to two dollars cheaper, which is still changing due to problems with cargo transportation across the red sea. recognized by my colleague maria kudryavtseva. maria, greetings. what actions are major carriers taking? vera, good afternoon. the danish majersk has already introduced additional fees, and some companies. announced a pause in navigation through the red sea. now i'll tell you the details. chinese shipping giant koska has suspended deliveries to israel, about this israeli media report. well, the danish company mairsk announced additional charges back in december after the attacks in
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the red sea. 20% of global shipping is disrupted due to attacks by houthi rebels. this statement was made by us secretary of state antony blinken. according to him, the situation affects interests. alternative routes increase logistics time and cost, ultimately passing on costs to consumers. traffic has currently fallen by 50%, if we count by november, then as for tankers, it has fallen by 20-30%. due to recent events, insurance on this route has already increased by 300-500%, which is approximately similar to the situation when
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the soviet canal was blocked. 14 days. in december, mayrsk announced that it was introducing additional fees for container shipments from asia, for a standard container - $700 for transportation to northern europe and $500 for the east coast of north america. our goods, finally, our petroleum products and oil, finally go to the asian markets from 23rd year, they also go through the sues canal and the red sea. and instead of us in the opposite direction. already now , petroleum products and oil from middle eastern producers and petroleum products made from russian oil in india have begun to be delivered from the asian part to europe, so they also go exactly this route. chinese
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shipping giant koska has decided to pause visits to israeli ports, according to israeli media, it is the fourth largest company in the global container shipping market, accounting for 11%. world transport. saudi arabia has already began to reduce selling prices for oil for all regions, without exception. these are asia, north america, the mediterranean and northwestern europe. in february, a barrel of the flagship variety rabla will cost buyers in the key asian region one and a half to two dollars less. meanwhile , alternative routes are being developed, and even before the situation in the red sea , traffic volumes along the northern sea route have increased significantly. i am very grateful. to our partners, gazprom, neft, lukoil, narnickel, who found an opportunity from the western direction, conditionally, direction of the suet canal , already at a faster pace to transfer a number of cargo
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flows directly through the northern sea route, this allowed us, firstly, to reach the target figure of 36 million tons even before the new year, and secondly, to increase international transit to a record amount, well, noticeably. ..more than 2 million tons. with our base partner, the innovatek company, this year we will begin year-round movement in the eastern direction. as the head of the state corporation previously reported, 36 million tons is an absolute record, but judging by the development plans infrastructure of the northern sea route do not intend to stop at this figure. we expect this year the release of our next serial, the most powerful nuclear icebreaker in the world, the star is working on the creation of the next generation icebreaker, the leader icebreaker and, of course, the most important urgent task is the creation. arctic cargo fleet,
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but today we can say that coordinated work is underway on the nsr, an atmosphere of trust has been created, and a public council is working. let me remind you that after the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict in in the gaza strip, yemen's houthi rebels said they would carry out attacks on israeli territory and would not allow associated ships to pass through the waters of the red sea and the babeldeb strait until the operation in the palestinian enclave was stopped. this is the faith situation in the red sea. thank you, maria kudryavtseva, about the risks of shipping through the suetsky canal. heat supply has been restored to 81 of 174 houses in klimovsk, moscow region. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. on january 4, let me remind you, heating was stopped due to an accident at boiler room of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant. the next day , a local state of emergency was introduced, and the heating pipe froze in some areas. it had to be re-laid, six temporary
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accommodation centers were opened for residents of krimovsk, the investigative committee opened a criminal case regarding the restriction of heat supply to residential buildings. the organization servicing the boiler room conducted searches, seized documents, and it was also decided that the residents of the klimovsk microdistrict affected by the accidents would not pay for heating. in in january, electricity costs will also be reimbursed. this was announced by the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. the day before , the head of the region held several meetings with... the whole question is always about resources, but there are
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priority points, which today are klimovsk, so we will put it in the program, look for money, we have no other way. the american company ula launched a rocket to the moon. the carrier will send to the earth's satellite from the cosmodrome on the omys canal, if everything goes well, it will deliver to the moon lander for future nasa missions, too. video cameras, what shocked the public,
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why? maria skorodilka will tell you. his own library, gym, the latest playstation, several areas for privacy and even a room with parrots, but everything is not so for brevik, a norwegian terrorist who killed almost a hundred people threatens to sue the colony in which he himself is imprisoned, a murderer who cynically carried out a massacre in the summer youth camp, back in the eleventh , they once again complain about the unbearable living conditions in prison, they write. because he supposedly imprisoned and in extreme isolation, breivik is suing the norwegian state for violating his human rights. it’s unbearable for a terrorist, a four-room cell, a view from the window, sometimes cold coffee, which in such a humane colony is served late in the morning, the administration is in shock, the terrorists call him ungrateful, they say in those conditions. in which brevik lives in prison, ordinary norwegians do not live at home.
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the colony authorities allowed journalists to remove the camera. arriving at the prison, the reporters said, yes, this is a whole mansion. this is a personal kitchen, and this gym, second room with beautiful view and tv. there is everything for relaxation here. and this third room is a living corner, parrots live in it. you can sleep in the fourth room. there is a very comfortable bed here. in addition, brevik has. the opportunity to walk in his own courtyard, use the library, the shower room is also personal, just for him. ordinary citizens are outraged and provide a luxurious life for the nationalist at their own expense. sitting in prison, he not only does not repent, but also demands more and more, but he just wants to attract attention, but his goal is to mock people and remind them of what he has done. any person who commits such a crime, or even a small part of what he has done, does not have the right to return to freedom, he must be deprived of everything, let him sit in a bare cell on water and
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bread, this is a beast. i travel for days on end, i don’t see my family for years, i pay loans and taxes, but i don’t live like that. and i won’t be visible, i’m not a murderer, because this is not brevik’s first complaint about conditions that are inhumane in his opinion. he already filed a lawsuit last august against the state because of the loneliness that he experiences while sitting in a colony. in his lawsuit , bravey vociferously invoked the european convention on human rights. the terrorist’s lawyers no longer hide the fact that ideally their client would like to go home to receive guests and meet women. however , norwegian lawyers say brevik is dangerous to society, prison, his house is chanted. norwegian on social networks , andres brevik, convicted of terrorism, is dangerous to society ; nationalistic motives and the composure with which the terrorist took his life were declared in the courts 77 people, another 150 were injured, prove: “if he were free, he would continue to kill.” in addition, speaking in court, brevik admitted more than once that he dreamed of drowning norway
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in terrorist attacks, and if he had not been detained, he would have gone all the way. now sentenced to 21 years in prison, the highest sentence under norwegian law, buivik is being held under the strictest control regime possible in the country in the ringgereki colony. over the years, i managed to write about ten complaints at different levels, but the court did not satisfy any of them. u they do not follow terrorists' lead, they emphasized in strasbourg. brevik is advised to take antidepressants and behave more modestly. maria skrodilka, news. just wasting gigabytes and minutes? receive gifts? and what is it possible? can! yota! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. get superboxes as a gift, you can yota! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount! thousands of products with
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cashback up to 50%. did your daughter sing the best again? these are the five actions of oralsepto for a bacterial fungal infection; the five actions of oralsepto for a sore throat! who are you such, dear musicians, temporary musicians, let's have some fun, guys, it's already in the cinema, thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first start a cat with wifi technology, use mobile communications even where there is signal interference, belain is on your side, in sportmaster the prices are half. world and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. discover more new nazi buildings with the largest catalog of discounts. choose to harass. i think my grandfather is doing something
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hides. fireworks, a little new year's light. lights the lights. a magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home , we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven that my grandpa is santa claus! on new year 's eve, everyone can create miracles, but with a pure heart for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, we're bringing you mega discounts,
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the main event of the year, and you got such a benefit, in the video and eldorado! cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a tasty point. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now. damn, wrong file, how to cancel? no way, artyom? this is a megaphone, everything flies with it. go to megaphone. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. sore throat - the minus of the pros is mirestin, it’s logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, please allow. introduce ekaterina, ekaterina, allow me to invite you, well, i actually didn’t prepare, i got up and went, head-2 is already at the cinema,
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start the year with bargain purchases at the megamarket, it will be a discount, buy it toys for children with discounts up to 70%. arseny dreams of a game of chess. with sergei koryakin, we left an application on the website and happily forgot about it, called with it , yes, come on, here i am starting, i was lucky with the move, i managed to win, but in fact the opponent is strong, and you are the champion of the future, i will be the champion, not necessarily, any dream, when it comes true, it’s cool and no matter what, this year it’s on a completely different scale, we understand and know why we’re doing this, everything takes, everything turns, we have to take risks, they you can’t win any other way, looking at their eyes when you... make their dream come true, it’s directly motivating. how does the all-russian campaign work? who can become a participant?
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we will learn about this right now from our heroes. far eastern media tycoon oleg sidinko was dealt with in 2002. the blast wave knocked out an iron door and several windows on the staircase. he earned up to $10 million a year. already like that. yes, everyone was sure that the high-profile crime was the work of bandits in the trifonov group, only now they have become the names of those who could be involved in the murder are known, this is igor kovalchuk, co-owner of the largest market in vladivostok, but at this distance, i attached a viewing device to a magnet. in addition, the head of the kudo regional federation, alexander yasin, came under investigation. you are an honest entrepreneur, i can only account for taxes for everything. the first million, how much, what was the reason for the massacre of media tycoon oleg sidinko? do you imagine yourself committing any
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crimes? yes, because conscience is either or evidence? we took up this matter and conducted our
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investigation. and the situation in the so-called rebellious zone of west africa, which includes niger, malibour, kinofasso, and the desire of these african states to cooperate with russia, see in the documentary anna afanasyeva palace coup, how france
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was losing its position. in africa. “we can’t sit and wait for someone to come save us, we ourselves must start fighting, many countries gained independence, precisely thanks to the soviet union,
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history has made such a circle, we found ourselves in a new stage, when russia again helps in gaining, well, let’s say, new
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