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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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after everything i saw here on the streets, i had only one question: do people really live here? this is a landfill. in fact, on the site of a former landfill , this camp for refugees from central mali from the north grew up several years ago. their village was attacked by jihadists, after which they were forced to move here and build their houses from literally everything that could be found here on the street. i came from benghazi, my
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village is called velengala, one day at 4:00 in the morning our village was attacked, many of my the neighbors were shot, there were many wounded, those who could escape, they fled, they also set our houses on fire, we ran away when the whole village was on fire, we walked here for 5 hours, then we miraculously managed to stop the car and we got here. now we live here, this is our home , nohukudenda calls home a homemade tent made of sticks of polyethylene sheets, fastened with ropes, surviving in such conditions in forty-degree heat with children is not easy, but imagine what it’s like here during the rainy season, life in the camp is difficult, of course.
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seniors help sort donations plastic recycling is the main source of income for the residents of this refugee camp. with daily work you get a maximum of 1,500 francs per month, 2,500 rubles. and this is a budget for a family of five, but we are used to living like this, we have adapted, my two children were born here, there is work at least, it’s better than being in constant fear that your family might be killed, of course we really miss home, we had... such a prosperous
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village, now they would be harvesting, we sleep and see that the war will end and we can return, all these people surviving among. garbage victims of a crisis that has been going on for several years in northern mali. there , government troops are confronting tuareg separatists and terrorist groups. the number of refugees from the central sahel region, which in addition to mali includes burkina fasso and niger, currently stands at 410 thousand people.
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have you seen how many people are on the streets of bamako, this is because the whole city is celebrating a big holiday, the seventh birthday prophet muhammad, this is an opportunity for all muslims in male to celebrate the coming of the era of blessings, this is the blessing of the prophet.
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this is a misfortune, what is now happening in reality in the north of our country, but this is not islam, the people who are doing all this, they are terrorizing our population, they do not represent the interests of islam, they have completely different motives. in mali, everyone knows perfectly well what islam is, and this is an insult to islam. in august of this year , militants once again besieged the city of timbuktu, where the ancient mosques. there are human casualties, mosques are collapsing, mausoleums are collapsing, all this is the work of these so-called jihadists, and
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the unfortunate malian population takes this very hard, because it is unnatural, how can a person consciously call himself a muslim and destroy mosques?
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and yesenin’s poems, art, sculpture, painting, what is called fine art, we studied all this, and that’s not all. from moscow to vladivostok, through baikal , i traveled everywhere, so i really could to see how big russia is, to understand that
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malin made a mistake when they sent us there to study. as a member of the union of african students in the ussr, minsi sadibu took part in large intergovernmental events. and be proud to have been present at the meeting with khrushchev himself. khrushchev gave us great support. africa was liberated. let us remember the murder of patrice lumba in 1961. khrushchov, who came to the platform, became the one who took off his pants from the west. he stood up for the cause of black africa, for the liberation of africa. this thanks to khrushchev. he also completely changed the course of history with his speech at the un. another fateful meeting for the then young malian architecture student with the minister of foreign affairs of the ussr andrei andreevich gromyk. he asked us what you were studying. we
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said medicine, architecture, engineering . gromyka said: “okay.” he said: “take white paper, draw what you want, this will be your country.” in other words, do not follow the west, develop, build your country in your own way, implement your ideas, this is what he told us. your ambassador to mali is igor gromyka. he is the grandson of andrei gromyk, i also had an important meeting with him. as honorary president of the group of patriots of mali. sadibu asked the ambassador of the russian federation.
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we are talking about our national sovereignty, it's time to call for help, it's time to turn to friends, best friends, trusted friends. i told the russian ambassador igor gromyk, take note, don’t stay in the country, take the initiative into your own hands. it was with the soviet union that we had the best relations in africa. firstly, at we had the largest army, we had
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defense, thanks to the ussr. secondly, a huge number of students went to study with you, some became ministers, all thanks to you. thirdly, the industrialization of our country, industrial bases, it was with the participation of russia that we had all this. don't be left out. the imperialists are not asleep. the wealth of our region's mineral wealth is numerous. there is mali, there is guinea, there is niger, there is. the malian patriots group was created in
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2016 when we realized that after arriving foreign special reaction forces that carried out operations barkhan and serval, the situation in the north of the country does not change. yes, we have the french army present with a mission to liberate these regions. they said so, but we saw that, despite their presence, mali is in fact in a state of complete confusion. we began to advocate for the formation of military cooperation with russia, we drew up a petition and began to collect signatures, people were really in a hurry to take part in this saving, this patriotic action, since russia partner from the first hours of independence , yes, at first we were threatened at the level of the authorities, we began our action under president ibrahim boubacar keita, at demonstrations we
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waved russian and malian flags, we had various signs of cooperation between malia and russia, we were directly told that they were not welcome our activities, but we stood firm because we told ourselves that we are here for a patriotic cause, and even if we are all sent to prison, we will still do it, threats rained down on us, now from france, which insisted on the version of participation... the main threat, one of the main threats
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comes to mali, is from terrorist groups, and here in the north of the country there is a group supporting islam and muslims - this is a ban of a formation affiliated with al-qaeda and the islamic state in greater sahara. and the malian army, of course, is vigorously fighting these terrorist threats, we are helping in the military-technical line, the malians, there is even a group of... russian military specialists, well , russian military specialists are present on a permanent basis, because there is russian equipment here, we help have russian helicopters and aircraft, so our specialists are present here.
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how many years have you lived in russia? 37. 37 years in russia, that is, it turns out more than in malima naturally, that is, you are more russian praying than maliet saying that, so in mali, if you ask, let’s uh people don’t get their bearings, just tell rishika, you know what is reshike pabambara, risike, reshike pabamara is just russian, yeah, when
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you say russian, in mali, in guinea, in burkina, in cameroon, does everyone know what it is? russian , russian is me, as they say in russia , russia cannot be understood with the mind, so, but you understood with your soul, i understood with your soul, dr. adamadi abate, political scientist, adviser to the ministry of defense of mali, since 2018 he has actively advocated the resumption of cooperation with russia , but you can’t pass by this banner, it occupies such a worthy place in your yard, and such an important artifact of your political activities, yes, as i understand it.
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so that the russians can see that the love and advantage that they have compared to other big powers, that it is we ourselves who are drawn to them, others come to our home without asking, and we them, god, i fight with the authorities
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because they were not just about...
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to describe the relationship between mali and france, dr. diabate gives analogies from family life that everyone can understand. 500 years, if for a test, i think 500 years is enough to understand whether you will be happy in this marriage or not, and we have been saying for 500 years that yesterday it was better than today, fortunately for us it turned out that what we were running from from the west, that is... colonialism, all this equality and so on, we didn’t find anything like that with this new husband, this is the new husband russia, vive lasya, vive!
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i like putin’s quotes when he said that france without iranium from uranus, from niger, gold from mali, coffee from kudivar and the list continued from these 14 colonies, which he still holds in slavery, becomes one of the last african countries in terms of... income level, this is not significant, yes now they say that the third fourth in terms of gold reserves, tell me one french territory, where 1 g is achieved
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where this gold comes from, it’s not difficult to guess, mali is the second, third gold producer in africa, where from, ask where, how many grams of gold reserve in mali, zero, where does it go, there, logically, the french treasury should come to us, no, straight away. for what? because we are all slaves, but by the way, i understand france, they told the whole world that they are helping us, it’s not me, the head of the european central bank last year she said that france owes us 20 billion 600 billion euros, because no one knows these amounts, because it starts from the sixties to this day, the entire gold reserve. goes to france every year, all our export and foreign exchange receipts go directly to the treasury in france and what is happening france is gold and this currency as collateral and
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from the interest that it wins it gives us loans for this, but guys, but excuse me, there are already fools no, already. take the resource of mali today, population 22 million, we have the right to dispose, and we this right has already been taken over, we must simply retain, own and manage our resources, our income will be higher than dubai, i explain to you. if there had not been a so-called coup, but a truly popular ratification, there would have been no more history of mali.
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the new malian history begins on august 20 , 2020. the prime minister of mali shogelmaiga is also our graduate, he lived in the soviet union for 11 years and still speaks excellent russian. i haven’t been to russia for 30 years, 30 years, but i read russian from time to time and follow very attentively.
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northern mali spread throughout west africa, secondly, speaking about the territorial integrity of mali, it was the french army, it was the french state that created an enclave in northern mali, where the malian army was prohibited from entering and where the terrorists retreated for 2 years. so, after 7 years, we told ourselves that we had a patient who initially had ear pain and needed to be given medication for two weeks. but after 7 weeks the disease has spread to 80% of his body, then either the patient changes doctors, or he can no longer be saved. we came to the conclusion that the true goal of the french, and not french propaganda, is to prevent the emergence of independence, and not only here, to spread terrorism throughout west africa so that countries become dependent on france. we, our people, decided to break with this. we have never hidden this, our
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president said it. la voix de la souveraineté nationale the path of state sovereignty, free choice of strategic partners and defending our interests when we decide to do so, they began to tell us that with regard to sovereignty, a state like our
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country. cannot be sovereign, they themselves decided so, about partnerships with other countries, then a state like ours cannot choose partners on its own, it was in the west that they had to choose, when our cooperation with russia became obvious, russian advisers began to come to mali and equipment was supplied, the french said they were leaving. no one was happy with this, and then they told everyone that we kicked them out, we didn’t drive anyone away, but those who came our country and sets conditions for us, we don’t like it here, that’s all, they went to burkina faso in niger, people there also kicked them out, i think that at this rate france will only have some homeless military people, homeless people.
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this morning, russian troops carried out a group strike on objects of the military-industrial complex of ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this, using high-precision sea-based air- launched weapons, including hypersonic dagger sound missiles. in addition , rocket artillery strikes were carried out, and drone attacks were also carried out on uaf positions in 108 districts. this morning , a group strike was carried out with high-precision , long-range, sea- based airborne weapons, including a hypersonic and kenjal missile system, against the targets of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. missile forces and artillery, attack unmanned aerial vehicles from groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation hit the site of a meeting of commanders of the 101st military defense brigade, as well as.


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