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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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for exemplary work and courage in implementing reforms. bourne has held the post since may 2022 and became the second female prime minister in the country's history. experts call the thirty-four-year-old minister of education gabriel atal, the thirty-year-old minister of defense sebastian lekarnu and the forty-year-old minister of agriculture julien de normandie the most likely successors. as french publications write, government reshuffles are beneficial to macron against the backdrop of the upcoming ones. to the european parliament, according to polls, the president's party is fifth the republic currently trails marine lepine's far-right coalition by about 10 points. new materials in the jeffrey epstein case prove the guilt of bill clinton and prince andrew in relations with minors and girls. american media report that intimate videos with their participation were found in epstein’s documents. by the way , clinton. prince andrew continues to
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deny his guilt. in addition, more than a hundred photographs of young girls and high-ranking and famous passengers on the lolita express were published. in many pictures ghislaine maxwell, a convicted accomplice, was present and swore that she was virtually absent from these parties. the great franz beckenbaur, one of the best football players in history, died in germany. kaiser, as they called him. his fans, commentators and those with whom he took to the field. 14 seasons for bayern munich, countless trophies, bundesliga, german cup, champions cup, brilliant play for the german national team, gold at euro 72 at the 1974 world cup, but most importantly - inimitable style of play, according to sports journalists, beckenbaur showed himself on the football field like a general on the battlefield, hence his nicknames and authority. his coaching career was also brilliant, he won
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the world championship as a player and as a mentor. after the commercial, the broadcast will continue with the program “vesti, duty department.” remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. no one will pay for this, it’s bullshit, but you didn’t listen. because you are doing everything wrong, continue with alfabank - the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses, an apartment in moscow counting five, only five purchases from a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if the cards are still...
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magnit - price , what is needed! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy clinic cosmetics with discounts of up to 40%. this is a corporate event, this is entermin! entermin is a new generation enteric sorbent, its mineral matrix removes.
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remove toxins from the body while preserving beneficial substances, a smart solution against poisoning, so that you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing, payment is transferred to the landlord after successful check-in, avito everything will go as booked, a cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, i'll post it now! damn , it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it spread faster than i thought, because at 5g with it even faster, temperature, mix pochi, paracetamol, effervescent tablet, acetyl solicylic acid renival, we trust, start the year with profitable purchases
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at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream, russian cold. great, incredible taste. it's -5 at the zoo. mom will say it's five. actions of oralsept for pain and inflammation in the throat. five actions of oralsepto for a sore throat. retire in the new year it is profitable with collections. for pensioners , a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. hello,
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the legal program is on air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. a polygamist pimp was detained in tomsk. the thirty-three-year-old man had. several common-law wives to whom he eventually offered to create an underground escort business. things quickly went uphill and i had to hire more girls, the client base for the leader and his workers was provided by the administrators of city baths and saunas. maxim shevchenko will tell you how the entire group was detained during the next night shift. it’s unlikely that anyone expected that the languid entertainment among the neon signs of tomsk would end so suddenly, a handsome man in light clothes that were not suitable for the weather. they take you out into the street arm in arm, not by clients, but by operatives. on the hood, on the hood, representatives of the stronger sex working under the cover of darkness are treated without unnecessary ceremony. this thirty-three-year-old siberian,
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as the police suggest, he built a whole scheme of illegal earnings from forbidden entertainment. they had been tracking him for over a year. together with his common-law wives, he organized an escort business, which he nurtured for a long time. what's interesting about this guy is that they don't show any aggression in conversations, so it's just light flirting? i was actually sitting in the car, that is , they weren’t doing anything illegal, or they were doing it, today no, scammers usually call pre-thought-out answers to awkward questions scripted, these conversations
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you can’t exactly call them that. what are you doing now? i work, who? girl of easy virtue at night, previously convicted, there was a case. it seemed that the lady was serving a sentence for robbery, and there are many such rather strange combinations in this story, as participants in the scheme, in total it was possible to establish the involvement of eighteen people, among them taxi drivers, they, by the way, were paid a thousand rubles for transporting visitors during the search events , police seized about thirty bank cards from members of the criminal group. cards, more than twenty mobile phones, various computer equipment, rough financial records, business cards , items used for providing intimate services. lately, security forces are increasingly cracking down on the work of underground salons, which are disguised as seemingly harmless saunas and massage rooms. when reporters appeared, accompanied by people in uniform, it was even possible to record almost paranormal phenomena on camera. let's go after the ghost. dear ghost, where are you going?
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went? frightened moths, every now and then , wrap themselves in bed linen, just suddenly there is a smell of fried food. girl, would you like to ask us at least a couple of questions from across the sheet? no, but this is a trend of recent times, it seems , relevant only in the capital, in a barn of unknown purpose, where services were clearly provided, that you can’t find unnecessary dexterity, cameras are stuck in every corner, just like in a real reality show, on which channels are these broadcasts showed, oh, hello, hello, you are also relaxing here, yes, in in the case of the stoma operation to liquidate the escort business, the police had to work, organized more than twenty task forces, calculated the right moment for the raid, now it is quite difficult to imagine how defeated the thirty-three-year-old businessman who launched an illegal business feels, one thing is clear: he will have to answer for the act according to to the fullest extent, for such crimes there is a real prison sentence. maxim shevchenko, mikhail shirin
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and khalimat kuchmezova, lead: duty department. in ufa, a private kindergarten teacher accused of beating a two-year-old girl. there is even video evidence in the administrative case materials. but despite this, the teacher herself denies everything, what actually happened , angelina mashkina figured out, that she
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became a person with a pedagogical education and eighteen years old, can you please tell your child, severely beat her, by the way, without comment, if you believe the examination that the baby’s parents provided to the court showed that the child was indeed beaten, but lawyer liliya abdulina also has this document attached to the case file raises serious doubts. in the conclusion of the forensic expert, there was black and white bleeding of the lower extremities, however, as we see in the video, abdulina, although a little rudely, nevertheless moved the child away while touching her. upper limbs, shoulder and forearm, where these bodily injuries to the lower limbs came from is unclear to us, and this gives
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us reason to believe that this examination is simply fake. after hearing both sides, the court still recognized citizen abdulina guilty, for beating the teacher even faced administrative arrest for up to 15 days, but in the end she was given the minimum punishment, a fine of 500 rubles. payment of the administrative fine, in accordance with article 32.2, must be made no later than 60 days. the teacher did not agree with this court decision, she hopes for an acquittal, so she will appeal , she quit her job, she was not asked, and this incident did not discourage lily abdulina from loving children, so the woman simply immediately got a job in another private kindergarten, and there no complaints about this teacher yet it didn't seem to be. angelina mashkina, alina dinatulina, azamat akhmadishin and danil gofiyatov, duty officer. a local police officer from the gorodishche district of the volgograd region was awarded a medal for saving the dying
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. senior lieutenant renat khuzhaakhmetov was presented with a state award by the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev. a police officer showed selflessness when rescuing a drowning schoolboy. he was one of the first to arrive at the scene of an emergency, where a twelve-year-old boy fell through thin ice on a local river. without wasting time, khuzhakhmetov tied a rope around fragile. surface , risking his life in half to save a child in trouble, from the shore the local police officers were helped by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, random eyewitnesses, he screams, guys, he says , i can’t do it anymore, everything is pulling me, we started to pull him out, well, i see, the child is screaming, he’s already talking , i’m going under the ice, well, i decided to undress, climb too, i climbed, broke the ice, swam, took him by the hand, i held the rope in my hands, i say, drag... the incident occurred at the end of december last year, now the child
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has already been discharged from the hospital , besides state award for the local hero, the ministry of internal affairs decided to reward the others who took part in the rescue operation with departmental awards. new year with old problems, traditionally on holidays the load on customs increases significantly; goods are brought through the air harbor to domodedovo by passengers returning from distant places. they are bringing surprise gifts, one of the travelers, for example, tried to trick a red book animal by passing it off as an ordinary kitten, what else do you have to deal with? to customs officers on major holidays? vladimir bazov will say. the capital's damodedovo airport is already a legend. the air hub of russia, from here you can fly to neighboring countries, arab countries, and also go on vacation to popular tourist destinations - turkey and egypt. thousands of passengers pass here every day and not everyone boards with good intentions and what is called clean luggage. it is the task of customs officers to identify intruders and smugglers.
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please tell me there is nothing forbidden. conversation is conversation, but the principle of customs officers is not to take their word, their sharp eye and intuition do not fail, if there is a suspicion that the passenger is hiding something, literally or figuratively, he will go for inspection, cash more than $10,000, expensive jewelry or household items animal, all this is subject to declaration, so recently one passenger tried to transfer 214 saiga horns weighing more than 90 kg, woodworkers use it. alternative medicine, according to some doctors, ground into powder, they help with various pains, and also give male power. this cargo was found using an x-ray machine. of course, the technology is reliable, but as the customs officers themselves admit to us, if it does fail, there is a second echelon guarding the border, four-legged employees, whose noses will hardly be confused. not every dog ​​can serve in
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customs; the main quality during selection is friendliness, because you need to work with people, including the smallest. aggressive individuals, those who rush at their fellow humans, are immediately weeded out, the rest will have to go through another test. dogs are hired to work in the canine service when they are still puppies, and for three months , together with the owner, they undergo an intensive training course, training on such dummies. a shepherd dog, for example, can remember about five to seven smells. kirill rychkov and zeus have been working together for almost 5 years, the four-legged employee shows us his talents. in a matter of seconds, the dog finds a well-hidden dummy of a prohibited substance.
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otherwise, the long-awaited vacation by the sea may not take place. smugglers regularly they try to outwit customs officers, sometimes openly, by forging documents. for example, a us citizen wanted to pass off this kitten as a domestic egyptian cat. in fact, it turned out to be a very young red book serval who had not even learned to meow yet. the owner of this cargo failed to outplay the customs officers. the passenger tried
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to take the crosses encrusted with diamonds to dubai; the value of the cargo was more than 13 million rubles. the customs duty for it could be 4 million. what this citizen was counting on is not at all clear; he was carrying it in his backpack a whole zoo, more than 350 exotic animals from africa, lizards, toads and cockroaches, some of which simply died. the man said that he wanted to keep all the animals for himself; in fact, it turned out that he was selling them to exotic lovers through social networks. every year it becomes more and more difficult to sneak past customs officers with illegal goods, new equipment and technologies for detecting contraband are appearing, but law-abiding travelers have nothing to fear. the customs control procedure takes no more than a minute. vladimir bazov, vitaly melkov, kirill zubkov, conductor, duty department.
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we will take on this case, it will be... an honest detective story. hearings have begun on the lawsuit filed by terrorist anders breivik. convicted of killing 77 people, he once again complained about - i quote, unbearable conditions of detention. in response, the administration released video cameras, which shocked the public. fyodor eliseev will tell you why. from the moment when the norwegian terrorist. moved to a new prison, a little over a year has passed, but novosel is extremely dissatisfied with the conditions of his detention the same few boring rooms, no gym, no library, no video games. this is a personal kitchen
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, and this is a gym, a second room with a beautiful view and a tv, there is everything for relaxation, and this third room is a living corner, parrots live in it, you can sleep in the fourth room, there is the most comfortable bed, in addition , brevik has the opportunity to walk. year, he would have preferred waterboarding rather than drink the cold coffee they served him in the morning and not eat food heated in the microwave, a burden to all these unbearable conditions, lack of communication, extremist friends are not allowed to visit him, his only interlocutors are security guards, this became a new reason for legal gravity. according to breivik's lawyer, the inability for a convicted person to have contact with other people is an extremely radical interference in a person's life. against the backdrop of all this, brevik is forced to take
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antidepressants and is counting on parole, although in norway society did not treat the sad killer’s troubles with understanding. yes, he just wants to attract attention, and his goal is to mock people and remind them of what he did. any person who commits a similar crime or even a small part of that. what he did, he has no right to return to freedom, he must be deprived of everything, let him sit in a bare cell on water and bread, this is a beast, i work for days, i don’t see my family for years, i pay loans, taxes, but i don’t live like that, and i won’t be visible, i’m not a murderer, but these are prisoners, many of whom are in jail less serious crimes, in thai prisons the cells are packed to capacity, people sleep on the floor, they don’t really like the diet in kinya prison, here it’s... tasteless porridge made from corn flour, the floor is also a table, and this is a brand new building, built less than a year back, the world's largest prison in el salvador, on an area of ​​166 hectares, this is 33 blocks, can
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accommodate 40,000 prisoners, in a cell for 100 people, two sinks and two toilets and four-story beds without mattresses for 80 places. there are 0.6 per prisoner m, there is also a gym and tables for playing tennis. and canteens, however, everything is for employees, this is how the relocation of criminals to this prison takes place. brevik has 77 victims, and in the summer of 2011 he committed two terrorist attacks. the court sentenced the terrorist to 21 years in prison, with the possibility of extending the term. this is the maximum penalty provided by local law. he never admitted his guilt. however, his rights are taken into account more than those of people at large. all this happens to the brevik because of humanity. norwegian the criminal correctional system and its idea that breivik committed his crimes because he lacked something in freedom, and that if he
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was given everything he wanted in prison, he would then improve. well, of course, the norwegian criminal system has not encountered a person of such impudence as breevik showed, and even the representatives of this system are running out of patience. the terrorist's lawyer is counting. oslo district court will consider breivik's lawsuit in the spring of 2024, but until then he misses talking to people and anders, who is counting on being released, will drown out his depression by playing video games, communicating with parrots and working out in the gym, naturally, at the expense of taxpayers, a truly unbearable time. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. the frost test in podolsk, investigators and criminologists from iska near moscow conducted searches in the organization serving the boiler room where it happened. let me remind you that as a result, thousands of local residents were left without heating and hot water. a criminal case has been initiated into the incident. currently half the houses are already warm. the situation is
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under the control of the regional governor andrei vorobyov and members of the regional government. alexander ostakhov has all the details. well, tell me, how do you live in such spartan conditions? how are you living, you see i’m wearing two dressing gowns to go out into the corridor, i’m also putting on pants. during these new year holidays, marina eremeeva rarely crawls out from under the blanket with her pet, it’s not laziness, it’s the cold, on the night of january 4th the woman was left without heat and hot water, when the lights were turned off, it was generally 9°c, i i was foolishly watering the flowers, and i thought, now the power will be turned on, i come, and i have ice in my saucer, in order not to freeze at all , i had to turn on the heater at full power, and cover the windows with pillows, so... ice appears on the walls, the spouses move around the apartment in outerwear. what is the temperature here now? well, at the moment the thermometer shows -3.2°. i have to.
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visit guests because it is very dangerous to sleep here. new year's holidays have turned into a nightmare for thousands of podolsk families. without more than 170 houses remained without heating. the reason is an accident in the boiler house. the boiler room, which supplies the entire klimovsk microdistrict in podolsk with heat and hot water, is located behind this fence with barbed wire on the territory of the tlimovsky specialized cartridge plant. this is a private security facility. therefore, according to local authorities, the administration did not control the condition of the equipment. boiler room. it works like this: as a rule, gas burns in a special chamber, in the process heat is generated, which heats the water, it, in turn, goes through the heating mains to the radiators in the apartments, according to preliminary data, the electricity went out on the territory of the plant and a pressure surge occurred, due to which breaks began in the heating networks, three boilers stopped working, the water is heated in this way, and with a cannon on the pump , due to the fact that
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emergency measures to eliminate it were not taken in a timely manner. time was wasted; the pipes were unfrozen, this means that the pipes froze and burst; the pipes need to be excavated and new ones installed; all this could have been avoided if the boiler room was supervised not by a private individual, but by the state, the cartridge plant was privatized in the nineties, since then it began an interesting life, its leaders several times became involved in criminal cases of deliberate bankruptcy, theft, the use of forged documents, and in fact the owner of the plant. as they say, he has been living in germany for a long time. the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case and conducted searches at the enterprise. technical documentation is confiscated and management is interrogated. consequence the causes and conditions leading to the accident are established. to prevent accidents from happening again, the boiler house will soon be transferred to the management of local authorities. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov said that such an agreement has already been reached. we are in a private security enterprise.
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the work is very difficult, big city. connecting houses to heat means recycling broken elements at substations, replacing electrical equipment, taking into account the fact that residents have been heating themselves all these days. mobile boiler rooms heat water, diesel generators generate electricity for homes where there is too much load on the grid due to the heaters being on. warmth is gradually returning to people’s homes; for those who are still forced to freeze, temporary stay centers have been organized, one of these is in the youth sports palace. here people can warm up,
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eat for free, take a shower, get... beautiful footage almost cost the life of the driver and passenger of a foreign car, which was spectacularly drifting on the ice of the velikaya river, in the pskov region, in a controlled drift the cars were filmed by admiring eyewitnesses, but soon there were fears that the matter could end badly, pick up the ice, sasha, get out! the spectators of the icy race
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rushed to help, fortunately , the car owners and the passenger were able to leave the interior of the foreign car in time, but the car itself could not be saved, it sank to the bottom. all operational legal news feed in telegram channels, news, duty department and honest detective, follow with us. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. four people, including a child , died today in a massive road accident near veliky novgorod. three victims have already been hospitalized, another 14 received outpatient care, the ministry of health reported. rescuers are working at the scene of the accident, and mobile heating stations have been deployed there. according to the ministry of emergency situations, on a high-speed highway.


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