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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the press is sure that the president is trying to save himself from the scandal with the failed migrant law, which, following last year’s pension reform, resulted in a sharp rise in macron’s ratings. the forecasts of the french assembly are ambiguous, so far there are 3 candidates for the post of prime minister. the minister of education , a supporter of macron, an open homosexual , the head of the ministry of defense of the doctor who promised zelensky mistrals and tanks, but never sent them, and the unemployed. principal minister d-normandie. germany will be stuck in traffic jams for at least a week from today. across the country, farmers will hold demonstrations against the traffic light coalition policy with rallies, protest camps, and tractor blockades. the country is facing a transport collapse. it is no longer only berlin that is in the red zone of anger, as was the case during the farmer protests in december. and in general all
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german metropolises, including dusseldor, frankfurt am main and hamburg. and all because the scholz government is trying to cut all possible subsidies. why can’t the german authorities just borrow more, like everyone else? other countries do. but they are going to borrow more than they planned, something around 70 billion euros, but still not exceeding this limit, in order to at least maintain the illusion. mikhail antonov. on monday night, the streets of berlin were filled with an iron stream. thousands of tractors, trailers loaded with manure, the smell of diesel fuel, orange beacons. they stopped by for a little while before the new year and promised to return on january 8th. so we're back. on a frosty morning they warm up by the iron stoves that they also brought with them. traffic blocked
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on the autobahns. 16 capitals of the federal states, all small large cities in germany, are today squeezed in the grip of a farm strike. jens is from the village of prignets in brandenburg, he grows wheat and corn, and drove his tractor all the way to the brandenburg gate. many enterprises in our country feel tired, prices for fertilizer have increased enormously as a result of sanctions against russia, there was a lightning-fast price jump for all farmers who had to buy fertilizers at these prices and then sell them. austerity cuts subsidies for the scholz government, which, in connection with agriculture, at the last moment tried to come to an agreement with the trade union: there will be no abolition of preferential taxation on agricultural machinery, subsidies for diesel fuel have been decided to be reduced step by step until they are completely abolished in 2026, but this is clearly not enough to make work on earth began to bring real profit, because these people are protesting against the abolition of benefits, using which they still feel bad. reiner and...
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it should be launched, we are in favor, but to unfortunately, not our politicians. last year , the raw energy crisis destroyed 50 large enterprises. for the production of fertilizers in europe, farmers began to buy less because the price is not satisfactory, and therefore agricultural enterprises are also shrinking and going bankrupt, the cost of products in stores is rising, inflation is accelerating, which is already hitting everyone, regardless of occupation, so the protest rally towns and villages is inevitable. the agrarian trade union announced a week of protests, but this particular action will end today at 22:00. everything is simple here, a farmer cannot leave his farm for a long time, unlike... a factory worker
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or an electric train driver; by the way, germany will see a transport strike this week. from wednesday to friday , train services in germany are suspended, and teachers, doctors and retailers are preparing for strikes. the newspaper develt writes that farmers can become a voice that will wake up everyone who suffers from the traffic light economic policy, as the three-party policy is called in germany government coalition consisting of social democrats, their color is red.
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then i went to the port again. by that time , only journalists remained there. how can you respond to farmers' demands? i am here on a private visit and you know this, please respect that. habik was not injured, however, the prosecutor's office opened criminal proceedings against the most active participants in the action, and chancellor scholz, through his press secretary and the foreign minister himself, simultaneously burst out with messages that democracy in danger. such an action violates the rules of democratic interaction; with all the understanding of a living protest culture, one cannot remain indifferent to such an insult to political mores. people cross the democratic line where words are replaced by insults and arguments by violence. the funny thing about this is that
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such things are written by people who at one time supported the coup in ukraine and sympathized with the violence that the kiev regime unleashed on the russian people in donbass. but have patience with the germans. on the duplicity and cynicism of their politicians seems to be coming to an end, since it now concerns them. there is a charity organization called tafel in germany. on tuesdays, its branches distribute free expired but still usable food to those in need. there are so many people in need that even substandard goods are in short supply. previously, a tub of pasta cost 89 cents, now one euro costs 69 cents. they ask what we have to do with the ukrainian war. the answer to this question. the ordinary german people are paying for this war, regardless of the increasingly against one's own wishes. the new year's package of military gifts to kiev included four pvst complexes, one skynex, 800 anti-tank mines, 9.00 155-
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caliber shells, 10 radar installations and two early warning radars. in 2024, berlin plans to spend 8 billion euros on weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, and 6 billion on maintenance. germany from russian gas and russian oil. in fact, they continue to buy both, just at three prices, which deprives the german economy of the basis for its development and prosperity. the iron chancellor bismarck is often credited with various statements regarding russia, the authenticity of which is difficult to verify. but there is a living bismarck.
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germany, we suffer from this. after the german constitutional court covered up fraud with extra-budgetary funds, the funds of which were planned to be used to finance government programs. who are looking for money to make ends meet. the program of subsidies for the population to pay for housing and communal services is being phased out. from january 1 , the preferential vat introduced during the covid period has been cancelled. from 7% the rate returns to 19, despite the fact that last year the number of bankruptcies increased by a quarter. in the service sector alone, small shops, restaurants, hairdressing hotels, 30 thousand enterprises have closed. business is simply mowing down, but expenses on ukraine are inviolable.
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municipalities, the total deficit of local budgets in germany is 166 billion . according to the association of german cities and
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the euro, less tax revenue, greater social burden. it’s time for schultz and khabik to make sketches for their memoirs with the conventional title of how they will kill their fourth in 2 years world economy? 3/4 of germany are dissatisfied with the actions of the chancellor, this is the worst result in history, figures that have been making government and opposition partners nervous for some time. this does not make all the opposition nervous... germany has every reason to be in a great mood. over the past year, the number of the party has grown by 37%. these are the people who support the country’s new course with their hard-earned euros. well, there are even more of those who are ready to vote for the adc. in eastern germany up to a third of the total number of voters. farmers, most if not without exception. of course, we support the farmers in their protests. we are the alternative for germany party. we express our protest in the bundestag and state parliaments on issues such as high energy prices and the refusal of
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subsidies. in the fall, there will be elections in three federal states in the east, in brandenburg, saxony and thuringia, which could lead to the emergence of a kind of parallel, alternative germany, fiercely opposed to the federal center. if this happens, the depth of the country's split is unpredictable. after all, historical the practice of all-german unity is little impressive.
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news berlin germany. the forces deployed not only by germany, but also by its nato and eu allies to isolate russia are returning to boomerangs. last year poland turned its back on germany. kiev insulted both scholz and pistorius, and norwegian lng never replaced russian gas for the germans. this year, the russian economy is already ahead of the german one, said the head of the geopolitical observatory on key issues in russia, karin kneissl.
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was on a visit to austria for 5 years, then karen kneissl invited him to her own wedding. they could not forgive her for meeting and dancing with the president of russia in europe. the press trumpeted frau, kneissl, putin's agent, kgb agent for two decades, russaphilia kneissel is already more than just embarrassing. the obstinate karin sometimes also throws in some firewood.
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in his cozy apartment in hamburg, justus france plays brahms, there is already an invitation from his beloved friend valery gergiev to russia at the mariinsky, there is already one from... at the moment i am trying to get a residence permit in russia, so that when the mariinsky calls me or another theater, i could say: “okay, i ’ll come, i’ll be there tomorrow.” a friend of russia, of russian culture of the seventies, when he met shastakovich. franz worked in russia, conducted, staged plays, he organized the philharmonic of nations, in which
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the most famous russian young talents began their international careers. it was so, so. i feel a sense of shame for the germans for their decision, my father fell victim to the nazi regime, my family fought in the resistance movement in nazi germany, i am not saying that there is a similar regime in germany now, but every evening, when i shave, i look in the mirror, i ask myself the question: will i bend to the opinion of the majority or will i go my own way, and
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you know what i choose, i go my own way, and this road so far leads to st. petersburg, and also to moscow,
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every nook and cranny of the big city is like family to him, citizen of russia, organizer of the sochi festival sirius hans frei is preparing for the premiere, far from the first and far from the last, he receives the order of friendship from the hands of the president of russia, makes a fiery speech in english, german and russian. vladimir putin is trying to translate, but the message is clear. they cancel artists and music, it’s so unintelligent, so much so. stupid: during the times of fascism, even during the blockade, the germans listened to russian music, and the russians listened to bach and beethovin. culture is the language of the world. and sanctions are a blow to him. but i am happy that now i find many artists in europe and bring them to russia. his book, learning to love russia, became a bestseller in his homeland 5 years ago. the story of the st. petersburg great-great-grandfather of the künexberg grandmother, russian friends and
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himself, a native of saxony, even before the ban on everything russian, but unique russia. that's just fry's co-author. states or canada, you are no longer allowed to think in terms of traditional values: mother, father, children, there is pressure, this is not freedom, this is confusion, that's another aspect, do you hear?
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i was told that in the usa they play baseball. hit and run while the ball is in the air. it's all about ballistics; chess players are raised in russia. it's a matter of strategy. and when you look at global politics, today, it is clear that moscow, tehran, india are using strategy. this snowy winter in the northern capital, karen kneisel feels quite at home. petersburg turned out to be a strategically correct and pleasant decision. us president, dmitry melnikov's report from the border, valentin bogdanov about what biden and trump are fighting about. alexander belibov,
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about how the conflict in the middle east is growing, frightening statements are coming from tehran and beirut. and dmitry pishchukhin is trying to understand what kind of frosty anomaly befell us at the beginning of the year, and most importantly, when winter will change its anger to mercy. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. it seems we came up with a new plan, a very cool film, very funny, let's go, varizh, we'll eat oysters, we'll re-educate this major girl, the film is fire,
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bomb, bomb, the last thing i remember is my mother and i are in prison, so i'm leaving, here something with the wheel, i’m here to smile, so we act according to the old proven scheme, the first hole tore me completely, here the second one is even cooler, i i’m definitely going to screw up, i’m afraid it will happen like a university, don’t be afraid of anything. please welcome me, and the movie is awesome, very cool, what is needed for the new year, i need the scale so that she can see the real danger, we are preparing her for a feat, this is the revival of russian comedy, the whole audience laughed with me, where is he i downloaded it as if to attack , it’s a comedy, but it’s a lyrical comedy, you can watch it with the whole family, it’s very much about something so pure, bright, warm, joyful in us, i
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’m on air with big final news, we continue, over the sacred for muslims shiites at the jamkaran mosque in iran raised a red flag, this means the announcement of the location of the death of almost 100 participants in the mourning ceremony at the cemetery in kirman, where an explosion occurred on january 3. the islamic state claimed responsibility for the attack, but tehran is confident that...
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they called on iran to convince khazbalah to reduce attacks, but officials say they see no signs that the group listened; on the contrary, after clashes in lebanon and iran, the threats is only getting larger, and not only for the regional security, and for president biden’s chances of re-election. alexander belipov looked into what the biden administration did not take into account and why more and more parties are being drawn into the middle east conflict. the explosions in the city of kirman were not just one of the largest terrorist attacks in the history of iran. it was a blow to the very heart of the iranian nation. in
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germany there is the mausale of general aksir qasem soleimani and it was here that tens of thousands of people came on the fourth anniversary of his death. we were standing in front of the mosque, suddenly there was a loud noise and something exploded. many who were around me were literally torn apart, and we fell to the ground. suicide bombers were somewhere in the crowd. according to the ministry of internal affairs of the islamic republic , 95 people were killed as a result of the terrorist attack, and about 300 more were injured. isis terrorists, whose adherents sulaymaniyah actively fought during his lifetime, took responsibility for the explosions. you tried to frighten our people with this barbaric act. now that you are unable to suppress the resistance and your power has lost its effectiveness against the resistance forces, you have come for the innocent people. remember that in exchange for this heinous crime, you will have to pay a heavy price. general kassem suleymaniy, commander of the alquz special forces, during his lifetime was an iconic figure not only for iran, but also for the entire shiite world. sulaymaniyah personally planned to participate in operations against isis
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in iraq. and syria directed the actions of the lebanese khazbalah in the fight against the militants of the pseudo-caliphate. the alkutsk unit he headed coordinated the activities of a network of shiite groups opposing the united states and their allies. for states sulaymaniyah was a sworn enemy. on january 3, 2020, an american drone fired a missile at the colony in which the general was traveling. the order was given personally by then us president trump. the assassination of one of iran's most prominent military commanders has led to increased instability in the region.
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everything happened in dohia, this is the shiid district of the lebanese capital. here is the headquarters of khazbalah, theoretically it could also be in the zone of possible destruction, an unambiguous signal from tel aviv, which, however, in khazbalah quickly found that answer. swedish fighters fired 62 rockets and mines into the northern regions of israel in less than an hour, declaring that this was only the beginning of the murder of alyaru.
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a large-scale war with hezbollah is not the best idea for israel right now, it would be better to sort out the gas, for 3 months the idf cannot defeat the militants of the al-qassam brigades , whose number of weapons is much more modest than that of the lebanese shiites, and return its hostages from hamas captivity, which is much better tel aviv manages to level the sector with land, turning once prosperous palestinian settlements into lifeless wasteland, over there gaza is now called nothing more than a place of death and despair, the suffering of the inhabitants of gaza is caused by...
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merchant ships attacked by the houthis, and this despite the fact that for almost a month the united states and its allies have been conducting an operation in the red sea to protect these same ships from attacks. it is possible that having failed to achieve any results at sea, the us navy will move on to operations on land. by the beginning of 2024, the middle east is becoming more turbulent than it has ever been in the last few decades. the war in gas has already claimed almost 25,000 lives. the growing confrontation between israel and hazbalah, which also threatens confrontation with iran, which, without a doubt, will not be left without the support of its shiite proxies, and even instability in the southern part of the red sea. all these local points of tension are nothing more than a consequence of the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, without a solution to which peace and stability in the region cannot be expected. alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, ianna lvova, lead the middle east. bye to american wisconsin. there is nowhere
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to house even a thousand migrants in arizona major depressurization of the border. the most striking images of the weekend on american tv are not from washington, but from another hole in the border wall on the border with mexico. on the eve of the presidential elections, the migration crisis in the united states is killing not only biden’s ratings and what he built on...
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then before what...


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