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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the heads of the kherson and moscow regions reported to vladimir putin on the work to restore heating and energy supply in the regions. in the kherson region, electricity is already available without interruption. in klimovsk near moscow, heat should return to all apartments today. in the novgorod region , the causes of a massive accident on the m11 highway are being investigated. eyewitnesses say that one of the drivers lost control at high speed in difficult weather conditions.
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50 cars were involved in an accident, four people were killed and 16 were injured. consequences of a new shelling from the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated in belgorod. air defense shot down 10 vampire missiles, wounded three people with shrapnel, knocked out windows in houses, and damaged seven cars. mass protests by farmers in germany, people blocked roads and stopped the work of large enterprises. columns of tractors and other equipment were lined up. on city streets, entrepreneurs oppose tax increases and the abolition of benefits. vladimir putin received reports on failures in the supply of light and heat in the regions. the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president by phone that a sharp temperature change caused the wires to break. the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, in turn, reported on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing for residents. not only electricity, but
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heat. based on the results of these conversations, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company to make every effort to eliminate the failures. the authorities of the kherson region have already announced that power supply in the region has been completely restored. brigades it took power engineers several hours to repair the damage. the accident occurred due to bad weather; settlements in seven districts of the region remained without power. today heating will be turned on in all apartments. victims of an accident on a heating main in podolsk near moscow. this was reported by the governor's press service. a special management company will be created in the klimovsk microdistrict, which will deal with repair work in houses. emergency teams will continue to be on duty around the clock to promptly eliminate possible malfunctions during turning on the heat. the private boiler house will soon be handed over to the municipality and repaired. let me remind you that the residents of the klimovsky frost were left without heating.
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the situation continues, four were in severe conditions and, accordingly, two were of moderate severity, something threatens their lives, well, so far, in principle, according to doctors, no, they will live, in total 16 people received injuries of varying degrees of severity, vitaly vasyatkin was returning with his family from st. petersburg home to elektrostal. the driver shows the damaged car and tells how he got lost after the accident.
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blow after blow. those involved in the accident also noted that the road was very slippery and the weather left much to be desired. from the very morning, veliky novgorod and its surroundings were covered with heavy snowfall. the weather was very bad, it was just that when the accident had already happened, probably after about five or seven minutes the snow had calmed down, but nothing was visible. there really was ice on the street, just ice, just...
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because of the snowfall, the road was covered in snow, cars got stuck in the snow, special equipment didn’t have time to clear it, public and passenger transport was limited to places, several heating points were set up on the highway, and two temporary accommodation centers were organized nearby in the city of zverevo, a group of children from a bus that was stuck in a traffic jam was sent there , an ibd crew is on duty on the highway around the clock , assisting drivers, they are provided with food and water, today until noon. the entry of large cargo into rostov-on-donui is limited; this is necessary to clear the roads; a strong snowstorm in the region does not stop. in belgorod and its suburbs, they are eliminating the consequences of the new shelling by terrorists. the ministry of defense reports that on approach the air defense
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shot down 10 vampire missiles. the regional authorities, in turn, said: three people were wounded by shrapnel. doctors are doing everything for their speedy recovery. windows were broken in belgorod. in three houses, two multi-apartment and one private. seven cars were damaged, four of them caught fire. in the southern donetsk direction, the russian military stormed the enemy’s fortifications. the ukrainian armed forces' stronghold was located in a forest belt. in the attack was launched by motorized riflemen under the cover of a large-caliber machine gun. the artillerymen were also ready to help. the attack aircraft were guided in real time by a drone operator. he controlled the situation from the air and told the fighters where he was. kiev regime, as a result, the strong point was taken without losses or injuries. an order was received to carry out a combat mission to storm the enemy's stronghold, trenches, dugouts, entered the forest belt, passed
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secretly, approached the strong point, carried out an assault, captured, cleared the strong point, trenches, the enemy was destroyed, there were no casualties, everyone seemed to be alive and healthy. after any task, when we go out, it turns out that we rest for a day or two , training every day, night, day. in the krasnoliman direction, the advance of the infantry is supported by artillery and tank units; they strike targets identified by drone operators. at the same time, tankers work both from closed positions and direct fire, when the enemy can be seen with their own eyes. the soldiers told our military correspondent alexei baranov how... knock out american abrams. the impact of missiles fired by hurricane multiple launch rocket systems on a target is recorded by a reconnaissance drone, with the help of which it was discovered. while one battery of rocket
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artillery of the central military district is performing a combat mission, the other is moving to the firing line. this time, reconnaissance groups operating behind the contact line discovered an enemy fortified area in the kremen forest near the tor ledge. several vehicles attack ukrainian military positions at once. i don't have any primary goal, everything is important to us. one sight is enough to hit. the target is mortar crews , enemy strongholds, we are working on them, helping the infantry boys advance. the assault groups of the central military district operating in the krasnolimansk direction are, of course, supported not only by rocket
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artillery. just a few kilometers from the front line, tankers are in full readiness, awaiting a combat mission. they are the ones who work on the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces after the attack was carried out by rocket artillery. this car i've used up all my ammunition now.
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however, today’s combat mission is to support assault groups, so tankers use direct fire to hit the enemy’s forward strongholds. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. now there is footage from... the state of texas, there was a powerful explosion in one of the hotels, the first minutes of the emergency were caught on camera, an eyewitness, now
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they are on your screens, according to the latest data , 21 people were injured, one of them is in critical condition, in addition, on footage from social networks, you can now see the scale of the damage, broken windows, debris in the parking lot near the building, there is a message about a possible collapse of the ceilings according to preliminary information, the cause of the explosion could have been a gas leak. us secretary of defense lloyd osten has been transferred from the intensive care unit, but remains in the hospital, the pentagon reported. according to the department, austin is experiencing discomfort, however doctors characterize his condition as stable. the exact date of the minister’s discharge from the hospital is still unknown. let me remind you that earlier lloyd austin was hospitalized for a medical operation, as noted by the american media, the pentagon chief did not inform the us administration about this for several days, including. to president biden. german farmers have created a traffic apocalypse on
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the roads. demonstrators oppose tax increases and the abolition of benefits. in gonver, for example, farmers formed a column of tractors and drove along the central streets cities. in berlin they blocked the brondenburg gate with their equipment. in dresesdon , police tried to disperse protesters in the city's central square. about 800 gathered. eyewitnesses report that the meeting ended with violent clashes. these protests in germany will hit the country’s economy hard, experts say. maria filippova will tell you the details. economic news. mash, good morning, is it possible to talk about the consequences now? roma, good morning, business is already feeling them, for example, a large automobile plant had to stop work. the farmers' strike in germany is beginning to affect various areas of the country's economy. in particular, because of these protests , the volkswagen plant in lower saxony was stopped. the company's employees were simply unable
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to get to work due to road closures. 200 supermarkets in brandenburg will not receive goods on time due to an indirect blockade of the logistics center. and today , railway workers will gradually begin to join the farmers’ strike, which is fraught with new transport problems. berlin decided to save over 900 million euros in subsidies fuel for agricultural machinery, which caused dissatisfaction among farmers. the fact that the german government is unilaterally raising taxes on the only climate-neutral industry, agriculture, is terribly unfair, a real economic blow to us, and will be the very last straw that breaks the back of a loaded camel. the meeting of shareholders of tcs, the parent company of tenkov bank , was postponed, interfax reports this with reference to the group’s notification, the event was supposed to take place. for this purpose the shareholders
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must agree on changes to the charter, until it is clarified which of the districts will become the new place of registration, kaliningrad or vladivostok. the company announced plans to move back in november last year. this will, in particular, make it possible to bypass western sanctions blocking tcs securities and resume dividend payments. washington has not yet made a decision on the confiscation of russian assets, the issue is still being worked out within the framework of the seven, us treasury secretary jan thielen stated this, her words are quoted by bloomberg, the former. fed chairman worries about the risks for the dollar in the event of the seizure of someone else's property and therefore calls for everything to be calculated very carefully. it is worth noting here that journalists actually asked elena about her personal attitude towards the confiscation and transfer of funds to ukraine. however, in her answer she immediately referred to the seven. in other words, washington is preparing its european partners, japan and canada in advance for collective responsibility in the event of
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an international financial crime. the world tanker fleet is significant. financial the times notes that by now, the average age of such ships has almost reached 13 years, which is the maximum in two decades, and if we include gas carriers in the statistics, the figure is even more than six months higher. the reasons for the use of outdated vessels that do not comply with western environmental standards are trivial; western sanctions against russian hydrocarbons are why owners are afraid to update their tanker fleet, preferring to put it in the shadows, or take, for example, the most expensive vessels, the lng carrier. and the european commission can, through it will take 2-3 years to completely ban the import of liquefied natural gas from russia and therefore some logistics companies do not see the point in updating and expanding the fleet. and finally , the dollar exchange rate today is 89 rubles 68 kopecks. euro 99, 19 kopecks. novel. maria, thank you, we continue. kiev is scaring western countries with a russian breakthrough on the front line, more about this
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and more immediately after the advertisement. we don’t know what exercises will get you in shape before the new year, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable, uralsiboh bank. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the rosseti company, to take measures to eliminate utility accidents. the president heard reports on failures in the supply of light and heat in the kherson region and the moscow region. extreme frosts in the magadan region, the thermometer dropped to -50°. there is a strong snowstorm in the rostov region,
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the don highway is covered with snow. dozens of cars are stuck in a huge traffic jam. powerful explosion. hotell in the us state of texas injured 21 people, one of them in critical condition, the explosion could have been caused by a gas leak. pro-palestinian activists interrupted joe biden's campaign speech in south carolina, the president was speaking in a church, when demands for a ceasefire in the gas strip were heard from the audience. as a result, the activists were kicked out, and biden had to make excuses. russia will succeed in ukraine if western countries refuse. financing of kiev, ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba said in an interview with the spanish newspaper el paiz. according to him, if aid is suspended, russia will be able to break through the front line. about the prospects for supporting kyiv and the mood of the ukrainian military. svetlana chmykhala. ukrainian troops are exhausted in defense at the gates of hell. this is the scary headline
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that came out in the new york times. ukrainian soldiers told reporters that russian attacks had begun. too intense and operating close to the front line has never been so dangerous. the deputy battalion commander in the ssu, call sign shira, admitted that the military were physically exhausted. but the one for whom they are fighting has completely died, died as a political figure. this opinion was expressed by the secretary verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. i believe that now zelensky must understand for himself that he will never do it again. president, everything that he has now, people’s trust, ratings, he should make not decisions that will give him the opportunity to be re-elected in the next elections, or that will support his ratings, but those that make it possible to preserve the state, that is zelensky is already being kicked by even his own people, and the main sponsor is not particularly encouraging. the us congress has not yet
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agreed on the white house's request for new assistance to kiev; without the approval of legislators, weapons will not be sent to ukraine. the day before, leaders of both parties, concerned about the consequences of the shutdown, presented a spending plan, but it does not include $61 billion in aid to kiev, which the head of the white house is seeking. american presidential candidate, former permanent representative to the un, niki haley, is sure that biden himself is to blame for everything. i blame it all on biden, he should have always told the american people why we do what we do about the reason why we care about ukraine. he agitates to take care of ukraine. to ensure ukraine's long-term security, i therefore call on our allies in the european union to also step up their efforts in support of ukraine. in any case,
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the arms supplies planned to date by most eu member countries for ukraine are too small. meanwhile, kiev, apparently, is planning to send women to the front en masse. for the first time, the ministry of defense of ukraine purchased 50 thousand sets of women's military uniforms. like this bitter. as a result, the activists were taken out of the hall, and biden had to justify himself, and the head of the white house said that he was now working to resolve the situation in the middle east, but was supposedly forced to do it secretly.
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extreme frosts have arrived in the magadan region. in the central regions the temperature dropped to -50°. in the capital of the region there are up to 40. rescuers recommend that residents do not travel outside populated areas and, if possible, do not leave their homes. read more, lyudmila cherbakova. the morning of many magadan residents began with unsuccessful attempts to start car. dmitry gutor. during periods of extreme frost, he helps to cope with this problem by responding to calls from drivers. for this he purchased special equipment. now, says dmitry, there is a lot of work. using a diesel gun, the engine is heated and the battery is charged while the engine is warming up. we warm it up for 10-15 minutes and try to start it. extreme frosts. the magadan region brought the aymikon anticyclone from yakutia. he has been hosting the region for the third week. on duty at the seaport of magadan the icebreaker moscow arrived. ice is now rapidly growing in the bays and navigating ships without
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the help of an icebreaker is now impossible. according to weather forecasters, the air temperature in magadan is 7-10° below climatic values. it is very cold in the central regions of the magadan region, where the thermometer drops to -50° and below. residents of the kolyma hinterland exchange. a video that was filmed in the entrances of village houses during the period of fifty-degree frosts, the railings and ceilings there are covered with ice, this is the beauty in our entrance, loctites are growing, the mayor of magadan yuriy grishan says on social networks that the city is experiencing minimum temperatures with a large overconsumption of fuel oil. the number of fires has sharply increased in the region, caused by faulty electrical wiring and heating devices. this warehouse in magadan took 11 hours to extinguish, and firefighters spent a lot of time in the process. since the water froze, rescuers are now recommending that residents of the region, if possible, not stay outside for long and not travel outside populated areas. equipment in such frosts is especially
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susceptible to breakdowns, mechanical ones; metal is not can withstand it, people are stronger, but therefore you need to prepare cars, drive at least two cars so that you can save each other, help there, take cables and fuel with you. stock and warm clothes, special attention to passenger transport, buses traveling long distances are now carefully prepared, mobile communications are not available everywhere on the region’s highways, we insulate, we insulate well, we change thermostats, and flush radiators. according to forecasters, frosty weather will remain in the region in the coming days; warming is not yet expected. lyudmila shcherbakov, alexey gilyavov, lead magadan. news.
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also, the multiple german champion with bayern hamburg, franz bickenbau , achieved a unique achievement. he won the world cup both as a footballer and as a coach. there are only three such people in the entire history of football. the next opponent of islam makhachev has become known. islam makhachev will defend his ufc lightweight title against the winner of the fight between brazilian charles oliveira and russian arman tsarukyan.
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makhachev has owned it since october twenty-two of the year. the continental hockey league hosted two regular season matches the day before. in one of them, the vladivostok admiral received the omsk vanguard. the team set an unusual record. this is the ninth match in a row between these teams that ended outside of regulation time. this time , after three periods there was a draw 1:1. in overtime, avangard traditionally removed the goalkeeper when playing in a 4-3 format. rit boucher brought victory to amyachi. the american forward of avangard is the best sniper in the league this season. reed boucher already has 34 goals. in boucher still has 21 matches left to match or surpass the kgl record. sergei mozyakin scored 48 goals in the 2016-2017 regular season. in the east, avangard comes second. the admiral takes the last twelfth place. russian tennis player,
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sixteen-year-old world andrey. made a jump in the wta rankings by 11 lines . in the updated wta ranking, mira andreeva rose from 58th to forty-seventh place. let me remind you that last week the tennis player reached the quarter-finals of a tournament under the auspices of wbey for the first time in her career. the first racket of russia remains lyudmila samsonova, she is the fourteenth racket in the world, daria kasatkina is fifteenth. and again, football is another brazilian addition to the st. petersburg zenith. champion of russia. arthur is reported to be an attacking player who appears most often on the wings of the attack, but can also play in midfield and in the center of attack. arthur became the ninth brazilian to join zenit. that
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's all about sports for now, see you in the next part. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and begged them to steal from the regiment for fun. a cannon and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, bang, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone. what's the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court. everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else. and the girl seems to repent. let's go to paris, let's eat oysters. it would be possible to forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be.
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the news in the middle of the hour is short: the heads of the kherson and moscow regions reported to vladimir putin on the work to restore heating and energy supply in the regions. in the kherson region, electricity is already supplied without interruption; in klimatsk, near moscow , heat should return to all apartments today. in the novgorod region , the causes of a massive accident on the m11 highway are being investigated. eyewitnesses say that one of the drivers lost control at high speed in difficult weather conditions. 50
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cars and four people were involved in an accident.


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