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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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news mid-hour short: the heads of the kherson and moscow regions reported to vladimir putin on the work to restore heating and energy supply in the regions. in the kherson region, electricity is already supplied without interruption; in the moscow region-klimotsk , heat should return to all apartments today. in the novgorod region , the causes of a massive accident on the m11 highway are being investigated. eyewitnesses say that one of the drivers lost control at high speed in difficult weather conditions. 50
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cars were involved in road accidents, four people died, 16 suffered. the consequences of a new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated in belgorod; the federal military district shot down 10 vampire missiles, wounded three people with shrapnel, smashed windows in houses, and damaged seven cars. mass protests by farmers in germany, people blocked roads and stopped the work of large enterprises, columns of tractors and other equipment. lined up on city streets, entrepreneurs oppose tax increases and the abolition of benefits. in the kupinsky direction, artillerymen from the west group destroyed strongholds armored vehicles and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using drones uncovered cover and concentrations of ukrainian armored vehicles. the coordinates were immediately transmitted to the command post with accurate fire and self-propelled guns akatsiya enemy positions were. destroyed,
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with the help of drones, the fighters made sure that all targets were hit, after completing the combat mission, the artillerymen changed their location to avoid return fire. we usually stand in positions, well, for a short time, we mostly roll to maintain, well , stealth, the weapon itself is preserved, the front we cover the edge, we help constantly , as soon as possible, work constantly, so that if only you have a command there, communications there... write down the target, that’s it, you’re already sitting, you ’re already getting ready to aim, load everything at once and work, infantry, single targets there , that is , platoon strongholds, enemy observation posts, uh, if some kind of equipment goes out there, lightly armored, heavily armored, well, independence, we work, whatever goals are given, we work, in north ossetia, production at the garment factory is expanding factory, it produces equipment for soldiers in the special operation zone, the enterprise takes into account all comments and requests
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of military personnel, improves models and introduces new technologies, alexander kundukhov will tell you the details. the fabric is laid cut by cut into 50 layers, the cutter applies the design and cuts out the blanks with a special knife. the further production of these pouches depends on my work, because if i cover it, it’s not good enough. it will be more difficult to work with fabric, these are parts for military production pouch for a flask, despite its apparent simplicity, manufacturing the pouch requires as many as 18 technological operations. this enterprise not only sews military clothing, it develops new models and improves existing ones, taking into account the most current requirements. this is a new model, we call it generation three, two, we have this suit, this is generation three. reinforced,
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shortened front part. the latest development is a universal body armor. the design allows you to quickly put on and remove the vest even in cramped conditions, increased protection area, and most importantly, you can change the configuration to suit any tasks and conditions. we can quickly add certain elements to a basic set, a basic body armor, for example, a front panel or additional armor protection. almost all products are from the enterprise. immediately sent to the svo zone, any comments and requests from the soldiers are taken into account in the production of the next batch. many guys who are directly there cooperate with us, unit commanders, commanders of both special forces and infantry, militias our volunteers are actively communicating and making adjustments. the best materials available on the market are used in production: heavy-duty fabrics, reinforced threads, accessories.
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slings, almost everything is made in russia, the company has updated its equipment, special powerful machines for dense materials have appeared. and plus this is a hose machine, due to which, you see, it’s more convenient for us. give it, that is, on a regular typewriter, you see, the products are here and it’s faster, faster to do it, there’s no table, it’s impossible to do it on a regular typewriter. here they are preparing for significant expansion, however, there is still a lack of professional personnel, but the company is ready to train those who want it. now this small enterprise produces more than 50 types of military clothing and equipment, these include complete sets and individual specific elements. in addition, 15 new models are being developed, in particular.
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the six-year-old officer managed to receive the nickname dagestan remba, and this is not without reason; in battles he was wounded more than 100 times. the fighter was nominated for four state orders and medals and was awarded the highest award of the ministry of defense. forecasters warn of heavy snowfalls, thaws and freezing rain in the european part of russia, and icy conditions are possible, including in st. petersburg. read more about the sharp warming on the russian plain by vadim zavodche. the weather situation in european russia is turning upside down, atmospheric fronts have become more active in the region , here is the result: now there are frosts in the north, frosts in the south, what emergency situations have already resulted from weather changes, what others will lead to when
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the cold returns now, current weather analytics on russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center, hello, extreme people. frosts are leaving the european part of the country. the past 24 hours in the region will, unfortunately , be remembered for a series of massive car accidents. the biggest thing happened near novgorod. more than 50 cars collided on the m-11 highway. according to the local prosecutor's office , the accident could have happened due to bad weather. in the novgorod region there were snowfalls and blizzards, visibility deteriorated to 1 km. 14 people were injured, including two children, and four died. traffic on the road it had to be closed for some time, a mobile heating point was deployed, and helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations and the disaster medicine center flew to the site. heating points had to
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be deployed on the m4 don highway in the rostov region; in this case, a multi-kilometer traffic jam formed here. the reason is absolutely in the weather, during the ozov region there was a real blizzard, in the vicinity of rostov-on-don up to 13 mm of precipitation fell in the form of snow in 12 hours , i’m standing on a mountain, there is no visibility, 30 m, that’s it, nothing else can be seen, well, these are stills from region where there are still no snowdrifts, a large the accident happened in the stavropol region, a truck collided with a bus, killing seven people. however, weather conditions could also have affected the situation. for the first time since the beginning of the month, light frosts hit the stavropol region. in some areas, icy conditions were recorded. the deterioration of weather conditions in the european part of the country is associated with a sharp change in atmospheric processes. for several
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weeks, a low-cloudy anticyclone reigned in the region, but now the frontal sections of the cyclones have begun to make their way into its area. one is moving across... the north-west of the country, the other is in the south of russia, but the nature of the fronts is different: in the north of the russian plain a warm one is raging, a stream of well -heated atlantic air was directed here, because of this it will become sharply warmer during the day, an anomalous cold from the central regions began to move in the southern region, so here the weather is spoiled by a cold front, this process will literally turn the weather situation on its head, in st. petersburg, for example, from the beginning of the year there were twenty-degree frosts, but today during the day the temperature will become positive, the precipitation will change phase, and towards the evening, in the northern capital, freezing rains are possible in some places, in southern
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simferopol, on the contrary, frosts will strike, now in the city it is about zero, but in the next few hours the thermometer readings will drop below this mark, when it gets dark, it will get colder to -5°, possible icy conditions, this situation will persist until the end of the week, when the cyclone finally seizes power over european russia. it will begin to slowly shift east, at some point another arctic invasion will begin in its rear, which will mark the start of a new period of extreme cold. in moscow in the coming days it will become noticeably warmer, today -7, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow up to -1, -3 - this is even slightly above normal. it will snow. in three days, more than 20% of the monthly volume of precipitation will fall in the capital. that’s all for me,
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goodbye, right after the advertisement in the economic news, we’ll tell you how the protests are hitting germany, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy a set. transferred to the landlord after successful check-in, avita everything will go as booked. the legendary
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fear for the german economy due to massive protests by farmers. roman, interruptions in food supplies are expected, and some large enterprises are forced to stand idle. the farmers' strike in germany is beginning to affect many areas of the country's economy, in particular because of these protests the volkswagen plant in lower saxony has been shut down. the company's employees simply couldn't. and today to the farmers' strike railway workers will also gradually begin to join, which is fraught with new transport problems. the german government decided to save over 900 million euros in fuel subsidies for agricultural machinery, which caused discontent among farmers. however, it seems that it is much more important for chancellor olaf scholz to send 8 billion budget funds to ukraine than to maintain subsidies.
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euros for military support of ukraine, no matter how important the german contribution is, it will not be enough to help kiev for a long time, i urge eu allies to also attach. the american portal aks reports this with reference to its sources. we are talking about the reaction to the request of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he turned to abu dhabi for help in paying unemployment benefits to palestinians from the west bank, who, due to the actions of tel aviv, lost the opportunity to come to work. the president of the emirates reportedly remarked with sarcasm. zelensky receives a lot of money from abroad , perhaps he could share it with israel.
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calls for a boycott of coca-cola products in turkey did not pass. in the fourth quarter last year, the company’s sales in the local market fell by almost 22%, global sales decreased by more than 4 and a half, this is stated in the reports. it was proposed to boycott the products of such american brands as coca-cola, mcdonald's and starbucks in turkish segments of social networks. the reason is the us position regarding israeli bombing of the gas sector. a new scandal with boeing is growing. the company's stock quotes fell by 9.4% at the moment. the market reacted to the message that us regulators approved the procedure checking the 737 max-9 after a recent incident. an aircraft in the states recently had its emergency exit plug knocked out mid-flight. now, another of the largest us air carriers, united airlines, has discovered loose bolts on its aircraft of this model. previously, the same problems were identified in several other airliners
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of the same modification against the background of new problems in the operation of the max-9 outside the united states. and the eu temporarily suspended turkish and panamanian airlines. well, at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles. 68 kopecks, euro 99.19 kopecks. roman, masha, thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. in bilgorod , the consequences of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated. on approach to the city, the air defense shot down 10 vampire missiles. three people were wounded by shrapnel, cars were damaged, and windows were broken in three houses. the thermometer in the magadan region has dropped to extreme values, and there are one degree frosts in the region. in the rostov region , a severe snowstorm covered the m4 don highway with snow. dozens of cars are stuck in a huge traffic jam. happened in the us state of texas explosion in the hotel. according to the latest data
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, 21 people were injured, one of them is in critical condition. the building was seriously damaged, according to firefighters, gas was felt on the spot. the american lunar lander sent the first photo after launch. she confirmed that the device had technical problems. according to experts, the problems arose as a result of a failure when starting the engines. because of this, the module has a critical loss of fuel. a trial has begun in norway regarding anders breivik's lawsuit over the conditions of his detention in prison. terrorist. convicted of murdering 87 people, complains of years of isolation from other prisoners and other restrictions, he believes that such prison conditions are inhumane and humiliating to his dignity. stes himself is allegedly on the verge of suicide. the topic will be continued by elizaveta kharamtsova. he went to this hearing wearing the same well-fitting suit he wore 2 years ago when
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his parole appeal was heard . the norwegian terrorist anders breivik from... with nationalist views has not been praising the public with fascist views for a long time with gestures, as before, with a well-groomed beard and a perfectly shaved head, he looks more like a bureaucrat than a man who has been in prison for the thirteenth year. however, his place of detention also bears little resemblance to a prison. in the maximum security facility, brevik has four rooms, access to gyms, a game console, a personal library and parrots. but precisely the absence. full-fledged live contact with people, brevik and his lawyers call nothing more than a violation of human rights, this is a very, very long time, it’s hard to imagine, he says lawyer about the allegedly unbearable isolation of the hall, which includes survivors and loved ones of the victims of the 2011 massacre. according to the lawyer, brevik should be allowed to communicate with a wider circle of prisoners, because the terrorist who
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killed 77 people is now not dangerous to anyone. inclinations, it turned out that the terrorist tried to commit suicide in 2020, the criminal himself once again showed how much he seeks the attention of the press, again publicly asked to appear on the country's largest television channel, it was precisely brevik's desire to further promote his criminal ideas, the defendant, then there are states, explains the need to further isolate brevik. “breivik is still the same, he is still proud of what he did, he continues his ideological project, he wants to create networks that want limitless violence, for the first time he said that the conditions of imprisonment do not suit him, just 2 months after the start deadline, wrote a 27-page letter in which he even complained that the rubber handle was rubbing his palm too much. however, one can
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say that the case of breived v. norway has essentially been going on since the very day tragedy, already in the first interrogation, immediately after the arrest, the killer complained that he had injured his finger, and norway tolerates this behavior. in 2012, the person of the year in the kingdom was recognized not by the people who rescued sutoi children on their boats, but by a lawyer. this is the one who defended breivik and knocked out his infamous luxury camera. the norwegians, who pay for any prisoner with their taxes, have been discussing all these years what budget money could be used for and what should be done with terrorists. there are many older single people living in much more small apartments. they interact with people less than breivik. many elderly people sit alone and die alone, with no one to support them. where are their human rights? if only this.
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a year in prison for 100 days for each person killed , the term can be extended by 5 years, an infinite number of times, and for this the prosecution must prove through the court that the prisoner is dangerous to society, but breivik, who already managed to get better conditions of detention in the same court , norwegian legislation is well known, families the victims are afraid that the terrorist will only serve his sentence and will be released in 2033. brebik will not be that old, 52 years old, and judging by the prison conditions. can be released as a physically strong person. elizaveta khramtsova, news. a well-known russian blogger may face criminal liability and deprivation
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of parental rights. he posted a video on social media in which he throws his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. subscribers did not appreciate this and called on the guardianship authorities to pay attention to the father’s behavior. what can turn into a scandalous story; is it possible to have real punishment for such actions? - varvara nevskaya found out. he first warned his audience of seven million that he would soon make the most popular video, and then uploaded a video of himself throwing his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. the video really breaks records on extremist instagram: the flight of snow babies against the backdrop of the french alps accompanied by a christmas hit was watched by more than 7 million people, although kasenko could not find approval from the public. in europe , this can result in deprivation of parental rights. for... a child, but only an idiot would believe that this is a doll when he realized what he did, and then you make excuses, well, wait for the application for guardianship, this should be funny, however, indirectly it looks like it’s really funny, at first he
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seemed to try to justify himself, saying that the snow was tested by him personally, then he hinted that it was not a child, but a doll, who flew into the snowdrift, and later he began to openly mock, posting posts where he and his wife were jumping into the snowdrifts with the caption “be careful, the snow is very dangerous,” well and after... hermelionik at all stated that he had launched a new trend and invited the audience to discuss it during the live broadcast. the audience, in turn, demands the intervention of the competent authorities and the deprivation of kasenko’s parental rights. such a reaction to a blogger is normal. and of course, someone was scared for the child, someone is worried that with the help of such techniques the blogger is simply increasing the number of subscribers, views, that is, in russian speaking, just a real excitement or high. therefore, of course, we must understand here investigative authorities, but even if the child was not physically harmed, this does not mean that this example is positive,
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positive for everyone around. the internet community is convinced that cheating on sons is nothing more than an attempt to attract subscribers in advance of a new mentoring course that kasenko plans to launch in the near future. this video caused no less resonance in 2020, where muscovite igor krovtsov, relaxing in nature, shook his own one-and-a-half-month-old daughter like... like a trippy doll, with a decision the court seized the baby from her parents and sentenced them to a fine. in order to attract an audience , blogger maxim lyuty used his child. a man who promoted a raw food diet doused the baby with ice water and starved him for days. in march last year, the baby died of exhaustion. the trial in this case is still ongoing. lyutoy is awaiting a court decision in custody. according to lawyers, kosenk can also be held criminally liable. this is article 156 of the criminal code, which provides for liability for failure to fulfill educational obligations. minors, what are the two mandatory ones?
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the first sign is that these must be people who break the law, those who are entrusted with supervising the child, in this case it is the father himself, and this act must be related to child abuse, accordingly we also have this, in the case , if law enforcement officers begin an investigation and the case goes to court, in addition to a substantial fine, kosenko, who now calls himself only the parents of the year, may be deprived of his freedom, a term.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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head of the kherson and moscow regions. reported to vladimir putin about the work to restore heating and energy supply in the regions. in the kherson region, electricity is already supplied without interruption. in klimovsk near moscow, heat should return to all apartments today. in the novgorod region , the causes of a mass accident on the m-11 highway are being investigated. eyewitnesses say that one of the drivers was driving at high speed in difficult weather conditions. conditions, he lost control. 50 cars were involved in an accident, four people died and 16
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suffered. the consequences of the new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated in belgorod. air defense shot down 10 vampire missiles. three people were wounded by shrapnel. windows were broken in houses and seven cars were damaged. mass protests by farmers in germany. people blocked roads and stopped the work of large enterprises. columns of tractors and other equipment lined the city streets. entrepreneurs oppose tax increases and the abolition of benefits. vladimir putin accepted reports of failures in the supply of light and heat in the regions. the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president by phone that a sharp temperature change led to the wire breakage. the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, in turn, reported on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. based on the results of these furies.


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