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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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she’s fine, she’s a normal girl , just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, i ’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang it, we’ll sew it, so i’d tear you apart with horses. where are you going 2, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free, without registration, watch, watch in the app or on the website.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections, i’m with my dad today.
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together we found ourselves in a new place, he wanted to vote , choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard, if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, it will record moment this case, observation, choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, news middle of the hour, briefly: vladimir putin took control of the situation with heat outages in the kherson and moscow regions, the heads of the regions reported to him on the work being carried out, in the kherson region the failures in the light supply were eliminated, in klimovsky near moscow they promise heat to all apartments today. in the novgorod region, the causes of a massive accident on the m11 highway are being investigated. eyewitnesses say one of the drivers was driving at high speed in difficult weather conditions.
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that they have now shown that, well, you can use it, well, with some reservations, so that this is unlikely to become a direct trend, rather this demonstration of the possibility and testing the interest of the audience, in fact, that’s why exhibitions are held. today, the world's largest consumer electronics exhibition cs opens in las vegas, it is also the first of the year and, most importantly, is not specialized, unlike most rather industry forums, that is, you can find anything there, from smart home appliances and wearable devices to solutions in the field of transport and sometimes even quantum. computers, it is generally believed that it is there that the directions of electronics development for the coming year are determined. the formal exhibition has not yet opened, but the first large presentations, according to tradition, have already taken place on the so -called zero day. this year, a series of announcements was opened by nvidia, the largest manufacturer of video accelerators, which is now so actively using artificial intelligence systems to train. but as part of cs, nvidia focused more on its original market and introduced a new line of video cards for hobbyists.
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the us began to impose export restrictions relevant technologies in china, and
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not only specialized server solutions were banned, but even top versions like completely household video cards for home gaming computers. several times adapted to the requirements of export rules and released accelerators that were not formally subject to restrictions, but according to the journal, interest in such simplified slow versions within china is decreasing and this also applies, as they say, to the not yet released nvidia 4090 d video card, which is being designed for china and for chinese market according to analytic wall street journal. firstly, the cut versions of nvidia chips do not produce many manufacturers of their own chinese solutions for tata centers, and secondly, the cloud giants alibaba group tenset byydu owner tiktok byydans expect a new tightening of restrictions and are increasingly looking at local suppliers and microelectronics. well, among
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the technologies that are closer to ordinary consumers, at the sez exhibition they have already shown a couple of new screens: two traditional competitors, two largest developers and manufacturer. displays korean samsung and lg almost at the same time announced the first two transparent tvs. samsung's first transparent microled display is the first transparent wireless oled display. transparent monitors are nothing new, but they are still not used very actively, including because the image on them looks faded. in the lg ollet version, it is already quite bright and easily distinguishable, at least in standby mode, when the tv is not used for its intended purpose. and as an element of living room furnishings, turning, for example, into an electronic aquarium with animated fish, however, the device also includes a black opaque curtain that rises behind the screen, then all this turns into a regular oled tv with all its advantages, but without amazing
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transparency. samsung went a little further, their microled display feels a little brighter, but it doesn’t have any curtains, that is, it... exists only in a transparent version, and it’s completely frameless, the display doesn’t have anything edging it, it's just a sheet of glass about a centimeter thick. on the other hand, if this tv looks like at least a pre-production version with clear positioning, then the miracle display from samsung is more like a prototype, a demonstration of the possibility, because firstly, there are no indications of its mass production, and secondly, as the exhibitors have already noticed, even just a micro-year samsung tv is not transparent.
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shopping at the megamarket will be discounted, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. there is a cold pathogen around, infect the family captured, quickly into action, ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet a day. ismigen, i will quickly treat my cold. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts. why is this possible? can! yota! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive super boxes as a gift! can! yota! discover more new nazi buildings with the largest catalog of discounts! who will take the spoils and rule in
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both worlds, real and digital? games of the future! subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks!
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happy new year, win when you give joy to your loved ones, order an izbermarket scooter at the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. the largest exhibition in russia for food market professionals, food drinks for retail and horicks, we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the expo center on krasnaya presnya, ticket on the website protefis, this has never happened before, russian cold, 50 g of unprecedented rich taste in one glass! try! real ice cream
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russian cold! great, incredible taste! from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away! cheeseburger or chicken burger? for only 45 rubles. in delicious dot. maria loves the sun very much. but life passes among the ice floes. sick. throat is a minus, of the pluses there is mirestin , it is logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, the choice of millions in russia, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy synergetic dishwasher tablets for only 799 rubles. economic news mash protests in germany are expanding, today
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railway workers are joining the striking farmers, what are their demands? roman, they want a salary increase and threaten to cause a transport collapse, although in some places it has already arrived, now i’ll tell you in more detail. the farmers' strike in germany is beginning to affect other areas of the country's economy, including the shutdown of the volkswagen plant in lower saxony due to these protests. the company's employees were simply unable to get to work due to road closures. and railway workers, the german government decided to save money , which is fraught with new transport problems. over 900 million euros in subsidies for agricultural fuel, which caused discontent among farmers. however, it seems that it is much more important for chancellor olaf scholz to send ukraine needs 8 billion budget funds rather than maintaining subsidies to farmers. and from other eu countries, as the head of the german government announced at a press conference in berlin after negotiations with his counterpart
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from luxembourg. the current budget project of germany provides 8 billion euros for military support to ukraine. however important the german contribution may be, it will not be enough to help kiev in the long term. i call on eu allies to also do more on behalf of ukraine. planned for this. in most countries the amount of funds too small. the head of the united arab emirates suggested that israel ask zelensky for money. the american portal asios reports this with reference to its sources. we are talking about the reaction to the request of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he turned to abu dhabi for help in paying unemployment benefits to palestinians from the west bank, who, due to the actions of tel aviv, lost the opportunity to come to work. the president of the emirates reportedly remarked with sarcasm. zelensky receives a lot of money from abroad perhaps could share with israel.
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calls for a boycott of coca-cola products in turkey were not in vain. in the fourth quarter of last year, the company's local sales fell nearly 22%. worldwide decreased by more than 4 and a half. this is stated in the reporting. it was proposed to boycott the products of such american brands as coca-cola, mcdonald's and starbucks in turkish segments of social networks. the reason is the us position regarding israeli bombing. a new scandal with boeing is growing; the company's stock quotes fell by 9/4% at the moment. so the market reacted to a report that us regulators approved. review procedure for the 737 max-9 following a recent incident. an aircraft in the states recently had its emergency exit plug knocked out mid-flight. now here is another one of the largest air carriers in the united states. united airlines discovered loose bolts on its aircraft of this model. previously, the same problems were identified in several other airliners of the same modification. against the backdrop of new problems
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, the operation of the max-9, in addition to the united states and the european union , was temporarily stopped by the turkish panama airline. well, to complete the exchange rate, the dollar is 89 rubles 68 kopecks, the euro is 99.19 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you, we continue. dodgers in ukraine will now have their bank accounts blocked; this will be spelled out in the new mobilization law. the only way to call ukrainians to the front line is through threats and inevitable punishment. nobody wants to become a suicide bomber voluntarily. and mobilization in ukrainian, anastasia efimova. this. the video was shot by a woman, posting footage of ukrainian military commissars inspecting intercity buses at night in search of draft dodgers, she reports, only men’s documents are checked, quote, they don’t touch us, however, in the video they don’t shy away, they already know the risks of trying to defend themselves. 4.01 24 years
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ago i made a video, it was made in a state of emotional stress, no force was used against us, i am very ashamed. she apologized in ukrainian last thursday in russian, for these words transcarpathia, where her car was stopped, her husband was taken away, leaving her with a small child on the road at night. mezhyhirya village, transcarpathian region, we passed a checkpoint, they stopped us, took my husband away, i am in the middle of something incomprehensible. i sat down with my child , i don’t know what to do, my child is crying, i can’t go anywhere because my condition is just convulsive, please, i don’t know what to do, what to do, they apparently explained it quickly to her , as they probably explained to this woman. yaroslava gorshkova addresses zaluzhny directly, asks to find her husband, says the military commissars took him away in november,
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and since then nothing has been known about his fate. yesterday i arrived in transcarpathia. yesterday i came to transcarpathia specifically with a small child, because i had no one to leave her with, and they didn’t want to send me to the territorial recruitment center when i asked to let me know about nikita igorevich gorshkov, what happened to him, and they told me that they send everyone to mukachevo, they don’t have any documents. what exactly could have happened to their husbands, as well as to hundreds of thousands of men mobilized by kiev in general, is scary for ukrainian citizens to even guess, especially against the backdrop of widely circulated videos online.
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in beer. and everyone who was still wounded in makspro was wounded there in the head and leg. attempts to compensate for the enormous human losses, ukrainian mobilization is again sweeping the country. on the eve of the new year , a bill was introduced to the rada to tighten the rules of conscription; they are ready to block bank cards of draft dodgers and seize property. who is abroad, that is, a general norm is prescribed for all men, all men need to be counted, entered into the electronic register, and similar provisions will be applied to everyone measures, whether those who are abroad or those staying in the country itself, but this is more than 10 million people for a minute, are already openly admitted on ukrainian television, even if such a norm is adopted, it is unlikely to be implemented, the notorious
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ukrainian corruption bureaucracy will nullify the legislative lawlessness, and therefore ... famous fighters of the political front, former prosecutor general lutsenko, are coming out to fight the draft dodgers, believes that the president or the minister of defense should announce the exact number losses suffered by the country, shock therapy for those who categorically do not want to die for the kiev regime. i especially respect, i personally believe that they can name the number of dead ukrainians, i know how much they don’t want this, i know how hard it will be taken, but otherwise it will take millions of those who are hiding behind various stories about that out of their comfort zone , what can serve is...
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here is a video from odessa, where a trolleybus is stopped almost on the move in search of draft dodgers, here is today’s footage from kiev, footage that would be hard to call fresh, judging by what is happening, the janitors , along with the utility workers, have already been sent to the front, the screen, as you know, does not transmit smells, but local residents do, they claim that on the boulevard of jules it’s true, adventures that would not be in a french classic’s nightmare i dreamed that a sewer system burst, so much so that parked cars literally drowned in the infrequencies. the local water utility woke up in the morning, however , hastened to reassure that it was only the water supply that was damaged, and that the wheels were in doubt... he was here the other day
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declared, no more, no less, a mansion in hamburg, 750 km, 6 million dollars, the mayor clearly knows a lot about comfort, however, he prefers to enjoy it in a narrow circle, in which the residents of the ukrainian capital entrusted to his care enter... weather situation in european russia is turning upside down, atmospheric fronts have become more active in the region, and this is the result: now there is a thaw in the north. there are frosts in the south, what kind of emergencies have the weather changes already led to, what other ones will they lead to when the cold returns now? current weather analytics on the channel
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russia-24, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobys center. hello, extreme frosts are leaving the european part of the country. the past 24 hours in the region, alas , will be remembered for a series of massive car accidents. the biggest thing happened near novgorod, on the highway. m11 collided with more than 50 cars. according to the local prosecutor's office, the accident could have happened due to bad weather. in the novgorod region there were snowfalls and blizzards, visibility deteriorated to 1 km. 14 people were injured, including two children, and four died. driving on the road had to be closed for some time. a mobile heating point was deployed. they flew to the place. helicopters of the ministry of emergency situations and the center for disaster medicine. heating points had to be set up on the m4 don highway in the rostov
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region. a multi-kilometer traffic jam formed here; in this case, the reason was definitely the weather. the ozovo region was covered by a real snowstorm. in the vicinity of khrostov on the don , up to 13 mm of debris fell in 12 hours. made of snow, standing on a mountain, no visibility, 30 m, that’s it, nothing else can be seen, well, these are stills from region where there are still no snowdrifts, a major accident occurred in the stavropol territory, a truck collided with a bus, seven people were killed, however, weather conditions could also have affected the situation, the stavropol territory was hit by light frosts for the first time at the beginning of the month, in some areas it was recorded hololegica. the deterioration of weather conditions in the european part of the country is associated with a sharp change in atmospheric processes. for several weeks, a low-cloudy anticyclone reigned in the region, but now
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the frontal sections of the cyclones have begun to make their way into its area. one is moving in the north-west of the country, the other in the south of russia. however, the nature of the fronts is different. in the north of the russian plain , a warm storm is raging, a stream of well-warmed water was directed here... because of this , it will become sharply warmer during the day, an anomalous cold from the central regions has begun to move in the southern region, so a cold front is spoiling the weather here. this process will literally turn the weather situation upside down. in st. petersburg, for example, since the beginning of the year there have been twenty-degree frosts, but today during the day the temperature will become positive, precipitation will change phase, moreover. by the evening in the northern capital, freezing rains are possible in some places, in southern simferopol, on the contrary , frosts will hit, now in the city it’s about zero, but in
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the next few hours the thermometer readings will drop below this mark, when it gets dark, it will get colder to -5°, it’s possible that there will be ice. this situation will persist until the end of the week, when the cyclone finally seizes power over european russia. it will begin to slowly shift to the east; at some point, another arctic invasion will begin in its rear, which will mark the beginning of a new period of extreme frosts. in moscow in the coming days it will become noticeably warmer, today -7, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow up to -1, -3 - this is even slightly above normal, while it will snow, in three days more than 20% of the monthly precipitation will fall in the capital, snowdrifts will grow by 5-6 cm, well, from friday it will become sharply cold again to -13-17°. that's all for me,
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition.
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the deputy head of the city administration, the head of the boiler room, the director of the plant were detained in the case of a breakthrough in the heating main in podolsk, the president was informed about failures in the supply of light and heat in the moscow region and the kherson region. in the donbass, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. what is the situation in the regions now? massive accident with casualties in novgorodskaya area about 60 cars collided.
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there is a huge traffic jam in the rostov region. they don’t have time to clear the snow. the blow to the economy in germany is trying to assess the damage from a large-scale farmers' strike. the roads are blocked. in podolsk, moscow region , the deputy head of the city administration, the head of the boiler room and the general director of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant were detained in connection with a breakthrough in a heating main. this was reported to the investigative committee. searches were carried out, documents were confiscated, an accident in the boiler room occurred on january 4 in thirty-degree frosts, residents of the microdistrict were left without heating and hot water. in the apartments the temperature dropped to 10°. more than 170 apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools and hospitals were included in the shutdown zone. restoration work was complicated by cold weather. in some areas the heating main froze and had to be rebuilt.


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