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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the deputy head of the city administration, the head of the boiler room, and the director of the plant were detained in the case of digging a heating main in podolsk, the president was reported. battles with the supply of light and heat in the moscow region and kherson region. the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in donbass. what is the situation in the regions now and what are the forecasts? about 60 cars collided with a massive accident with casualties in the novgorod region. there is a huge traffic jam in the rostov region. they don't have time to clear the snow. a blow to the economy and a transport collapse. germany is trying assess the damage from a large-scale strike.
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farmers, and railway workers will join them today. in podolsk near moscow , the deputy head of the city administration and the general director of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant, in whose department the boiler house is located, were detained in connection with the breach of a heating main. this was reported to the investigative committee. the company was searched and documents were confiscated. excited about the first part of the story 238 in fact. an accident that led to a lack of heating in the klimonsky microrane. for particularly important matters of the chief directorate of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the moscow region. i am announcing to you that you have been detained on suspicion of unlawful actions that resulted in disruptions in the heat supply to the population of the urban district of podolsk. the director of the boiler house, as well as the general director of the plant in charge of the boiler house, were detained. in addition, the investigator opened a criminal case.
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the deputy head of the administration of the city district of podolsk was detained for exceeding official powers, resulting in grave consequences. to currently, searches and seizures have been carried out at the workplaces of the detainees, and interrogations continue. the accident in the boiler house occurred on january 4, in thirty-degree frosts, residents of the microdistrict were left without heating and hot water. in the apartments the temperature dropped to 10°. more than 107 fell into the shutdown zone. it had to be re-laid, heat was returned to the apartments of the klimask microdistrict in podolsk, the moscow region authorities are planning this evening, the private boiler house will soon be handed over to the municipality and repaired. vladimir putin took control of the heating situation in the moscow region and kherson region. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov.
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governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported to the head of state on the situation in areas where problems arose with providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat, and the head of the kherson region vladimir salda told the president by phone that a sharp temperature drop led to the breakage of wires, and positive indicators were replaced by frosts. based on the results of both conversations, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company, to make every effort to eliminate the failures. in donbass. eliminates the consequences of heavy snowfall, huge snowdrifts have formed in a couple of hours, in some areas it is snowing now, utility services have deployed special equipment on the road, the streets are being swept away from snow, and are also being treated with de-icing compounds. in donetsk , enterprise workers came to the aid of the services; a storm warning was announced in the city, due to snowstorms, wet snow was sticking to several settlements have already been left without electricity; in lugansk a third of the monthly precipitation fell in one day
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; this is an atypical situation for the southern region. utility services have been switched to 24-hour operation. by night, according to forecasts, frosts may increase to -20°. on the don highway, hundreds of drivers spent many hours in huge traffic jams towards rostov. the jam stretched for 10 km, the cars hardly moved. motorists were running low on fuel, food and water. now ours is going live from the scene correspondent, yulia bobakova. julia, hello! what kind of help did the drivers receive and what is the situation at this time? yes, hello, vera, quickly and effectively, on monday night a snowstorm covered such a region, the culprit was a destructive cyclone, the m4 don highway suffered the most because of this, by the way, there are still problem areas there, as soon as the snow began to fall, there were traffic jams on the highway, i went out to clear the snowdrifts. special equipment, rescued
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cars from snow captivity, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and the state traffic safety inspectorate. by the way, the latter warned and asked motorists to refrain from traveling on highways. in addition, various detour schemes were published, the regional authorities also organized several temporary accommodation points on certain sections of the highway, also introduced some restrictions for travel on highways in melyutinsky in the morozovsky district, and also banned the entry of multi-ton trucks into the southern capital at night, i note. that the head of the administration of the southern capital said that parents of children can decide for themselves whether to send their child to school, because from today children are already starting study, and these days were certainly very
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difficult for the rostov region, now they continue to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, equipment continues to work on highways , according to weather forecasters for this but... more than 3,000 tons of snow fell from the removal, now many 4 to 14 mm of precipitation, only in rostov , traffic restrictions are slowly being lifted overnight, officials said, but special equipment and emergency services do not stop working in high alert mode and are still on the streets.
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traffic after a massive accident, at the scene of the emergency in the novgorod region , only one damaged car remains out of 66 that collided; as a result of the accident, 4 people died, 16 more were injured, among the injured victims were children. maxim petrov visited the scene of the tragedy. by the time rescuers arrived, there were more than fifty cars in the accident. bodies were found at the scene.
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16 people received injuries of varying severity. vitaly vasyatkin was returning home with his family from st. petersburg elektrostal. the driver shows the mangled car, tells how he lost consciousness after the accident and thanks fate that his wife and children were not injured. all the doors of the car were blocked, the blow hit my driver’s side, and the older man was sitting here, thank god, he didn’t hit them, there was a blow from behind. i didn’t see the moment the accident started. this is what the cctv cameras installed along the road captured. it is obvious that while all versions of what happened are only preliminary, according to traffic police inspectors, it all started with the fact that one of the participants road traffic at high speed , lost control , crashed into a fence, eyewitnesses confirm this
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, the car in front turned around, they began to go around it, naturally everyone began to slow down, we also stopped to a complete stop, followed by blow after blow. participants in the accident also note that the road was very slippery, and the weather left much to be desired; in the morning, veliky novgorod and its surroundings were covered with heavy snowfall. the weather was very bad, it was just when the accident happened, probably after about five or seven minutes the snow calmed down there, you couldn’t see anything, there was actually ice on the street, just ice, just ice on the road, no one sprinkled anything, well, it was strange. for well, already for the federal highway, the reasons will be officially announced after all the necessary checks have been carried out. the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case for performing work and providing services that do not meet safety requirements. from the novgorod region maxim petrov, alexander yushko, news. better than watching it 100 times
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games of the future! subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks! does your stomach feel like you want to go to the toilet? cystitis always goes in the wrong direction! tell cystitis cyston. 14 natural components of cystone against nagging pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to emit mochi! and let your friends pull you! karaki! cystitis, i say, ceston! than watch 100 times! it’s better to turn, turn, twist once, only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment. belgorod is again under fire from the ukrainian armed forces; three people were injured in the latest shelling of the city . in reanimation. the russian air defense system shot down 10 missiles on approach to the city. the fragments fell in three microdistricts.
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the consequences of an attack on civilian objects. our correspondent alexander korobov assessed it on the spot. belgrade is again attacked by militants of the kiev regime. the vampire was fired from a multiple launch rocket system. according to the ministry of defense, 10 missiles flew towards the city. all were shot down by air defense systems. but unfortunately, missile warheads. fell on residential areas , there is damage, there are casualties, according to the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glotkov, three people were injured, a woman had back injuries, a man also had shrapnel in his back, in his forearm, and another person also had injuries to his back and upper extremities , all of them have already been taken to the hospital, they are receiving all the necessary medical care, damage was caused to several apartment buildings, apartments were knocked out... private households were also damaged, there were also fires facades and broken windows, several
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cars were damaged, just one of them was severely cut by shrapnel, there were people in it, at the moment of arrival, after the car, a shell exploded, the fragments all went through the car, injuring people, all operational personnel are working on the spot and emergency services, the house-to-house survey continues, the hurricanes support the tank division of the assault groups, which carry out tasks behind the line of combat contact, to the firing lines, which are only a few kilometers from the enemy position. our war correspondent, alexey baranov. the impact of missiles fired by hurricane multiple launch rocket systems on a target
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is recorded by a reconnaissance drone, with the help of which it was discovered. while one battery of rocket artillery of the central military district is performing a combat mission, another is moving to the firing line. this time , reconnaissance groups operating behind the contact line discovered an enemy fortified area in the kremen forest near the tor ledge. according to the positions of the ukrainian military. advance. assault groups of the central
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we are working on, helping the boys from the infantry of the military district, operating in the krasnoliman direction, of course, he supports. only rocket artillery. just a few kilometers from the front line , tankers are in full readiness awaiting a combat mission. they are the ones who work on the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces after the attack was carried out by rocket artillery. this vehicle has completely used up its ammunition and is now heading to the place where it will be replenished. one of the central tank battles. military district works at a distance from the front line, according to target coordinates received from reconnaissance. the t-90 breakthrough tank received a new combat mission; now it will operate not from closed firing positions, but direct fire to the front line, no more than 2 km from here. the closer to the line of combat
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contact, the more that has not yet melted, despite the above-zero temperature. groups, so the tankers hit the enemy’s forward strongholds with direct fire. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, serebryansky forestry. russia will
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succeed in ukraine if western countries refuse to finance kiev. el pais stated this in an interview with the spanish newspaper. support of kiev and the mood of the ukrainian military, svetlana chmukhala. ukrainian troops are exhausted in defense at the gates of hell. this is the scary headline that came out in the new york times. ukrainian soldiers told reporters that russian attacks have become too intense and operating close to the front line has never been like this.
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decisions that will enable him to be re-elected in the next elections, or which will support his ratings, and those that make it possible to save the state, that is, zelensky is already kicking even his own, and the main sponsor is not particularly encouraging. the us congress has not yet agreed on the white house's request for new assistance to kiev; without the approval of legislators, weapons will not be sent to ukraine. the day before, leaders of both parties, concerned about the consequences of the shutdown, presented a spending plan. but it does not include $61 billion in aid to kiev, which the head of the white house is seeking houses. american presidential candidate, former permanent representative to the un, niki halley, is sure that biden is in charge of everything. i blame it all on biden, he should have always told americans why we do what we do, but the reason why we care about ukraine.
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german chancellor olaf scholz is agitating to take care of ukraine. he stated that as planned. as important as our german contribution is, it alone will not be enough to guarantee ukraine's security in the long term. that's why i call on our people. allies in the european union will also step up their efforts to support ukraine. in any case, the arms supplies planned to date by most eu member countries for ukraine are too small. meanwhile, kiev, apparently, was planning to send women to the front en masse. for the first time, the ministry of defense of ukraine purchased 50,000 sets of women's military uniforms. this is such a bitter irony of fate in relation to the ukrainian women who went to the maidan because they wanted to circle.” svetlana chamykhala, lead. european media discuss farmers' strike in germany. observers for the publication focus note that mass demonstrations indicate
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a political crisis within the country. we will learn more from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. she's in touch. regina, greetings. what exactly are farmers trying to achieve? why are the media writing about the failure of chancellor scholz’s policies? good morning. farmers in suhl early this morning. against the policies pursued by germany, the german government has not seen such mass protests, tens of thousands of tractors and farmers took to the streets the day before, and this is just the beginning, actions of varying degrees of grandeur are planned for the coming week, they will end on monday, in general. and protest in berlin, the day before, according to police estimates, 130,000 people took to the streets of the country, while about 100 thousand tractors took part in these demonstrations,
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24,000 tractors drove in bavaria alone, more than 1,900 in the northern region , more than 25 thousand in baden-wurtenberg. the results are, of course, traffic jams and traffic problems, despite the fact that the court previously prohibited blocking. a7 in in northern rhine westphalia, tractors were still able to block the border crossings with the czech republic and france. in thuringia, classes at 16 schools were moved entirely online in brandenburg; due to the blockage of an important logistics center, about 200 stores did not receive food. the traffic light government, which is the target of much of the anger from the agricultural industry, in an attempt to stop this protest on thursday announced that it would nevertheless abandon the plan at once. abolition of subsidies for diesel fuel for tractors, subsidies for agricultural and forestry - in favor of abandoning these expenses gradually
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until 2026, but on monday the head of the german farmers' association called this death in installments, no other measures other than a complete abandonment of these plans will suit farmers ; they are ready to go on strike as long as necessary . so from the site he writes that the criticism was very harsh on... the banners with which farmers came out to their protests, one could even see a call for the murder of the german minister of agriculture, jem osde. not journalists also went unnoticed by the fact that representatives of other professions also joined these protests, for example, truck drivers and representatives of craft professions were on duty at the brandenburg gate and talked about the need to show solidarity today. everything the government does is wrong, they don't listen to their citizens, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. i am here as
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a representative of the employees, supporting farmers, my patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country and cannot continue like this. so, let the traffic lights go away. more than 60% of listeners who spoke accordingly. question, they declared their solidarity with the farmers’ protests, even the bavarian police say that they understand the motives of the protesters, but urge them to remain within the limits of what is permitted. train drivers announced their own protest action from january 10 to 12, apparently, germany will be completely paralyzed in transport, because trains will run seriously interruptions. many politicians are also on the side of farmers, for example, in potzdam , social democrat dietmar woike spoke out, calling plans to... cancel agricultural subsidies initially incorrect and demanded that they be abandoned. he was supported by the heads of the states of lower saxony, macklenburg -vorpommern, saar - north rhine
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westphalia. cdu leader friedrich. farmers should still have benefits, such as fuel subsidies and tax exemption on agricultural machinery. the cdu faction supports farmers from saxony in their demands for to the federal government. monday's protests generally proceeded without any violations, with the exception of two. dangerous incidents in oldenburg, the police are investigating an attempted murder; there, a forty-five-year -old driver, in an attempt to avoid a demonstration , ended up ramming a twenty-five-year -old protest participant; in the eicksfeld district , a motorist dragged a car on a demonstrator’s outside mirror for several meters; farmers even had to distance themselves from accusations of extremism. we are not far-right extremists, although the media tries to make us so
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introduce. we are realists, we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, we cannot mind our own business. well, german chancellor and minister of economy robert habeck, speaking to farmers via video messages, said that given the ruling of the federal constitutional court on budget savings, it would not be possible to abandon plans to reduce subsidies. as for federal chancellor olaf. the day before , he addressed his colleagues in the european union, saying that the alliance countries should invest more in ukraine, since germany's efforts alone will not be enough, he said, but commenting on the protests in his own country, he said the government fully supports budget savings plans and changes will be made accordingly. era. regina, thank you, our european correspondent regina sevastyanova was in direct contact.
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israeli authorities. want to include the return of palestinians to the gaza strip in the hostage deal, eks reports, citing sources. according to their information, this decision should become part of the new agreements on the exchange of prisoners. the press service of the israeli army, meanwhile , announced the liquidation of one of the hamas leaders in syria. the military also reported the killing of three armed palestinian radicals who were suspected of terrorism in the west bank. in addition, it is known about an airstrike on the shelter of employees of the organization doctors. borders in gas. on social networks, israel was blamed for the strike, and four people were reported injured. twelve people in the camp also became victims of idf strikes. according to information al-jazeera tv channel was fired upon by ihan yunis. the number of victims there is still unknown. joe biden's campaign speech was interrupted by pro-palestinian activists. the us president was speaking at a church in south carolina when the voices of protesters were heard from the audience. they
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demanded a ceasefire in the gas sector. the us administration, including the president , did not inform biden about this for several days. the american private lunar landing module will be able to maintain the desired course for another 40 hours, then the device will finally
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lose energy. will contact him impossible, the ship's developers reported. they emphasized that initially the problems arose as a result of a failure when starting the engines, because of this the module recorded a critical loss of fuel. now the ship is forced to use an auxiliary installation. let me remind you that this is the first us mission in almost half a century to send a lander to the moon. now we will pause for a couple of minutes, then we will continue.


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