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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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then the device will finally lose energy and it will be impossible to contact it, the ship’s developers reported this. they emphasized that initially the problems arose as a result of a failure when starting the engines, because of this the module recorded a critical loss of fuel. now the ship is forced to use an auxiliary installation. let me remind you that this is the first us mission in almost half a century to send a lander to the moon. now we will pause for a couple of minutes, then we will continue. who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour, this is my group, hello my fans, here, where have you been?
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cockerel, they called themselves the vemen musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, we sign up. let's reconsider, i brazenly walked you to intimidate her, i wouldn't ruin your situation, you need to try very hard, we 'll burn her, let's say i really went back in time, why the hell come here, holob 2, in transbaikalia they are eliminating the consequences of a major accident on...
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two freight trains collided on the railway in the central part of the region, part of the locomotive and 14 cars with coal came off the rails, five of them overturned on their side. we have already managed to find out that the accident occurred when one train was passing by another, which was standing on the tracks nearby. at that moment, part of the cars went off the rails and hit the neighboring one. traffic along the section of the road has been stopped in both directions; passenger trains are delayed due to the accident vladivostok, moscow counter. magadan. extreme frosts have arrived, in the central regions the temperature dropped to -50°, in the capital of the region to 40. rescuers recommend that residents do not travel outside populated areas and, if possible, do not leave their homes. read more lyudmila shcherbakova. the morning of many magadan residents began with unsuccessful attempts to start the car. during periods of extreme frost, dmitry gutar helps to cope with this problem by responding to calls from drivers. for this purpose, he purchased special equipment now - speaks.
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there is a lot of work with the help of a diesel gun , the engine is heated, the battery is charged while the engine is warming up for 10-15 minutes, we warm up, we try to start extreme frosts in the magadan region, the aimikon anticyclone was brought from yakutia, it has been ruling the region for the third week , the icebreaker moscow has taken up duty in the seaport of magadan in the bays now the ice is growing rapidly and navigating ships without the help of an icebreaker is now impossible. below climatic values, it is very cold in the central regions of the magadan region, there the thermometer drops to -50° and below. residents of the kolymensk outback exchange videos that were filmed in the entrances of village houses, during the period of 50-degree frosts, the railings and ceilings there are covered with ice, this is such a beauty that we have here, loctites rostan says on social networks that there is
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a large overconsumption of fuel oil. in the region , the city is experiencing a sharp temperature minimum with an increased number of fires. the reason is faulty electrical wiring and heating devices. this warehouse in magadan was extinguished. 11 hours in the process, the firefighters froze many times water, rescuers are now recommending that residents of the region, if possible, not stay outside for a long time and not travel outside populated areas. in such cold weather , equipment is especially susceptible to mechanical breakdowns, metal cannot withstand it, people are stronger, but therefore you need to prepare cars, drive at least two cars so that you can save each other, and help take them there. includes cables, fuel and warm clothes, special attention to passenger transport, buses traveling long distances are now carefully prepared, mobile communications are available on the region’s routes not available everywhere. we insulate it, insulate it well, change thermostats,
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insulate radiators. according to the forecaster , frosty weather will remain in the region in the coming days; warming is not yet expected. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gillyaov, vesti magadan. a well-known russian blogger may face criminal charges for deprivation of parental rights; he posted a video on social networks in which he throws his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. subscribers did not appreciate this and called on the guardianship authorities to pay attention to the father’s behavior. than he can turn out to be a scandalous story; is it possible to have real punishment for such actions? varvara nevskaya found out. he first warned his audience of seven million that he would soon make the most popular video, and... then he uploaded a video of himself throwing his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. the video really breaks records on extremist instagram, the flight of babies into the snow against the backdrop of the french alps accompanied by a christmas hit was watched by more than 7 million people, although sergei kosenko was unable to find approval from the public. in
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europe, parents can be deprived of their parents for this. the right to pick up the child. but here only an idiot would believe that it was a doll when he realized what he did, and then you make excuses. at first he seemed to try to justify himself, saying that the snow was tested by him personally, then he hinted that it was not a child, but a doll, who flew into the snow, and later he began to openly mock, posting posts where he and his wife were jumping into the snow rubble with the caption “be careful, snow very dangerous." well, then blogger milionik even announced that he had launched a new trend and invited the audience to discuss it in a live ether. the audience, in turn, demands the intervention of the competent authorities and the deprivation of kasenok’s parental rights. such a reaction to a blogger is normal. and of course, someone was scared for the child, someone is worried that with the help of such techniques the blogger is simply increasing the number of subscribers and
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views, that is, in russian speaking, this is just real excitement or hype. therefore, here, of course, the investigative authorities must look into it, but even so. just because the child was not physically harmed does not mean that this example is positive, positive for everyone around. the internet community is convinced that cheating on sons is nothing more than an attempt to attract subscribers in advance of a new mentoring course that kosenko plans to launch in the near future. this video caused no less resonance in 2020, where muscovite igor krovtsov, relaxing in nature, shook his own one-and-a-half-month-old daughter by the leg like a trippy doll. by a court decision, the baby was seized from... and they were sentenced to a fine. in order to attract your audience the child was also used by blogger maxim lyuty. i poured ice water over the baby, the men who advocated a raw food diet, and starved him for days. in march last year, the baby died of exhaustion. therefore, the trial is still ongoing, and the court’s decision is awaiting a decision in custody.
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according to lawyers, kosenko can also be held criminally liable. this is article 156 of the criminal code, which provides for liability for non-compliance. responsibilities for raising a minor, and what are two mandatory signs, and the first sign is there must be people who break the law, those who are entrusted with supervising the child, in this case, this is the father himself, and this act must be associated with child abuse, accordingly, we also have this in case law enforcement officers they will begin an investigation and the case will go to court, in addition to a hefty fine. kosenko, who now calls himself nothing more than the parents of the year, may be imprisoned for up to 3 years. varvara nevskaya, anna pogonina, news. pentalgin extragel against
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germany, of course, there is something to talk about, it’s called a tractor protest, our colleagues did it, so, they called what is happening there, what mass actions of farmers in germany can lead to, it’s an extraordinary event, it’s clear that this kind of event happens periodically in europe, but now this... these events probably even attract attention due to the fact that after all, 300 protests by farmers, 25,000 cars, this there are a lot of people, demonstrations have led to the blocking of a number of highways throughout the country, and due to thousands of tractors on german roads there are interruptions, traffic movements, there are cases of obstacles even about the work of the police and ambulances, after all, it’s quite extravagantly german citizens are starting this new year. and why did this happen, what really happened on this protest, what could
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it lead to, we will ask evgeniy schmit, commissioner for russian germans in the alternative for germany faction, and a member of the bundestag from the alternative for germany faction, and evgeniy, do you hear , hello, hello, i hear you perfectly, yes, thank you very much for finding the opportunity with us. talk, after all , this is a certain amount of effort on your part, i will say so, required for this, but let’s be objective, all these events that i just mentioned, do they take place on such a scale as my colleagues describe it all, or is everything happening on a much more modest scale? no, everything is really taking place on a fairly large scale in germany, that is, yesterday the first day of protests took place in many, many cities, that is, it is not that in some city, say, in berlin
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, the protests were concentrated, they took place for the most part locally, including in the capital, in berlin, well, let’s say here, where i... i wish i even participated in one of protest, that is, in small towns throughout germany, with the involvement of tractor equipment, farmers’ protests took place, which were actually natural, natural in the sense that the policy of the ruling coalition led to these protests and they were actually programmed and uh to expect that, that people will simply silently accept further belt-tightening, despite the fact that last year a record amount of taxes were collected in germany, then this is of course naive, of course, people, in fact, farmers, who are now affected new year's tax increases, deletions of subsidies, that is, all this led to natural protests and they really
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had a wide scope throughout germany, that is, hundreds of thousands of people took part. evgeny, come on. so let’s speculate whether all these benefits that the german government is withdrawing from farmers are really that serious for farmers’ business, or is this a good reason to express general dissatisfaction with the policies of the current german government among citizens, in any case? the case of those who take part in these protests, what do you think? i think that both of these moments are taking place, that is...
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if now these changes really come into force, they have already come into force, then many sectors of german agriculture will simply become, well, not economically unprofitable, then there are supplies abroad that will cross them in price, but on the other hand, of course, in general there is dissatisfaction with the policies of the ruling coalition, it forces people to join the protests. that's why they acquired such a massive character, and eugene, let’s once again return to the issue of inconvenience, these road closures, somehow this is really felt in the lives of germans at the moment, or is it all somehow within the framework of ordinary events that happen in such cases, the police were there and so on, although there were, we saw footage of farmers dumping manure on the street and so
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on, there are such things in reality, yes, really everything. indeed this is what is happening, that is, the farmers approached their protests with a twinkle, that is, they pour out manure in front of the offices of the party bureaus of the ruling coalition in order to show that there is even such a slogan that manure is not ours, manure is in berlin, that is, well, referring to the policy of the ruling coalition, and the blocking of highways, that is, everything has place to be, i won’t say that they directly... paralyzed the movement as a whole in germany, this was not the goal, that is, the goal was to draw attention to themselves, to draw attention to the fact that the farmers are united, that they are ready to continue protesting , that is, in fact, yesterday’s protests - this was the beginning, after all, that is, now the actions will continue throughout the week and next monday a large
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demonstration has been announced in berlin, i will also go there and talk to people there again. ukraine, but in general, why, why did the situation itself arise that subsidies were canceled this year, we know that at the end of last year
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the government was unable to exceed the budget for this year, and this all led to a crisis, then there was a need to find tens of billions of euros urgently, and i emphasize, against the backdrop of what was collected a record number of taxes, and we know that the government... announced doubling aid for ukraine, that is, instead of somewhere handing out these billions, tens of billions, with sweeping gestures, they are holding them somewhere for their own needs, the government continues this policy, we distribute ukraine to everyone, we support it with all our might, and continue to impose exorbitant, exorbitant taxes on our farmers, our taxpayers, that is, of course, all this has led... to these protests, and the topic of ukraine is not the last one on the list of reasons for the emergence of these discontents. evgeniy, well , as i understand it, the political struggle
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in germany is intensifying for everyone against the backdrop of a downturn in the economy, even eurostat is talking about a slowdown and even a fall in the german economy as the locomotive of the european economy, and accordingly there is a recession, although formally it still seems to be small, but we know what the ... there are a lot of enterprises, this is connected primarily with the sanctions that europe has imposed against russia, this topic is somehow discussed, it is clear that not on the street or in farmers, and already here i am addressing you as a politician, that is, is there an understanding that, after all , the political public in germany is finally beginning to understand that this policy, the unreasonable policy of severing economic relations with russia, harms primarily germany . well, among the ruling coalition, naturally, no one talks about this, this is understandable, no one wants to admit their own mistakes, and we, our
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alternative for germany party, openly talk about this, that sanctions primarily hit germany, because germany was economically most closely connected, that is , of all western countries with the russian federation, that is, our companies not only actively worked in russia, but also... we carried out economically successful economic activities due to cheap supplies of energy resources from russia, that is , northern streams, oil pipelines, and so on and so forth, that is, at the moment when sanctions were introduced, when we were cut off from the supply of cheap russian pipeline gas, all this, of course, took effect negative, very serious negative consequences for the german economy, many enterprises have simply become unprofitable, now en masse... there is a discussion on the transfer of production to china to the usa , including in this regard, of course, yes in germany there is a slight recession and forecasts for
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this year unfortunately, further disappointing things are coupled with high inflation, which the germans have never seen before, that is , there has been no such inflation for the last few decades, that’s all, this is the enemy of problems, economic problems. he certainly has reflection on political preferences among the simple electorate, that is, our party is now breaking records, and the ruling coalition is at the lowest point of support among the population, and even against the backdrop of the fact that this year land elections will be held in a number of lands in the east germany, where our party is number one among the support of the population, that is, we already see that in saxony the leading party of the ruling coalition, the social democrat, this is scholz’s party, is gaining only 3%, that is, this a serious indicator
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of how dissatisfied people are with the current policies, and we just now have such a flow of new party members, that is, there is simply an unprecedented, unprecedented rise in the party, that is, we will look with hope at the upcoming elections, where possible in one of the lands we’ll just be on our own... why i’m not afraid, the local media signed me up a long time ago, that is, periodically it comes out - in the local media - in quotes , revelations, like i am here in the bundestag.
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i work for the kremlin and similar things, of course, this all irritates the ruling political elites, and local media, who would not want the truth about our party about politics, about the opposition policy of our party to leak out somewhere, that is , there is a clear attitude here, the alternative for germany is an extremist party, there are fasts, right-wing radicals whatever you want, of course, there is no confirmation of these statements, well, just to intimidate the average person and persuade them not to elect our party, that is, they are trying to get rid of us with such dirty political technologies the only serious opposition, but nevertheless, at some point, people came to the understanding that this was all a lie, that this was not true, more and more people were inclined to choose our party, regarding
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it’s a shame, if i may say so to say, thank you very much, evgeniy, well, if there is an opportunity, maybe we can talk next time, thank you, evgenia schmidt, bundestag deputy from the alternative for germany faction, we talked about the protests of farmers in this country, this there was a fifth studio, all the best.
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the deputy head of the city administration, the head of the boiler house and the director of the plant were detained in connection with the case. the breakthrough of the heating main in podolsk, the president was informed about failures in the supply of heat to light in the moscow region and the kherson region. in the donbass, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. what is the situation in the regions now and what are the forecasts? about 60 cars collided with a massive accident with casualties in the novgorod region. there is a huge traffic jam in the rostov region. they don't have time to clear the snow.


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