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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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now footage from the kremlin. so, please, i’m listening to you, dear vladimirovich, allow me to report on the activities of the service, this is a great honor for us. more recently, those who do not deal with us believed that rosporodnadzor are the people who fine barconiers, hunters and fishermen. it's not like that at all. we ensure that the balance is maintained between preserving the natural resources of our country, developed industry and ensuring a decent life for every person in our country, worthy of the environment. and work
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controller, it is not simple, there is a lot of negativity in it, but there are positive aspects, allow me to report on three of them that i wanted to highlight today, first of all, i would like to say thank you that ecology today has ceased to be such, you know, a weekend holiday , when it’s so much a cleanup day planting a tree in your own yard, today ecology in russia is not fashionable words, such as sg agendas or presentations, it’s an action and a result, the government is implementing the largest project in history for... an ecology project, in your opinion instructions, and it includes such serious projects as a clean country, clean air, improvement of water bodies, and we actively accompany them, in a clean country there are 288 landfills of objects of accumulated damage, and we accompany each object from the moment of development of project documentation until the departure of the last bulldozer from the site, when grass is sown there, and instead of a landfill we get a clean, healthy area and actually a green lawn, and we also do the same for all other projects, general
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cleaning is such a project, it was born from people's request, 3.00 objects were created , in fact, a people's map and we examined almost a third of them and knowing as a priority which ones need to be reclaimed now and which ones can still wait, and separately i would like to say about the wealth of our country, such as water resources, we we are the largest custodian of fresh water sources for the entire world community; we preserve it not only for ourselves, but for the entire civilization. we are improving our rivers, our waterways, and looking at how the federal project for the improvement of the volga is being implemented, we we realized that the government will not stop there, in 2 years rosrodnadzor examined eight largest water bodies: the don, ob, irtysh, angara, selinga and the two coasts of the black sea and the caspian sea, and about these rivers and these coasts, we now know everything, we carried out 28 thousand samples, we took bottom sediments of water, we walked these rivers from the source to ustia, we know every water outlet, every enterprise that operates there.
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all objects we have no restrictions , by and large there is no conflict on this parts of all our platforms that stand on the caspian sea have zero discharge, we also have the same situation in the baltic, yes, we can absolutely clearly record this all the time , we control it in the baltic, which is the same thing , we have zero discharge, all the objects that we withdraw and also i can say about prirazlomnaya, this is a gazprom neft facility that is located in the northern seas and the same is true for all the objects that are located there. on the shelf
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today meet the highest standards, all technologies are observed there, and we are very strict about this, and the black sea coast is the main vacation spot for all of russia, we are currently supporting a large-scale project that the government is preparing for the construction of private buildings, i personally walked with my own feet every water outlet in sochi along the entire coast, i walked a large number of kilometers on foot, and we are waiting for the reconstruction of a large and... the same coast of gelinzhik, we are accompanying the construction of honest structures, this will also be a large-scale project that will free up an entire bay, well, we think that in in the next 4 years we will get a completely different picture, and the funding there is for the participants in these projects, they find something there and the funding is not really our question, but we see how the project is being implemented in genzhik, we understand how the project for the improvement of sočensky is being formed coast, who are the main participants there. as far as i understand, this
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is done by rastekh in kenzhuk, a large company, and we check the design documentation, our task is to check the design documentation, to understand that the achieved effect will be environmentally friendly, which we, you know, kind of... have, but don’t have treatment, we won’t have it like that, we clearly make sure that there are treatment facilities, so that the wastewater that is delivered there clearly meets the requirements that will be at the output, at the output we will get water that meets all standards, here is a project in 12 cities, it is like clean air, a clean air project, one of the most difficult projects, it took a long time to prepare, the regulatory documents were not ready, because it was never implemented, you know, the most offensive thing for us, when i come from these cities everything they say that moradion's breath has arrived. and indeed sometimes this is true, but now all enterprises have approved their programs, many are changing technological solutions, no one has stopped, replacing technical solutions does not affect, even if it exists, we have it for two objects, it does not affect the final results , now we are waiting
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for a real result by the twenty-fifth year, all companies have made commitments, not one has stopped, this is our task, and separately this is motor transport, and this task is completely is being implemented, motor transport is not only in twelve cities. is changing, but everywhere it becomes environmentally friendly, how many do you have - in the regions, we have only 3,500 people, this is not so much, when you remember the vastness of yamal or the vastness of yakutia, it is clear that not every inspector can get there, but now we are in your opinion according to the instructions, we are implementing such a large-scale experiment, probably, as consulting, remember, business russia, alexey repik asked you to give the controller the opportunity to advise the business at an early stage, and you allowed it, they asked it is us, as the most... companies, this is not just paperwork, we accompany projects , help shorten the investment cycle, find the best cost-effective solutions when the company naturally wants to save money, but achieve results, and
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novotek projects, which are currently being implemented in gdania, i was there, i looked, we meet all the requirements, we accompany the very early stages of the nakhodka mineral fertilizer plant, projects. railway, northern sea route and infrastructure, northern latitudinal route, we accompany all this at the earliest stage and we actually prevent possible consequences, a conflict with us as a controller, a conflict with the state , we save a lot of time and a lot of money, and of course the environmental assessment, which we did together with the ministry of construction in a one-stop-shop system, greatly reduces time, time - this is money and the implementation of infrastructure projects, fines 17, more than 17, we collect fines, of course, providing for business. we support those who do not pay, we accept what was said in the message, the violator pays, this everyone remembers the principle, and we are clearly implementing it, but you flipped through the slide, it says, all payments are colored, every ruble collected for the environment goes towards the environment and goes back to the region, to the
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place where the damage was caused, at the moment this is very important, this is a new milestone, probably in the development of the environmental vector, that’s why we collect fines, we... instructions, an installation that destroys chemical, medical, biological waste and other hazardous waste, we conducted a lot of research, we monitored even at night, we installed cameras so that we would not be deceived, not monitored day and night, our best laboratories, our two laboratories looked after this installation, and we can clearly
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say that we meet all standards, complete decomposition into molecules is achieved can work with both medical waste and veterinary waste with other types of hazardous waste, i see in... opened the slide on bears, this is probably our most enjoyable mission: we monitor the protection of red book animals, we save the wounded, we rehome those confiscated, we often work with law enforcement agencies and customs , we had a case when we rescued a thousand turtles, taken from a smuggler, a lot of game birds, we also assign them to rehabilitation places, i would like to say separately, remember there was a whale prison, the whole country i watched this and you gave instructions. the government has decided that over the past 4 years not a single permit has been issued for the catch and sale of commercial marine mammals, all this can now be done only by decision of the government commission, cetaceans can now only be caught by the corinne peoples of the north, we
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managed to achieve this, it seems to me that this is great progress, and separately, our largest , probably protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, these are polar bears, this is our pride, an arctic predator, together with the gazprom company , two bear cubs were born at their field, they were left without a mother, the shift workers feed them buns, you know, from the canteen, very funny when they are little, but then they grew into a very serious animal, and it became, well, it’s already dangerous to be near them, together with the gazprom company, our specialists, the moscow zoo, we had to immobilize them and carry them a long distance, but they returned and well, because they are used to receiving food, the animal is very smart, it will eat where it is convenient for him. and we immobilized them again and took them away, left them fish, put sensors and
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chips on them, we know clearly that they returned to their natural habitat, and this success is, well, very great, because they lived for a long time next to a man, the whole country watched how they rescued a bear, who had a can of condensed milk stuck on his tongue, he licked the can of condensed milk, his tongue got stuck, he stuck it there, he cut himself, his tongue was swollen, she couldn’t get rid of the bear, that’s all they watched this, children wrote to us... and the moscow zoo, our specialists, narian nickel specialists, because this is the village of dikson, they flew there to save the bear, then they also immobilized her, and well, she fell asleep and the can was pulled out of the ort, also everyone looked after the rehabilitation of a bear who was immobilized limbs, he was placed in the moscow zoo, lived a long life for a bear with such injuries, of course we understand that when exploring the arctic, we must treat this bear very carefully, but... our company is responsible and here we have no refusal, we always turn to those who are on the territory, they help us
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, in the end, our task is to make life comfortable for everyone, including the animals we protect, so that water resources, natural resources, well, each of ours are preserved a person could calmly open the window, yes, and you have a proposal there, a project, yes, a bear patrol, yes, we would like to organize a bear patrol, because it is very important for us, we train people in a conflict situation how... it is necessary behave, naturally, the residents who live there, the village of dikson, they are scared, scared for themselves, for their children, and training, this is behavior with such work, at our level, at the level of the subject of the russian federation, seems to us very important, and we ask you to support us in this, and what is needed for this? for this, it is necessary for the constituent entity of the federation to form a permanent such team, we will train it, we now have a lot of conflict situations in the village of dikson, it is difficult to reach, it’s a long way to fly there by helicopter, there are not many specialists there, there are no ... a veterinarian specialist, there is no bear specialist, every time we bring there a specialist, a doctor from moscow, from the moscow zoo.
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it helps us a lot. svetlana, akulova, they are great experts on the polar bear. in general we there is an idea to make the polar bear a symbol, because we know from panda diplomacy what china does with its red book animal. and it seems to us that we have the same right. 30% of the polar bear population lives with us, and we do not hunt it, we do not have hunting permits, unlike our neighbors. what about our neighbors and our international contacts and obligations? well, we have a fairly large international program, we fulfill all our requirements for international obligations, there is the stockholm convention, this is an obligation countries for the disposal of waste of dangerous persistent organic pollutants, this year for the first time russian railways , together with rosatom, under our control, destroyed 134 tons of such a dangerous substance, we are the only ones in... space who have our own technology, we are the only ones who really did, and in fact
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, in my opinion, we are the fourth in the world who actually fulfill these obligations, the basel convention, the stokol convention, the atherdam convention, we fulfill all these requirements and are ready in the international community report, this year cites is 50 years old - this is the obligation of all countries to trade rare endangered species of animals, we are probably one of the biggest leaders there, protecting our animals. and we also take part in all international programs. this was footage of a meeting between the president and the head of the federal service for supervision of natural resources. russian troops retain the strategic initiative in ukraine, and enemy losses over the past year exceeded 215. such statements were made by sergei shaigu at a conference call with the ministry of defense. in other topics included new weapons.
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in new regions, special words of gratitude to our comrades in arms, who have acted professionally and selflessly on the front line all this time. groups. the entire line of combat contact. despite we retain the strategic initiative despite the depletion of the human resources of the ukrainian
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formations, and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is calmly trying to implement. their ambitions for world leadership, at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. with the input of western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunities to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of combat contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, and we will continue to consistently achieve the goals of the special military operation. dear comrades.
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in addition, we will continue to equip the army and navy with the most modern weapons, including those based on artificial intelligence technologies and new physical principles. we will also focus our efforts on comprehensive supplying troops participating in a special military operation. we will increase the supply of the most popular models, in particular , create a serial line of unmanned aerial vehicles from ultra-small to... strike, in our near future plans to improve the operation of the communication system, increase the efficiency of the use of modern means of introducing reconnaissance, target designation and counter-battery warfare, as well as air defense capabilities satellite constellation, we will continue to use what was obtained during a special operations experience in combat training in the educational
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process at military universities and academies is actively involved in working with military personnel. purchase of housing, as well as medical care, including rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment. solving these and other problems will allow us to increase the combat capabilities of the armed forces and ensure the deterrence of aggression against our country and its allies. today we will discuss in more detail our plans for 2024 in the main areas
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of our activities. monitoring the heating situation in the moscow region and kherson region region, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced this. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported to the head of state on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. and the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president by phone that a sharp temperature change led to the wire breakage. the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. according to the results. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company, make every effort to resolve failures. and this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the situation. in all places where there were emergencies, all emergency services, all housing and communal services, municipal services, district, regional,
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worked around the clock, but firstly, we are talking about abnormal frosts, and secondly - of course, despite everything titanic efforts to update all housing and communal services systems; naturally, a certain part of them still remains in a rather dilapidated state. these programs will continue, but not 10, it is not possible to update all pipes, all housing and communal services systems in 15 years, so of course these programs are extended over time. the maximum possible effort was made . indeed, in some places it was impossible to eliminate the consequences immediately. unfortunately, people had to endure a lot of... inconveniences, often clouding, who were sitting in the cold, some without electricity, but of course, they will draw conclusions so that in those places where it is most vulnerable from the point of view... branching of the infrastructure so that it changes in advance. in the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated in donbass. in a couple of hours there were huge snowdrifts. it's snowing in some areas
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now. utility services brought special equipment to the road. the streets are cleared of snow and treated with anti-hunger compounds. in donetsk , enterprise workers came to the aid of the services. an assault warning has been declared in the city. due to snowstorms , wet snow accumulated on... water and several settlements were left without electricity . in lugansk, a third of the monthly precipitation norm for the southern region fell in one day - this is not a typical situation. utility services have been switched to 24-hour operation. and by night, according to forecasts, frosts may increase to -20°. and traffic on the don highway in the nostov region has been completely restored. this was stated at the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. the equipment cleared the highway all night, by the morning the road was cleared of snowdrifts and the cars were moving. the traffic jam arose the day before due to heavy snowfall and stretched for 10 km. drivers
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were running low on gas, water and food. heating points have been set up along the don highway. strength means the ministry of emergency situations is ready to provide targeted assistance to motorists. the russian main directorate for the rostov region strongly recommends avoiding the train. until weather conditions improve. a criminal case was initiated after a massive accident on the neva federal highway, an article of violation of traffic rules that resulted in the death of two or more people. the day before , dozens of trucks and cars collided on a section of road in the novgorod region. four people died, about twenty received various injuries. about the condition of the victims we will tell you preliminary versions of the cause of the accident. 24 people sought medical help after a massive accident on m-11 in the novgorod region, as reported by the regional ministry of health, seven victims
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were taken to the novgorod regional clinical hospital, three were hospitalized, one woman is in serious condition, four minors were taken to the regional children's clinical hospital . as for the federal highway, traffic on it was restored, as reported by the state traffic inspectorate, and the employees registered it. 6 cars. let me remind you that in a massive road traffic accident involving which occurred on the afternoon of january 8, on the m11 highway in the novgorod region, four people died, including an infant born in 2023. so far, all versions of what happened are exclusively preliminary. according to traffic police inspectors, it all started when one of the road users lost control at high speed and crashed into a fence. eyewitnesses say this. turned around in front. they began to drive around the parked car and naturally everyone started reduce speed, we also stopped for a complete stop followed by blow after blow. those involved in the accident also noted
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that the road was very slippery; from the very morning, veliky novgorod and its surroundings were covered with heavy snowfall. the weather was very bad, here it was just when the accident had already happened, probably after about five minutes the snow calmed down, but you couldn’t see anything, there was actually ice on the street. just ice, just ice on the road, no one sprinkled anything, well, it’s kind of strange for, well, already for federal highway, the toll road was blocked for several hours, the victims were evacuated by ambulances, as well as by helicopters from the center for disaster medicine and the russian ministry of emergency situations. in total , 68 specialists and 27 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the car accident. angelika koroleva, news. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount,
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buy synergetic dishwasher tablets for only 799 rubles. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a holwa, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the colva, divide by 24. conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with a cold shoulder, maybe a sandwich for new year's appetite, dad can, only dad will cut it down, new year's appetite, only puffy , new year's appetite, only puffy, holiday, spa will help, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket ! there will be a discount, buy a set of tools of 152 items for only 1,399 rubles. my back gets tired on my feet all day,
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everything will be as you want! pay for purchases with any credit card from bera. an apartment in moscow can be yours. credit card - the best in the country! langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langitaza against prostatitis. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy toys for children with discounts up to 70%. in nakhodka, an accident in a boiler room was eliminated, due to which the heat supply to almost 90 houses was disrupted, and, as the primorsky territory prosecutor's office reported, more than 6.00 people and four kindergartens were taken into custody. the supply of heat to other subscribers did not stop, but the temperature regime was changed, it was -4° outside at that moment, now the boiler room
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is functioning normally. the actual elimination of the emergency situation and the restoration of the rights of citizens to the uninterrupted and high-quality provision of utilities services have been put under control by the city prosecutor's office. based on the results of the inspection, the supervisory agency will ensure the adoption of a comprehensive set of response measures. previously, based on the materials of the prosecutor's inspection, a criminal case was opened regarding the improper provision of heat to residents of the nakhodka urban district, the progress and results of the investigation were monitored. in norilsk, the circumstances of the emergency landing of a passenger boeing are being clarified. the plane rolled out of the runway several tens of meters. on board this at the moment there were 176 passengers and crew members. there were no casualties. evacuation was not required; the aircraft itself was quickly towed to the parking lot. this was done without delaying other flights due to the pause between incoming aircraft. new signature party in support of candidates.
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presidents vladimir putin arrived today at the central headquarters. volunteers delivered documents from 19 regions, reports the putin website. across russia , more than one million 300,000 people have already cast their votes in support of the current head of state. count is now ongoing. and today the unified call center of the election headquarters started working. you see the multi-line phone number on your screens. with its help, the russians can transfer. their proposals and instructions to presidential candidate vladimir putin, calls from all sides are free, the call center employs more than thirty volunteers from five regions. the guys are very attentive to this work, and that is , many of them already have work experience, both in their regions, and...


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