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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin today met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana ardionova. she reported on the work of the department and the current agenda. the president inquired about the environmental situation in the baltic and caspian sea, where russian oil and gas companies operate. anastasia efimova has details. not just a weekend holiday, with rare cleanup days and one-time tree planting, and not fashionable english-language terms, but above all. actions and results, this is how
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the head of the department sees the main tasks of rosprirodnadzor. as svetlana rodionova reminded, at a meeting with the president, the country today is implementing the ecology national project, the largest in russian history, and this is a clean country, within the framework of which landfills are eliminated and reclaimed, a general cleaning created on the initiative of citizens and the improvement of water bodies, the eight largest, including the don, irtysh, angara, already. examined by specialists, as in our country, our companies work there, oil and gas companies, our oil and gas companies meet high standards, we have no questions for them, not a single one was recorded unauthorized dumping, we are very strict about this, and they provide us with access, even now during the moratorium period, we calmly visit during preventive visits at their invitation - all objects, we have no restrictions, by and large there is no conflict in this regard all of ours...
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yes, it’s like clean air, the clean air project, one of the most difficult projects, it took a long time to prepare, the regulatory documents were not ready, because it was never implemented, you know, the most offensive thing for us, when i come to one of these cities, everyone says: rodionova arrived in the air, and indeed sometimes this is so, but now all enterprises have approved their programs, many are changing technological solutions, no one has stopped, replacing technical solutions has no effect, even if it exists, we have this for two objects, it does not affect...
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the final result, now we are waiting for a real result by the twenty-fifth year, all companies have made commitments, not one has stopped, this is our task, well and separately this is motor transport, this task is being fully realized, motor transport is not only changing in 12 cities, but is becoming environmentally friendly everywhere. rosprirodnadzor has 3,500 employees, which is not a lot, especially considering the geography of the country and the scale of the tasks assigned to the department. now, on your instructions, we are implementing this scale. probably an experiment, like consulting, remember, business russia alexey repek asked you to give the controller the opportunity to advise the business at an early stage, and you allowed it, they asked us, as the most, probably, perhaps, unpleasant controllers for them at that time, and we concluded 30 agreements with companies, these are not just papers, we accompany projects, help to shorten the investment cycle, find the best cost-effective solution when a company naturally wants to save money, but achieve results .
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for humans and for animals, because their well-being is also within the competence of rosprirodnadzor. i see you opened the slide on bears, this is probably our most enjoyable mission: we monitor the protection of red book animals, we save wounded, we accommodate confiscated ones. our largest, probably protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, these are polar bears, this is our pride, an arctic predator. we have managed to save 17 bears over the past 4 years, four of them have a proposal, a project,
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yes, a bear patrol, yes, we would like to organize a bear patrol, because it is very important for us, we teach people in a conflict situation how to behave , naturally, the residents who live there, the village of dikson, they are scared, scared for themselves, for their children, and education, that’s what and carrying out such work at our level, at the level of a constituent entity of the russian federation , seems very important to us. by the way, rosprirodnadzor proposes to make the polar bear a kind of national symbol, with its help, by analogy with china. the country's commitment to environmental conservation is no exception. anastasia efimova, lead.
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vladimir putin took control of the heating situation in the moscow region and kherson region. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported head of state. about the situation in areas where problems have arisen in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president by phone that a sharp temperature change led to the wires breaking. the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. based on the results of the reports , vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company, to make every effort to eliminate the failures. and this is how the presidential press secretary commented on the situation. in all places where there were emergencies, all emergency services, all services, municipal services, district, regional, worked around the clock, but firstly, we are talking about abnormal frosts, and secondly,
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of course, despite all the titanic efforts to update all housing and communal services systems , of course, a certain part of them still remains in a rather dilapidated state, these programs will continue, but... it is impossible to update all pipes, all housing and communal services systems in either 10 or 15 years, so of course, these programs are extended on time, attached the maximum of the possible efforts that were made, indeed, in some places it was impossible to eliminate the consequences immediately, unfortunately , people had to endure a lot of inconvenience, often suffering, who were sitting in the cold, some without electricity, but of course, conclusions will be drawn with so that in those places where it is most vulnerable from the point of view... the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , personally controls emergency restoration work in the moscow and kherson regions. in the moscow region at the regional level the response involved a group of 496
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people and 134 pieces of equipment. now the central heating system has been restored in 116 apartment buildings. emergency restoration efforts for connection are ongoing. the current situation has been recognized as a municipal emergency; an emergency regime has been introduced for the podolsk bridge command and control forces, and the level of response has been determined to be regional. in the kherson region, in 257 settlements , more than 29.
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of the entire line of combat contact were de-energized. belgorod we maintain the strategic initiative and three districts of the region were shelled by ukrainian troops within 24 hours. three
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people were injured and were not in intensive care in serious condition. this was announced by the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. he also said that more air defenses were shot down. dozens of air targets; in belgorod , three business facilities, a gas pipeline and six cars were damaged by shrapnel, windows were broken in several apartments, and a door-to-door inspection is now being carried out. to record all damage. governor ordered to ensure access to shelters during shelling, including turning off intercoms in houses when there is a signal of a missile danger, so that any citizen can take refuge in the basements. in addition, for safety reasons, belogorod children will be sent to country camps in other regions. already - 2 days ago the governors decided to accept our children.
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our war correspondent igor pikhanov is following. soldiers of a marine unit
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of the black sea fleet lift a reconnaissance drone into the sky. the operator's task is to monitor the gray zone and identify ukrainian militants who are trying to penetrate the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the drones are in the air 24/7 to ensure that the enemy's electronic warfare service does not damage the copters. the technique is passing. well, you can simply lose the essence of what is happening, so constant monitoring even in bad weather at low altitudes. the officers give the order for battle, the artillery deploys camouflaged guns and receives the coordinates of the target. on the opposite bank of the river, scouts discovered militants who were preparing to cross. ukrainian attack aircraft have taken refuge in an abandoned holiday village, high-explosive fragmentation shells
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are raining down on the enemy. shot! several drones monitor the territory at once, their operators adjust artillery fire, long-range howitzers hit the target, and 122-mm shells destroy observation posts in the ssu. an attempt to attack the marines ends in failure, with militant casualties. are retreating, the enemy, as i understand it, is very depressed, very much so, because even the replies, they are not so effective, that is, they overfly, underfly, like this, that is , they do not choose targets, they just lay down, well, at random, according to the fighters, the enemy attacks in groups of 10-15 people, for ukrainian attack aircraft use boats with silent engines, most often the crossing occurs in the dark, but all attempts to break through are broken up by the defensive positions of the russian... military, they are located along the entire front line, well protected and camouflaged.
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despite the fact that the weapon is good camouflaged in a dense forest, the fighters constantly watch the sky, because enemy birds fly here regularly. the fighters were given state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. the solemn ceremony took place not far from the front line; almost all marines of the black sea fleet have medals for work in the special military operation zone. they defended the civilians of the donetsk people's republic. bank of the dnieper. igor pikhanov, konstantin the republic will now repel the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on the left piunov, leading the kherson region. about 2 thousands of trucks are queuing at the polish-ukrainian border. three checkpoints remain blocked. let me remind you that protests by polish carriers have been ongoing since november. they oppose benefits for ukrainian drivers. the situation is difficult in the border areas of slovakia, almost 400 trucks are stuck there.
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what exactly is washington seeking in the context of the ukrainian conflict, against the background of discussion of the white house request for a new package of military assistance to kiev, former us permanent representative to the un, presidential candidate, republican niki hayley. called on the head of state to tell us exactly what american taxpayers must pay for the next $61 billion. i blame biden for everything, he should have always told americans why we do what we do, the reason why we care about ukraine. the goals of the biden administration were also analyzed by paul craig roberts, an experienced expert who worked in the ronald reagan administration. in his column, he writes
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that the united states has shown its true intentions and course towards confrontation with moscow. short-sighted. washington's actions, in his opinion, threaten the entire planet. now that the west has completely destroyed the trust built during soviet times, the threat of nuclear armageddon is once again upon the earth, and in its face all other challenges fade into the background. while the united states is discussing the appropriateness of spending and focusing on election campaigns, berlin is trying to act as the locomotive of support for the kiev regime. however, against the background of the farmers' strike, the threat of a political crisis, olaf scholz calls others to action, but he himself will not voice it.
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the state of kiev and moscow will not change, according to retired british air force vice-marshal sean bell. russia has an impressive defense industrial base, which has been converted to a military base and financed by huge oil revenues. russia is rearming, and quickly. the ukrainian industrial base is not that deep, and it is extremely vulnerable to russian missiles. it takes months to create production capacity and one russian strike to destroy it. about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine. are on the verge of collapse, writing and new york times columnists. the article is based on the story of ukrainian military personnel about the real state of affairs at the front. one officer admitted that the armed forces are physically exhausted and cannot operate effectively against the backdrop of intense russian attacks. artyom krosulin, svetlana chmykhala, lead. russian exporters may increase
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the number of requests for relaxations in the sale of foreign currency earnings. after making amendments to the presidential decree for this. there are more reasons, deputy minister of finance alexey spoke about this in an interview with interfax moiseev. maria slobodyanskaya looked into who the changes might affect. maria, greetings, that is, some exporters will be able not to sell foreign currency earnings at all. hello, yes, from those who previously fell under the provisions of the decree, companies that have already switched to payments in rubles or have foreign currency obligations can be excluded. changes in the decree on the sale of foreign currency earnings by exporters and the resumption of foreign exchange transactions. experts say. starting today, the bank of russia has resumed operations with funds from the national welfare fund. amount announced back in december. in the first half of 2024, the volume of foreign currency sales on the market will be 11.8 billion rubles daily. however, the figure may be further adjusted depending on the oil and gas revenues of the ministry of finance.
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he will both sell and buy currency, and he will buy currency. within the framework of the budget rule, when the oil price is above 60 dollars per jurals mark, that is, it will actually buy yuan from the market and will sell currency to replenish the budget deficit, which this year amounts to approximately 3 trillion rubles. some changes to this year also concerns the sale of foreign currency by exporters; let me remind you that the presidential decree on the mandatory repatriation of foreign earnings, and then government decrees appeared back in october. the rules were introduced for six months until... until april 30, 2024 and apply to 43 groups of companies. the details of the decree were not published, but it is known that these are representatives of the fuel and energy complex, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical forest industry and grain farming. these changes, among other things, lead to the fact that the ruble will most likely be in range from 80 to 90 rubles per dollar, if
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you give complete freedom to exporters, then most likely, due to different interests and different parties, they will not be so active in exchanging this currency for rubles, but for the state this is important, yes, because after all, yes our dependence on currencies, including unfriendly countries, has not yet ended. according to the established procedure, companies included in the list must credit at least 80% of the currency to their accounts in russian banks within 60 days from the date of receipt of funds. and within two more weeks they are required to sell at least 90% of this amount on the domestic market. now for some companies from the list, clarifications are being introduced, for example, they apply to those who have already switched to... payments in rubles, although the contracts still stipulate otherwise: the changes will help avoid double conversion, while income should still be credited to accounts in russian banks. another relaxation
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allows companies to reduce the amount of foreign earnings sold and the amount on foreign currency debts. some companies, exporters, they have also have foreign currency obligations, and must pay their external obligations in foreign currency so that double conversion does not occur, that is, the exporter receives foreign currency earnings, converts them into rubles, and then converts these same rubles into foreign currency in order to pay their external debts, these companies for this amount are freed from the need for this double conversion. as vedomosti writes, one of the changes in the decree is granting the ministry of finance the right to give official explanations to companies on the rules for selling currency. by analyzing specific cases for... excluding them from the norms of the decree, however, after all
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the clarifications are included in the government decree , there may be more of them. the number of appeals from exporters to the government commission for control of foreign investment with a request for an exception to the norms of presidential decree no. 771 on the mandatory repatriation and sale of currencies. revenue may increase after changes made to it at the end of the twenty-third year. the main task of the rules introduced for exporters is to reduce fluctuations in the ruble. over the last couple months, the russian currency has strengthened by more than 10% against the dollar, and although other factors also influence stability. the extension of the decree, according to experts, will depend on the general situation on the foreign exchange market. thank you, maria, maria slobodyanskaya spoke about the changes in the decree on the sale of foreign currency. revenues from exporters. in the west of moscow, a new electric depot aminevskoye, a large ring metro line, was opened today. the mayor
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of the capital, sergei sobyanin, took part in the ceremony. we will find out more details from our correspondent maria valieva, she is at direct communication. maria, hello, what benefits will muscovites get from the new electric depot? yes, alexander, greetings , now i’ll tell you about everything, we are just in... one of the buildings of the new aminevskoye electric depot, and from here trains will depart along three connecting lines to the stations of the large ring line, aminevskoye and davidkovo. also , rolling stock maintenance takes place here, and cars are automatically disinfected using unique domestic equipment. unique the system will be used for the first time on the moscow metro. this means that the disinfection of salons occurs without human intervention, that is, the devices are connected to the rolling stock, and
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after half an hour all eight cars are clean. the new aminevskoye electric depot, one of the largest structures of the moscow metro, is located at the intersection of vireysky and general dorokhov streets. public transport stops are located here, which will allow employees to quickly get to work, and the territory is very large, about 16 hectares, where buildings were built there are 60 buildings, there are repair buildings, rail welding stations, also a gym, an assembly hall with 180 seats and rest rooms for employees, they are equipped like hotel rooms, in the new depot there are new conditions for the driver. a hotel-type room , into which, when he arrives on a technical inspection train, while the technical inspection is taking place, he can visit this
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rest room, relax, we have a massage chair for a modern dining room, where he can go and have lunch while the service is taking place composition, after in order to accept the train and continue to carry passengers, it is also worth noting that thanks to the commissioning of the new depot, the number of trains... on the main section of the large ring line will increase, which means the intervals will decrease, and also thanks to this, trips for passengers will become much more convenient and comfortable, so it is worth noting that currently passenger traffic is 1,250,000 people per day; by 2026 it could increase to 2 million or 2.5 million passengers per day. on the big ring lane, today this is already the third depot, one of the largest modern ones in moscow, it will ensure uninterrupted operation of the large.
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the left line of the metro, moreover, for years to come will ensure an increase in the number of trains that will go to the lane, as passengers increase, the number of trains will also increase, in general, the amenevsky depot can provide an increase of almost 20-25% in the number of trains leaving to line, this is the comfort of passengers, but also of course for metro drivers, for those who serve every day - trains are also comfortable modern conditions, well, reliability work of the metro as a whole. the large ring line of the moscow metro is the largest metro ring in the world. naturally, modern infrastructure is required to service trains, which is why the electric depot behind moskvaretskaya was reconstructed, the nizhegorodskoye depot was built and is now put into operation.
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elektrodepominevskoe. alexander. yes, maria, thank you, our correspondent maria valieva spoke about the opening of a new electric depot on the large ring line of the moscow metro. france has a new one gabriel otal, who served as minister of education, became prime minister. he is 34 years old, the youngest head of the cabinet in the history of the country. the decision to appoint atal was made by emmanuel macron. the french president wrote on his social networks that he counts on the energy of the new prime minister. in this post, atal will be replaced by elizabeth born, the day before she submitted her resignation; judging by the polls, she was an extremely unpopular figure, during the period of her activity there were mass protests against the socio-economic policies of the authorities. how local media note that with the appointment of atal , macron wants to increase support for his
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government, however...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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everyone has their own path, tomorrow's road falls to the king, he has temporary musicians.


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