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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin spoke with eight-year-old kristina, who dreamed of seeing baikal, it is especially beautiful in winter, so the president fulfilled three cherished childhood dreams as part of the all-russian event christmas tree of wishes 2024. it was declared the year of the family and this topic became the key one at the meeting of deputy prime ministers today. what is the cabinet of ministers ready to offer and what kind of support do the country’s citizens expect this year. 215,000 people and 28,000 weapons were lost by the ukrainian armed forces, and this was just in a year. sergei shaigu spoke about this at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry defense and also set tasks for our army for this year, what will they be? ukraine
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is in a pre-default state, tariffs for housing and communal services will increase by multiples, like taxes, that is , people will pay for everything, those who will not go to the front. a new round of general mobilization, a strict law on forced service is being discussed, uniforms for women are being purchased from the ssu. the environmental situation in the baltic and caspian sea and the work of oil and gas companies, as well as the elimination of hundreds of large landfills. nature conservation - discussed by vladimir putin with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radi. first for for half a century, the us attempt to send a module to the moon has failed; the device will not reach the target. is this accident related to nasa's decision to delay sending astronauts to earth? vladimir putin today met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana rudionova.
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op, irtysh, angara, selinga and two coasts of the black sea and caspian sea. how do our oil and gas companies operate in the caspei? all our platforms that stand on the caspian sea have zero discharge, and we also have this in the baltic. we are absolutely we can clearly record this and monitor it all the time. what's in the baltic? the same thing, we have zero discharge, all the objects that we are withdrawing, and i can also say about the near-fault one, this is a gazprom neft facility.
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which is located in the northern seas and there the same thing, all the objects that are located on the shelf today meet the highest standard, all technologies are observed there, and we are very strict about this, fines are 17 with more than 17, we collect fines, of course, by providing business support, we are those those who do not accept pay the most, you said in the message the speaker pays, everyone remembered this principle and we clearly implement it, but now you have the upper hand. slide, it says, all payments are colored, every ruble collected for the environment goes towards the environment and goes back to the region, to the place where the damage was caused, at the moment this is very important, this is probably a new milestone in the development of the environmental vector , that’s why we collect fines, we are not very proud of it, we still believe that prevention is much better than the fines themselves. the year of the family in russia will open with a family forum, which will be held at the exhibition.
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for example, preferential mortgages, the ruble, which can be used for repayment, was reminded of this by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. supporting citizens who are raising children, helping parents, and caring for the younger generation have always been and remain priorities for the government. the latest survey in tsiom showed that seven out of ten russians surveyed think so. a strong family is the most
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important value, and this does not depend on education, age, or financial situation, but young people are important to us, guys are important. at the age of 18-24 years, because in the next 7 years they must become parents, and of course, their inner attitude towards family values ​​is important to us. well , tatyana golikova also stated that all regions of the country must approve their regional plans for the year of the family by february 1. the general federal plan for the event was considered and essentially approved at the end of december at the first organizational meeting. according to mikhail mishustin, it is provided in including the development of a strategic document, in particular a demographic family policy until 2030.
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we don't know what exercises will do yours. new year's form, but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable, uralsib bank. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with eight-year-old kristina sin, whose dream of visiting lake baikal he helped fulfill as part of the “wish tree” campaign. her relatives were organized a tour of both baikal itself and local museums; today the president called the girl to personally find out how the trip has passed, hello, hello, christina, good afternoon, hello, hello, do you recognize me,
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yes, well, nice, nice, listen, i really wanted to know how you relax, you like everything, this is exactly what you dreamed of , yes, i really like it, listen, christina, what about you? i was also in the museum, yes, in the baikal museum , yes, i was, yeah, i was there too, i was also in this museum, i looked, i really liked it, and you, i really liked it too, yeah, and you i was still diving, sinking to the bottom of lake baikal, well, virtually diving, yes, yes, no you were scared, no, well, you see how i also dived, but not virtually, on... on such a bathyscaphe, the world is called, almost at 2.0 m. i’m very glad that with everything you planned to see, everything what you dreamed about, everything worked out. i want to wish you the best in the new year, success in your studies, in sports, in your hobbies, so that you
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enjoy everything you do and achieve good results. i hug you, my dear, all the best to you. thank you, i want to tell you thank you very much for making my dream come true, i also want to wish you a happy new year, merry christmas, i want to wish you great health, happiness and that all your dreams come true too, thank you very much, christina, and have a nice trip home, hugs to you , the losses of the ukrainian army over the past year exceeded 215.
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for the russian troops, our groups are methodically reducing the combat potential of the ukrainian forces, well, take at least these figures announced by the minister of defense shaigu today, the armed forces of ukraine completed 2023 with losses of 215 personnel and 28.00 weapons. and, despite such discouraging results, kiev continues to diligently mobilize the country’s male population, sending soldiers, essentially in one direction. despite the depletion of the human resources of ukrainian formations and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is calmly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership, at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. with the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive
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its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunities for replenishment of the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of military contact, only for... a military conflict, well, when men stop being missed, the ukrainian army will begin to rely on women, now active preparations will begin for this, the minister of defense reported on the purchase of 50. .. thousands of sets of women's military uniforms, the picture is very consistent, at the end of last year in kiev they loudly discussed a bill that provides for the mobilization of women, now the uniform for them is already ready, and if compare this with the colossal losses, everything comes together, there is an acute shortage of personnel, and military commissars are scouring the country, painting conscription statistics with broad strokes, taking away not one at a time, but whole trolleybuses, as was the day before, or so...
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they worked harmoniously with the shooters, without losses, adjustments to the actions were carried out from a drone, the armed forces of ukraine threw down their weapons and fled, well, whoever had time, someone was captured. in the donetsk direction, active actions of units of the southern group of forces, air strikes, artillery fire and heavy flamethrower systems, manpower and equipment were damaged in the strong points of the 22.72 mechanized, ninety-fifth air assault brigade and 113 territorial brigade. defense in iisu in the areas of antonovka, bogdanovka and kleshcheevka. our
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military is trying to wear out ukrainian fighters, not giving them a chance to carry out rotations. in the southern donetsk direction, the enemy tried nine times to replace personnel, but only updated the statistics of losses on this front. this is the picture now emerging of kiev’s losses in equipment over the entire period special operations more than 10,000 drones. under 15 thousand tanks and other armor, under 20 thousand various special equipment, the commando control has already reached into all the reserves that are possible, to make up for what was lost, kiev’s partners no longer seem to be eager, they have grown cold. the russian army is entering the new year with fairly clear plans to increase the supply of popular weapons, for example, to create a serial line of drones, from ultra-small to heavy attack, this is also a highlight today.
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permanent recording and video monitoring: russian murpekhov units clearly monitor the situation on the opposite bank of the dnieper. advanced reconnaissance drones are beyond the reach of the ukrainian rap, and combat copters patrol the gray zone around the clock, adjust artillery fire and stop all possible attempts by militants to foray into the ssu. our special correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation on the kherson front. soldiers of a marine unit
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of the black sea fleet lift a reconnaissance drone into the sky. the operator's task is to monitor the gray zone and identify ukrainian militants who are trying to penetrate the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the drones are in the air 24/7 to ensure that the enemy's electronic warfare service does not damage the copters. the equipment is undergoing special re-flashing. control is constant, well... constant, because, well, it’s impossible to work without a drone now, and if there is no video recording, video control, well, you can simply lose, as it were, the essence of what is happening, so officers give constant control even in bad weather, at low altitudes order, artillerymen to fight they deploy camouflaged guns and receive the coordinates of the target, on the opposite bank of the river the scouts discovered militants who were preparing to cross the dnieper, ukrainian attack aircraft took refuge in an abandoned... village, high-explosive fragmentation shells rain down on the enemy. shot!
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several drones monitor the territory at once, and their operators adjust artillery fire. long-range howitzers hit the target accurately. 122mm shells destroy observation posts in the ssu. attempt to attack marines ends failure. the militants retreat with losses. the enemy, as i understand it, is very depressed. this is very strong, because even their answers are not so effective, that is , they are overflights, short-range, just like that, that is, they do not choose targets, they just lay down, let’s say, at random, according to the enemy fighters. attack in groups of 10-15 people, for secrecy, ukrainian attack aircraft use boats with silent engines, most often the crossing occurs in the dark, but all attempts to break through are broken up against defensive positions russian military, they are located along the entire front line, well protected and camouflaged, despite the fact that the gun is well camouflaged in a dense forest, the soldiers are constantly
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watching the sky, because enemy birds fly here regularly, for their courage and professionalism to the soldiers... of the black sea fleet has medals for work in the zone of a special military operation, they protected civilians of the donetsk people's republic, and are now repelling attacks in the ssu on the left bank of the dnieper. igor pikhanov, kostantin piunov, conduct the kherson region. legendary alfabank credit card is free forever and has become even more profitable. withdraw cash for free from any atm. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy sinergetic dishwasher tablets for only rub 799. it's -5 at the zoo, mom will say
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the allocation of money to ukraine by the european union, but subject to an annual... review of kiev’s funding, as the publication from the budapest politician writes, in this way he seeks economic concessions from brussels. however, neither the eu nor the us is now in a hurry to provide assistance to ukraine. artyom krosulin figured out why. the biden administration is not gives americans an understanding of what exactly washington is trying to achieve in the context of the ukrainian conflict. amid discussion of the white house's request for a new package of military assistance to kiev, former us permanent representative. at the un, presidential candidate, republican nicky haley, called on the head of state to tell us exactly what american taxpayers must pay for the next $61 billion. i blame it all on biden, he should have always told americans why we do what we do, the reason why we care about ukraine. the biden administration's goal was also analyzed by paul craig roberts, an experienced
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expert who worked in the ronald reagan administration. in his column, he writes that the united states has shown its true intentions and course towards confrontation with moscow. washington's short-sighted actions, in his opinion, threaten the entire planet. now that the west has completely destroyed the trust built during soviet times, the threat of nuclear armageddon is back ...
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which has gone on a war footing and is financed by huge oil revenues. russia is rearming, and quickly. the ukrainian industrial base is not that deep, and it is extremely vulnerable to russian missiles. it takes months to build up production capacity and one russian strike to destroy it. new york times columnists also write that the armed forces of ukraine are on the verge of collapse. the article is based on the story of ukrainian military personnel about the real state of affairs at the front. 11.
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one charge under articles that carry 700 years in prison. the former president's lawyers argue that he has immunity from prosecution for acts while in prison. position of head of state. and when trump refused to admit defeat to biden in the election, it was an exercise of the right to freedom of speech. meanwhile, in the united states , a scandal is unfolding around the hospitalization, or illness, and a very mysterious one, of the minister of defense. one of the members of the house of representatives intends to present. the white house and congress about the minister's health, thereby austin essentially jeopardized the security of the entire
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country. yes, and we remind you that the head of the defense department was admitted to the hospital on january 1, 3 days, the department of defense hid this from the biden administration. now the white house is looking into why the notification was not sent. at the same time, as the american media report, the us president will not dismiss osin, even if he asks for it. the minister of defense has already been transferred from the intensive care unit, but he still remains in the hospital. and in france , the new prime minister was gabriel ottal, who headed the ministry of education. the decision on the appointment was made by emmanuel macron. he said he expects energy new head of the cabinet. elisabeth born will replace ottal in this post. she resigned the day before. judging by the polls, bourne was a deeply unpopular figure for the period.
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healthcare marisol touraine. in 2016 , he joined the political movement of emmanuel macron. a year later he was elected to parliament. later he served as secretary of state under the minister of national education and youth. and in 2020 he was appointed official representative of the government. then he moved to the ministry of economy and finance, where he was responsible for government accounts. in past year headed the ministry of education. one of otal's most high-profile reforms was the ban on wearing obaiya, a muslim women's dress, in schools. the central election commission has announced the preliminary number of candidates for the post of president; the presidential elections will be held from march 15 to 17. for today.
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he is the first presidential candidate in the history of the new people political party as a whole. and the communist party of the russian federation will be represented by state duma deputy nikolai kharitonov. registration of a candidate for the post of president of the russian federation nikolai mikhailovich khritonova january 9, 2024 11:03.
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the call center and public reception of the election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin have begun their work, this is reported on the website putin by a single federal 24-hour multi-channel telephone number 8 800 301 21 85. all citizens of russia can submit their proposals and instructions to the candidate. well, in addition, citizens can contact the public reception, it is located in moscow on pokrovka. house 47 is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., tuesday to saturday, inclusive. read more about the work of vladimir putin's public reception, report by natalia solovyova. in this call center, without a moment of silence , you can now send your proposal to candidate vladimir putin via a single 24-hour phone number. calls are answered by more than thirty volunteers, all members of the youth wing of the popular front. many
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of them already have work experience. and in their regions, and in similar areas, because different regions are represented, that is, here smolensk, and voronezh, and belgorod, and yarshkarola, and izheevsko, and the guys really take an active part in the activities of the popular front in their regions, that is, they understand the specifics, and many of them traveled to new regions on a humanitarian mission.
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the collection of signatures in support of the current head of state continues throughout the country and, of course, at the central election headquarters, which is deployed in the very heart of the capital. it is important for me, i want him to be elected in the next elections. i believe that we have begun to feel like citizens of an independent country, because i have a son, i have many friends in the zone. sfo, we are waiting for victory, we are praying for them, we are hoping for putin, sergei vlagievich, work in gostiny dvor was in full swing even on new year’s holidays, vladimir putin’s proxies for the upcoming presidential elections began to receive certificates, in the first ceremony they were presented by the co-chairman of the election headquarters vladimir mashkov. at the end of last year, the cec registered a list of 346 proxies, later. headquarters reported
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that their total number could almost double. where is the first one? and so, box by box, signatures are delivered to the living room courtyard. the self-nomination of the current head of state in the upcoming elections in march has already been supported by residents of 77 regions. every day , signatures in support of candidate vladimir putin are brought to the campaign headquarters. today alone there are 19 new regions, including the kaliningrad region, the altai republic, karelia and many others, of course. all these signatures will definitely be counted, but first checked. at the entrance there is a line of volunteers, their number increases every minute it’s just growing, there are subscription sheets inside the boxes, each one must be filled out without errors, maximum attention is needed here. to date, we have collected about 1,300,000 signatures, or more, in support of our candidate for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin.


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