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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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sea ​​coast, as well as in the baltic and caspi with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana rodionova. during the working meeting, the president called for special control to be kept in those regions of the country where large industrial and oil and gas companies operate. in addition, the conversation turned to the implementation of clean country and clean air projects. key statements in the material by anastasia efimova. not just a weekend holiday with rare cleanup days and one-time tree planting, and not fashionable english-language terms, but above all actions and... this is exactly how
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the head of the department sees the main tasks of rosprirodnadzor. as svetlana radionova recalled, at a meeting with the president in the country, today a national ecology project is being implemented, the largest in national history, and this is a clean country, within the framework of which landfills are eliminated and reclaimed, a general cleaning and improvement of water bodies created on the initiative of citizens, eight largest , including the don, irtysh, angara, have already been examined by specialists. like we have at kas5, our oil and gas companies work there, our oil and gas companies meet high standards , we have no questions for them, not a single unauthorized discharge has been recorded, we are very strict about this, and they provide us with access, even now during the moratorium period, we calmly visit during preventive visits at their invitation, all objects, we have no restrictions, by and large there is no conflict in this regard for all our platforms that stand on...
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clean air, the clean air project is one of the most difficult projects, it took a long time preparation, regulatory documents were not ready, because they were never implemented , you know, the most offensive thing for us is when i come to one of these cities everyone says: moradironov’s cushion has arrived, and indeed sometimes this is so, but now all enterprises have approved their programs, many are changing technological solutions, no one has stopped, replacing technical solutions does not affect, even if it exists, we have it for two objects, it does not affect the final result.
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companies, it's not just papers, we we accompany projects, help to shorten the investment cycle, find the best cost-effective solution, when a company naturally wants to save money, but achieve results, the fines 17.
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are heavy, because their well-being is also within the competence of rosprirodnadzor. i see you opened the slide on bears, this is probably our most pleasant mission: we monitor the protection of animals listed in the red book, we rescue the wounded, provide homes for those confiscated, our largest, probably the most protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, are polar bears, this is our pride, an arctic predator , we managed to save 17 bears over the past 4 years, four of them are placed in the zoo because... they could not be returned to
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the natural environment, we try our best to leave the rest in nature, of course, we understand , that when developing the arctic, we must treat this natural resource very carefully, do you have a proposal there? project, yes, bear patrol, yes, we would like to organize a bear patrol, because it is very important for us, we teach people in a conflict situation how to behave, naturally, the residents who live there in the village of dikson, they are scared, scared for themselves, for their children, and training, this behavior with such work at our level, at the level of the subject of the russian federation , seems to us very important. by the way, rosprirodnadzor proposes to make the polar bear a kind of national symbol, with its help, by analogy with chinese pando-diplomacy. build friendly relations with foreign partners. by the way, despite global challenges, all the international obligations undertaken, the country does, preserving the environment is no exception. anastasia efimova, lead. today , the head of state called a participant in the
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wish tree campaign from yuzhno-sakhalinsk. eight-year-old christina became one of those whose request was personally seen and fulfilled by the president on the eve of the new year. the schoolgirl dreamed of visiting lake baikal and vladimir putin decided. to ask how such a long-awaited trip went with details ksenia kolchina, let's jump, christina son and dad say hello to their native sakhalin from the shores of lake baikal. great lake, girl previously, i only saw it in pictures and videos, but now it glides merrily across the impeccable baikal ice. like glass, they are already building a tower from crystal-transparent pieces of ice. in your hands is a snow-white nerpik , now your favorite toy that will remind you of your first meeting with baikal. when i... i saw baikal, my heart just felt very warm. koristina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk’s dream of lake baikal was fulfilled by vladimir putin as part of the all-russian charity event tree of wishes. for 3 days she was not separated from lake baikal. this remains in memories for life, especially when at the end of the trip the president
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of the country calls. christina, good afternoon. hello. hello, do you recognize me? yes. nice. listen, i really wanted to know how you relax? do you like everything, is this exactly what you dreamed of? yes, i like it very much. kristina, you were also in the museum, right, in the baikal museum? yes, i was. i was also in this museum and looked. i really liked it, how about you? i really liked it too. yes. and you still sank, sank to the bottom of lake baikal, well, virtually, sank, right? yes. not scary was it for you? no. i also dived, but not virtually. on... on such a bathyscaphe, the world is called, almost 2.0 m. eight-year-old christina has not yet taken geography at school, but the map of the irkutsk region has now come to life for her. irkutsk, listvyanka, slyudyanka, toltsy, kultuk, each name is associated with vivid impressions, the whole family is delighted with the new region for themselves, the president asked
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the girl’s father what it’s like on sakhalin now. i wanted to ask not even about your trip, but about your place of residence in stvalinsk, there’s something there visible changes occur. lately, in recent years, our city has been transforming, getting better and better, recently they opened a new airport for us, yeah, great, yes, we planned to do this for a long time, the dynamics are felt, yes, of course, yes, it is felt, it’s important to me i also heard from you, from an adult who lives there and watches all this every day. siberian landscapes sometimes remind them of their native island, for example, a ski slope. you can admire baikal right from the shore, and you can from a height of 900 meters, this is the city of baikalsk, the eastern coast of the lake, and here is a ski resort. the girl happily posed for the photo, fearlessly climbing higher. do you want to stand right there? wow, and you're not afraid? it seems that she is not afraid of anything, an excellent student, a successful athlete, she has a level in sports
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aerobics, and is now moving into acrobatics. all this, despite the diagnosis, is immune neutropinea. blood tests must be taken every 2 days, and immunity must be supported with medications. that's why christina has more. a cherished not even a dream, a goal: i want to become a doctor, to help people, to do something good for the world, to achieve everything i dream of, vladimir putin wished the girl in a telephone conversation. i want to wish you the best in the new year, success in your studies, in sports, in your hobbies, so that you enjoy everything you do and achieve good results. i hug you, my dear, all the best to you. thank you, i want to say thank you so much for what you have done my dream, i also want to wish you a happy new year and a merry christmas, i want to wish you health, happiness and that all your dreams also come true. thank you very much, christina, and
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have a nice trip home, hugs to you. today kristina is returning to sakhalin, but the girl did not say goodbye to baikal, because she is already planning a new trip to its shores.
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relation to a large family. according to surveys, seven out of ten russians consider a strong family one of the most important values, but its creation requires encouragement and support. young people are important to us, guys aged 18-24 are important, because in the next 7 years they should become parents, and of course, their inner attitude towards family values, towards parenthood is important to us, since this is a new social one. position and new responsibility towards the emerging future generation, in order to support citizens
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who want to become parents, the government intends to further work on the issues of preferential mortgage lending and extend payments of 450,000 rubles for the third child in the first quarter. in addition, employers will be actively included in support for families who decide to have children, and special attention will be paid to reproductive health during medical examinations. the president especially noted. the importance of disease prevention, and now the rules for medical examination are clearly regulated, the in-depth time frame for covid cases has been extended, it can now be completed within a year after recovery, referrals for additional examination should be issued within 3 days, the program should be supplemented with a new one a type of dispensary on reproductive health, which is very important for people who want to have a child. well, to ensure that the new generation grows up in a clean environment, the government has been continuing work for the fourth year within the framework
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of the federal project general cleaning, which is about the liquidation of requested industrial enterprises that threaten the environment and human health. by the end of last year , 145 wells were abandoned and 770 objects of accumulated damage were examined. work continues to clean up the waters of the far eastern federal district. on to date, we have ensured the liquidation of 131 sunken ships. these cemeteries. ships interfere with shipping and fishing, harm the environment and reduce the tourism potential of the regions. this year we plan to lift 82 more ships. to prevent such facilities from appearing again, the government legally obligated owners to provide funding for measures to decommission their enterprises and eliminate accumulated waste, and also imposed fines of up to 20 million rubles for deliberately sinking a ship. anna voronina, vesti. deputies of the state duma are working these days in their constituencies as part of the regional week; the head of the lower
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house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, arrived in the saratov region, he has already held a meeting with local authorities, and also visited the ministry of defense hospital in the regional capital. the speaker of the state duma spoke with participants in a special military operation who are undergoing treatment there. how are things going with you? how is the treatment? thank god, maybe there are some requests? three types of infection at once: rvi, influenza and coronavirus.
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alexandra perfilyeva will talk about precautionary measures and prevention. fever, acute sore throat, runny nose. all this can be not only symptoms of the flu we are used to, but even a triple epidemic. tridemic is the name given to the combination of coronavirus, arvi and influenza. we can hardly become infected with three at once. simultaneously with infections, and to be sick at the same time, that is , tridemic does not apply to a specific individual, a specific sick person, we are now in the epi season, yes, that is.
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today, according to rospotrebnadzor, russia has recorded a decrease in the number of cases of the disease. in the first week of this year, we
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see a significant decrease in the incidence of influenza urvi compared to the previous week. by 51%. if we talk about the incidence of the new coronavirus infection, over the past 4 weeks we have also seen a decrease in the incidence; compared to the previous week, the incidence also decreased by 56%. according to experts, the decline in indicators is due to winter frosts and holidays. will the situation change when everyone goes to work and schoolchildren return for desks, we’ll find out later, but it’s important to remember about prevention even in case of poor health. ukrainian conscripts, as the nezalezhnye intelligence services reported, he issued you fake documents for departure for $3,500, the tariff is very modest, svidomo military commissars demand twice as much, but in this case the judge clearly made money on
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the flows, and even more so since every day there are more people willing to pay more and more to avoid mobilization in ukraine, because the ki... the regime intends to continue paying in living goods for nato handouts, alexander will confirm khristenko. the military are standing there stupidly, stopping minibuses and trucks. next stop is avdeevka. in ukraine, military commissars turned urban transport into places of mass forced mobilization. they don't pack men like children. they stopped the tram, they already packed a full bus, they want more. this is odessa, people in uniform with machine guns enter at the same time.
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and this despite the fact that the new law on mobilization has not yet been adopted, as many as five options have been introduced, the most radical because it is being discussed by the cabinet of ministers, various committees of the council they express objections, but they all do not touch the point, to take as many men as possible to the front, and not only, the first batch of women’s uniforms, reports minister of defense umerov, 50,000 sets have been purchased, they are already talking about children, without hesitating to give examples from the times of the great patriotic war.
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at any cost, however, this will not affect the fighting in any way, the ukrainian armed forces themselves are confident. you are causing chaos in the cities , forcing people to sign these agendas and you
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are thinking of any ways to fulfill your plan, you are already raking it out, i don’t know what’s wrong these people then do here and send death here, from the fact that you recruit 150 people, 30 of them, at best, there is a sense, i personally met people whose heads are out of place, disabled people and so on, i’m already silent for the drunks and... and so on, they are of no use. the words about the mobilization of everyone , regardless of contraindications, are confirmed by the captured military of the ukrainian armed forces, since they caught this seven children there, as thin as a dystrophic person, he has zero of those, so he’s just stupid, he knows that he won’t come from there, so this commander sends this one to zero, he already knows that he will not come, but the ukrainian authorities and their american sponsors do not take all this into account, employees of the white house national... security council under the leadership of jake salvan held a closed meeting with representatives of military companies industrial complex, discussed what else to supply to kiev. the conversation
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focused on a range of systems that include drones, how to counter incoming drones, and addressing the issue of mine clearance. it is known that on at the meeting were representatives of the anduril company, they produce attack drones that are launched from helicopters or from pickup trucks from the ground, and also design automatic radars and unmanned interception systems. representatives of skydio also participated; the company specializes in all kinds of reconnaissance drones. on the promo videos, as always, everything looks epic, how it will actually happen and whether it will happen is the question. the supply of equipment directly depends on whether congress approves the allocation of $60 billion for armaments to kiev, where they are already literally praying to washington. helping ukraine is not a subject for discussion and the task is to adhere to this position until a successful vote. politics, hungary set the condition that
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the amount be agreed upon every year, and not the euro for 4 years from the eu, as the publication writes , it was accepted all at once, given that viktor orban, due to the resignation of charles michel, can head the european council for six months, budapest’s special voice in the ukrainian issue may become even louder. alexander khristenko, lead. american. and the european press today is vigorously discussing new court materials on case about the secret orgies of jeffrey epstein , it has now become clear that in addition to oral testimony, it seems that there are also videos that could confirm the participation in pedophile gatherings of, for example, former us president bill clinton, or some of the western entrepreneurs with top lines of the forbes rating, who specifically reported the presence of such a bully and what the possible consequences were, found out our correspondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov. the publication of new materials on the epstein case adds details to the lifestyle so the so-called global elite: tycoon presidents and members of the british royal family may
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appear in videos that the network's organizer secretly filmed while they were having fun with underage girls. all this became known from the testimony of epstein's victim sarah rensom. she claims there is a video of former president bill clinton, prince andrew and media mogul richard branson. which can be easily identified on the recordings, according to her, she made copies of the video materials and distributed them to different countries in europe, to protect yourself. the fact that the pleasures of the guests of the caribbean island and epstein's mansion in new york were recorded on video was also said by other girls who took part in these meetings, and judging by the published testimony of sarah renson, these recordings may still exist . when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, jeffrey filmed it every time. video, thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos in which the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson are clearly visible. back in 2019, rensam stated that
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she made up the story about videotapes of epstein’s friends spending time with underage girls to protect herself and her family. the defense of epstein’s friend, socialite ghislaine maxwell, the only one convicted of long-term molestation of teenage girls, insisted on this, but later ransom stated that she was ready... to testify under oath to the existence of incriminating video recordings. a new batch of public documents contains these never-before -seen photographs of young girls on willie epstein, including a photo of sarah ranson herself, as well as a previously unknown joint photograph taken on the island of epstein and peter mendelsohn, at that time the european commissioner for trade and the right hand of former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, ransom claims that donald trump also had sexual relationships with many of the girls epstein supplied. the documents vividly describe details of the former president's intimate preferences that cannot be shown on air.
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trump's representative urgently. had to make a refutation. these baseless allegations have been completely refuted as they are simply false and have no basis in fact. the press service of the owner of the viorgen company, billionaire richard branson, denies any new dirty details. he did not know about the crimes of epstein and clinton, his office assures, although during a search this portrait of the former president in a woman’s dress and shoes was found on vila epstein.
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home and only today left his estate for the first time, as the british press claims, the king is going to deprive his brother of his maintenance, in particular 3 million pounds a year to pay for security, and evict the lover of young girls, the duke of york, from the thirty-room mansion he occupies, but if the scandalous videos of epstein’s friends really exist and the actual persons depicted in them, then the second question after, where should these films be now, why this flow of information?
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