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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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the russian military killed up to 240 ukrainian militants in one day, the ministry of defense reported. with the support of aviation and artillery, fighters from the southern group of forces also destroyed enemy equipment. about the situation on the front line in the rear, where our military personnel are training at training grounds. reports by stanislav nazarov and mikhail andronik. with the support of aerial reconnaissance, the artillery of the southern group of troops strikes ukrainian positions.
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drone operators detect an enemy group and provide precise coordinates. posts are our bird, arrival in the area of ​​the second house, 120 or barrel, bha is working, our artillery crew of the 132nd army corps, received the coordinates of the targets, are now preparing to work on the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. retreating, the militants leave their positions and abandon their wounded colleagues. six people, so they climbed out from above, brosvira, one three hundredth, here is one still lying, they are all right at the exit from this, their branding caught fire for this, the driver of the orderly of the motorized rifle battalion of the forty- ninth army during the evacuation of the wounded himself received shrapnel wounds, but managed to get it out group from the battlefield to save their comrades, they received a chip wound in the leg, arm, and stomach. in the end, they were not at a loss,
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they quickly reloaded the wounded, took them to a safe distance, they gave me help, my leg, they applied a tourniquet, and then took me to the hospital. at this training ground in the south donetsk direction , our attack aircraft of the forty-ninth army practice their actions before carrying out combat missions, every turn in the trench, the distance between enemy firing points , interaction is honed to the point of automatism. on this object with the help, let's say, of our bopla platoon , enemy positions were filmed, completely uncovered on a one -to-one scale, so that every soldier in this place could evaluate them, know the enemy’s firing points, practice tactics, the first two, for example, are walking, lay down with their voices, or conveyed with gestures , that they need to either help the guys send more people, moves, moves, no, sits, sits.
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it even happens that when you reach a position , the bird is already working, mortar men are working day and night, at night they use these red flashlights, red flashlights, their it's worse visible at night. after work, the mortar is quickly camouflaged, the crew goes to a real bunker deep underground, here firewood crackles in potbelly stoves and cats purr, and this is one of the training grounds of the lugansk people's republic, not far from the front line, those who first entered the zone also train here.
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calmly, time after time, the military personnel of the assault unit train the acquired skills, even those that it would seem that they mastered a long time ago, in fact , this entire complex of training. rare moments of rest. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, news of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. improving the performance of communication systems.
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the strategic initiative on all lines of combat contact remains with the russian troops; our groups are methodically reducing their combat potential. units of weapons, and despite such discouraging results, kiev continues to diligently mobilize the country’s male population, sending soldiers essentially in one direction. despite the depletion of human resources of ukrainian formations and the absence. results on the battlefield united states america is cold-bloodedly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. at the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunity to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army.
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of course, this will not change the situation on the line of military contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, and when they stop grabbing men, the ukrainian army will begin... to rely on women. now active preparations are underway for this. defense minister nezalezhny reported on the purchase of 50,000 sets of women's military uniforms. the picture emerges very consistent. at the end of last year , a bill that provided for the mobilization of women was loudly discussed in kiev. now the form for them is ready. and if you compare this with the colossal losses, everything comes together. acute shortage of personnel. and military commissars are scouring the country, drawing. conscription statistics in broad strokes, they take away not one at a time, but whole trolleybuses, as was the case the day before, or by tram, they stopped halfway and began to transfer from public transport to state-owned, on it without stopping to certain places, they packed a full bus, they still want it, well
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, the mobilized infantry has no time for training at all, they immediately throw them into the trenches, which they surrender at the first assault on our side, there is no hope, here are the shots of the capture support... they worked harmoniously, without losses, the actions were corrected from a drone, the armed forces members threw down their weapons and fled, well , whoever had time, someone was captured. this is the picture now emerging of kiev’s losses in equipment: over the entire period of the special operation there were more than 10,000 drones, about 15 thousand tanks and other armor, under 20 thousand of various special equipment, ukromandovaniya has already entered into all the reserves that are possible, replenishing it. kiev’s partners no longer seem to be burning with desire, they have cooled down. the russian army is entering the new year with fairly clear plans to increase the supply of popular weapons, for example, to create a serial line of drones from ultra-small to heavy attack, this was also
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emphasized today by sergei shaigov. our immediate plans include improving the operation of the communication system, increasing the efficiency of using modern means of introducing reconnaissance, target designation and... clean air as a matter of national importance rosprirodnadzor now checks even business projects for compliance with environmental requirements. signed with companies within a year. agreements on such checks and how they are carried out were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova, the president asked how air quality is controlled near large factories, how things are with harmful emissions in the caspian and baltic fields, and also asked what a bear patrol is, about everything
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my colleague anastasia efimova will tell you in order. not just a weekend holiday with rare cleanup days and one-time tree planting, and unfashionable english-language terms. and above all, action and result, this is how the head of the department sees the main tasks of rosprirodnadzor, as radionova reminded at a meeting with the president , they are being implemented in the country today. the ecology project is the largest in russian history, and this is a clean country, within the framework of which landfills are eliminated and reclaimed, created on the initiative of citizens, general cleaning and improvement water bodies, eight of the largest, including the don, irtysh, and angara, have already been examined by specialists. how about our order, are our oil and gas companies working there? our oil and gas companies meet high standards, we have no questions for them, never have. not a single unauthorized discharge was recorded, we are very strict about this, and they provide us with
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access even now during the moratorium period, we calmly visit during preventive visits at their invitation - all objects, we have no restrictions by and large there is no conflict in this regard; all our platforms that have zero discharge in the caspian sea, we also have the same situation in the baltic sea, yes, we can clearly record this, we are constantly monitoring it. another federal project is clean air, initially it included 12 large industrial centers, including bradsk, norilsk, and chelyabinsk, but since september last year there are already 43 of them, cities where emissions should be halved. but the project in twelve cities, is it like clean air? the clean air project is one of the most complex projects, it took a long time to prepare, the regulatory documents were not ready because it was never implemented. you know, the most offensive thing for us is that i...
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there are not many employees, especially taking into account the geography of the country and the scale of the tasks assigned to the department. now, on your instructions, we are implementing such a large-scale experiment, probably, as consulting , remember, business russia, alexey repek asked you to give the controller the opportunity to advise a business at an early stage, and you this
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was allowed, we monitor the protection of animals listed in the red book, we rescue the wounded, provide
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homes for those confiscated, our largest, probably protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, these are polar bears, this is our pride, an arctic predator, we managed to save 17 bears over the last 4 years, four of them were placed in zoos because they could not be returned to the natural environment, we try to leave the rest in nature as much as possible, of course, we understand that when developing the arctic, we must treat very carefully this. you have a proposal there, a project , yes, a bear patrol, yes, we would like to organize a bear patrol, because it is very important for us, we teach people in a conflict situation how to behave, naturally, the residents who live there in the village of dikson , they are scared, scared for themselves, for their children, and training, this is what we think, and carrying out such work at our level, at the level of a constituent entity of the russian federation , is very important, by the way, rosprirodnadzor proposes to make the polar bear a kind of national symbol, with him help.
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viburnum from the shores of lake baikal. the girl had previously seen the great lake only in pictures and videos, but now she happily glides across the impeccable baikal ice. like glass. and now he is building a tower from crystal-transparent pieces of ice. in the hands of a snow-white seal is a favorite toy that will remind you of your first meeting with baikal. when i saw baikal, my heart just felt very warm. the dream of
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christina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk obaykal was fulfilled by vladimir as part of the all-russian charity event tree of wishes.
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kristina has not yet taken geography at school, but the map of the irkutsk region has now come to life for her. irkutsk, listvyanka, slyudyanka. i feel it, yes, of course, yes, i feel it, it was important for me to hear from you too, from an adult who lives there and watches all this every day. siberian landscapes sometimes remind them of their native island, for example, a ski slope. you can admire baikal right from the shore, or from a height of 900 m. this is the city of baikalsk, the eastern coast of the lake, and here is
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a ski resort. girl having fun posed for a photo fearlessly climbing higher. do you want to get up there? wow , and you're not afraid? she doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. an excellent student, a successful athlete, she has a rank in sports aerobics, and is now moving on to acrobatics. all this, despite the diagnosis, is immune neutropinea. blood tests must be taken every 2 days, and immunity must be supported with medications. therefore, christina has one more cherished, not even a dream, goal. i want to become a doctor to help people, to do something good for the world. achieve everything you want dreams, wished it to a girl in a telephone conversation. i want to wish you the best in the new year, success in your studies, in sports, in your hobbies, so that you enjoy everything you do and achieve good results. i hug you, my dear, all the best to you, thank you, i want to say a huge thank you for making
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my dream come true, i also want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
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everything is fine, get well soon, thank you, please sit down, klimovsky the cartridge plant will be nationalized after the emergency at boiler house, this decision was made by the president, governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov announced this on tuesday. according to him, after the boiler house becomes municipal property, work on modernization and recruitment will begin. in addition, the head of the moscow region added that heat has already been supplied to most of the houses in klimovsko, which were damaged due to the accident. there are now more than 500 teams working in the city. brigades are three people who deal with both electricity and heat supply. everyone necessary to provide light and heat to the city. moscow helped us a lot, the mayor and his team here are fully
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involved in all areas, for which i am very grateful. just like a large number of our construction companies, it took significant efforts to mobilize the ministry of emergency situations, which participated from the first day of the law enforcement block, after a series. kolesnikov, which he showed at the russian cup final in kazan last july. the press service of the association reported this today. kolesnikov, let me remind you, became the first
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at a distance of 50 m backstroke, he completed it in 23.55 seconds. and he surpassed the achievement of american hunter armstrong, set a year earlier. in december, twenty-three-year-old kolesnikov announced that he refused to compete at the 2024 olympics in paris under the current criteria. when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions, you need to sort things out, the best way is a fair fight, this is for you, this is
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for you, fight, well, you don’t think that we will really fight, holob 2, than i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, on january 10 , 1949 bc, julius caesar crossed the rubicon river and uttered the now famous words “the die is cast.” the rubicon river was the border between the region of umbria and the province of tesalpine gaul, where caesar had the right to dispose of troops. but sending them to umbria, that is, to the territory of italy , was considered a rebellion according to the laws of ancient rome. a civil war began between caesar and the consul gnaeus pompey. it lasted 4 years. pompey was killed and caesar received the status life. dictator of the republic, but just a year later he was also killed. but then the monarchical power of his adopted son, octavian augustus, was established, who became the first emperor and founder of the roman
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empire. caesar's phrase: the die is cast, it has become winged, for more than 2 thousand years it has been used to mean the choice has been made, there is no turning back, or risk everything for a great goal. january 10, 1927 in berlin. the premiere of the film metropolis took place, this epic dystopia directed by fritz lango is considered the pinnacle of german expressionism to the cinema. not my film at the beginning of the 21st century became the first to be included by unesco in the memory of the world program for the protection of the world's documentary heritage. the picture begins and ends with the phrase: the mediator between the head and hands should be the heart. set in the future, a futuristic city, metropolis, has been divided into a living paradise. masters of life and an underground industrial hell where working appendages for giant machines live. to the great disappointment of director fritz lango,
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hitler and goebbels turned out to be big fans of the film. and on personal during the meeting goebbels, the minister of propaganda of nazi germany even invited the jew lang to become an honorary aryan. that same night lang left for america. on january 10, 1943, shoulder straps and other insignia were introduced into the red army . on that day, by order of the people's commissar of defense , the decree of the presidium of the armed forces of the ussr on the introduction of new insignia and changes in the uniform of the red army was communicated to the personnel. as a symbol of tsarist russia, shoulder straps were abolished after the revolution; stalin decided to return them in order to raise morale in a difficult war. soviet the shoulder straps did not copy the royal ones; all rank designations were different. porudchikov was replaced by lieutenants. the headquarters and captains turned into simply captains. captains became majors. senior officers began to be designated with large stars; in tsarist times there were none. the presence of shoulder straps also helped in interaction with allies; during meetings, they understood who
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they were dealing with. then they introduced it. new uniform, all this happened when the red army began to win important victories at the front, shoulder straps were supposed to emphasize that the soviet army - heir to the great victories of russian weapons. on january 10, 1966 , the tashkent declaration was signed, ending the war between india and pakistan. the document was signed at a meeting between the president of pakistan, muhammad ayubhan and the prime minister of india, lal bahad. shastri. the head of the ussr council of ministers, alexey kosygin, also took part. the tashkent declaration became a major success of soviet diplomacy, which managed not only to bring irreconcilable enemies to the negotiating table, but to convince them to conclude the matter peacefully. a significant role soviet intelligence also played a role, thanks to which moscow had a clear idea of ​​the balance of power and ambitions of both sides. they even knew that the leaders of both india and pakistan, both of whom love billiards, installed
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tables for the game in both residences. with this success, the ussr not only really contributed to ending the long dangerous conflict, but also seriously strengthened moscow’s position in the region and in asia as a whole. on january 10, 2013 , the new nuclear submarine yuri dolgoruky entered the russian navy. missile carrier of the fourth generation opened the era of the country's new nuclear submarine fleet. less noisy, more powerful and digital. the chief designer of the project was a scientist from the rubin central design bureau, vladimir zdornov. seven submarines of this type have already been built. three are under construction, and two more are planned for laying. project 955 borei boats are distinguished by an extremely low level of created physical fields, which means increased stealth. the maximum diving depth is 500 m. the main armament is 16 bulava ballistic missiles. the cruiser may
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be located. in autonomous navigation up to 3 months, according to mikhail budnichenko, head of the sevmash production association, which builds these boats, the barei project is an outstanding achievement of the russian defense industry, which shows the country's ability to maintain the capabilities of strategic nuclear forces at the current level and implement complex technological programs on a national scale. this is what this day in history was like. where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka there is already reinforced concrete and there is nothing, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove them out, what is your car? 190, handsome, azimu
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30-39, shot!
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from these diseases that they themselves brought here.


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