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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, there is a legal program on air, the moderator is tatyana petrova. novogorod investigators continue to find out the causes of a terrible accident involving 50 cars on the m-11 highway. and here are some details. thus, according to experts, the accident could have been caused by cherry’s car ; summer tires were apparently installed on the rear axle of the foreign car, which caused the vehicle to skid. snowy road, it was previously established that cherry’s car was driven by a seventy-year-old resident of the city of kovrov, lost control of the vehicle , collided with a metal fence, the driver found himself locked in the car, and his wife left the damaged car. after some time, cars moving along the highway began to make successive collisions. as a result of a series of collisions between cars , more than a dozen people required ambulance assistance, but three adults and...
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a one-month-old child could not be saved; after the accident, traffic on the highway was blocked, but thanks to the work traffic police officers soon managed to clear the road for motorists. the inspectors were among the first to arrive at the scene and quickly resolved the issue of evacuating the first ten cars from the scene of the emergency. in addition, police officers on the spot provided assistance to people who found themselves in difficult situations. all for the sake of hype for a famous trash blogger. sergei kosenko may face criminal liability and deprivation of parental rights. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, ordered to open a case against the internet coach, who caused a wave of anger among subscribers, throwing her two-month-old son into the snow for a social media video. readers did not appreciate this and called on the security forces and guardianship authorities to pay attention to the father’s behavior. olga zhurenkova found out how the scandalous story could turn out and whether real punishment for such actions is possible. the scandalous video
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of blogger sergei kosenko instantly spread across the internet. according to media reports, on a frosty winter day against the backdrop of the french alps, he threw his two-month-old son into the snow. the baby instantly drowned in a snowdrift; the publication was supplemented by the caption “leo’s first flight.” throughout most likely, this action was filmed on a mobile camera by the child’s mother, also a blogger. she does money meditation. instead of a mantra, a new year's composition sounded. views, tens of thousands of comments, however, viewers did not appreciate such content; many subscribers even asked the competent authorities to pay attention to this and deprive the blogger of parental rights. as befits bloggers, kosenko tried to make a show of this together with his wife, a meditation specialist; probably for complete cleansing, they began to take turns jumping into a snowdrift, opening all chakras. later, when the chakras opened, the blogger tried. to justify himself that
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he did not throw his son into a snowdrift, but a doll, for some reason he deleted these scandalous footage. many people are generally concerned about the issue of finding a child in a family that is ready to do anything for fame and imaginary popularity on social networks. of course, the content is obviously staged, pre -planned, prepared in advance, the child is used as a thing, as a subject for filming this video, it is completely unclear to what extent. and to what extent bloggers are still ready to go when filming something like this? content. the internet audience is sure that this video is an attempt to attract attention to your blog. allegedly, in the near future, kosenko plans to launch a new mentoring course, and after all, the scandalous recording was triggered; however, the security forces immediately took notice. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered to initiate a criminal case against the blogger for committing illegal actions against a child. also an investigator.
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instructed to initiate questions regarding the extradition of kosenko to the competent authorities russian law enforcement agencies and conducting an audit to ensure compliance with tax laws. children have more than once become tools for bloggers to... seek popularity, one of the most sensational cases in sochi in 2020, blogger igor krovtsov took his one-and-a-half-month-old daughter named jester by the leg and waved the child like a t-shirt doll. the grief-stricken father received 4 months in a penal colony and a fine of 30,000 rubles for cruelty to his child. by court decision, the baby was taken from her parents. and here is another example: a mother from nizhnevartovsk i became a blogger and decided to make fun of adopted children. the girl was cleaning the toilet. under mockery, and her sister received the task of tightening the screws in a child’s bed, it seemed like useful work, but the off-screen comments clearly went beyond educational standards, i took off my slippers, threw them at her, picked them up again, threw them with force and threw them again, in short, threw slippers at her yesterday, experts note that any
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bullying of children affects the child’s psyche, the consequences can last a lifetime, initially, when only this blogging has developed, after all, a blogger has something... networks and lives abroad with his family, it’s better to understand at the beginning what my dream is, how i want to see my life in general. the blogger’s lawyers have already stated that the child did not take part in the filming of the scandalous video; they even published these video frames as confirmation. in any case, the last word in this story belongs to the investigators; they are
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the ones who will have to figure out who the blogger actually threw into a snowdrift, a doll or his own son. experts notice that the trend in any it’s sad if bloggers are chasing likes. knowingly or not, they promote bullying of children. olga zheryunkov, andrey ivlev, conductor, duty unit. in tyumen, one of the six aggressive raiders against a local resident was detained. gang violence in the style of the nineties was captured by an entrance surveillance camera. men in black started firing at the car, trying to stop the driver. at the same time , they blocked the foreign car with their cars, and one of the invaders pierced the wheel. the driver who was attacked with the role. he took the ram hit the barrier and caught several more vehicles in the yard, and managed to escape from the trap. a man was detained on suspicion of attempted murder, and other persons involved in the crime were put on
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the federal wanted list. currently , criminal investigation officers of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs continue to carry out operational activities aimed at establishing the location and detention of participants in the conflict. searches have been carried out at the residences of the suspects, and it was established that the raiders used traumatic and firearms; the driver was wounded in the shoulder, and his passenger in the leg. both received medical assistance. back in court, but this time in shackles and wearing a mask. in the usa, the motto of goodness raden became famous thanks to a video in which he, dissatisfied with the verdict during a court hearing, attacked a woman judge and began to beat her who arrived. and just a few days after the incident , redon appeared again before the same judge, but with extreme security measures. reportage alexandra mostovoy. on the face of thirty-year-old dobra redn, a black mask resembling a muzzle, like a wild animal, a man
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is led on a chain into a las vegas courtroom. there are special clamps on the hands that do not allow you to work with your fingers. the precaution is not accidental, with these very fingers. days ago, a servant of themis tried to strangle him right during the process. these images were taken a few minutes before the incident. the accused raden speaks of repentance in the hall of justice. he hoped that his words would pity the mistress instead of giving him a real sentence. causing bodily harm, he will receive probation. but judge mary holthus, who, by the way, had previously pardoned the man several times for other violations, decided to send the criminals to prison. reden lost his temper. here is a young man. she easily flies over the fence and knocks the judge to the floor; fortunately, she escaped with a concussion, and the bailiff also suffered. the issue of security in american courts is acute; in the states , criminals are not placed in special boxes; they sit quietly in the courtroom with
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lawyers often stage performances after the verdicts are announced. in june 2023, american joseph seiler, who was accused of murdering a girl and her nanny, took his anger out on his defense. thus, the court concludes that, in accordance with the laws of the state of florida , the defendant has lost his right to life. american taylor showbiz distinguished herself by inappropriate behavior during interrogations. she was nicknamed the female mantis for killing her own lover in a fit of passion. at first she played the role of a mentally ill person. in during the detention, she tousled her hair and laughed with all her might, but when the psychiatrists came to the conclusion that shabizna committed the crime quite consciously, the girl really did. waiting for nerves, she attacked her own lawyer. as
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for the resident of las vegas, good redden, the flying criminal, as he was nicknamed in the press, can now only dream of freedom. a week after the scandalous trial, he heard a new sentence, 4 years in prison for attacking a servant of themis. he, it seems, took the decision calmly to descend into a new flight, they didn’t give him a chain, whose guards were holding a particularly dangerous criminal. the scandalous case of translators is being dragged out by key persons involved in the theft of more than 500 million budget funds and can avoid criminal liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. we are talking about the former head of the judicial department of the moscow region valery kuzmich and his deputies. as follows from the materials, the money allocated to pay for the services of translators in the courts was in fact misappropriated. to expose the fraudulent group you should. it took several years, the process of judges it’s been going on for 4 years now, hearings
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are regularly postponed for various reasons, the statute of limitations expires at the end of 2024, and a conviction is unlikely to be handed down by that time. in addition to valery kuzmich, his deputy evgenia titova is also involved in the case, and the investigation considers raida londarenko, a businesswoman who fled to the united states, to be the organizer of the large-scale criminal scheme; she has been put on the international wanted list. the treachery of temporary roads in bashkiria is preparing to recover from the water a truck that the day before fell through the ice on the beloye river in the city birsk. the driver of the heavy truck died. it turned out that the cause of the fatal emergency was a gross violation of the rules for traveling on the ice crossing. in this place there is a limit of up to 3 tons, while the drowned truck weighed more than ten. how an ice crossing is becoming a death trap for drivers in several regions at once. report by andrey romanov.
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for a person to get out, here, and here, you need to have something with you, but we know what you need,
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a rope, ice fishing lovers, as if they are confident in their own unsinkability, but in vain, these are disturbing images from yakutia, in the dark eyewitnesses at the last moment pull a man out of a sinking car, those who violate traffic rules on ice crossings are now in danger, a couple of days ago in bashkiria a truck driver drowned along with a truck after he decided to take a shortcut and drove heavy truck crossing for passenger cars. in russia, ice crossings begin to operate in early december, the northernmost and frostiest regions are the first to launch them, there are places where during the freeze-up period - this is the time from the moment when navigation is closed and until emergency services open an official ice crossing, entire cities are cut off from the mainland, there are simply things to do there in this city, and well, we are glad that the only road is, as it were, here. movement between, well, communication between two cities. this is, for example, yakutsk, which in spring and autumn remains for a long time without
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transport links with other regions. drivers there risk their lives more often than others and build their roads through the lena. about 125 materials compiled for unauthorized entry of vehicles onto the ice. 35 ice crossings have been officially opened throughout the republic. according to the rules, before opening , road signs are installed at official crossings, and emercom employees check the thickness. ice before starting cars. on long ice crossings that cannot be walked on foot, for those who travel without a car, all-terrain vehicles, such as amphibians, are provided. the cars are powerful, of course, the ride is paid, but they are warm and comfortable. by the way, during the freeze-up period, these are the all-terrain vehicles that remain for residents some areas have the only connection with the mainland. they can cross rivers at any time of the year. today, according to the ministry of emergency situations, there are 119 winter roads and 662 ice stations in russia. moreover, in the first days of 2024 alone, more than 100
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flights of equipment have already been recorded in unauthorized places. these are just those cases. how else can tubing be dangerous and what absolutely should not be done during winter activities? report by alina skachkova on this topic. it seems that only one thing can drive you out of the house in the shaking ural frost: an insatiable thirst for extreme sports, the carts are scattered like pies, those who have not yet fallen line up to go for a ride, the state traffic inspectorate employees, meanwhile, have no time for rides, the youngest adrenaline lovers are clearly explained where and how they can’t have fun, look, that is, it’s right i fell under a car, and naturally
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i was injured, so please be careful, kids, well, if not dissuade, then at least warn. sliding down the slides on tubes, ice skates and sleds often ends not only injuries, especially in places that are not intended for this, for example, frozen river banks, the ice there is so thin that it is not at all difficult to fall through, on the track itself every bump strives to knock you out, tubing is the most clumsy, or rather uncontrollable means of transportation, and you cannot brake sharply on it, injury... to the cervical spine or a compression fracture of the spine while jumping on a tube. voronezh rushes along a busy highway a car, behind it, throwing sparks in all directions, a sled is flying, on them, of course, no belt, no brakes. often such rides lead to the passenger flying off the road at speed or, worse, falling under the wheels of another car. as in this creepy video, a little girl riding a cheesecake fell
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right under a dump truck and ended up in intensive care, which is why riding near the roadway is strictly prohibited. we remind parents and draw their attention that when you take your child on a snow scooter, bagel, ice skate, sled, when crossing the roadway, the child must get off, well, take the parent by the hand from this type of transport, spontaneously created slides in courtyards near rivers are at least free, but unsafe entertainment, hundreds of children are injured on them every year throughout the country, someone flies into a tree , someone is among passers-by, and at night the snowy slopes are often washed up by drunken adults, for example, it is forbidden to ride on this metropolitan hill, there is even a sign, but parents believe more in darwin, naturally selection, probably someone it worked out, some didn’t, in the soviet times no one kept track of time, everyone somehow rode iron on wheels, as a result , the state duma became interested in the problems of dangerous fun, deputy tatyana budskaya proposed banning cheesecakes outside the ski areas, making tubing part of
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the attraction, a winter slide attraction, where we clearly know that the sides , such that they protect the child from flying over, for example, the neighboring path, where we clearly know that at the end of the path there will not be that same concrete slab or tree. in moscow alone there are more than fifteen special tubing tracks, and those who have not reached them continue to occupy city parks, like here, children, without adult supervision, fly down the hill, jump on this snow springboard and land right on the ice, every time it’s like a game to roulette. alyona. lead the duty department. tyumen police found and detained all participants in the fight in which a veteran of a special military operation was injured. the fight happened at night. it is known that the serviceman reprimanded a group of young people who were making noise and being rude to passers-by. in response to him beat up. one of the detainees, already at the police department, commented on his actions.
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a party began on the street. i hit the young man twice in this glass. about how south korea is breaking up with a custom whose history goes back thousands of years.
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in recent decades, koreans have suffered greatly from foreign animal rights activists for this; against this background , a movement against this tradition, which itself obviously formed
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during the years of poverty and post-war devastation, has also grown within the country, as an option for cheap protein food. later it was it is generally accepted that dog meat makes it easier to endure the heat, saying that the speedy adoption of this law was personally facilitated by the first lady of south korea, mrs. kim konhee, the president's wife, and yong seok himself, big lovers of pets, service dogs after winning the presidential election, to ban eating dog meat became one of his election promises; now the wife of the head of state is mainly involved in raising and caring for numerous pets. when i saw the retired dogs, they looked sad and lonely, so i said to myself: if i am elected president and i live in... farmers claim that with their law, the authorities are depriving about a million koreans
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who work in this industry of a piece of bread, and ordinary citizens of one of their fundamental rights. denying people the right to food is a crime of violence, so we will fight to protect their rights and ensure the survival of the dog meat industry and its workers. however, the taste habits of koreans. are changing, many believe that this undermines the country’s image. according to surveys, for over the past 10 years, the number of those who consume dog meat has decreased from 27 to 8%, and more than 40% of restaurants have closed due to falling demand. the vast majority of the population supports the law, while the authorities give farmers 3 years to wind down their business and promise financial support. after this period, violators will be punished with fines of up to $2,500 and put in prison for up to... telegram channels conduct duty units and
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an honest detective, follow along with us , we have tatyana petrova with you on this, up to the entire operational feed of legal news in meetings on the russia 24 tv channel.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch replays of our original program besagon tv. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i’m a billionaire, you’re a billionaire, just as much as possible, yes, you ’re dancing, there’s dancing, hugging, and you ’re being pushed right up to the counter, where the managers, once you’ve issued a loan, they’ll all run to you to buy something homeless, then is this the ticket to
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golden life. it’s possible, we won’t forget our calling , we bring laughter and joy to people, just wow, this is cool, very fashionable and generally unexpected, i really liked it, a fairy tale from childhood, the songs are songs of youth, it has never replaced freedom, so bright, amazingly fiery ,
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i wanted to sing very much. great. the bremen town musicians. the international exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production is taking place for the twenty-fifth time. for the first time , almost 500 companies from 15 countries are taking part in it. very russian producers have revived. this is wonderful. people realized that this is the time when they can make themselves known. i think china
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can replace everything.
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the russian embassy in ecuador recommends that our compatriots not come to the country; it is engulfed in an armed rebellion by criminals. there were large-scale clashes with army police. at this time , diplomats have no information about possible russian casualties. in the lugansk people's republic, the fsb detained two people on suspicion of espionage. special services believe that they were obtaining important information for the kiev regime, including data on the deployment of...


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