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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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news mid-hour short: the russian embassy in ecuador recommends our compatriots not to come to the country, it is engulfed in an armed rebellion of criminals, large-scale clashes have occurred with the army , police, and by this hour diplomats. there is no
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information about the injured russians. in the lugansk people's republic, the fsb detained two people on suspicion of espionage. the intelligence services believe that they obtained important information for the kiev regime, including data on the deployment of units and military equipment. yakut schoolchildren stayed at home due to severe frosts, classes are conducted remotely on thermometers of -50°. the capital of the republic, yakutsk, was covered in frosty fog, apparently dropping almost to zero. if the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained, the court deprived both defendants of their parliamentary mandates and therefore immunity. former officials were previously convicted in cases of abuse of power. in moscow in the coming days it will become sharply warmer, but then it will also become sharply colder. how much will the temperature in the capital rise when central russia is covered by a new arctic invasion - all the forecasts from ksenia levitskaya. the end of calm and frosty weather. the european part of russia is
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at the mercy of cyclones, which regions will be covered with snow in the coming days and how the temperature regime will change. is it true that a thaw could happen in moscow? this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobs center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello! for the first time in 2024, the russian plain was at the mercy of atlantic cyclones. even on the weekend there was no snow at all in rostov-on-don, and on tuesday we already traveled by ferry skiers, and this is stavropol, here the snow cover formed the day before in a few hours, the result was ten-point traffic jams and interruptions in the work of the local airport, a similar situation in krasnodar, also problems on the roads, it is not surprising, because until now local drivers have had no reason to change tires to winter, if you are on summer tires and suddenly need to go to the north bridge, then i would give up this idea. for several months in russia
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, the weather was abnormally warm. in the same krasnodar, for example, in the first 8 days of the new year, the temperature deviation from the norm reached 5° with a plus sign. in lugansk and rostov nadon is almost 4°. if snow fell somewhere, it melted almost immediately. however, at the beginning of this week, winter managed to make its way to the russian south. it became sharply colder and there were strong snowstorms, which, of course, did not remain without consequences. in kherson. region, for example, there were communication interruptions; in crimea , residents of two districts were left without electricity. in tavrida , steamy winds on tuesday reached 19 m/s. a sudden change in weather is a consequence influence of cyclones. an extremely atypical atmospheric situation has now developed in eurasia. a vast anticyclone has arisen over europe, and atlantic vortices have to go around this center along the northern periphery. after which they dive into russia. today almost the entire russian plain. will be in their power, with
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the exception of the south of the country. the affected areas noted that the anticyclone will spread and the weather will improve. as for the temperature, it's generally an invasion. will lead to warming in the european part of the country, it will not be too intense due to the northern vortex trajectories, however, thaws are possible again this afternoon in the black sea region, in the caucasus, as well as in places in the western regions of our country. and yet, the weakening of frosts is the only positive from the current weather situation. precipitation on the russian plain will continue, and quite heavy. and tomorrow a new batch of snowstorms is expected. this time they will cover. middle zone, the main impact of the elements will take place in the east of the central region and the volgovyat region. in the south of the country, today, as i said, the weather is calm. in krasnodar snowfalls will stop, and during the day the thermometer readings will not exceed zero. but tomorrow the retreat will return to the city. everything
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that fell at the beginning of the week will begin to melt. and on saturday the frosts will sharply intensify, so in kuban you should prepare for severe sleet. in moscow, the influence of a cyclone. has been felt since the beginning of the week. on monday tuesday it was snowing here; the night before in the capital, visibility dropped below 2 km. in addition, compared to the beginning of december, it has become sharply warmer here; the day before it was -7. however, in the near future in the capital it is predicted temperature swings. today, after a relatively warm night, temperatures will drop to -90. tomorrow it will again sharply warm up to zero. all this time it will snow in megapolis. but sleep. precipitation will stop and a new arctic invasion will return power in the atmosphere to the anticyclone, so that abnormal frosts will return -12:14 in the daytime. that 's all for me, goodbye.
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now economic news, mortgages in sbiri have risen in price, mash, how much has the interest rate increased? roma, the percentage will increase a little more than one, but we are only talking about basic mortgages. with today sber increased the cost of the basic mortgage by more than one pro... this is stated in the bank's message. this followed after in december , the minimum rate on loans for the purchase and construction of housing will be 16.7%. state-supported programs will remain the same. external increase the central bank increased the key rate by one percentage point. the previous increase in
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mortgages in sberbank in november was lower than the change in the key rate, percentage and 4 versus two. the first to enter the ministry of agriculture applications for import into russia. chicken meat within the duty-free quota, more than 43 tons, is indicated in the ministry’s materials. in december , the russian government approved up to 140,000 tons of duty-free import of chicken meat for this year. the measure is aimed at increasing the supply of products on the market and curbing price increases. over the past year , chicken meat has risen in price by more than 30%. the ministry of agriculture attributed the latest price hikes to seasonal factors. faz, in turn, began checking manufacturers for possible collusion. in germany besides farmers and railway workers are now on strike, and their large-scale action from this day on affects both goods and passenger transportation. the national company tried to prevent the protests, but the hesson labor court allowed the staff to settle down. the machinists are demanding a
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salary increase of 555 euros per month, a reduction in the working week by 3 hours. the strike, as stated, will last until the evening of january 12. experts point out that germany - many road carriers will be forced to violate delivery deadlines, in conditions pan-european logistics chain, disruption of delivery there for 1-2 days - this is a very large sum, so in general, of course, this overseas will hit very hard, at least for transport logistics companies, of which there are a lot in germany. rost-selmash sold its stake in a tractor manufacturing company located in canada. the press service of the russian company announced the exit from this asset. the new owner is a turkish investor. the transaction amount is not disclosed. it is known that in 2007
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, 80% of the shares of this plant cost rosselmash in the amount of 143 million dollars. after tightening anti-russian sanctions in 2015 , the company decided to move part of these capacities to the rostov region. among the foreign assets, the russian manufacturer still has assembly sites in the usa and the european union. prices for ammunition for the kiev regime have increased 5-10 times compared to the spring. last year, this was stated by the chief of staff of the swedish army on local radio, he explained that the active pumping of weapons into ukraine is to blame, this spurred demand with limited production capabilities. recently, there have been increasingly frequent statements in the west about the need to reduce military support for ukraine. earlier, the new york times reported that soon the united states will not be able to supply it with missiles, which cost from 2 to 4 million dollars apiece. well, in conclusion, the dollar exchange rate today. 90 rub. 40 kopecks euro 98 rub. and 98 kopecks. roman, maria, thank you, we continue
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on how to buy or sell your share in real estate, our instructions about this immediately after the advertisement. start the year with benefits shopping at the megamarket, there will be a discount, thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sovcombank , we take out loans, and we chose quickly, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, we’re at sovcombank, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, there’s a cold pathogen around, sars has taken a family captive, quickly in business, ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet per...
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rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once, only after confirming payment, order savita by february 4th with delivery from one ruble, check, that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, thick walls, high floor, signal interference. in order to have good mobile communications in your home, you must first start the cat with wow wi-fi technology, use mobile
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communications even where there is signal interference. belaine is on your side. large, tender, mushroom bikkenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. but with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. keeping the toilet clean and fresh. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. many remedies for heartburn try to extinguish it. ames has a different approach. ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach and helps fight heartburn. ames is the definitive answer to heartburn. the fsb detained two residents of the lugansk people's republic on suspicion of espionage.
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the department believes that they obtained important information for the ukrainian special services, including data on the deployment of units and military equipment. russian embassy in ecuador recommends against traveling to this country. local gangs have started a large-scale rebellion, and shootings are taking place right in the streets. at least 10 people have already become victims of the clashes. train traffic in the trans-baikal territory was completely restored after the accident, the tracks were repaired, and the delayed passenger trains were sent along their routes. on the eve of the festival, 14 carriages left. housing issue: how to buy or sell your share in real estate if you are not the only owner, irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions. be being the sole owner of the property is the best option, but the housing issue, as you know, is not so simple. inheritance, donation, privatization, all this can split the apartment into shares. in this issue of instructions
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, we will tell you in 5 minutes how to buy or sell such a share, because you can look at the problems from the other side. first , we will consider the option when the co-owner does not make contact, which means that the share will have to be bought out through the court. he will need a basis to approve such a transaction. the share should be considered insignificant. the subtlety is that there are no criteria for this in the current legislation. these are not necessarily meters, there can be at least two, at least 10 or even more, this is what will help conscientious owners. proof that the share cannot be distinguished in kind. simply put, it is impossible to separate. suitable for living premises with a separate passage and independent communications on these meters. and yet, the court must make sure that the owner has no interest in using the common property. lack of interest may be manifested in the fact that the person is registered differently address, does not appear in the apartment, does not pay utility bills, etc.
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and of course, the court will also take into account the existence of existing relationships. between co-owners, if this is a conflict relationship, then most likely such persons cannot live together, and this will naturally also be important, but nevertheless, in practice there are also cases when the court directly says that area characteristics are important and that and a share in the right that constitutes more than half the area of ​​the total area of ​​the apartment cannot be recognized insignificant if...
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other owners are responsible for the maintenance of the apartment, and it is also probably important to note here that the non-participation of the owners in the fate of the apartment is a negative fact in the process, the time to prove a negative fact rests with the defendant, that is, it is the defendant himself who must prove that he takes part in the fate of the apartment, bears the costs of its maintenance, etc. before the process, it is necessary to evaluate the apartment and the allocated share. in an independent company or conduct an assessment in court. the final step is necessary deposit funds with the court or agree with your opponent on another payment method. now let's consider the opposite case: you are a minority owner of those same 2-3 meters, and want to sell them? in this case, remember that the remaining owners in the share of this apartment, by law, have a pre-emptive right to purchase. it’s better not
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to ignore it, because then when selling residential space to a third party, it will take a while. they can go to court to demand a review of the transaction; it is best to obtain a written refusal from the co-owners of the preemptive right or carry out a transaction for the sale of a share after the expiration of a month from the date of notification, even if the co-owners received, or rather expressed , an oral refusal to acquire such a share, and moreover, a transaction with shares by force of law. are subject to notarization, and of course, at the stage of the transaction, the notary will request documents confirming the notification and receipt of a written refusal, or, accordingly, the date of the transaction must be made after 30 days of the month with the date of sending the notification. send written
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notice of sale to all shareholders, through a notary, by registered mail with an inventory notification or by telegram. with notification of delivery. the letter should indicate the subject of sale, the size of the share, the address of the object and the stated price. from this moment on, according to the law, you have to wait a month. if during this time no one agrees with the proposed conditions, the pre-emptive right to purchase is lost, and the lack of response is also regarded as a refusal. after this, you can sell the share to third parties, but keep in mind that the price specified in the contract cannot be lower than that which was offered to others owner. if you are the owner of a truly micro-share, it is less than 6 km, it is useful to know that the allocation of such distances is prohibited, but there is no direct ban on their sale, nevertheless. difficulties may arise, with a literal interpretation of the provisions of article thirtieth of the housing code, the prohibition is precisely the opposite of shares, and the size is less than the minimum, but it is not
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traceable, but here it is important to remember that certain obstacles may arise at the stage of certifying a transaction with shares, and the notary may refuse , or at the stage of state registration. if the state registrar will detect any violations of the rules of article thirty, and of course it should be noted that judicial practice on this issue has not yet taken shape, has not yet been formed, so perhaps some surprises may await us in the future. let us repeat the main thing: if the minority owner does not want to sell his square meters, you really need to buy them back, you will have to go to court. he can... recognize the share as insignificant, regardless of the area, and approve the transaction. if you are the opposite, the selling party, remember that first, they must offer to buy their living space to other property owners,
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otherwise they may challenge the deal. if you own a micro-share, please note that there is no direct prohibition on its sale in the laws. if you have any questions, if you want to understand the intricacies of the real estate market, so as not to miss out on personal benefits , and especially not to be left without a roof over your head, subscribe to ours. channel, ask, and we will disturb the experts and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next issues of the manual. next on the air is a selection of the most important interesting events this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 10 , 49 bc, julius caesar crossed the rubicon river and uttered the now famous words “the die is cast.” the rubecon river was the border between the region of umbria and the province of tesalpine gaul, where caesar had the right to dispose of troops, but bringing them into umbria, that is, into the territory of italy,
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was considered a rebellion according to the laws of ancient rome. a civil war began between caesar and the consul gnaeus pompey. it lasted 4 years. pompey was killed, and caesar received the status of dictator for life of the republic, but just a year later he was also killed. but it was time that monarchical power and his reception were established. for years it has been used to mean the choice has been made, there is no going back, or risk everything for a great goal. on january 10, 1927, the premiere of the film metropolis took place in berlin. this dystopian epic directed by fritz lang is considered the pinnacle. german expressionism in cinema, not my film at the beginning of the 21st century became the first that unesco included in the list of programs for the protection of world documentary heritage memory of the world. the picture begins
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and ends with the phrase: the mediator between the head and hands should be the heart. the action takes place in the future: the futuristic city of metropolis, divided into a paradise where the masters of life live and an underground industrial hell where working appendages for giant machines live, as... to the great disappointment of director fritz lango, hitler and goebbels turned out to be big fans of the film. and at a personal meeting, goebbels, the minister of propaganda in nazi germany, even invited the jew lang to become an honorary arey. that same night lang left for america. on january 10, 1943, shoulder straps and other insignia were introduced into the red army . on that day, by order of the people's commissar of defense , the decree of the presidium of the armed forces of the ussr was communicated to the personnel. on the introduction of new insignia and changes in the uniform of the red army. as a symbol of tsarist russia, shoulder straps were abolished after the revolution. stalin decided to return them in order to
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raise morale in a difficult war. soviet shoulder straps did not copy the tsarist ones; all rank designations were different. porudchikov was replaced by lieutenants. headquarters with captains turned just captains. captains became majors. senior officers began to be designated with large stars. in tsarist times there were none. having shoulder straps helped. interaction with the allies, during meetings they understood who they were dealing with , then they introduced a new uniform, all this happened when the red army began to win the most important victories at the front, the shoulder straps were supposed to emphasize that the soviet army was the heir to the great victories of russian weapons. on january 10, 1966 , the tashkken declaration was signed, thus ending the war between india and pakistan. the document was signed at the meeting. the president of pakistan, muhammad ayubhan and the prime minister of india, lal bahadwa shastri. the head of the council of ministers of the ussr, alexey kasygin, also participated.
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the tashkent declaration became... soviet intelligence also played a significant role, thanks to which moscow had a clear idea of ​​the balance of power and ambitions of both sides. they even knew that the leaders of both india and pakistan both love billiards and set up tables for the game in both residences. with this success, the ussr not only really contributed to ending the long dangerous conflict, but also serious. on january 10 , 2013 , the new nuclear submarine yuri dolgoruky entered the russian navy. the fourth generation missile carrier ushered in the era of the country's new nuclear submarine fleet, less noisy, more powerful and digital. the chief designer
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of the project was rubin, a scientist from the central design bureau. which builds these boats, the borei project is an outstanding achievement of the russian defense industry, which shows the country's ability to maintain a current level of strategic nuclear capabilities forces and implement complex technological programs on a national scale. this is what this day in history was like. where are we,
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ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka there is no reinforced concrete anymore, we hollowed out everyone from here, drove us out, what kind of car do you have? handsome, azimu 3039, shot! well, if we compare the army in the beginning and the army now, from the very beginning we were all theoreticians, but now we have already become practitioners. it is necessary to supply ammunition for sure, but here is the man we have who is the flag hanged, that is, a miracle hero - it’s you , and me, there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, so it turns out that the three of them came in, and due to what your boys crushed them, and they are fighting for robin, look
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how very safe... the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them got sick, two died, no one is trying to track the movements and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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shooting in the streets. in ecuador armed the gangs began a large-scale mutiny. the embassy warns that being in this country is mortally dangerous. the soncepyok heavy flamethrower system covered the militant's carefully fortified stronghold. and this is night footage of the destruction of a western armored vehicle near artyomovsk. the tests are extreme. a new drone suppression system is being tested in st. petersburg. what is she capable of and how?


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