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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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vladimir putin arrived today on a working trip to chukotka; his plane landed in anadra in the afternoon, local time, due to the large difference in time zones with moscow. visiting the district for the first time during the years of his presidency; earlier the head of state said that he still had not visited all the regions of the country and would like to visit chukotka. the development of this unique region, including its tourism potential, is one of the topics of the trip. the president will also meet with residents of anadri, teachers, doctors, large families, representatives of local businesses and members of the svo. let me note that this is the first regional trip for vladimir putin in the coming year. in 2023, the president visited more than twenty regions. now, to address the situation in ecuador
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, the country’s authorities are massing tanks in the capital, but the army has been ordered to neutralize more than twenty groups, which number tens of thousands of bandits. last night, criminals seized one of the tv channels, there are battles on the streets of china, and reports of dead and wounded. according to the russian foreign ministry, our there are no compatriots among the victims. dmitry melnikov has the latest details. in just a matter of hours, ecuador plunged into absolute chaos; thousands of armed bandits and members of criminal drug cartel groups kept the entire state in terror. the already troubled country in the north-west of latin america is now a battlefield between the police and the army along with two dozen of the largest organized crime groups. the trigger was the escape from prison of two criminal cars.
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fear, because day after day when we we go to work, we don’t know if we will return home safe and sound, this upsets the family of everyone who is waiting for us at home. the commander-in-chief of the ecuadorian army declared all criminal clans a military target, promising that there would be no negotiations with any of them, and the national assembly declared that it was ready to pardon in advance any police soldier who carried out his work by any means, regardless of instructions. one of the first successes was liberation. solidarity with the ecuadorian authorities in suppressing the rebellion of criminal groups was announced in the neighboring peru, where they also declared a state of emergency just in case and sent special police forces to the border. what is happening is being monitored in the united states. the state department said that washington is ready to provide the ecuadorian authorities with the necessary assistance in resolving this conflict. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, north american news bureau. we are glad
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to welcome everyone to our studio at the forum russia exhibition. now our guest is stanislav sergeevich voskresensky. and the governor of the ivanovo region, stanislav sergeevich, hello, hello, well, here you go today is the day of the ivanovo region at the exhibition forum, i would like to know about the plans, and of course, many people associate, and so it is, that the ivanovo region is still a textile industry, but an industry that has experienced quite difficult times, and even after the collapse of the country it was necessary to restore a lot, many enterprises were created literally from scratch, but i know that since i was there several times, that... the ivanovo region is not only the textile industry, yes, it is also electronics, these are cranes, this is various medical equipment, a lot of things, but if we talk about textiles, yes, for example, 3/4 of knitwear is produced in the ivanovo region, can you tell us, in your
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opinion, the state of the industry now, new fabrics, technological fabrics, they are now very necessary, let's start with the numbers, since the seventeenth year the volume of shipped light industry products in our region... has more than doubled in nominal prices, but not only the absolute value is important, it is important that the quality itself is changing industry that i i mean new fabrics are appearing, you have already said that over the years we have managed to become leaders in the production of knitted fabrics, 3/4 of all knitted fabrics in the country today, this is the ivanovo region, new modern fabrics are also appearing, membrane fabrics, synthetic fabrics, let me remind you , in the city of ivanovo, a so-called parachute cluster was created, that is, we now have from the idea... to its final product, to the parachute itself, everything is produced in the region and naturally the fabric itself is a very high-tech production, but it is important thanks to which this became possible , the fact is, i wanted to remind everyone of this, in the twentieth year, at the very beginning of the pandemic , vladimir vladimirovich putin held a meeting
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on the development of light industry, and very important, landmark decisions for the industry were made there, allowing just increase investments, and today what we see is the result of these decisions, by the way , today they call... one more figure, no one has named it yet, our enterprises, they are actively taking advantage of new opportunities, it’s no secret to anyone, here's anton, you yourself, you probably buy online, yes, of course, i think that most viewers also buy online, it’s even more convenient for me, so as not to go to big stores, no, only in this very online economy, the ivanovo region is the number three region in the country after moscow and st. petersburg, and the volume of sales by ivanovo enterprises is mainly light industry based on the results of the twenty-third year. exceeded 100 billion rubles. such a psychological barrier was overcome precisely in the twenty-third year, let me emphasize once again, this mainly light industry. so the industry looks to the future with confidence and i emphasize that the quality of the industry is changing, that is , traditionally we were leaders in cotton fabrics, but we are becoming
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leaders in knitted fabrics ; high-tech fabrics and synthetic and membrane ones are on the way, well, it turns out that this is not only revival means the creation of new things and jobs, absolutely. here. "if i'm not mistaken, in my opinion, about a year ago, you wrote a policy article that concerns the development of small towns, its the president read it, the president praised it, i remember you discussed this, of course, small towns without transport accessibility, it’s not like people will come there, leave, communicate with each other, so if we talk in terms of transport accessibility, what was done in recent years." indeed, i try in my work now, i will first explain about small towns, to pay significant attention to small towns, more than half of the population of our region lives in small towns, and the problem , unfortunately, is the same everywhere, by the way,
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is typical not only for russia, in small towns today not only in russia , i emphasize, life is more difficult, we are talking about how to find a job, first of all, about the quality of social infrastructure, this trend began in the 20th century, it continued in the 20th century -there is an outflow of people to larger cities, but still in russia more than 30 million people live in small cities of up to 100,000 people, and i believe that small cities in russia require special attention, and on the one hand, people live there more difficult, but on the other hand, after all, small towns are such guardians of our traditions, our values, people there are much more conservative, more susceptible to family, more committed, more precisely family... such guardians of the values ​​of our traditional russia, but it is important to deal with all the social infrastructure, jobs and, as you said, transport infrastructure , where we started, what we managed to do in 5 years, thanks to the national road project, first of all, we brought order to the roads
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between our cities, more than 95% of the roads between our cities are in the so-called normative condition, this is data from the russian ministry of transport. what did it give? over the past 5 years, our basic road mortality rate has decreased by more than 40%. according to such important indicators as the coefficient of social transport risk, well, in russian speaking, how many up to... on the number of people on the roads, we are now in second place, in a good sense, in central russia after moscow, but besides this, together with russian railways we implemented one interesting project, by the way, it recently received an award from the ministry of transport of russia, the best solution in the field of passenger transport railway transportation, we connected our small towns with comfortable orlan trains, what are they, they are like swallows, such comfortable electric trains, and people have become much more comfortable moving around, considering, as i said, that not everywhere there is an opportunity... unfortunately, it is not possible to work everywhere there is the possibility of high-quality social infrastructure, at least people have begun to move around
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; now it’s a normal situation when they live in one place and work in another; by the way, the passenger flow after the implementation of this project has more than doubled, that is, it turned out to be very, very invested people, but i would like to emphasize once again that small cities, of course , require a systemic, systemic approach and not only transport, first of all the economy and work, and we try, that’s when we communicate with investors . all those who come to us in the region, we try to ensure that investors come not only to the regional center, but to our beautiful small towns, i remember even before this, swallow was already successful, but before that trains didn’t run like this, swallow really thanks to the decision the president managed to launch a swallow to the city of ivanovo and to the city of shuya, by the way , last year also to nizhny novgorod, that is, we connected transportally with all the leading economic centers that are interesting to us, with... we connected st. petersburg over these 5 years with daily comfortable air service, this is also important, it gave a certain impetus
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to the economy. but what do you think, in terms of the development of small towns, here we need some kind of targeted individual approach or some kind of general or general approach will not work here, everyone knows that russia is a big topic, that it is very different, and the small towns of central russia differ from, for example, the cities of siberia, which were created during the soviet period; they are mainly single-industry towns. there are small towns in the arctic - this is a separate approach, so i think that there should be a typology of different cities , different development tools should be selected for them, but in general, i emphasize, more than 30 million residents of russia live in small towns, and i think that attention needs to be paid to this, i’m trying to do this in the ivanovo region, well, this is where the question arises about investment, and since small towns are developing, accordingly it becomes interesting for business, and... i think business in the bavan region is not only investing in textiles, well, we really, you’re right, in
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certain years we were among the leaders in terms of investment rates, for example, in the last 5 years, three out of 5 years we were leaders in central russia, not in absolute terms, of course we are a small region, but in terms of growth rate, in the twentieth year we were in first place in central russia in terms of investment growth rate, but investments come not only to light industry, we have examples of mechanical engineering. by the way, few people know about this either, a professional company that produces attachments has been developing very rapidly over the past 5 years, has achieved that, in certain positions , it is among the top five world, i emphasize, global manufacturers of attachments, in the city of shuya , which a beautiful russian small town, and the aquarius enterprise is successfully developing - microelectronics, in the city of gavrilov - this is an agricultural capital, the dymov enterprise has made an investment, this is the largest in the history of the region. investment in livestock farming, so we really are trying to diversify,
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so that investments go into different sectors, and their main goal is the same, because when we talk about investments, this is clear to economists and businessmen, people don’t understand it all very well, the goal is simple: growth in people's incomes is the main thing a challenge for the ivanovo region, our people still have a difficult life, this is a legacy of soviet times, and the situation in some places is getting better, but there is still a lot of work ahead, but what do the statistics show, incomes are growing? in some industries, yes, in some industries there are already very decent salaries, but basically, i say, this is the legacy, it is very, very complex, first of all, the legacy in which light industry found itself, which you talked about thanks to the collapse of the ussr and the difficult 1990s years, well, just based on this the issue is problematic, i think, for all regions now, this is, of course, personnel and not necessarily highly qualified personnel, there are generally not enough people who will work, here is the issue of education, i know... that there was
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just the ivanovo region there will be such a competition and the creation of an interuniversity campus and the campus has been created, can you tell us more about this project, how it is progressing, how it will help in solving personnel problems. in fact, this is a unique project that our president started, which is in several in the cities of the country, such international-level campuses will be created, which means that in fact, in a few years , strong... technologies will appear in the country, we have something to be proud of, we have a fairly strong energy university,
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a strong chemical technology university, a strong medical academy, here now as many breakthroughs are happening. scientific precisely at the intersection of sciences, we believe that ours, ours, this educational space, we do not like the word campus, it is also not entirely clear to people, such an educational space, which will appear in the center of the city of ivanovo, these are not only walls, but this is also the content, and the strategic goal, in the long run, as they say, this is precisely the emergence of a different quality of jobs with higher salaries, because i emphasize people’s incomes - this is the main, main challenge and the main task is in the center of the city, yes...
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christmas, which has been taking place for several years in the city of shuya, yes, like this year, is this festival becoming larger? can you tell us more details? well, we are actually holding a series of events already this is not the first year in the city of shuya, shuya has become the capital of the nativity of christ, as we believe , and these events are primarily educational, we talk about how in russia they celebrated, first of all in
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the russian empire, probably the main family holiday of the country - the nativity of christ, really. many people come to us from various regions, and i will be glad if similar events appear in other regions, because i think this is especially important in the year of the family, which our president declared, because indeed, the nativity of christ is certainly the main winter family holiday. i noticed that despite the bitter cold, there were a lot of people, that is, now there is really such a demand in the country for events like ours, and for people to come.
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which related to the festival, i noticed that there was a heroine, a woman , who moved from rostov-on-don to live in the ivanovo region, you see, this is an indicator, she says, i say, i visit this festival every year, that is it turns out that people are moving, they find themselves in the ivanovo region. i hope there will be more such people, at least we are trying to do everything for this to make the conditions comfortable, although i would like to emphasize that there are still a lot of problems, but you must agree, anton, you were in our region thanks to the national projects that our the president. with that individual decision , the region is still changing, perhaps at an insufficient pace, but the transport system, social infrastructure are still changing, and most importantly, new jobs are appearing. we wish you continued success, thank you very much for coming to us and answering our questions. yes thank you. let me remind you that stanislav voskresensky, the governor of the ivanovo region, was in our studio.
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because of work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how protect your joints? thanks to special collagen in the form of a triple helix, artneu helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. and the latest news is that more than 8,500 residents of the novgorod region were left without electricity after wet snow, this was reported by the press service of the regional government, there is no electricity supply in the territory of 12 municipalities, 40 teams and 43 units of equipment are involved in restoration work. this night and this morning russian. armed forces inflicted a series of high-precision strikes on kharkov , a siren howled in the city, explosions thundered , a number of targets were reported to have been hit , including the kharkov aircraft factory, several
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years ago it was repurposed for the production of cruise missiles; as a result of surprise attacks, warehouses with equipment and ready-made products were also hit products in the area of ​​the kharkov-northern airfield, kherson, controlled by kiev, also escaped attacks; explosions thundered in different parts of the city; according to the local mayor’s office, it was destroyed. tsypeg is an important goal not only for drums enemy drones, but also for sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of ukraine. only after the route has been checked does the heavy flamethrower
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system leave the shelter. and at the base site, on the march, here, near the line of combat contact in the krasnoliman direction, the continuous exchange of information, critically important during combat operations, is ensured by signalmen of the central military district. armored communications personnel carriers that operate here in the krasnolimansk direction constantly ply along the line of combat contact, just a few kilometers from it. when vehicles... receive a task for combat work, they deploy their antennas right on the move. inside, instead of ammunition, there is transmitting and receiving equipment and two workstations for operators. one such machine provides communications within a radius of 40 km. this means that only a few such armored personnel carriers are guaranteed to provide communications between the units leading combat operations on a fairly large section of the contact line here in
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serebryansky forestry. the crew engineer with the call sign rolls tells us why and today in combat, conventional radio communication between units is necessary. any digital information leaves its mark. the army has developed dances and this allows us to identify ourselves less, give radiation to be in the network, frequencies so that less of us can be calculated, they are selected and prepared in advance. war, it is war everywhere, work, it is work. meanwhile, the crew of the solntspieg heavy flamethrower system of the central military district, even during the march, thanks to the work of the svezists, received the exact coordinates of the target. the vehicles are already at the firing line; it takes less than 2 minutes to prepare for shooting. to avoid a retaliatory strike, the sun curls up at full speed and sets off for a new firing line. for work, the gunner
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with the call sign vega tells us, requires special coordination of the crew. when a shell is fired, it flares up in the very spot of the vehicle, then only the shooting occurs, the process of flaring up, it accurately shows the location of the vehicle, the vehicle is very noticeable at night, we try to do everything as quickly as possible. more on the march, the crew of the solntsepik heavy flamethrower system receives the coordinates of the new target, updated by the reconnaissance group of the central military district. this is a specially fortified stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces near the tor ledge, located at some distance from the front line. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge.
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they re-educated one, say goodbye, don’t go to hell, let’s get the next one, this is a hole, you’re really going to be mean to me.


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