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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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one was re-educated, say goodbye, go to hell, come on next year, what are you really telling me? we've gathered, can i explain everything,
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cold 2, the fifth studio is on the air, i'm anton potkovenko, we're discussing the current international agenda and of course, one of the most... hot topics at the moment is ecuador, armed bandits there are attacking police on the streets , robberies, arson, murders in different parts of the country, national television journalists were taken hostage, at the moment the hostages have already been released, the president of ecuador daniel, daniel naboa announced the introduction of a regime of internal armed conflict in the country, we will definitely talk about all this, but a little later, right now.
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we will talk about another hot spot, we will discuss the situation in the middle east. lebanon demands that the israeli authorities abandon the violation of the sovereignty of the republic and withdraw, withdraw military troops from the southern regions of the country, because further aggravation of the situation could lead to the start of a new regional war, this is the wording used, from the official point of view in lebanon, we will discuss all this in international news agencies.
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the situation in southern lebanon is steadily deteriorating ; noticeably, the parties have intensified attacks against each other. if we are talking about lebanon, then its southernmost regions can already be called a kind of dead zone. not only were tens of thousands of lebanese citizens forced to leave these areas, but... they now essentially have nowhere to return, since most of the housing stock is either destroyed or requires serious major repairs, colossal damage has been caused to agricultural pests, in fact, the damage is very large after these events that occurred on october 8th. moreover, in recent days the fighting has begun to reach more alarming levels. the strikes are being carried out in areas remote from the border and it is becoming more and more... from
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the point of view of the risk of an uncontrolled expansion of the conflict, the general forecast, unfortunately, is still negative, this is what i would like to talk about more, one of the hamas leaders, saleh al-arouri, for several days ago was killed in a beirut suburb by a drone, and the head of the lebanese government called it a crime of attempting to drag lebanon into a new phase of conflict. in your opinion, here's your opinion. how likely is it that the lebanese authorities will limit themselves to only statements or limit themselves to more than just statements? what could be the development of the situation here? what is your forecast? the murder of one of the key leaders of hamas, which was also carried out in the shiite quarter of beirut , that is, practically in the heart of hezbollah, cannot but go unanswered; this saturday hezbollah announced that it had struck the first blow of retaliation, fired. israeli
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strategic military base miron. it should be noted that hezbollah had not previously decided to take such steps. the israeli military, in turn, responded to the shelling from lebanon by eliminating one of the soldiers. khazbalah commanders. thus, the incident in beirut has already led to an additional escalation of the military confrontation. and, unfortunately, the end to this new round of escalation has not yet been set. and what can we say about the fate of the appeal to the un, uh, from the lebanese authorities, after the drone attack, they announced that they would submit appeal to the united nations security council, what is known? indeed, according to our information, the lebanese authorities. began to raise the topic of the beruti attack on the new york site, it is still difficult to say what these efforts will lead to: as you know, the work of the un security council on the current conflict situation in the middle east is actually blocked by the united states of america. attempts to agree on solutions that could
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stop the violence in gaza and, as a result , reduce the intensity of confrontation measures confrontation in the lebanese direction, while washington's veto sticks out. at the same time, on its own. the extent to which the united states itself is interested in resolving the conflict in the middle east, despite the fact that tel aviv asked washington for help in a diplomatic solution to what is happening, as we usually say, is judged not by words, but
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by deeds. over the past 30 years, we have seen attempts by the americans to monopolize international support for the middle east peace process, pushing it away from in particular. it's hard to take the us at face value. using gas as an example, we see that washington does not take it into account.
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members of the hezbollah movement, the day before one of the commanders was killed during shelling, in your opinion, in general, has the political weight of the hezbollah movement, military weight, military potential changed over the last month, in recent times, how serious is everything here? well, if we are talking about internal lebanese situations, then hezbollah confidently confirms its reputation as a powerful and disciplined military-political group. lebanese society pays tribute balanced approach. shiite organization , which, on the one hand, shows teeth to its opponents, on the other hand, does not expose the country to a destructive blow, so in general we can say that hezbollah is gaining political points here, its shares are also growing among other peoples of the region.
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it is probably not an exaggeration to say that the lebanese economy is beyond the simplest situation now, and in connection with this i would like to ask, in general, the situation in the region as a whole, how does it affect... tension is in the air, it has become tense on the streets more people, obviously these are refugees from the south, moreover, the buzzing sound from reconnaissance drones is constantly heard in the air, it often happens that israeli f-16s perform some kind of maneuvers over the
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lebanese capital, of course this does not add positive emotions to anyone, in particular, the people who are generally worried about the situation here, came here for the christmas holidays, lebanon did not receive serious funds, of course this will affect the overall economic situation, while the authorities manage to more or less preserve a tolerable way of life for the lebanese population, but what will happen next is very difficult to imagine; naturally, much will depend on how the situation around gas and related to this conflict develops.
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political stability, as well as in terms of maintaining general regional security. as for trade and economic cooperation, the natural limitation remains the crisis of local executive power that has lasted for more than a year, that is, the country lacks a president and an authorized government. therefore we wish our lebanese friends to cope with this task as quickly as possible, elect a president, appoint a competent government and... this, naturally, will allow us to more purposefully and substantively saturate our bilateral
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trade and economic agenda. thank you very much, alexander nikolaevich, for the conversation. the russian ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to lebanon, alexander rudakov, was in touch with the fifth studio. well, now we are moving, in fact, to ecuador, to the extremely acute situation that is now developing there, according to the latest at least ten people were reportedly killed in the unrest. mass unrest that engulfed the ecuadorian city of guayaquil, in the country, as i already said, a regime of internal armed conflict has been introduced, troops have been mobilized, we will discuss this entire extremely difficult situation with john voroli, a political commentator from new york joins us via video link, john, i greet you, hello, good morning! so, please tell me, those riots in ecuador, you wrote this, your version, may be the beginning of an uprising against the control of the united states of america,
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please explain what you mean? first, there is a very strange situation in ecuador, the head of state, daniel nobova, he is a us citizen, want me to repeat this, he is a us citizen, it is really crazy how the head of state of ecuador can be a us citizen. but this is true, and even more so his family, his dad has also been working with the usa for a long time, he studied there, this is an bulgarian family, in general, these are people who have been working closely for a long time, for two generations, working closely with the us government, it is clear that any movement within the country that is against the power of nobov, nobov’s family, must consider this as an anti-american movement, yes, but while i... i am aware, while our western media says that these are criminals, there are criminals
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, organized crime, but i absolutely do not trust the information from our media, but it is clear that they are also under the control of the white house, and any movement against daniel nobov, the head of state of ecuador, it is clear that they will say that these are criminals, well, of course , they can’t do it any other way, so at the moment, with the information at my disposal... i will consider that this is really the beginning of an uprising, an anti-american uprising, but against the american head of state of ecuador. yes. john, i’m just developing your idea, but the reasons for the unrest are called the escape from prison, first of the leader of the los chonros criminal group , nicknamed fita, right? and then the leader of another los lobos gang, fabricio colon pica, that is, there is crime there, well, he probably still is present in any case, i understand correctly what you think, but there are more politicians, i understand correctly, this...
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there the head of state of ecuador is a us citizen, so ecuador is a small country, it seems that it is not important, but in fact, a very important country, well, in the end, any country in south america is important for the united states, because we believe that this is our territory, and also, as you know, only two countries are not under our control, these are venezuela and cuba, but ecuador, why is ecuador
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important, first, because china is last time wants... will strengthen its influence in ecuador and we do not want china to strengthen its presence in south america, the second point is cocaine. ecuador is a very important country for cocaine, and trade and production, trade and transit. and from there a lot of drugs, cocaine, come from the usa to europe. and we know what passion the residents of the white house have. we know what a passion they have for cocaine and also some heads of state, we also know what a passion they have for cocaine and this is very important that well, all countries have a strict production it is clear that it should be under the control of the united states, well , in general, nato countries, let’s say cocaine -
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based on this, in particular, it turns out. to say that it really is still in effect, but most likely our military already has a presence there in ecuador, well, i assume so, and i expect in the near future, most likely there will be a very harsh reaction from the authorities, well, repression of terror, well against those who rebelled against the head of state nobov, i think that now there was
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a very harsh reaction, usa, how are you how are you you know, now he’s reacting very harshly. to any insubordination in our great empire, well , everywhere in the world we now react very harshly to anyone, any insubordination, so i expect a very harsh reaction in relation to this uprising and those who started this uprising, here, in fact, continuing the theme that you have just touched upon the internal armed conflict, this is how the authorities characterize what is happening in ecuador. accordingly, a special regime was introduced, which is called that, this regime, what is it means these are additional powers for security forces, right? yes, once again, based on the information that is at my disposal, yes, this is most likely so, mr. abov’s power will be strengthened, the president, the american president of ecuador, he will gain even
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more power, well, the authorities will put pressure, well, crush. this is an uprising, most likely, john, now moving on to the american agenda, yes, of course, one cannot but ignore the scandal around lloyd austin, around his illness, around oncology, now this is already it is known, but it was not known, and accordingly the hospitalization was on january 1 , there was silence for a long time , please comment on this whole story, there is probably a lot to say here, there may be some political consequences, and this is very strange, yes, when about the main security officer , when...
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maybe he is dying of cancer, we don’t know, we have very little information, unfortunately, we often see this on any topic, so when i answer your questions, i try to be very careful, because that's how we do it there is little reliable information, this is very much my job, as an analyst, journalist, analyst, i have 30 years of experience, it is very difficult for me to collect information, once again, the lack of transparency in our country is very difficult, very difficult. yes, this is my job. john, please tell me about, yes, probably also the lack of transparency, the issues of arms supply, yes, which we talked about a lot, a lot that year. and we will, of course , talk about this regarding the supply of weapons from western countries to kiev - ukraine, weapons and money and those same fighters in 16 and everything else. what could be your
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forecast here, your thoughts, as an analyst and observer, about fighters, about weapons, about the financial component, there were so many, so to speak, conversations and conflicts around? yes, weapons will still be sent to kiev, and maybe the volume will be... a little less, but i expect that they will still send there, because don’t forget that the pentagon has a lot of secrets, secret stockpiles of weapons that we absolutely which is completely out of control congress, not under the control of anyone, only under the control of the president, it is clear that ukraine to wage war against russia is the most important strategic task of the white house, but joe biden said this, his most important task is to bring russia to its knees.
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the united states needs to play the long game in ukraine, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, of course , i can’t help but ask about the elections, so... in the trump-biden ratio, how serious a competitor is really for the current us president, mr. trump? no, the democratic parties remain authorities, that’s for sure, and this choice can be made very simply: they have in their hands control over all the main resources of the country, this is under the control of large media, wall street, but the financial world, the secret service. the pentagon, large technology companies , like google, social networks, the flow of information is completely under the control of the white house, so they can fabricate, come up with any, any
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information, any, as we say, narrative, but any, in general, any topic they can fabricate and deceive the people, well they do this is actually done every day, but almost all of our major media were controlled at home ; they are constantly engaged in distribution. information, for example, especially regarding your country, so the democratic party is not leaving the white house, that’s absolutely certain, the only question is, who will be the candidate? i doubt that joe biden will be the democratic candidate, i doubt it, i think he will volunteer, maybe in march, he will say, oh, i'm very tired, i want to spend more time with my family, i it’s time for me to start raising biden, my son, he will most likely say all this, then...
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the actual us domestic political agenda. this was the fifth studio, see you. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we're in a soviet bank. we take out loans, and we are kind and quick at sofcombank, we take out loans, we at sovkompank up to 5 million, loans that
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10:59 am
vladimir putin arrived today on a working trip to chukotka, head of state
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visits. district for the first time in the years of the presidency. in ecuador, armed gangs have begun a large-scale rebellion; the country's authorities are massing tanks in the capital. there are fights in the streets. detect and recognize a drone at a distance of several kilometers. the latest development to combat drones was tested in st. petersburg. in germany , railway workers joined the farmers' strike. the main highways are blocked by tractors. consequences for the economy, rich cultural heritage and modern achievements at the russian exhibition, attention today to three regions at once tula region, ivanovo and kostroma regions. vladimir putin arrived today on a working trip to chukotka. the head of state visits the district for the first time in the years of his presidency . vladimir putin travels around the region
11:01 am
on a snow and swamp-going vehicle. have a car. huge wheels with low pressure.


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