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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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but nine of our large enterprises entered and became participants in the free economic zone, for them new horizons are opening up, new jobs are being created, the sales market is expanding, the range of products is expanding , new longwalls are being launched in mines, modern technologies are being mastered by enterprises in the food and processing industries, a city with such a solid history simply cannot but have a future. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. vladimir putin is on a working trip to chukotka today; one of the president’s first stops was a complex of year-round greenhouses. in ecuador, armed gangs began a large-scale mutiny. the country's authorities are pulling tanks into the capital in the streets... there are
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battles in the streets, to detect and recognize drones at a distance of several kilometers, in st. petersburg they tested the latest development to combat drones. in germany , railway workers joined the farmers' strike; main highways were blocked by tractors. what are the implications for the economy and what is required? rich cultural heritage and modern achievements at the russia exhibition. attention to three regions at once: tula region, ivanovo and kostroma. what are they showing? now new personnel from chukotka to the autonomous okrug today vladimir putin arrived on a working trip. the head of state visits the region for the first time in the years of his presidency in the region. vladimir putin travels on a snow and swamp-going vehicle. and one of the president’s first stops was the private year-round teplitz complex. unique for the district, the project was implemented by one of the chukotka families.
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at the election headquarters of president vladimir putin's candidates today they will check a new batch of signatures in his support, volunteers brought documents from twelve regions , now our correspondent natalya solovyova is in direct contact, natalya, hello, which regions sent signatures this time and what? the overall picture is of support
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for the presidential candidate. vera, hello, well, now we can say without exaggeration that all of russia has expressed support for candidate vladimir putin, all 89 regions they sent their signature sheets, and today they did it, perhaps with the exception of the nizhny novgorod region, all regions of the far east, and of course, chukotka, which, by the most amazing coincidence, is visited by the head today. state for the first time, as you noted, and it moves through this region on an all-terrain vehicle, this is indeed a region with a very difficult terrain, very complex logistics, and so the volunteers with whom we talked today, they delivered their registration sheets on just such an all-terrain vehicle, including number we had to overcome the estuary, the so-called shallow bay where the river flows into the sea, so that really no corner of this region was left uncovered, so that it was possible...
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on a swamp vehicle, on a large piece of equipment, well, of course, we didn’t stop anyone to say that we were already lucky, we carefully folded everything , put it, so to speak, in a suitcase, manually put it on the plane for an 8.5 hour flight nadar moscow, it was with such a special feeling that today almost all volunteers arrived at the central election headquarters here on ilyinka to here on ilyinka, and... for example, from yakutia, you know,
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this is the largest region of our country, from south to north 2.0 km, from west to east another 2,500, volunteers had to move not only on land . but using small aircraft in order to cover every area, this was quite difficult to do, you know that now in yakutia there are quite severe frosts, the temperature drops to -50, and yet these signatures were collected, can you imagine, with how did the volunteers feel when they delivered this priceless cargo to moscow? they collected signatures throughout the region, volunteers worked, signatures are still being collected. here is the first batch, it turns out that in the north they were , of course, everywhere, throughout the republic, throughout the region, and how do you look at it, and as a crew, how did people react, listen , well, people reacted positively, uh, everyone from the stewardes , ending with everyone, that is,
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the airport staff, everyone somehow treated us with great respect and trepidation, and our signature, a very valuable cargo. will continue to come here to the living room yard, which is why a lot of volunteer work is in full swing here, because these signature sheets need to be checked, but then of course the signatures must be counted. for several days now, our regions have been actively bringing us signature sheets, we open the boxes, check them for technical compliance, and then the lawyers of the central election headquarters check them in more detail. well, i'll add it. that over all these days more than 1,300,000 signatures were collected in support of candidate vladimir putin, this work continues , new numbers, most likely we will know very soon soon. faith. natalya, thank you, during the verification of signatures,
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our correspondent, natalya solovyova, told us in support of vladimir putin’s self-propulsion. now let's take a short break from advertising, then we'll continue, don't switch. than to look 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment, apartment in moscow count five, only five purchases from thousands of rubles on any credit card sberbank until january 31, an apartment in moscow can become yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country. maria loves the sun very much, but life
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now, to address the situation in ecuador, the country's authorities are pulling tanks into the capital, and the army has been ordered to neutralize more than twenty groups that number tens of thousands of bandits. last night, criminals seized 11 tv channels. there is fighting on the streets of china, with reports of dead and wounded. according to the russian foreign ministry, our compatriots are not among the victims. dmitry melnikov has the latest details. literally in a matter of minutes hours ecuador has plunged into absolute chaos, thousands of armed bandits, members of criminal gangs and drug cartels are keeping the entire state in terror. the already troubled country in northwestern latin america is now a battleground for police and army, along with two dozen of the largest organized crime groups. the trigger was the escape from prison of two criminals. authorities juse adolf vilamar , nicknamed fita, leader of the
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los choneros group and fabricio picco, head of the los lobos crime family, in response, ecuadorian president daniel noboa, elected the day before, declared war on the cartel. i gave clear instructions to the police and military command to gain control of the prisons. i have just signed a decree declaring a state of emergency so that the armed forces can receive all political and legal assistance. i appeal to all citizens. the struggle concerns everyone, so they too must lend their support to the armed forces. the gangs accepted this challenge and during the live broadcast they seized the studio of the ts television channel. employees were hired hostages and demanded that the president be asked to withdraw the police and army from the streets. all over the country, thugs began to hunt for police officers. they are forced on camera to ask the president to stop persecuting criminal groups. cars are on fire in the streets, and the intersections are controlled.
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in constant fear, because day after day when we go to work, we don’t know whether we will return home safe and
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sound, this upsets the family of everyone who is waiting for us at home. the commander-in-chief of the ecuadorian army declared everything at once a military target criminal clans, promising that there would be no negotiations with any of them, and the national assembly declared that it was ready to pardon in advance any police soldier who did his job by any means, regardless of instructions. one of the first successes was liberation. solidarity with the ecuadorian authorities in suppressing the rebellion of criminal groups was announced in neighboring peru, where they also declared a state of emergency and sent special police forces to the border, just in case. what is happening is being monitored in the united states. the state department said washington is ready provide the ecuadorian authorities with the necessary assistance in resolving this conflict. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, north american news bureau. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, the night will pass, the morning
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will be clear, i know happiness awaits you and me, temporary musicians, now footage from anadare. dear friends, good afternoon, we have long been planning to hold this meeting with the leadership of the region and the relevant ministry.
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with the development of logistics routes that are extremely important not only for russia, but also for the whole world, bearing in mind first of all the northern sea route, in general , a large number of issues are concentrated here , of course, of great interest for the russian federation as a whole, we just recently in arkhangelsk discussed the development of the regions of the far east in general and here...
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and the head of large families and small businesses and various specialized areas of activity, please, let us just hold this meeting, the governor and i will talk separately about the numbers, about all issues of life, the life
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of the region as a whole, well, i would like to talk to you just have such an open, free... without any restrictions conversation on the issues that really concern you, please, i ask you, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, kuyakomse, i just greeted you all in the eskimo language, my name is yegor verishchagin, kuyakomse - kuyakomse - hello, hello, yes, i greet you all, yeah, my name is egor verishchagin, my wife. yulia: we are a large family, raising five children, and vladimir vladimirovich, we have the first proposal, this is to consider the issue at at the federal level, but about the exemption of large families from new housing, not only for parents, but also for children. thank you, please sit down, but you
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know what makes you happy, not only makes you happy. that you have five children, which is very good, and we congratulate you all, the good news is that it is becoming fashionable for us to have many children, according to public opinion polls in the twenty- second year, 60% of russian men and 70% of women in the country would like to have two and more children, that’s his attitude towards a large family...
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he sells conditions, then doesn’t pay tax, unified, unified, unified system of benefits from the mother’s pregnancy to the child’s eighteenth birthday, in general, a whole large set, these benefits include non -taxation, the withdrawal of this property tax. that is, such a possibility already exists in accordance with the federal law, the corresponding one, i don’t remember what year and what the number is, but it is there. can act, however, this law is in force, although this tax falls within the competence of regional or rather municipal authorities, municipal authorities have the right
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to reduce this tax to zero, although, of course, not all municipalities have such an opportunity, but if we talk about large families in the far east, then in my opinion, these are not so big. money for the federal budget, and the federal budget , of course, could support the appropriate levels of the budget system in order to provide this benefit, i just, just finished a conversation with the minister of finance, although he reported on the situation on other issues in general with finances for last year, plans for the coming 2024, budget system.
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hello vladimir vladimirovich, hello, as you said, i am also the head of a large family, here is my wife anastasia, my name is mikhail gennadievich tyumintsov, i have the following question, continuation: is it possible to make amendments, well , additions to the legislation on the possibility of using maternity capital to purchase a car, well, domestically produced, but still.
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i just came up with it initially because i once came up with this idea of ​​maternity capital , that it was very difficult for people with two or more children to live, well, there was a moment when it was very difficult in the country, well, this institution is developing, developing, we are improving it, now we have already started for the first child. pay and this capital is constantly growing, but it was originally conceived as a tool to support large families on key issues in the life of the family, one of them is, and first of all, this is the improvement of living conditions, you know, i am always afraid of what families need, moreover, those with many children always have a lot. a sea of ​​needs, you know, health, education, you name it, but i’m always afraid that when we start
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allowing this maternal capital to be spent in a variety of different ways, in a variety of directions, i’ll say now, well, simple, but very a direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of children, that’s what we’re talking about. separately separately work out the issue with benefits for purchasing a car, well,
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let’s say in this case for for families there on in the far east for large families, so that they could work, we had this during the pandemic and so on, we did it, among other things , to support people, on the one hand, on the other hand, to support the automobile industry, this is now for you... i read the government will work on the issue of preferential lending to subsidize the purchase of cars outside the framework of family capital. thank you, please, good afternoon, welcome to chukotka. dmitry bogdanov would like to continue the topic of large families. last year i was lucky, a third child was born into my family. we heard that - in the primorsky territory, large families in which a third child was born, uh, are helped to pay off their mortgages up to a million rubles,
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despite the fact that... that chukotka is like an indicator, well, not an indicator, like the statistics on the birth of third children in chukotka is higher than the russian average, probably even one of or the best in the far east, this measure of support would be very, by the way, probably for all large families in chukotka, taking into account also the fact that in the district, well , probably one of the most, one of the most expensive expensive housing, as well as the costs of child support , i would like to ask you if it is possible to consider the possibility that this measure would also apply to chukotka, thank you, yes, that means that at the birth of a third child we have a rule according to which the family receives, in addition to the preferential
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mortgage, 450,000 to repay the mortgage loan, but in the primorsky territory they really are for such families, where a third child appears, pays another 550 thousand rubles , it turns out a million to repay the loan, the primorsky territory does this, as far as i understand, from its own budget, so, but in chikotka, incomes are lower than in the primorsky territory and here, of course, it can be done. solving this issue in this way will be problematic, therefore , for a region like chukutka, federal support will be needed here, which means, in my opinion, taking into account the state, the state of public finances, this can be done, but in this case it seems to me that
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it is necessary then... i repeat for chukotka and others, for large families in chukotka and other regions of the far east, where the birth rate is lower than the regional average, it will be like this a verified solution, but let's see, calculate how much it costs, see what can be done next, yeah.
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they take short-term leaves for follow-up treatment ; federal payments take a very long time; federal payments take a very long time ; also, vvc is not always prescribed and not for everyone, without
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vvc. there are no payments, which in part, and in terms of injury, in general, there are no payments, it is very difficult to get them, and the last thing i wanted to say, since our region is very far away. there is a difficult transport scheme transport scheme, here it is it is not always the case that svo participants can return to their units on time after leave, and after that they are stopped.


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